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21IQ and Flog - a little bit of economic realism is tapping at the door


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.

The US Government’s Debt-to-GDP Ratio Is Worse Than Greece’s Before the 2008 Crash (And It’s About to Get Worse)​

How Much Debt Is Bearable?​

The announcement comes months after the Congressional Budget Office released a report projecting a $2.3 trillion deficit in 2021. Biden’s plan will almost certainly make the deficit worse. Though the plan contains various tax increases to fund its programs, the taxes are likely to fall well short of government outlays, economists say.

“The laws of economics are more rigid than the laws of the federal government, and these tax hikes are unlikely to yield the windfall Biden expects,” Joshua Jahani, the managing director of Jahani and Associates, noted in a recent NBC News article.

As a result, the $28.2 trillion national debt will swell even faster. Worse, when unfunded liabilities are included in the balance sheet, as private companies are legally required to do, the debt exceeds $120 trillion.
How much risk these obligations present is unclear.

There is a school of thought that suggests these debts pose no serious risk. After all, in theory, a government can roll over its debt indefinitely. However, in a recent article for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, economist David Andolfatto noted that ultimately the government doesn’t decide how much debt is bearable. The market does. “There is presumably a limit to how much the market is willing or able to absorb in the way of Treasury securities, for a given price level (or inflation rate) and a given structure of interest rates,” Andolfatto wrote. “However, no one really knows how high the debt-to-GDP ratio can get. We can only know once we get there.”

A Dangerous Level of Debt?

Andolfatto is right that no one really knows the debt tipping point. But it’s worth noting that the US debt-to-GDP ratio—essentially a country's debt compared to its annual economic output—was 129 percent at the end of 2020. In other words, the official US debt was nearly a third larger than the entire US economy.

That is considerably higher than Greece’s debt-to-GDP ratio in 2010, when it received a bailout from the International Monetary Fund to avoid defaulting on its obligations.

The United States is not Greece, of course. Its economic potential is far greater, and it is operating under a currency it controls. But there’s no denying that the US is in uncharted territory. Today, the federal government debt-to-GDP ratio is higher than it was at the conclusion of World War II, when the nation assembled one of the largest armies the world has ever seen. Perhaps even worse, the government is piling on debt faster than ever.

Eventually, as Andolfatto notes, the market may very well decide enough is enough, and the demand for Treasury securities will dry up. Indeed, this is likely one reason cryptocurrencies are suddenly flourishing.

In seemingly the blink of an eye, cryptos have gone from being discussed in the corners of Reddit rooms and university lounges to a market of more than $2 trillion. It’s no exaggeration to say cryptos are now mainstream; they are being gobbled up by hedge funds and star athletes signing 10-figure contracts.

And it’s not hard to see why. The market is hedging. Like rats on a sinking ship, many are eyeing an exit, sensing that the dollar’s day may finally be coming to an end as its value is eroded by mass pumping.

The American president and statesman John Adams once reportedly said there are two ways nations are destroyed. “One is by the sword and the other is by debt,” Adams reputedly said.

So go ahead and cover your ears, cover your eyes, and say "La-la-la." The uncontrolled spending enacted by some of the stupidest people in the nation will tear this great economy apart, and thus tear apart the nation.
I think it's not just about the debt.

I am concerned that the Fed, the banking industry, AND government are clearly aligned and working together to artificially lower interest rates. Something is very fishy about all that to me. The market is not "freely acting" on it's own.

I'm obviously not a fan of these huge pork-filled trillion dollar bills that congress has been passing. There is nothing good about huge, bloated, do-it-all spending laws passed by congress. The bigger they are, the more waste and bureaucracy.

But on a pure dollars and cents analysis, as long as we find people to take our debt at 1-2% interest, borrowing and the amount it takes to pay off is likely okay vs. our GNP.

But eventually, I just don't understand the "funny money" logic that there are some magical entities out there that are really loaning money to the US government that cheaply. I mean we are talking TRILLIONS of dollars worth of T-bills and treasury notes at almost no return rate. Who is buying them? It has to be a collusion of some sort between the Federal Reserve and the Banking System. And that size of "funny stuff" going on must have an impact on general consumers.

The US Government’s Debt-to-GDP Ratio Is Worse Than Greece’s Before the 2008 Crash (And It’s About to Get Worse)​

Difference is we can always print more money and/or borrow more from Jy-na. Greece's problem, well two of them anyway, were that since they switched to the Euro they couldn't print more of their own money and devalue their currency versus other currencies any longer because Brussels put the kibosh on that. Also if they were going to borrow money from Jy-na or anywhere else the interest was going to be very high because of the risk if they could find anyone dumb enough to loan them money in the first place.
Difference is we can always print more money and/or borrow more from Jy-na. Greece's problem, well two of them anyway, were that since they switched to the Euro they couldn't print more of their own money and devalue their currency versus other currencies any longer because Brussels put the kibosh on that. Also if they were going to borrow money from Jy-na or anywhere else the interest was going to be very high because of the risk if they could find anyone dumb enough to loan them money in the first place.

Right, and the article notes the United States is not Greece. We benefit from printing the world's currency, and God help every one of us if that changes in the next 20 years.

However, our current debt-to-GDP ratio is higher than was Greece's and getting worse by the year. If anybody thinks this is sustainable, I have some ocean front property in Kansas I'd like to sell you.
Because we can't find people willing to work.

I've been told Democrats are economic geniuses who balance the budget, get us to 0.02% unemployment rates, eliminate poverty and leave everyone farting bricks of gold.

