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A Microcosmic Glimpse of the Idiocy that is the Steelers Coaching Staff

No **** Mr. Austin time out coach, you should be and add in 12 man on the field as well……. How would that focus help ?

I can tell you this, it’s all those little things that add up to a pile of **** and that seems to be where our coaching strength is, not focused.

Execution don’t mean **** if the coaching isn’t teaching the little things along the way..

EDIT: Sorry for the rant, but that is why there are rules, play within the rules and everything is fair game. The dumbAzzery of this entire coaching staff has never surprised me to the depth of absolute crap I see on the field of play.
The whole coaching staff from Shades on down are highly paid professionals giving 110% and doing their level best to win every game.
That’s the problem. They’re just not very good.
Do you think Matt Canada woke up every Monday and said, “Lessee, how bad can I suck this week?” No, he’s working hard, watching film, putting together the best possible game plan and plays every week that he knows how to do.
He just wasn’t very good at it. Ditto Austin and most everyone else.
Based on the on-field product, the only coach who’s worth a **** is Faulkner. Everyone else could be replaced by any jabroni or FOM (Friend Of Mike’s) off the street and they wouldn’t do any better or worse.
Hell, my neighbor is a high school coach with four state championships and might be an improvement.
But they’re doing their best.

The whole coaching staff from Shades on down are highly paid professionals giving 110% and doing their level best to win every game.
That’s the problem. They’re just not very good.
Do you think Matt Canada woke up every Monday and said, “Lessee, how bad can I suck this week?” No, he’s working hard, watching film, putting together the best possible game plan and plays every week that he knows how to do.
He just wasn’t very good at it. Ditto Austin and most everyone else.
Based on the on-field product, the only coach who’s worth a **** is Faulkner. Everyone else could be replaced by any jabroni or FOM (Friend Of Mike’s) off the street and they wouldn’t do any better or worse.
Hell, my neighbor is a high school coach with four state championships and might be an improvement.
But they’re doing their best.

I hear yaz Burgundy, and their v ery best evidently doesn’t seem to be focused on the little stuff…..

Salute the natio n
The whole coaching staff from Shades on down are highly paid professionals giving 110% and doing their level best to win every game.
That’s the problem. They’re just not very good.
Do you think Matt Canada woke up every Monday and said, “Lessee, how bad can I suck this week?” No, he’s working hard, watching film, putting together the best possible game plan and plays every week that he knows how to do.
He just wasn’t very good at it. Ditto Austin and most everyone else.
Based on the on-field product, the only coach who’s worth a **** is Faulkner. Everyone else could be replaced by any jabroni or FOM (Friend Of Mike’s) off the street and they wouldn’t do any better or worse.
Hell, my neighbor is a high school coach with four state championships and might be an improvement.
But they’re doing their best.


SteelerSask is a high school JV team coach and he could imp;rove Austin as well.

Salute the nation
is a demonstration about how the Steelers coaches and players do not seem to care about attention to detail.
Yea, it's the little things, like lacking enough men on the field on defense, as they have done more than once this year. Little "attention to detail" things like that. Let me get this straight, you spend more $ than any team in the NFL on D but you don't bother to have things buttoned down enough to put 11 men on the field when you line up for defense? And old man Art just puts up with sloppy coaching such as this? OK there, Deuce, you just keep cutting those checks to Shades and keep putting up with such abhorrent coaching as this. Really nice production for your $ there. I'd compare it to my high school coaching but our high school was never this bad at coaching that I'm aware of and yet it's commonplace with the Steelers. What a grand coaching staff you got there, Deuce.
I know that's what you want from a player. But if you get to play physical he does too. Metcalf is a unit significantly bigger and stronger then JPJ.
We will see how Porter fairs. I honestly don't mind a few penalties called now and then on Porter.
JPJ doesn't back down from challenges. He has the mentality that you want from your No. 1 cornerback as the guy who wants to follow the opponent's best.
If he gets a few penalties along the way. So be it.
Watching Dolphins-Ravens shows how dramatically the offensive game of 2023 has passed Tomlin and his staff. The rats like to run the ball too, but have a competent passing game, imagine that…

If Tomlin goes into Rooneys office and pimps an in house candidate for OC he should be fired on the spot
If Tomlin goes into Rooneys office and pimps an in house candidate for OC he should be fired on the spot
Oh that’s what’s going to happen for sure. He’ll want Faulkner.
We will see how Porter fairs. I honestly don't mind a few penalties called now and then on Porter.

If he gets a few penalties along the way. So be it.
I'm not worried about penalties He will get trucked if he has to tackle Metcalf face up.
I think you already said that a few times already.
Forgot to add the multiple times they ONLY had 10 men on the field on defense, but that isn’t a penalty so very few notice.

But let’s focus on the important stuff…… Like giving the players time to practice group photo opps after a splash play……

Salute the nation
Well, since *Popcorn" is basically the entire defensive game plan...
It would be such an easy move for Porter and make it tougher on the officials to try to find penalties.
Doesn't make him look very savvy either lol