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A good day in the media war - Jemele Hill gone at ESPN

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Can't like this enough. Let's let sports be sports.

She was too extreme for ESPN. May have a future on The View though. She'd fit right in.

Jemele Hill, ESPN parting ways: reports

Jemele Hill, the ESPN commentator who has made controversial comments about President Trump, is leaving the sports network, according to reports.

A buyout of her reported $2.5 million-per-year contract has been completed and her last day will be Friday, sources told the New York Post.

The separation was due to Hill's desire to be involved in politics, while ESPN wants to be apolitical, the Post reported.

Hill is believed to have recently met with new ESPN President James Pitaro to discuss her exit, Variety reported.

At a meeting with reporters earlier this month, Pitaro emphasized that ESPN's role is to cover sports news without any particular political bias, the report said.

The executive reportedly said he would prefer that the company's journalists and commentators not offer their own opinions on political matters.

The controversy surround Hill began last Sept. 11, when she referred to Trump as "a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself [with] other white supremacists."

The next month, ESPN suspended Hill for two weeks after she posted a tweet suggesting that viewers boycott advertisers of the Dallas Cowboys. She was voicing disagreement with owner Jerry Jone's comments on NFL players' protests during the playing of the national anthem.

She was then reassigned to ESPN's "Undefeated" website, which covers the intersection of sports and racial issues.

“So much of my career at ESPN – almost exclusively at some points – has been in commentary,” she told Variety.“They hired me as a columnist. I’ve been giving my opinion since day one.”

During an in-depth conversation at OZY Fest in July, Hill mused about "whether or not I would continue on ... in sports period," Fox News previously reported.

“There is a real concentration, still a real need, on stories about women of color… that will be a huge focus of what I do," she said.

She said she is "really excited" about the next phase of her career and would work to dismantle institutional racism.

“Somebody needs to step up and save us,” Hill said.

She called leaving sports media a “bittersweet” feeling.

Hill and ESPN were not immediately available for comment on her departure.

They stopped being a legit sports news channel years ago. All of their talk shows are cookie cutter, let's argue and be obnoxious because the lemmings think it's real. I check in once in a while when I'm home and bored, but not much has changed.
Let sports be sports.


Tiger Woods Defends President Trump, Won’t Talk About Race Relations

The sports media attempted to draw Tiger Woods into the ongoing feud between NFL and NBA players on Sunday, after Woods wrapped up his final round at the US PGA Northern Trust tournament, in New Jersey.

However, the 14-time major winner declined to get involved.

Woods was first asked about his personal relationship with President Trump, and whether he would describe it as “personal or professional.”

“Well, I’ve known Donald for a number of years,” Woods replied. “We’ve played golf together. We’ve had dinner together. I’ve known him pre-presidency and obviously during his presidency.”

Woods said, “Well, he’s the President of the United States. You have to respect the office.

“No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office.”

The reporter then asked Woods if he had anything else to add “about the state and the discourse of race relations?”

Woods again, declined: “No. I’m just finished 72 holes and really hungry.

"ESPN wishes to remain apolitical".

HA! Bizarre things start to happen once you begin hemorrhaging viewers. Looks like a case of message received.

Yep. Damage control. Don't even watch that channel anymore.
Can't stand that *****. She played the black lesbian card whenever she could. Good riddance.

For the record, I no longer have ESPN at home....only watch it at the local sports bar when there's football on.
I don't watch ESPN, but it became obvious a while ago that their schtick is be as controversial and obnoxious as possible in order to drive clicks and viewership. With her, and especially Stephen A. Smith, when you see them for what they are doing, it makes it easier to just shake your head and turn the channel.
I don't watch ESPN, either. I don't care about their opinions. It takes forever to see anything worthwhile. Hockey highlights? Yea, good luck with that!

Pittsburgh has enough late night sports, post-game and pre-game shows to satisfy my appetite.
her co-host on that ****** show isn't much better. I'd see it on at the gym and they'd just try to talk over each other non-stop. both knowing more about how to play the race card than the other one. goodbye and good riddance to her. i'm sure clay travis will have some heartfelt comments to say today, too.
I've hated ESPN since way back when they had Kieth Olberdouche.
her co-host on that ****** show isn't much better. I'd see it on at the gym and they'd just try to talk over each other non-stop. both knowing more about how to play the race card than the other one. goodbye and good riddance to her. i'm sure clay travis will have some heartfelt comments to say today, too.

