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20 Things Liberalism Is

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score


20 Things Liberalism Is….
John Hawkins | Dec 16, 2014

Liberalism is…

1) ….idiots who think the police can keep us safe from criminals without ever accidentally hurting thugs who are resisting them and think the CIA can get information out of terrorists by giving them lattes, fluffing their pillows, and hugging them until they give in.

2) ….encouraging sexually deviant behavior at every turn, teaching young children about fisting and graphic gay sex, laughing at people who encourage modesty, and then demanding that college kids give formal consent before they kiss each other.

3) …a bunch of morons "occupying" a public park for months or blocking traffic who can't explain why they're doing it beyond talking about "peace," "justice," "fairness" or some other broad term that everyone who disagrees with them believes in as well.

4) ….butch, unveiled lesbians marching down the street with signs supporting Palestine, despite the fact they'd hang from lamp posts in 5 minutes if they actually lived there.

5) ….an extremely wealthy Democrat President who lives a more opulent lifestyle than the Queen of England when he's not golfing with rich celebrities and attending $30,000 a plate fundraisers lecturing everyone about how his opponents are the party of the rich.

6) ….screaming that people who work hard, play by the rules and pay taxes are heartless and greedy because they're not giving enough of their money away to support those who feel entitled to have others pay their way through life.

7) ….guys like Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky getting filthy rich in a capitalist country by selling really dumb people on how awful capitalism and rich people are for the country.

8) ….people who can't deliver the most basic scientific explanation of global warming or give a good answer to any tough scientific questions about it accusing other people of being "anti-science" for not agreeing with them on the subject.

9) ….a celebrity or politician with a half dozen armed security guards ensuring that nothing happens to him or his mansion demanding that guns be banned.

10) …liberal "feminists" who claim to represent all women turning out to typically be the bitterest, most hyper-sensitive and least feminine women you'll ever meet.

11) ….fighting to keep teachers and armed guards designed to protect the student body out of schools while also fighting to keep every Commie, terrorist, and moral degenerate you can imagine in the classroom teaching kids.

12) ….judging whether a comment is "racist" based mostly on liberal ideology, party affiliation and how chummy the person in question is with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

13) ….lecturing other people on doing things "for the children" while you advocate spending so much money today that "the children" will never have Social Security, Medicare or even the same level of prosperity we're now experiencing.

14) ….imbeciles lecturing everyone else on right and wrong when they're incapable of seeing a difference between cops and criminals, America and Isis, and Christians and Satanists.

15) ….people who demand that we treat men as guilty until proven innocent in rape and sexual harassment cases while they just shrug off all the accusations against Bill Clinton.

16) ….Democrat politicians who talk incessantly about how other people don't care about the poor while they do nothing about crime in poor neighborhoods, fight to keep poor Americans from having the choice to move their kids to better schools, and bring in illegal aliens to take their jobs.

17) ….howling about "tolerance" while you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being a racist, try to put Christian bakers out of business for refusing to make cakes for gay weddings and urge newspapers and colleges to stop anyone you disagree with from being heard.

18) …. eating pork chops while writing hate-filled messages to people who put pictures of themselves hunting feral hogs up on the Internet.

19) ….slamming America as racist, sexist, homophobic, backwards, horrible and morally inferior to most of the rest of the world at every opportunity, but refusing to ever move to another country under any circumstances.

20) ….a PBS-watching, Starbucks-drinking hippy who works on his Apple, reads a book about Che Guevara on his Kindle, has dinner at Applebee's, then drives the Prius his parents bought for him to a protest where he can complain about how awful capitalism is and how much he hates corporations.
Pretty much describes my oldest sister to a tee. Explains why I almost never talk to her any more.
1 Thing Conservatism Is:

1) ... deluded if they believe they're really any better than liberals.
Starbucks drinking hipsters do not tend to eat at Applebee's.
4 of the most liberal states in the Nation (California, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington) attract over 85% of the total US venture capital annually.
I believe 65% goes just to California. Those 4 states are carrying this country, largely due to their superior education systems.

