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All of Elfie's bullshit in one convenient thread


Oct 26, 2014
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It's officially over for your boy now CONservatives, yeah, yeah, he's survived all the other crap...he won't survive this. Turn out the lights.........the Repugnican party is over.


Tape reveals Trump bragging about kissing and groping women


The New York Times News Service

Published Friday, Oct. 07, 2016 5:45PM EDT

Last updated Friday, Oct. 07, 2016 11:22PM EDT

Some select paragraphs chosen by elf for their juiciness, enjoy.

Using extraordinarily vulgar language, Donald Trump boasted in a 2005 conversation about pushing himself on women and kissing and groping them, remarks that were caught on a live microphone and widely circulated on Friday.

The revelation left the Republican Party shocked and reeling, and the House speaker abruptly withdrew Trump’s invitation to campaign alongside him on Saturday in Wisconsin.
Trump apologizes for lewd talk caught on tape in 2005 (Reuters)

During the exchange, with the television personality Billy Bush of the program “Access Hollywood,” Trump recalls how he once pursued a married woman and “moved on her like a *****, but I couldn’t get there,” expressing regret that they did not have sex. But he brags of a special status with women: Because he was “a star,” he said, he could “grab them by the *****” whenever he wanted.

“You can do anything,” Trump says.

But Trump’s remarks seemed more troubling than boys-will-be-boys banter. He said he was compulsively drawn to kissing beautiful women “like a magnet” — “I don’t even wait” — and talked about plotting to seduce the married woman by taking her furniture shopping. Trump, who was 59 at the time, went on to disparage the woman, whom he did not name, saying, “I did try and **** her. She was married,” and, “She’s now got the big phony **** and everything.”

Trump’s behavior has at times startled and unnerved women in his life, from employees at his company to the contestants in his beauty pageants, The New York Times found after interviewing dozens of them for an article in May. They described unwanted romantic advances and unending commentary on the female form.

Temple Taggart, Miss Utah in 1997, was uncomfortable with how forward Trump was with young contestants like her in his first year as the owner of Miss USA, a branch of the beauty pageant organization. As she recalls it, he introduced himself in an unusually intimate manner.

“He kissed me directly on the lips. I thought, ‘Oh, my God. Gross.’ He was married to Marla Maples at the time,” she said. “I think there were a few other girls that he kissed on the mouth. I was like, “Wow, that’s inappropriate.”

he video of Trump talking to Bush was filmed as they sat on a bus on the set of a soap opera where Trump was making a cameo appearance. The conversation was recorded after he had married Melania Trump, his third and current wife. At one point, the conversation in the video was interrupted when an actress arrived to take Trump and Bush to the set. Trump appeared to become aroused by her arrival.

“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Trump says. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

When Bush suggests that the actress, Arianne Zucker, give Trump “a little hug,” Trump adds that “Melania said this was OK.”

Melania Trump was pregnant at the time that Trump’s remarks were filmed in mid-September 2005; their son, Barron, was born the next March.

What a SCUMBAG no wonder so many of the misogynists here love him so much; birds of a feather..................
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Man I haven't read anything about this!! Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention
Man I haven't read anything about this!! Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention

No problem. It will be interesting watching the S.N. CONservative spin machine at full speed trying to excuse this.
Mods, can you kill this thread. It's being discussed ad nausea in the Trump thread. No need for duplicate threads on the same topic.
No problem. It will be interesting watching the S.N. CONservative spin machine at full speed trying to excuse this.

He should get the same pass Bill's gotten for countless sexual assaults and rapes, worse crimes. Nothing more to say.
He should get the same pass Bill's gotten for countless sexual assaults and rapes, worse crimes. Nothing more to say.

Really when was Bill Clinton convicted of S.A. or rape?

Here we have Trump TELLING US how he treats women.

And don't even try the next thing you're thinking(rumors and right wing smears on B. Clinton) because I'll just counter with the question; " Do you think Ben Roethlisberger is guilty of S.A. or rape?

Go ahead make my day......
Really when was Bill Clinton convicted of S.A. or rape?

Here we have Trump TELLING US how he treats women.

And don't even try the next thing you're thinking(rumors and right wing smears on B. Clinton) because I'll just counter with the question; " Do you think Ben Roethlisberger is guilty of S.A. or rape?

Go ahead make my day......

As they say "talk is cheap."
My, my, quite presidential........

<iframe title="New York Times Video - Embed Player" width="480" height="321" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" id="nyt_video_player" src="https://static01.nyt.com/video/players/offsite/index.html?videoId=100000004698018"></iframe>
Hello Elfie. Welcome to 2 days ago. Try to keep up.
sometimes I think my sarcasm is lost on this sight
Really when was Bill Clinton convicted of S.A. or rape?

When was Trump convicted of sexual assault or rape? Bingo. We have six women who've said Bill raped them or sexually assaulted them. We have half of those who've stated they were threatened or humiliated by the sexual assaulter's wife - Hillary. Bill was impeached for his sexual misconduct. Federal suit was filed against Clinton for sexually assaulting a woman.

