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All of Elfie's bullshit in one convenient thread

Last I checked, Bill isn't running for president.

You're absolutely right... but pointing out the hypocrisy is fair game.
You're absolutely right... but pointing out the hypocrisy is fair game.

Yup, then Tibs & crew made apologies for the Clintons, told conservatives they were wearing tin foil hats, etc.

Now, the outrage!
I think it's fair to say that the kind of language that Trump exhibited IS "locker room banter" -- for 13 year-olds. It's something that's inherently a part of growing up -- for both boys AND girls. You hope that they grow out of it, and it's certainly not something you want to hear from a candidate for President.

To claim outrage as if it's something that's just NOT done is disingenuous.

And if misogyny is grounds for disqualification for public office... we need a wholesale overturn in Washington.
It's officially over for your boy now CONservatives, yeah, yeah, he's survived all the other crap...he won't survive this. Turn out the lights.........the Repugnican party is over.

His statements were reprehensible. Stupid. Idiotic. Self-serving, asinine, imbecilic and deserving of reprobation.

So I am sure you were equally harsh with Bill Clinton, who ACTUALLY fondled, groped and raped women and paid $900,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Last I checked, Bill isn't running for president.

Hillary Clinton this week said she would put her husband “in charge of revitalizing the economy,” especially in economically depressed areas, leading many to wonder what shape the former president’s role would take.

Ironically, Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s administration provides the best precedent for what the former president’s job might look like.

“I have asked, actually, to be given the job of trying to help every part of the United States that has been left out and left behind economically,” Bill Clinton said while campaigning for his wife in Puerto Rico Tuesday. “And I think it is very, very important.”

I'll take a sexist pig, over a blatant criminal any day. Call the Benghazi thing, or the email dump, or the foundation they have which directly caused pain to millions of people that lined her pockets....she is a crook. I'll take the pig.
Trump campaign wanted Bill Clinton rape accusers to face-off with the former president

Giuliani “We were going to put the four women in the VIP box, we had it all set. We wanted to have them shake hands with Bill, to see if Bill would shake hands with them.”

But Giuliani said Debate Commission Co-Chair Frank Fahrenkopf told him security would throw the women out.

“The women were outraged,” Giuliani said. “They were in the holding room and ready to go. No one was pushing them. They volunteered. But I knew the minute we got pushback that we had gotten into their heads. [Hillary Clinton] was rattled. They were rattled.”



Last I checked, Bill isn't running for president.

The woman who enabled and covered for him by attacking his victims is running though.

You would never hear little limpdicks like Kasich or Bernie talking about Hillary this way!

Trump raises Chappaquiddick in anti-Clinton tirade

Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump called Bill Clinton a “predator” and accused Hillary Clinton of making it “possible for him to take advantage of even more women.”

“Bill Clinton was the worst abuser of women ever to sit in the Oval Office,” Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said. “

"He was a predator. Hillary Clinton systematically attacked and discredited the victims of Bill Clinton’s sexual harassment and assault.”

“For decades, Hillary Clinton has been deeply familiar with her husband’s predatory behavior and instead of trying to stop it, she made it possible for him to take advantage of even more women,” Trump continued. “She put even more women in harms way. Then she says she loves women. … She’s a total hypocrite.”

“The hypocrites in the media don’t want to talk about what Hillary Clinton has done to these victims,” Trump said. “They don’t want to talk about what their political heroes have done to other women. People like Kennedy, Chappaquiddick — we remember that.”


BWAhahaha - the Dems drunken murdering hero Teddy too!




You would never hear little limpdicks like Kasich or Bernie talking about Hillary this way!

Trump raises Chappaquiddick in anti-Clinton tirade

Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump called Bill Clinton a “predator” and accused Hillary Clinton of making it “possible for him to take advantage of even more women.”

“Bill Clinton was the worst abuser of women ever to sit in the Oval Office,” Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said. “

"He was a predator. Hillary Clinton systematically attacked and discredited the victims of Bill Clinton’s sexual harassment and assault.”

“For decades, Hillary Clinton has been deeply familiar with her husband’s predatory behavior and instead of trying to stop it, she made it possible for him to take advantage of even more women,” Trump continued. “She put even more women in harms way. Then she says she loves women. … She’s a total hypocrite.”

“The hypocrites in the media don’t want to talk about what Hillary Clinton has done to these victims,” Trump said. “They don’t want to talk about what their political heroes have done to other women. People like Kennedy, Chappaquiddick — we remember that.”


BWAhahaha - the Dems drunken murdering hero Teddy too!



I was there for that. Just up the road from me.
I hate the fact that Trump made those comments. I hate the defense of it more, that everyone does it. Bullshit. I am by no means a saint, but dammit, I don't talk that way now or when I was in the locker room. If my Dad ever caught me talking like that he would've punched me right in the mouth, which is what we may need more of if this is so prevalent.

That being said, for people to have this outrage is so hypocritical. The daily stream of depravity we watch on TV or in movies or listen to in music without any objection shouldn't allow for indignation. I am as guilty as anyone, so what right do I have to be outraged?
Really when was Bill Clinton convicted of S.A. or rape?

Here we have Trump TELLING US how he treats women.

And don't even try the next thing you're thinking(rumors and right wing smears on B. Clinton) because I'll just counter with the question; " Do you think Ben Roethlisberger is guilty of S.A. or rape?

Go ahead make my day......