I'm prophetic...


ESPN Cuts Ties with Jemele Hill, Demotes Michelle Beadle

Posted on August 27, 2018 by Clay Travis - OKTC

ESPN’s new programming strategy seems clear now — whatever decision former ESPN president John Skipper made, do the opposite. Yep, ESPN is going full George Costanza now, doing the exact opposite of what would have been done before.

On Friday afternoon — the typical time to drop news that isn’t favorable — two big stories broke: Jemele Hill was leaving ESPN on September 1st, less than a year after her Tweet calling the president a white supremacist and roughly six months after she was removed from the six PM SportsCenter. The report from Jim Miller said the departure was “amicable.” That might be so, but only because Jemele Hill was able to extract a substantial cash advance on her salary and will no longer be able to murder ESPN’s brand with her consistent and shrill cavalcade of “Everything is racist!” takes on social media.

ESPN finally decided — probably in conjunction with Disney CEO Bob Iger who had long protected Hill as a way to help set the table for his presidential run — that continuing to employ Jemele Hill and rewarding her with air time was helping to kill their brand with anyone who doesn’t immediately see racism when the pot calls the kettle black.

As if that weren’t enough, Michelle Beadle — she of the infamous “Shut up and listen, white men!” hot take — was removed from “Get Up,” the disastrously expensive Hindenburg of morning shows championed by John Skipper, which has never produced any audience whatsoever. What’s more, “Get Up,” was reduced from three hours to two hours, signaling that it’s likely to be completely erased — or folded into SportsCenter — by the time football season is over.

When you consider all that had to happen for Get Up to launch: 1. Mike and Mike, the most successful sports talk show in history, had to be broken up 2. an expensive New York City studio had to be built 3. SportsCenter, the most venerable brand in ESPN history, had to be canceled in the morning 4. Beadle had to be pulled off SportsNation, resulting in that show’s cancellation and 5. tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars, had to be lost, all in the space of six months to launch and support the show, I’m not sure that John Skipper could have made worse decisions if he’d been attempting to destroy ESPN’s brand.

Combining this with the shortening of “High Noon” from one hour to thirty minutes and the last three major initiatives John Skipper was most closely connected to have now been erased since he “resigned” for “substance abuse issues.”

These changes in direction represent a seismic shift for ESPN. (The only wrinkle in this decision making has been the hire of noted Donald Trump critic Keith Olbermann, but I suspect ESPN’s focus here wasn’t on Olbermann’s left wing mania, it was on his role at ESPN in the 1990’s. Olbermann’s hire was an attempt to send a message that ESPN was getting back to what made it great. Even if, you know, Olbermann long ago stopped being a sports figure).

Now SC6 is dead, Get Up is close to dead, and High Noon is already on life support just a couple of months into its existence. All three of these were major new shows championed by John Skipper to lead ESPN into the new era. All of them also, not coincidentally, have also featured the most left wing talent ESPN has to offer and all of them have been resoundingly rejected by television viewers.

This suggests, wait for it now, TWITTER IS NOT REAL LIFE.

Programming a television network to make people on Twitter happy is self-defeating, especially in sports media. What Twitter likes is often the exact opposite of what real sports fans like. If I were a sports media executive, I’d do something truly wild — I’d trust my own instincts and not read Twitter mentions from people who are dumber than me telling me what I should do. (Some of these same sports media executives are now reading this column likely thinking, “Yeah, but you’re dumber than me, Clay Travis, why would I listen to you?” The answer, as always, is my hair.)

I was out to dinner last week with some smart people in our industry and I asked this question of the table, “Can you imagine if doctors made decisions on how to treat patients or pilots made decisions on how to fly their planes based on what people on social media suggested?” We’d all think that was insane, right? So why should highly trained executives who have spent their entire lives succeeding to get to the point where they get to make important decisions care one iota what social media thinks about their decisions? Who do you think knows more about making good television, an executive, surrounded by other executives, who has done it his or her entire life or a left wing SJW Tweeting anonymously all day who won’t even watch television no matter what’s on it? (The funniest thing about listening to millennials about what to put on television is that millennials won’t even watch if you do what they say anyway. Asking a millennial what to put on television is like asking a vegan which steak to order.)

So what now?