If you look at the statistics its also clear that low tax states are shifting their welfare burdens onto the Federal government. Texas is the highest food stamp recipient state.
Blue stater's are getting ripped off, because they have to pay higher federal taxes to help red states deal with their poverty.
4 of the most liberal states in the Nation (California, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington) attract over 85% of the total US venture capital annually.
I believe 65% goes just to California. Those 4 states are carrying this country, largely due to their superior education systems.

If you look at the statistics its also clear that low tax states are shifting their welfare burdens onto the Federal government. Texas is the highest food stamp recipient state.
Blue stater's are getting ripped off, because they have to pay higher federal taxes to help red states deal with their poverty.
Starbucks drinking hipsters do not tend to eat at Applebee's.
Applebee's gives you a big honking wedge of lime in your Corona though.
4 of the most liberal states in the Nation (California, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington) attract over 85% of the total US venture capital annually.
I believe 65% goes just to California. Those 4 states are carrying this country, largely due to their superior education systems.

If you look at the statistics its also clear that low tax states are shifting their welfare burdens onto the Federal government. Texas is the highest food stamp recipient state.
Blue stater's are getting ripped off, because they have to pay higher federal taxes to help red states deal with their poverty.

Be interesting to see how that "Venture Capital" is spent. Because small businesses are leaving Mexifornia in droves. I suspect that much of it is Solyndra style graft and government contract Nancy Pelosi steered to her husband.
1 Thing Conservatism Is:

1) ... deluded if they believe they're really any better than liberals.

Depends on what type of conservative you are. I am a conservative who is a little [r] republican. I have a libertarian style view on almost all issues stopping short of the anarchist views of some in the liberty movement. I know personal and economic liberty are better than big government socialism and the central planned economic oligarchy we have now.
Lol, love it, pretty much covers the full gamut. This is getting copied/pasted/emailed for a few co-workers who will likewise appreciate this list:)

Good find, Tim
Depends on what type of conservative you are. I am a conservative who is a little [r] republican. I have a libertarian style view on almost all issues stopping short of the anarchist views of some in the liberty movement. I know personal and economic liberty are better than big government socialism and the central planned economic oligarchy we have now.

"Conservative" and "Republican" are not the same thing. 99.9% of Liberals do not get that or understand the difference.
Depends on what type of conservative you are. I am a conservative who is a little [r] republican. I have a libertarian style view on almost all issues stopping short of the anarchist views of some in the liberty movement. I know personal and economic liberty are better than big government socialism and the central planned economic oligarchy we have now.

I was speaking directly to the type of conservatives who are the diametric opposite of the 20 points in the OP (which is at least half of the people around here).

My views are pretty much in line with how you describe yourself - libertarian with fiscally conservative and socially/morally liberal leanings. I see a lot of truth on that list, but I also see a lot of points where conservatives don't really have the high ground, so to speak. For example, the item about the President living a lavish lifestyle, which was highlighted as if to single out Obama as being singularly guilty of this, when there's no denying that every President before him and every President that will follow him will be (accurately) accused of the same kind of extravagance.
"Conservative" and "Republican" are not the same thing. 99.9% of Liberals do not get that or understand the difference.

Likewise, Liberal and Democrat are not the same thing, yet I don't think the OP was really splitting hairs in making a distinction.
4 of the most liberal states in the Nation (California, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington) attract over 85% of the total US venture capital annually. I believe 65% goes just to California. Those 4 states are carrying this country, largely due to their superior education systems.


Okay, Massachusetts at 2 - fine.

But Washington at 15, New York at 20, California at 39?


Meanwhile, your hated "red" states include:

1 New Jersey
3 Vermont
4 New Hampshire
5 Kansas
6 Colorado
7 Virginia
11 Iowa
12 Texas
16 Ohio
19 Missouri
21 Utah
22 Indiana
23 Nebraska
24 South Dakota
25 Wyoming

All in the top half. You need to re-think your analysis here, 21.

