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Al Gore ... an inconvenient truth to his lies.


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Al weeps for humanity, convinced that CO2 emissions, largely from energy production, are destroying our planet.

So he walks the walk, right? Yeah, not so much:

Former Vice President Al Gore’s 10,070-square-foot estate near Nashville, Tennessee, expended more than 21 times more energy than the average U.S. household over the past year, according to a new report.

A report by the National Center for Public Policy Research — self-described as a nonpartisan, independent conservative think tank — said that according to data obtained from the Nashville Electric Service (NES), a public electric company that powers Mr. Gore’s home and most of Nashville, the 20-room mansion in upscale Belle Meade used 230,889 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity during the past 12 months.

That’s roughly 21.4 times more than the 10,812 kWh a year used up by the typical American household, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The report, first picked up by The Daily Caller, adds that in September 2016 alone, Mr. Gore’s estate “guzzled 30,993 kWh of electricity — an amount more than 34 times the national monthly average.”

“With an average consumption of 22.9 kWh per square foot over the past year, Gore’s home classifies as an ‘energy hog’ under standards developed by Energy Vanguard — a company specializing in energy efficiency methods,” the report said.

The report also claimed that the 33 solar panels installed on Mr. Gore’s home produced only 5.7 percent of the energy his home consumed in the past year. He gets most of his electricity from NES, which is largely derived from coal, nuclear power and natural gas, the report said.


What's good for thee (the plebes, the useless non-elite *******, the non-politicians) but not for me (the elite, the leaders, the elected).

It only matters if we ALL do it after a LAW that tells us to and has enough loopholes for rich people and their mansions to exploit. That's what liberal lawmakers want on everything.
**** Al Gore. The man is a *****.

Gore is a fraud.

Whaaaaaaaaat? The man is trying to save the planet?

While keeping his 10,000 square foot home at 65 in the summer, and his pool at 80 in the winter, while scooting across the globe in private jets to wag his finger at the ignorant unwashed.

Oh, and while diddling the help, of course.
I really don't understand the tolerance for the cognitive dissonance that intelligent liberals deal with on this issue.
I really don't understand the tolerance for the cognitive dissonance that intelligent liberals deal with on this issue.

That's because you're duuuuuuumb.

And elftard is a genius. Ask him. Her. It. Bradley-Chelsea. He-She-It-Xe will tell you.
Gore is a pathetic grifter. May they fade away in irrelevance. MAGA.
Gore is such a lying douche. He said in his first film that lower Manhattan would be under water permanently because the sea level would rise from a melting Greenland an Antarctica. Now he is saying that he predicted that the combination of rising sea levels and a passing storm causing the flood proves what he said.
Gore is such a lying douche. He said in his first film that lower Manhattan would be under water permanently because the sea level would rise from a melting Greenland an Antarctica. Now he is saying that he predicted that the combination of rising sea levels and a passing storm causing the flood proves what he said.

Hey, he needs the $$ from his green scams.

His electric bill is YUUUUUUGE.
Our neighbors are retired, extremely well off, and staunch democrats. The couple times I have been over there I get to hear about the plight of our country, the climate and the gap between the rich and the poor. The guy is totally onboard with the green movement. The funny thing is, they leave their AC running all the time so it's like a refrigerator in their house and during the winter I also hear the heat pump running non stop so its probably hot as hell in there. He also has a souped up Mercedes that he roars down the street in.

So this guy who comments about the gap between the rich and the poor and the climate sure talks the talk but doesn't come close to walking the walk... He probably expects everyone else to sacrifice and live up to his expectations.
Our neighbors are retired, extremely well off, and staunch democrats. The couple times I have been over there I get to hear about the plight of our country, the climate and the gap between the rich and the poor. The guy is totally onboard with the green movement. The funny thing is, they leave their AC running all the time so it's like a refrigerator in their house and during the winter I also hear the heat pump running non stop so its probably hot as hell in there. He also has a souped up Mercedes that he roars down the street in.