And Trump? He made lewd comments. Explain the moral equivalence. I await. Your outrage over those despicable Clintons and their mistreatment and destruction of women is noticeably absent. But words matter. Actions do not. RICH.
When was Trump convicted of sexual assault or rape? Bingo. We have six women who've said Bill raped them or sexually assaulted them. We have half of those who've stated they were threatened or humiliated by the sexual assaulter's wife - Hillary. Bill was impeached for his sexual misconduct. Federal suit was filed against Clinton for sexually assaulting a woman.

And Trump? He made lewd comments. Explain the moral equivalence. I await. Your outrage over those despicable Clintons and their mistreatment and destruction of women is noticeably absent. But words matter. Actions do not. RICH.

So then you believe Ben raped two women right? You have to, according to the criteria you've laid out , but you don't of course.

Clinton was impeached for lying about consensual sex. Trump has been accused(that's all that's required right?) by pageant contestants of tonguing them.

Bill Clinton has destroyed no one, they crawled out of the woodwork when they smelled money....just like t
hey did with Ben right?
That's right elfie convenient.

Funny how all of a sudden democRATS are brimming with sexual morality and virtue.

Yes but nowhere near the type CONservatives possess. You know the kind where they love Trump because he's not a liar like Hillar
y, he's an outsider who "keeps it real". Of course now that he's "keeping it real" about what he thinks of women and how he assaults them NOW HE"S LYING according to his defenders on this board. He's just exaggerating......you know NOT "keeping it real"

Convenient indeed.........

Bill Clinton was impeached for what your ilk want to OVERLOOK in Trump....

Truly convenient................lol you can't make it up.
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Hillary stepped in it big time, she's finished - bring in all of Slick Willy's victims

Bill Clinton Took Twice As Many Flights On ‘Pedophile Island’ Billionaire’s ‘Lolita Express’ Than Previously Reported

Jeffrey Epstein, the “billionaire pedophile” who was accused of keeping under aged girls as sex slaves on his private island, was long known to be friendly with former President Bill Clinton. The extent of that relationship, however, has never been made clear. But new records indicate the former leader of the free world was much cozier with Epstein than originally known.

Records show that Clinton “was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the ‘Lolita Express’ — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.”

Official flight logs filed with the Federal Aviation Administration show Clinton traveled on some of the trips with as many as 10 U.S. Secret Service agents. However, on a five-leg Asia trip between May 22 and May 25, 2002, not a single Secret Service agent is listed. The U.S. Secret Service has declined to answer multiple Freedom of Information Act requests


Uncle Billy says "sit on my lap little girl, you sure got a purty mouth"




Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Told Me 'Hillary Had Eaten More ***** Than He Had'

Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they'd be together now if it wasn't for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual.

Flowers's 12-year affair with Bill Clinton was exposed in 1992 during his presidential campaign. She bitterly regrets rejecting him when he last begged to see her and says he's the 'love of her life'

Bill told her Hillary was 'bisexual' and that he had 'no problem with that'


Bill Clinton is scum and everybody knows it. Hilarious how you libs try to rationalize and minimize his behavior while acting shocked and appalled by Trump's words. He and Trump are two peas in a pod. They've probably been out whoring around together many times.
Bill Clinton is scum and everybody knows it. Hilarious how you libs try to rationalize and minimize his behavior while acting shocked and appalled by Trump's words. He and Trump are two peas in a pod. They've probably been out whoring around together many times.
Last I checked, Bill isn't running for president.
Last I checked, Bill isn't running for president.

True but the current Democrat nominee for President tolerates it because it gives her access to money and power.
Last I checked, Bill isn't running for president.

He will be living in the White House, and to suggest he will not have an enormous influence, and power, over the Executive Branch, is just plain foolish. And you can be rest assured, based upon recent experience, influence will be up for sale. That is far more dangerous for this country than some 11 year old guy talk. Can we please keep some perspective here.
haha ..............and........nobody cares!

Last gasp desperate attempt by the Dems to save Hillary's failing campaign goes down in flames!

Poll: GOP voters standing behind Trump after lewd comments

A new poll shows a large majority of Republican voters is standing behind Donald Trump

Almost three-quarters of Republicans, 74 percent, said GOP leaders should still back Trump, according to a Politico/Morning Consult poll released Sunday morning.

So then you believe Ben raped two women right? You have to, according to the criteria you've laid out , but you don't of course.

Clinton was impeached for lying about consensual sex. Trump has been accused(that's all that's required right?) by pageant contestants of tonguing them.

Bill Clinton has destroyed no one, they crawled out of the woodwork when they smelled money....just like t
hey did with Ben right?

Clinton was taken to FEDERAL court for sexual assault.

You Liberals will scream and cry when some girl at a University claims she was raped. You will believe.

So convenient how now you change gears. SIX women say Bill Clinton raped them. One took it to Federal court.

Yeah, he's 50,000 times worse than Trump, and his hideous wife who enables his sexual antics is just as bad. She destroys the women after Bill rapes them. What GREAT leaders for the free world.

They are vile human beings.