If you look at the statistics its also clear that low tax states are shifting their welfare burdens onto the Federal government. Texas is the highest food stamp recipient state.


On welfare spending, California is #1 by a long shot, and New York is #2. Texas spends less on welfare than Illinois and Pennsylvania, despite having a larger population.


Blue stater's are getting ripped off, because they have to pay higher federal taxes to help red states deal with their poverty.

True for some states (South Carolina, North Dakota, Florida), not for others (Nebraska, Ohio, Kansas, Colorado, Utah):


The chart shows that several of your blue-state heroes are in fact sucking generously off the Federal teat: Hawaii, Maryland, Rhode Island, Oregon, Connecticut, Nevada, D.C.

This is clearly not as you paint it (blue states pay in, red states get paid). I realize that you read an article or something in Nation, but you would be well-served to doubt partisan spokespeople. You do so for Republicans, but seem to lap up every half-truth tossed out by leftist sites.

You might want to start thinking of some of your information sources like Pravda - more of a partisan mouthpiece than a reliable source of data for government spending, the economy, etc.
For example, the item about the President living a lavish lifestyle, which was highlighted as if to single out Obama as being singularly guilty of this, when there's no denying that every President before him and every President that will follow him will be (accurately) accused of the same kind of extravagance.

Oh there's no doubt about that. Not even mentioning Senators, Governors, etc, there are plenty, plenty, plenty of small town Politicians living very high off the hog relatively speaking.
Likewise, Liberal and Democrat are not the same thing, yet I don't think the OP was really splitting hairs in making a distinction.

The OP (mine) was a literal cut and paste from the article/link. You can determine for yourself.
4 of the most liberal states in the Nation (California, New York, Massachusetts, and Washington) attract over 85% of the total US venture capital annually.
I believe 65% goes just to California. Those 4 states are carrying this country, largely due to their superior education systems.

I would argue that the most Liberal states also live off the government teat. They may attract a lot of venture capital but that goes to companies plus the universities that receive a lot of government money. Tesla wouldn't be worth jack **** if it weren't for government subsidies and tax credits.
Republicans are not conservative how? Fiscally? Socially?

Establishment GOP seems to, really, be neither. They make mouth motions to both, but seem to be no less "big government" than the Dems.
Republicans are not conservative how? Fiscally? Socially?

Establishment Republicans are not fiscally conservative, they are just Democrat Lite. Like Boehner. There are big government Republicans too. That's how the Tea Party came to be, when Republicans stopped acting like Republicans. In spite of the fact that your party tries to whip people into a frenzy by painting all Republicans as Tea Partiers, that isn't true and we'd like to run the other 2/3 of them out of Congress and replace them with real Conservatives.
Establishment Republicans are not fiscally conservative, they are just Democrat Lite. Like Boehner. There are big government Republicans too. That's how the Tea Party came to be, when Republicans stopped acting like Republicans. In spite of the fact that your party tries to whip people into a frenzy by painting all Republicans as Tea Partiers, that isn't true and we'd like to run the other 2/3 of them out of Congress and replace them with real Conservatives.

Who's party? My part? What party is that?

No established politician is fiscally conservative and I don't think they can be and still get elected. This country spends it's money primarily on three things: Social Security, Medicare and defense. It's political suicide to be in favor of cutting the first two and not many conservatives are in favor of cutting the third.

Good luck getting a conservative in the White House.
Who's party? My part? What party is that?
'Scuse me, I thought you were a Democrat.

No established politician is fiscally conservative and I don't think they can be and still get elected. This country spends it's money primarily on three things: Social Security, Medicare and defense. It's political suicide to be in favor of cutting the first two and not many conservatives are in favor of cutting the third.

Good luck getting a conservative in the White House.
Very true. A lot of people who only vote every four years want Santa Claus.