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A very brief overview of recent events of note


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Biden's idiocy, incompetence and corruption are so profound, so overwhelming that it is almost impossible to keep pace with the new revelations about just how dirty and stupid he and his quisling followers are. Let's go over just a FEW recent events of note:
  • Mark Milley Vanilli testified before the Senate yesterday and confirmed that he did indeed call a Chinese general in early January of 2021 and promised to "alert" him if the United States planned any military action against China.
  • Milley Vanilli confirmed in his testimony that he had NOT received authorization for this call from either President Trump or the Secy of Defense, Chris Miller.
  • Both Miller and President Trump confirm they had no knowledge of this now-confirmed call and would not have allowed Milley Vanilli to make such call.
  • Milley Vanilli admits that the claimed tremendous "over the horizon" victory in the form of sending a missile at an ISIS-K bomb maker actually killed an American ally and 7 kids. Oops.
  • Milley Vanilli thereby admits to killing more people than Jack the Ripper. Look it up. Oops.
  • Nobody - not a single person - in the military has been disciplined for being a greater mass murderer than Jack the Ripper.
  • The military did, however, arrest and place into solitary confinement a Marine Lt. Colonel with 17 years experience and who was deeply involved in the botched, incompetent, dreadful embarrassing surrender in Afghanistan and who ...
  • Okay, the guy arrested and placed in solitary confinement. Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, had nothing to do with the disgustingly botched and loathesome surrender in Afghanistan, but he did order a missile be fired at 10 innocent civilians, including 7 children so I mean ...
  • Okay, he also had nothing to do with that either but he did engage in the horrible crime of ... pointing out that the blitheringly incompetent and stupid military leadership had completely failed to acknowledge their absolute incompetence in the Afghan withdrawal and none of the military leadership had accepted responsibility or punishment.
  • So murdering ten civilians, including seven kids, abandoning hundreds of American behind enemy lines, overseeing a surrender and retreat so botched a 3rd grader with Magic 8-Ball would have done a better job, standing around with a thumb up your *** while 13 American troops are killed due to this incompetence, no big deal. Who cares? We have lots of military and civilians to be killed, murdered, abandoned, left for dead. **** happens.
  • But pointing out that incomprehensible incompetence and stupidity? Game on, brother.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid agreed that tens of thousands of illegals are walking across the border every week.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testified that the illegals are asked if they want the vaccine, but if they say "No," that's fine-and-dandy and they are allowed into the country and then ferried around to other states and cities.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testifed that about 22% of the illegals "have some kind of illness" when let into the country.
  • Mayoraks the Stupid is surprised that the Chinese flu seems to be a problem in the filthy camps of illegals.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid is ready to fire hundreds of border patrol agents for firing a drone and killing 10 innocent ... sorry, mixed up the stories. He is firing border patrol agents who refuse to get the vaccine ...
  • That illegals can turn down without repercussion before being released into the United States.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show have no idea how many Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show denied entry into the United States of a private plane with more than 50 Americans and SIV passport holders, i.e., actual allies.
All of that in the past couple of weeks.

