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Scorecard of theories, conspiracy and otherwise

I just connect the dots, have a long memory and I can see through people like glass. Which tends to make me dislike a lot of people. My father had the same problem with accelerated intuition. Which is the term I gave it.

I guess that's why I go a little bonkers when I watch politicians like Pelosi talk. Her drunk *** can't lie for ****.
Because it's all political. Any crisis real or manufacturered by them (border) will absolutely be used for all it is worth politically. See 2 weeks to flatten the curse. Which turned into flatten the country by govenors acting like dictators through this amazing emergency rule that negates state legislators. The control freaks must have been giddy with this much power in hand.
I can't find it on YouTube (surprise) but early on in the pandemic I remember seeing Dr. Deborah Birx, the lady with the colorful scarves, saying "Look at the power we have!"
As much as we've disagreed on the vaccine shot itself, you have been vehemently against mandates as I've heard (well read) you say that multiple times.

You Cougar. ;)


You said it, not me.
Funny how that magically changed right after inauguration day.

I'm pretty sure it happened right after Joe **** his depends on stage. Didn't take till the following day.
I didn’t know how far you were pushing things… if we are sticking to pure politics thats fine…

Not at all - economics, policing, schooling, CRT, etc. all fine.

But I don't think the thread is benefited from theories about unicorns or alien DNA.
I can't find it on YouTube (surprise) but early on in the pandemic I remember seeing Dr. Deborah Birx, the lady with the colorful scarves, saying "Look at the power we have!"

Scott Atlas is a doctor appointed by Trump to the Covid team. He has a book explaining what was going on. He said that during every meeting, he would bring published medical studies, peer reviewed studies, etc., regarding the efficacy of the proposed responsive measures. He said that Birx, Fauci and Redfield (head of the CDC) were on the team with him and never responded to the data he presented, never brought their own data, never refuted any of the medical studies he brought with him, and those three worked as a "team" with the understanding they would not contradict one another, even if they had doubts about what was being suggested by another member of the "team."

Atlas repeatedly pressed for medical data regarding closing schools, and masking, and shutting down certain industries, and the lock-down orders for healthy people under age 50, and never got a response. Ever. Nothing. The "team" would simply say, "We're going to close schools," and that was it. Never provided any rationale, data, science or persuasive evidence in support of the orders.

And, according to Atlas, when he presented the data on schools to the White House Coronavirus Response team, he was ignored.

“As I finished, there was silence,” Atlas wrote. “No one offered any contrary data. No one spoke of scientific studies. No one even mentioned the discredited Korea study. Zero comments from Dr. Birx. Nothing from Dr. Fauci. And as always, not a single mention by Birx or Fauci about the serious harms of school closures. In my mind, this was bizarre. Why was I the only one in the room with detailed knowledge of the literature? Why was I the only one considering the data on such an important topic with a critical eye? Were the others simply accepting bottom lines and conclusions, without any analytical evaluation? Weren’t they supposed to be expert medical scientists, too? I waited.”

Birx then told Atlas that his opinion was “out of the mainstream” and accused him of being part of a “fringe” group that wanted schools to be reopened.

“[Birx] insisted that all experts agreed with her,” Atlas wrote. “I shook my head, thinking of some of the world-class epidemiologists who agreed with me—John Ioannidis and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Carl Heneghan and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford—and wondered if she or Fauci had ever read a single publication by them.”

Atlas points out in his book that evidence indicated that “almost all coronavirus transmission to children comes from adults, not the other way around.”

“That was not a predicate for opening schools, given the massive harms to kids if they were closed,” Atlas explained. “But that evidence was already shown by contact tracing and other studies in Iceland, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Opened schools and childcare centers did not show significant dangers to children, adults, or teachers […] They found zero instances of a child passing the infection to an adult.”

Atlas said CDC director Redfield responded to the data by saying, “the jury is still out.”

I'll pass on the nickname and I'm not a cougar, cougars are older ladies who go after younger guys. I'll stick with my old man. (2.5 years older than me anyway).

I'll pass on the nickname and I'm not a cougar, cougars are older ladies who go after younger guys. I'll stick with my old man. (2.5 years older than me anyway).

You need to consider your options, OFTC. You need to look at older guys with potential, those with experience, knowledge of women. A guy say around 60 who passes for much younger, a professional, perhaps a doctor or lawyer, who shares your love of the Steelers.

I might know a guy like that.
You need to consider your options, OFTC. You need to look at older guys with potential, those with experience, knowledge of women. A guy say around 60 who passes for much younger, a professional, perhaps a doctor or lawyer, who shares your love of the Steelers.

I might know a guy like that.
MTC enters thread

You need to consider your options, OFTC. You need to look at older guys with potential, those with experience, knowledge of women. A guy say around 60 who passes for much younger, a professional, perhaps a doctor or lawyer, who shares your love of the Steelers.

I might know a guy like that.
Sounds like a catch but I am good :ROFLMAO: Again, no thanks on the new nickname. I will forever be oneforthebus in recognition of Jerome getting his ring the year I joined SN!
You need to consider your options, OFTC. You need to look at older guys with potential, those with experience, knowledge of women. A guy say around 60 who passes for much younger, a professional, perhaps a doctor or lawyer, who shares your love of the Steelers.

I might know a guy like that.

I know the wife of that guy.
  • Wow
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