Assuming ESPN is beginning to reject the promotion of far left wingers who don’t actually like sports, can the network get back to actual sports or not? And if they do, will the audience they lost ever return? Those are two big questions. But if you want to be an optimist, returning the six PM SportsCenter to just sports has led to substantial ratings increases. I’d expect the same thing will happen when they eventually cancel Get Up.

In the meantime, the times, they are a changin’ at ESPN.

They finally have executives in charge of the business who have realized WokeCenter is bad for ESPN’s brands. Sports fans don’t want to see sports and left wing politics mixed ad nauseum.

It’s probably too much to ask ESPN executives to get red pilled, but maybe they’ve finally woken up from their drug-addled haze and realized their brand was toxic. The best way to cure a toxic brand? Get rid of the people who made that brand toxic.

That’s why I think you have to give substantial credit to new network president Jimmy Pitaro for recognizing the calamity he inherited and starting to make changes to dig ESPN out of the massive hole John Skipper created.

There’s still a long way to go, but for the first time in a long time, ESPN has at least stopped digging the hole to bury itself in.
I was okay with Mike and Mike. I liked Michelle Beadles all the way back when she was with Colin Cowherd.

What ESPN has done with this stupid "Get Up" show in the morning is awful. I don't check on ratings or anything like that (hell, I only watch for 10-15 minutes at most every day) but I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking some of the changes ESPN has "attempted" that last couple years have been ****.
Who in their right mind would build a show around Mike Greenberg? I have never watched the new show. Probably never will. ESPN is usually on when I am at the gym, but I have music going anyway and can't hear what they say. Usually just watch the crawler at the bottom, catch the scores and continue on with my workout.
Fuuuuuck ESPN, and EVERYONE who works there. Everyone..
I agree, Sarge. Greenberg is even less a sports guy than Musberger, or however you spell his name. Super hard to hear him whine and be uppity. God have mercy on his kids.

Liked Golic. He got it, and would be fun to watch a game with in the garage with cigars and a beer.
it's about time everyone wakes up to the fact that twitter is nowhere close to real, particularly where politics is concerned. It has been proven time and again that there are professional twitter posters who will make 10 dweebs in a room seem like a million angry consumers who will never watch your show or buy your product again.

It has buried ESPN. It's even done the impossible and lowered NFL ratings. Goodell's obvious priority of pleasing twitter is ruining this league. He's on the opposite side of fans on every issue.

It even started with concussions. Goodell sided with people with an anti football agenda. CTE is still just a theory. All that's known is that concussions are bad and you have to let them heal. Goodell could have easily defended the NFL based on the science.

Instead he actually contributed to a concussion hysteria that has mom forbidding little Jimmy from playing football and instead enrolling him in soccer which actually has more concussions than football yet nobody gives a **** because they play in in Europe and everything Europe does is refined and cultured and better than here.

Goodell ****** up the Ray Rice situation and his priority was to get himself off the hook and please twitter so he has allowed outside activists to tell him how to punish players. Now you've gone from the NFL maybe not doing enough to punish players for off field issues, to a shoot first, ask questions never situation.

ESPN deserves all of it. They went beyond having a bias to actually telling their audience that they are all knuckle dragging racists and they don't care if you stop watching.

The calculation was that they could get rid of their old conservative white dude audience and replace them with young diverse millennials. As Travis pointed out, thos people don't watch TV and newsflash, they don't actually behave as their tweets suggest.

Years ago McDonald's had the best fires. One day the secret got out. They put beef tallow in the fry oil. Vegetarians and Vegans complained. McDonald's changed the recipe and now their fries are the same as everybody else's. McDonald's is losing market share because they have morons in charge who are trying to please people who would never set foot in a McDonald's.
So those Micky Ds fries really did taste a lot better back in the day. Did not know that about the oil change. Checked it out. It was a result of some crusading asshat about saturated fat. Interesting bit from Malcolm Gladwell on the whole thing -http://www.grubstreet.com/2017/08/malcolm-gladwell-feels-betrayed-by-mcdonalds-french-fries.html

I will order some beef tallow from Amazon and see if it makes a big difference in our fries..
So those Micky Ds fries really did taste a lot better back in the day. Did not know that about the oil change. Checked it out. It was a result of some crusading asshat about saturated fat. Interesting bit from Malcolm Gladwell on the whole thing -http://www.grubstreet.com/2017/08/malcolm-gladwell-feels-betrayed-by-mcdonalds-french-fries.html

I will order some beef tallow from Amazon and see if it makes a big difference in our fries..

Yep you will taste a big difference.