So Tibilo, go ahead and tell us again how "lucky" we are that Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show are in charge. Go ahead.
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Biden's idiocy, incompetence and corruption is so profound, so overwhelming that it is almost impossible to keep pace with the new revelations about just how dirty and stupid he and his quisling followers are. Let's go over just a FEW recent events of note:
  • Mark Milley Vanilli testified before the Senate yesterday and confirmed that he did indeed call a Chinese general in early January of 2021 and promised to "alert" him if the United States planned any military action against China.
  • Milley Vanilli confirmed in his testimony that he had NOT received authorization for this call from either President Trump or the Secy of Defense, Chris Miller.
  • Both Miller and President Trump confirm they had no knowledge of this now-confirmed call and would not have allowed Milley Vanilli to make such call.
  • Milley Vanilli admits that the claimed tremendous "over the horizon" victory in the form of sending a missile at an ISIS-K bomb maker actually killed an American ally and 7 kids. Oops.
  • Milley Vanilli thereby admits to killing more people than Jack the Ripper. Look it up. Oops.
  • Nobody - not a single person - in the military has been disciplined for being a greater mass murderer than Jack the Ripper.
  • The military did, however, arrest and place into solitary confinement a Marine Lt. Colonel with 17 years experience and who was deeply involved in the botched, incompetent, dreadful embarrassing surrender in Afghanistan and who ...
  • Okay, the guy arrested and placed in solitary confinement. Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, had nothing to do with the disgustingly botched and loathesome surrender in Afghanistan, but he did order a missile be fired at 10 innocent civilians, including 7 children so I mean ...
  • Okay, he also had nothing to do with that either but he did engage in the horrible crime of ... pointing out that the blitheringly incompetent and stupid military leadership had completely failed to acknowledge their absolute incompetence in the Afghan withdrawal and none of the military leadership had accepted responsibility or punishment.
  • So murdering ten civilians, including seven kids, abandoning hundreds of American behind enemy lines, overseeing a surrender and retreat so botched a 3rd grader with Magic 8-Ball would have done a better job, standing around with a thumb up your *** while 13 American troops are killed due to this incompetence, no big deal. Who cares? We have lots of military and civilians to be killed, murdered, abandoned, left for dead. **** happens.
  • But pointing out that incomprehensible incompetence and stupidity? Game on, brother.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid agreed that tens of thousands of illegals are walking across the border every week.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testified that the illegals are asked if they want the vaccine, but if they say "No," that's fine-and-dandy and they are allowed into the country and then ferried around to other states and cities.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testifed that about 22% of the illegals "have some kind of illness" when let into the country.
  • Mayoraks the Stupid is surprised that the Chinese flu seems to be a problem in the filthy camps of illegals.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid is ready to fire hundreds of border patrol agents for firing a drone and killing 10 innocent ... sorry, mixed up the stories. He is firing border patrol agents who refuse to get the vaccine ...
  • That illegals can turn down without repercussion before being released into the United States.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show have no idea how many Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show denied entry into the United States of a private plane with more than 50 Americans and SIV passport holders, i.e., actual allies.
All of that in the past couple of weeks.

So Tibilo, go ahead and tell us again how "lucky" we are that Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show are in charge. Go ahead.
But, but, but January 6th!
Biden's idiocy, incompetence and corruption are so profound, so overwhelming that it is almost impossible to keep pace with the new revelations about just how dirty and stupid he and his quisling followers are. Let's go over just a FEW recent events of note:
  • Mark Milley Vanilli testified before the Senate yesterday and confirmed that he did indeed call a Chinese general in early January of 2021 and promised to "alert" him if the United States planned any military action against China.
  • Milley Vanilli confirmed in his testimony that he had NOT received authorization for this call from either President Trump or the Secy of Defense, Chris Miller.
  • Both Miller and President Trump confirm they had no knowledge of this now-confirmed call and would not have allowed Milley Vanilli to make such call.
  • Milley Vanilli admits that the claimed tremendous "over the horizon" victory in the form of sending a missile at an ISIS-K bomb maker actually killed an American ally and 7 kids. Oops.
  • Milley Vanilli thereby admits to killing more people than Jack the Ripper. Look it up. Oops.
  • Nobody - not a single person - in the military has been disciplined for being a greater mass murderer than Jack the Ripper.
  • The military did, however, arrest and place into solitary confinement a Marine Lt. Colonel with 17 years experience and who was deeply involved in the botched, incompetent, dreadful embarrassing surrender in Afghanistan and who ...
  • Okay, the guy arrested and placed in solitary confinement. Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, had nothing to do with the disgustingly botched and loathesome surrender in Afghanistan, but he did order a missile be fired at 10 innocent civilians, including 7 children so I mean ...
  • Okay, he also had nothing to do with that either but he did engage in the horrible crime of ... pointing out that the blitheringly incompetent and stupid military leadership had completely failed to acknowledge their absolute incompetence in the Afghan withdrawal and none of the military leadership had accepted responsibility or punishment.
  • So murdering ten civilians, including seven kids, abandoning hundreds of American behind enemy lines, overseeing a surrender and retreat so botched a 3rd grader with Magic 8-Ball would have done a better job, standing around with a thumb up your *** while 13 American troops are killed due to this incompetence, no big deal. Who cares? We have lots of military and civilians to be killed, murdered, abandoned, left for dead. **** happens.
  • But pointing out that incomprehensible incompetence and stupidity? Game on, brother.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid agreed that tens of thousands of illegals are walking across the border every week.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testified that the illegals are asked if they want the vaccine, but if they say "No," that's fine-and-dandy and they are allowed into the country and then ferried around to other states and cities.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testifed that about 22% of the illegals "have some kind of illness" when let into the country.
  • Mayoraks the Stupid is surprised that the Chinese flu seems to be a problem in the filthy camps of illegals.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid is ready to fire hundreds of border patrol agents for firing a drone and killing 10 innocent ... sorry, mixed up the stories. He is firing border patrol agents who refuse to get the vaccine ...
  • That illegals can turn down without repercussion before being released into the United States.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show have no idea how many Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show denied entry into the United States of a private plane with more than 50 Americans and SIV passport holders, i.e., actual allies.
All of that in the past couple of weeks.