So I'm confused.
I've been told Democrats are economic geniuses who balance the budget, get us to 0.02% unemployment rates, eliminate poverty and leave everyone farting bricks of gold.

All of that concerns just politicians, TSF. They have basically zero unemployment, are stinking rich, and and have plenty of gold bricks available.

The degenerate voters? Who cares. Let them eat cake and ****-encrusted gold bricks.

when the collapse happens you will have to shoot rioters and roving bands of brigands in the face.
I am convinced that these "leaders" are planning this, and will be benefitted by it. They have been giving huge amounts of money to other governments for years, getting only small percentage kick-backs, in hopes that they can prepay their escape and safety.

This is all planned.
An update on the facts about government spending and its effect on our economy:

US inflation sees biggest jump since 2008​

4.2% inflation. A key behind this nation's troubling inflation rate - including the CPI - is the government's printing of trillions of dollars in currency and dumping that into the economy with no economic production backing it up. The morons now in charge of the economy have now dramatically increased the supply of money without giving it goods and services to pursue. Vastly more supply, demand stays static, the cost (value) of the product goes down. This strategy - and make no mistake, they are doing it on purpose - drives down the cost (value) of money, which is just another consumer good.

When the value of money goes down, it now takes more of it to acquire another good. That is the definition of inflation. Why do governments like inflation? Because the value of the money they owe - their national debt - goes down. The government is repaying debt with less-valuable money.

However, that approach works only in a very limited setting and only short-term. When inflation is allowed to balloon, and the government keeps printing currency and dumping it into the economy, inflation turns from a fire that harms the economy warm into an inferno which consumes the economy. The United States will escape runaway inflation - the 1000% seen in places like Venezuela - only because the dollar is the world's currency. FSF and I have debated the ability of the dollar to remain the world's currency, but make no mistake - both of us agree that if the dollar is no longer the world's currency at some point, this nation is in dire, desperate economic trouble - all because of the idiots in charge.

"Hey, calm down, our genius leaders and their bumbling, stupid, circle-back, circle-jerk leaders know inflation is a problem." Yeah, no. Take this article from the Federalist, for example:

Psaki calls inflation surge a sign of Biden's 'successful economic strategy'​

By Monica Showalter

Psaki calls inflation surge a sign of Biden's 'successful economic strategy'​

By Monica Showalter

The Biden administration seems to be proud of its inflation surge, brought on by low interest rates and monster government spending.
How else to explain this?

According to the White House transcript, Psaki, answering a reporter's inflation question, said:

Obviously, we’ve seen, over the last couple of days — to your point — some reaction to the CPI numbers that came out just yesterday. And, you know, our view on that is it reflects the reality of an economy that’s rapidly turning back on because of a successful economic strategy.

And if you dig into the data, there are a couple of factors at play that I think people are taking a look at now that we’ve dug into the data more, including the fact that, you know, for example, airfare is increased by 10 percent but are still almost 20 percent below pre-pandemic levels. The — one of the biggest impacts we saw on the data yesterday was on used car sales, and that is a direct impact of the semiconductor chip shortage.

So, point is: There’s a number of factors here that can be explained and we’re working to address. And I think as we continue to communicate that, hopefully that will give some comfort to the American people and, of course, industries.
So they're "working to address" all this inflation and we're supposed to be "comforted" by their communication to us about all that "work" to address, and never mind the high prices. Intentions, you know, and lots of deep thinking. Results you see, are for people like Trump.

They seem to think they can command prices down with all that communication, much as Hugo Chavez used to do, creating shortages to accompany their runaway inflation as their big comforting answer.

Or perhaps more in their style, they're going Brezhnev or Chernenko again, telling us that all the bad things happening aren't happening, never mind the evidence of our own eyes. Pay no attention to those soaring lumber prices, those high vegetable prices, those now-costly airline tickets, those leaps in price at the pump. They're all irrelevant because Joe Biden is a ... self-declared success.

And it's not the first time they've expressed their denial of the unfolding economic disaster. Just eight days ago, they were saying inflation was "manageable," citing Jared Bernstein as their economic expert. Bernstein majored in music at college, getting his expertise from playing double string bass. But wait, there's more, according to his Wikipedia:

He also earned a Master of Social Work from Hunter College as well as a master's degree in philosophy and a PhD in social welfare from Columbia University.[4]

His expertise fits right in with that of Democrats such as Ben Rhodes who majored in creative writing, and Rahm Emanuel, who was a male ballerina.
Victor Davis Hanson, in a brilliant piece, explains the folly of the inflation dynamic here.

The estimable David Goldman explains even more, and concludes that this inflation that Joe's praising himself for is serious enough to take the Democrats down.

Bad is good. Up is down. And pay no attention to the evidence of your own eyes. Joe is a success, see, whether it's the border where there's no crisis, the Mideast which has gone up in flames, or in the inflation ravaging the country.

He's holding up the snake oil cure-all filled with mercury. It's all good.

It calls to mind that even Joe Biden on some level knows it's a lie.

He did, after all, walk away from a press question about a day ago when some reporter brought up inflation as if to attempt to get it off the front page of the news. Now he's come back, with Psaki praising him for it, showing just how out-of-tune they actually are.

Not on the evils of inflation, which they're hopelessly opaque on, but that they're still convinced that they can fool all of the people all of the time on an uncontrollable monster like inflation.

Prepare for more of such rubbish from them as the country descends into crisis. They've revealed their hand.

The Biden/Blowjob administration: "Inflation good." Idiots.