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Don't know about any other group, but I can't see anyone in the military, past or present, voting for Harris. Her ..... as Commander-In-Chief .... hell no. Never.
You haven't met my neighbor. Career Navy guy. Lived in NVA so I'm guessing spent the latter part of his career pushing paperwork. Must have drank too much of the water up there as he's as liberal as they get. Talk about TDS,,,this guy says some really scary **** about if he came face to face with him. It's one thing to have a difference of opinion but holy crap...

He'd go on and on about how he used to be a Republican and the party left him in the 90s after it was overrun with religious hard liners. I've learned not to say anything but hello to this guy.
You haven't met my neighbor. Career Navy guy. Lived in NVA so I'm guessing spent the latter part of his career pushing paperwork. Must have drank too much of the water up there as he's as liberal as they get. Talk about TDS,,,this guy says some really scary **** about if he came face to face with him. It's one thing to have a difference of opinion but holy crap...
Because he spent his career working for the government.
Because he spent his career working for the government.
Makes you wonder if they brainwashed the guy ..

On one rant, he said his dad has PTSD from WWII and blew his brains out. Then when Trump called them losers he said some really bad things after that. I wanted to tell him that was false information but I just said I had something to do and see you later....

I have to wonder if mental illness might be involved...
Makes you wonder if they brainwashed the guy ..

On one rant, he said his dad has PTSD from WWII and blew his brains out. Then when Trump called them losers he said some really bad things after that. I wanted to tell him that was false information but I just said I had something to do and see you later....

I have to wonder if mental illness might be involved...
Two guys I grew up with were both government employees, one Federal and one state, the Fed claims to be a Pubbie, their general attitude is that the government only does good things. They take great offense to any suggestion that the government doesn't have the best interest of the citizens are heart and REALLY don't like it if you think the government should be downsized.
Two guys I grew up with were both government employees, one Federal and one state, the Fed claims to be a Pubbie, their general attitude is that the government only does good things. They take great offense to any suggestion that the government doesn't have the best interest of the citizens are heart and REALLY don't like it if you think the government should be downsized.
I don't see how anyone can continue to support the failed economic, domestic and international policies that have caused so much misery, inflation etc. that we've lived through for the past 4 years. To top it off my neighbor constantly complains about the high cost of everything.

It's like when driving through a **** town that's falling apart with graffiti all over the place, abandoned cars in the front yard and it's been run by Democrats since forever and a day. Somehow, someway they keep getting reelected...I don't understand it..
I don't see how anyone can continue to support the failed economic, domestic and international policies that have caused so much misery, inflation etc. that we've lived through for the past 4 years. To top it off my neighbor constantly complains about the high cost of everything.

It's like when driving through a **** town that's falling apart with graffiti all over the place, abandoned cars in the front yard and it's been run by Democrats since forever and a day. Somehow, someway they keep getting reelected...I don't understand it..
When you work for the government you never have to worry about a pay cut or layoffs. They think all the other poor saps who don't work for the government are stupid.
I learned in my previous career that there is never a recession in Washington, D.C. and Northern VA.
You haven't met my neighbor. Career Navy guy. Lived in NVA so I'm guessing spent the latter part of his career pushing paperwork. Must have drank too much of the water up there as he's as liberal as they get. Talk about TDS,,,this guy says some really scary **** about if he came face to face with him. It's one thing to have a difference of opinion but holy crap...

He'd go on and on about how he used to be a Republican and the party left him in the 90s after it was overrun with religious hard liners. I've learned not to say anything but hello to this guy.
There’s a surprising number of ex military that are liberal. I know some army guys who vote blue and are liberal.

One of my co workers also army, was stationed in Afghanistan around 2011 is also liberal.

These guys sign up for the benefits not because they love the country.

I haven’t really cared about politics much anymore these days. I just go about what my parents raised me by. Just work hard, pay my stuff and enjoy my life. Whatever happens after that is beyond my control
And now there is talk that Kamala doesn't want a vp that's smarter than her. That only leaves her with Beto or Staci Abrams. What a ticket!
And now there is talk that Kamala doesn't want a vp that's smarter than her. That only leaves her with Beto or Staci Abrams. What a ticket!
...and anyone that would vote for her.
....to get snacks for a big red communist rally.
Yet another red diaper baby like Obama and Holder with foreign or communist ties. We all know Obama's nativity story, Holder's father was from Barbados, and Kamala's Marxist professor father is African-Jamaican. Of course, after Obama, the natural born citizen clause wouldn't apply even if the candidate was born on Mars to Martians.
To counter Hulk Hogan's appearance at the RNC, the demonrats would most likely have gone with Kamala, except that he's dead.


I've censored their names to prevent doxing, but @actblue donors all over Michigan exhibit suspicious patterns: A single donor in the small town of Monroe has supposedly donated over 20,000 times since 2019, totaling >$40,000 They live in a 1,000 sqft house built in 1956.