So Tibilo, go ahead and tell us again how "lucky" we are that Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show are in charge. Go ahead.
To be fair here, Insubordination is punishable under the UCMJ and the Lt. Col should be punished regardless of his "feelings" on the plan and execution of the withdrawal. He is a seasoned Officer in the United States Marine Corps and he knew better. He did this on purpose for fame/notoriety. Why else would he throw away a Pension and a career? It's not easy getting to the rank of Lt. Col and he just tossed it into the dumpster.
To be fair here, Insubordination is punishable under the UCMJ and the Lt. Col should be punished regardless of his "feelings" on the plan and execution of the withdrawal. He is a seasoned Officer in the United States Marine Corps and he knew better. He did this on purpose for fame/notoriety. Why else would he throw away a Pension and a career? It's not easy getting to the rank of Lt. Col and he just tossed it into the dumpster.
when will Milley be charged for the same and for treason?
not jumping at you, just saying...
when will Milley be charged for the same and for treason?
not jumping at you, just saying...
I agree 100%, there is a double standard and it's bullshit. I've written my Congressman who is a Veteran, I've met him face to face on three occasions, great man, He hasn't acknowledged my emails calling for him to be charged.
I can only imagine that Milley has a get out of jail free card that he is holding, I have no other explaination.
Badcat, Schelley resigned his commission and the Marines declined his resignation to continue to be able to order him not to talk about what he knows - no other reason. They can charge him with violating chain of command even after he resigns the commission.

Also, he is being held in solitary confinement. The charge does not even merit incarceration pending the hearing, let alone solitary confinement.

Milley, McKenzie, Austin, the rest of the drone-murdering Afghan botched withdrawal collection of child-killers? Nothing. Not a single charge.
I agree 100%, there is a double standard and it's bullshit. I've written my Congressman who is a Veteran, I've met him face to face on three occasions, great man, He hasn't acknowledged my emails calling for him to be charged.
I did the same with my Senators and our Rep. Crickets so far.

Course, I was a bit of an *******. I asked if they (as elected representatives of Montana) believed that people like them and Milley, as an official and important person should not be subject to the same laws and rules as the peasantry.
The answer is of course Miley was part of a coup d’état and our current executive branch of government is completely illegitimate. But we are all still too well fed and have too many entertainments to distract us to do anything about it. George Washington would have troops in the field by now but we are not the same type of men that made up George Washington’s generation.
The answer is of course Miley was part of a coup d’état and our current executive branch of government is completely illegitimate. But we are all still too well fed and have too many entertainments to distract us to do anything about it. George Washington would have troops in the field by now but we are not the same type of men that made up George Washington’s generation.