So this guy who comments about the gap between the rich and the poor and the climate sure talks the talk but doesn't come close to walking the walk... He probably expects everyone else to sacrifice and live up to his expectations.

He's learned from the leaders of the movement. They do the same thing so naturally being another elite, the rules don't apply to him just like they don't apply to the Al Gore's. Those rules are for the peasants only.
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I think it would be particularly interesting to cross reference his usage from the year to the amount of actual time he was at the mansion.

I would bet that he wasn't there more than 1/2 the time. Which means his usage is even more egregious!
I think it would be particularly interesting to cross reference his usage from the year to the amount of actual time he was at the mansion.

I would bet that he wasn't there more than 1/2 the time. Which means his usage is even more egregious!

Planetist. Algore is important. So shut off your ******* computer, and television, and lights, and washer, and dryer and have 20 of your neighbors do the same so Big Al can power his energy hog.

Because unlike you right-wing planetists, Algore matters.
I'm with wig, he more than likely doesn't spend a whole lotta time in that mansion so that exacerbates the numbers quite a bit.

Gore gave a speech in Sweden on his hoax. He left his car running for over an hour while he was inside giving the speech. Can't have his car getting cold. That's for you peons.


Goddammit, how many times do I have to repeat this ****??

Algore matters. He is a hero, saving the earth. Thus, 22 families should die in snow so that he can keep his house crisply-cold in the summer, toasty-warm in the winter, keep his pool at an extraordinarily comfortable temperature no matter the season, and no matter if he is home, and keep a car idling for an hour to make sure it is comfy when he finishes his speech about what ******* ENERGY HOGS YOU UNWASHED ******* ARE!!

Funny how elftard is pleasantly silent in this thread. Guess xe is too busy gargling on Algore's baby-batter to comment.

Swallow away, elftard, you miserable ****.
This is just so weird. When they stopped tampering with the data, the temperatures drop. I think I see the cause & effect relationship - when weather data is tampered with, it always rises.



Recorded temperatures at the Bureau* of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for *purpose”.

A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immed*iate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C *vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh* Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replace*d.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review.

“The findings of a review into this matter will be made available after completion,” a BoM repre*sentative said. “We do not intend to publish detail prior to that.

“The AWS program is part of the observing systems and operations program, separate from the climate areas.”

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording* devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct* temperature, this temp*erature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”

Mr Frydenberg rejected any suggestion that he had prior knowledge of smart cards or the cause of problems which made the stations not fit for purpose. He said he only learnt of the issue with the weather station readings when it was raised by The Australian.
The Climatards are no different from the Trump & Russia Chicken Little warped *****.
This is just so weird. When they stopped tampering with the data, the temperatures drop. I think I see the cause & effect relationship - when weather data is tampered with, it always rises.



Recorded temperatures at the Bureau* of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for *purpose”.

A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immed*iate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C *vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh* Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replace*d.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review.

“The findings of a review into this matter will be made available after completion,” a BoM repre*sentative said. “We do not intend to publish detail prior to that.

“The AWS program is part of the observing systems and operations program, separate from the climate areas.”

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording* devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct* temperature, this temp*erature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”

Mr Frydenberg rejected any suggestion that he had prior knowledge of smart cards or the cause of problems which made the stations not fit for purpose. He said he only learnt of the issue with the weather station readings when it was raised by The Australian.

I also see a cause and effect relationship. It's between a CONservative "think tank"(CFACT) and its two primary donors: Exxon Mobile and the Koch Bros..............

Funny how Trumptards can see "fake news" everywhere, now that it's really fake, and right under their nose they are blind to it.
Funny how ...

Stupid lazy ***** fails to call out energy hog and finger-wagger, Algore, a lying, self-serving scumbag.

Uses enough energy in one month to power three average American households for a year???


Nothing to see here, nothing to see.