I've been called a lot of things in my life but a ..
Conservative Libertarian Non-Interventionist Nationalist Reactionary
is not one of them.
Collectivism score: -67%
Authoritarianism score: -67%
Internationalism score: -33%
Tribalism score: 17%
Liberalism score: -50%
and I had to look up a couple definitions.
Conservative Libertarian..A Conservative Libertarian in the United States is a person that adheres to the constitution as a libertarian does, but will do so in a conservative manner. ( They believe that it is up to the individual to decide what is right for themselves rather than making ridiculous laws that are aimed at 5 people, but directly effect the rest of the state's population! Like the 21 drinking age! )
Non-Interventionist..I guess that confirms my Ron Paul allegiance.
Nationalist..is a person who advocates political independence for a country.
Reactionary.describes people on the far right politically. Reactionaries occupy a political space past conservative, near where ultra-conservative bumps ..
So, move over there Brother John Birch, there's room for Chip on that there pew.
Like I didn't already know it.