If you're looking for the definition of insanity, just peruse posts like this one on the board. Absolutely, off-the-reservation nutso.
If you're looking for the definition of insanity, just peruse posts like this one on the board. Absolutely, off-the-reservation nutso.
No my distant friend it isn't. That is the tragedy. If you were here you might see it but you aren't and you don't. We are not Australia yet but it is what they want.
If you're looking for the definition of insanity, just peruse posts like this one on the board. Absolutely, off-the-reservation nutso.
Yeah F-curves don't lie and the 70,000 fraudulent votes found in Maricopa AZ don't mean anything. Clear evidence of a stolen election staring you in the face that you pretend isn't there but you say I am nuts. Get the **** out of here with that bullshit Tiborat.
No my distant friend it isn't. That is the tragedy. If you were here you might see it but you aren't and you don't. We are not Australia yet but it is what they want.

Keep telling yourself I'm not here, and that I'm out of touch with what is happening in America. If that comforts you in any way.

If you think I'm such an outlier, so wildly out of touch with America, why did Biden/Harris garner 81M+ votes last election?

I'm a left-leaning Democrat who holds a fair share of conservative values. Why does that upset you in such a visceral manner?
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Keep telling yourself I'm not here, and that I'm out of touch with what is happening in America. If that comforts you in any way.
It doesn't, but you are because you obviously are either not following what is really happening or sadly have become way too partisan to care.
Luckily we have two Democrats with at least a little sanity but if you watch what the left is doing to their own it should tell you all you need to know about the left. It isn't just a right left issue Tibs, it is a corrupt establishment that doesn't give a **** about the true ideals of this Country. Many on the so called right are just as guilty.
All of you are knuckle dragging cretins. You need a dose of the truth.....

Trump colluded with Russians. men can have babies, white supremacy is our greatest threat, and Michael Avenatti is an American hero. If you say otherwise, you need to be censored by your Silicon Valley overlords.
All of you are knuckle dragging cretins. You need a dose of the truth.....

Trump colluded with Russians. men can have babies, white supremacy is our greatest threat, and Michael Avenatti is an American hero. If you say otherwise, you need to be censored by your Silicon Valley overlords.
Funny thing about that Russia Russia Russia mantra Tiborat kept spouting, I asked him where the illegal Russian votes were and he never answered. Now we point to the 70,000 real illegal votes done by DNC operatives and he ignores it.
If you think I'm such an outlier, so wildly out of touch with America, why did Biden/Harris garner 81M+ votes last election?

Funny thing about that Russia Russia Russia mantra Tiborat kept spouting, I asked him where the illegal Russian votes were and he never answered. Now we point to the 70,000 real illegal votes done by DNC operatives and he ignores it.
Also odd that Biden halted our pipelines and lifted restrictions on Putin's just after he took his first piss in the White House. Sure am glad Putin's puppet was sent back to Florida where he belongs and great patriots once again are in charge.
Keep telling yourself I'm not here, and that I'm out of touch with what is happening in America. If that comforts you in any way.

If you think I'm such an outlier, so wildly out of touch with America, why did Biden/Harris garner 81M+ votes last election?

I'm a left-leaning Democrat who holds a fair share of conservative values. Why does that upset you in such a visceral manner?
When was the last time you went to a fast food restaurant in the States and waited about 30 minutes for a burger because of a labor shortage?

It's really interesting how entry level employees would rather sit at home and get a government check than work....Not sure what that is called over there but from what I learned in school it's communism.

Are there labor shortages and illegal immigrants pouring into your current home country of Hungary?
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Nobody has to tell themself that. Freeloading little foreigner.
He's not a foreigner....He's a patriot, living in a foreign land. We should all be indebted to Tibor for leading us out of this decadent swamp and showing us the light of liberty from very very far away.
In a galaxy, far far away...
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In a galaxy, far far away...

Seeing that flag wave so majestically just makes me hungry,,,, for Italian food....I can't explain it.... I'm like damn,,,what I wouldn't give for a big dish of baked lasagna.... Especially if it was made in Hungary....the best place on Earth. Where the greatest deportees go to live.
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Biden's idiocy, incompetence and corruption are so profound, so overwhelming that it is almost impossible to keep pace with the new revelations about just how dirty and stupid he and his quisling followers are. Let's go over just a FEW recent events of note:
  • Mark Milley Vanilli testified before the Senate yesterday and confirmed that he did indeed call a Chinese general in early January of 2021 and promised to "alert" him if the United States planned any military action against China.
  • Milley Vanilli confirmed in his testimony that he had NOT received authorization for this call from either President Trump or the Secy of Defense, Chris Miller.
  • Both Miller and President Trump confirm they had no knowledge of this now-confirmed call and would not have allowed Milley Vanilli to make such call.
  • Milley Vanilli admits that the claimed tremendous "over the horizon" victory in the form of sending a missile at an ISIS-K bomb maker actually killed an American ally and 7 kids. Oops.
  • Milley Vanilli thereby admits to killing more people than Jack the Ripper. Look it up. Oops.
  • Nobody - not a single person - in the military has been disciplined for being a greater mass murderer than Jack the Ripper.
  • The military did, however, arrest and place into solitary confinement a Marine Lt. Colonel with 17 years experience and who was deeply involved in the botched, incompetent, dreadful embarrassing surrender in Afghanistan and who ...
  • Okay, the guy arrested and placed in solitary confinement. Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, had nothing to do with the disgustingly botched and loathesome surrender in Afghanistan, but he did order a missile be fired at 10 innocent civilians, including 7 children so I mean ...
  • Okay, he also had nothing to do with that either but he did engage in the horrible crime of ... pointing out that the blitheringly incompetent and stupid military leadership had completely failed to acknowledge their absolute incompetence in the Afghan withdrawal and none of the military leadership had accepted responsibility or punishment.
  • So murdering ten civilians, including seven kids, abandoning hundreds of American behind enemy lines, overseeing a surrender and retreat so botched a 3rd grader with Magic 8-Ball would have done a better job, standing around with a thumb up your *** while 13 American troops are killed due to this incompetence, no big deal. Who cares? We have lots of military and civilians to be killed, murdered, abandoned, left for dead. **** happens.
  • But pointing out that incomprehensible incompetence and stupidity? Game on, brother.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid agreed that tens of thousands of illegals are walking across the border every week.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testified that the illegals are asked if they want the vaccine, but if they say "No," that's fine-and-dandy and they are allowed into the country and then ferried around to other states and cities.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid testifed that about 22% of the illegals "have some kind of illness" when let into the country.
  • Mayoraks the Stupid is surprised that the Chinese flu seems to be a problem in the filthy camps of illegals.
  • Mayorkas the Stupid is ready to fire hundreds of border patrol agents for firing a drone and killing 10 innocent ... sorry, mixed up the stories. He is firing border patrol agents who refuse to get the vaccine ...
  • That illegals can turn down without repercussion before being released into the United States.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show have no idea how many Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan.
  • Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show denied entry into the United States of a private plane with more than 50 Americans and SIV passport holders, i.e., actual allies.
All of that in the past couple of weeks.

So Tibilo, go ahead and tell us again how "lucky" we are that Sloppy Joe and the Clown Show are in charge. Go ahead.
Don’t you know it’s true. Oh oh oh I need you.

Know what else has a similar theme? Milley vanilli were frauds like biden.
Democrats will not admit the mess ups. Yet if the shoe were on the other foot