I'm sorry but did Ben pay 850.000 to a woman for anything he did sexually? I didn't ******* think so, your turn...
It makes me chuckle to see so many people defending these two chumps. They represent the worst of America and here we are that we are stuck with them as our choices. One is worse than the other. You cannot defend one and lambaste the other. It's really pointless. Both are scum, elitist, bullies, liars and power hungry. When this election is FINALLY all said and done, I will cringe whomever gets the nod. Whoever it is, it's going to be four long years of hanging on for dear life. Basically, what we have done the past eight years. I honestly don't see many of the major issues getting much better, either. The sides are so far apart, no amount of Duct Tape is going to mend the differences. The future scares me. . .
Donald Trump: Racist, Sexist, Religious bigot.... go ahead and add Pedophile to that

If all it takes are allegations when it comes to President Bill Clinton being a rapist on this board, then Trump is a pedophile right?

Once again though, Bill Clinton is not running for president. Trump is.


Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored
06/29/2016 01:17 pm ET | Updated Sep 29, 2016

An anonymous “Jane Doe” filed a federal lawsuit against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump last week, accusing him of raping her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old. The mainstream media ignored the filing.

If the Bill Cosby case has taught us anything, it is to not disregard rape cases against famous men. Serious journalists have publicly apologized for turning a blind eye to the Cosby accusers for over a decade, notwithstanding the large number of women who had come forward with credible claims. And now history is repeating itself.

In covering a story, a media outlet is not finding guilt. It is simply reporting the news that a lawsuit has been filed against Mr. Trump, and ideally putting the complaint in context. Unproven allegations are just that - unproven, and should be identified that way. (Mr. Trump’s lawyer says the charges are “categorically untrue, completely fabricated and politically motivated.”) Proof comes later, at trial. But the November election will come well before any trial. And while Mr. Trump is presumed innocent, we are permitted - no, we are obligated — to analyze the case’s viability now.

No outsider can say whether Mr. Trump is innocent or guilty of these new rape charges. But we can look at his record, analyze the court filings here, and make a determination as to credibility - whether the allegations are believable enough for us to take them seriously and investigate them, keeping in mind his denial and reporting new facts as they develop.

I have done that. And the answer is a clear “yes.” These allegations are credible. They ought not be ignored. Mainstream media, I’m looking at you.

1. Consider the Context: Mr. Trump’s Overt, Even Proud Misogyny

The rape case must be viewed through the lens of Mr. Trump’s current, longstanding and well documented contempt for women. Men who objectify women are more likely to become perpetrators of sexual violence, just as one with a long history of overtly racist comments is more likely to commit a hate crime.

Mr. Trump has relished calling women “dogs,” “slobs” and “pigs,” and cyberstalked and derided journalist Megyn Kelly for having the temerity to ask him to defend his own words. He threw out the most misogynist of attacks, attempting to undermine her professionalism by accusing her of menstruating. He’s cruelly ridiculed the appearance of a female opponent (Carly Fiorina) and an opponent’s wife (Heidi Cruz). His campaign even openly acknowledged that it disqualified all women for consideration as his vice-president.

Mr. Trump has a long history of debasing women he’s worked with, crossing the line on a regular basis. He’s taken lifelong joy in objectifying women, including his proclamation: “Women, you have to treat ‘em like ****.”

This cannot be ignored. Decades of abusive language does not make him a rapist. But it does show us who the man is: a callous, meanspirited misogynist who no sane person would leave alone with her daughter. As Dr. Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.”

2. More context: two prior sexual assault court claims have been made against Mr. Trump

But Mr. Trump has been accused of worse than just misogynist language. Two prior women have accused Mr. Trump, in court documents, of actual or attempted sexual assault. (Mr. Trump denies all the allegations.)

Under oath, Ivana Trump accused Mr. Trump of a violent rape.

First was Ivana Trump, Donald Trump’s first wife, who said under oath in a 1989 deposition that he had violently attacked her, ripped out her hair and forcibly penetrated her without her consent. According to the Daily Beast, she claims he was wildly angry that she’d referred him to a cosmetic surgeon who had botched a “scalp reduction” job (to cover a bald spot) and caused pain in his scalp - hence the vindictive yanking on her hair. At the time Ms. Trump said she felt “violated” by the alleged “rape.”

A few years later, after their divorce was settled, Ms. Trump claimed that she did not mean the word “rape” in a “literal or criminal” sense.

Note: virtually every settlement of a case involving a high profile person paying money to a former spouse - or anyone - requires the person receiving the money to agree in writing to ironclad nondisparagement and confidentiality. In plain English: you promise to be quiet and not say anything bad about the party paying you money. This has been the case in hundreds of settlement agreements I have worked on over the years. Ms. Trump was almost certainly contractually prohibited after she signed from saying anything negative about Mr. Trump. And it is also common to attempt to “cure” prior negative statements with new agreed-to language - like, I didn’t mean it literally. (You didn’t mean forcible penetration literally?)

A business acquaintance accused Mr. Trump of sexual harassment and “attempted rape”.

A second woman accused Donald Trump of sexual assault, in 1997. According to The Guardian, then thirty-four year old Jill Harth alleged in a federal lawsuit that Trump violated her “physical and mental integrity” when he touched her intimately without consent after her husband went into business with him, leaving her “emotionally devastated [and] distraught.” The lawsuit called the multiple acts “attempted rape.” Shortly thereafter she voluntarily withdrew the case when a parallel suit against Mr. Trump brought by her husband was settled. When The Guardian reached the woman in 2016 to ask whether she stood by her sexual assault allegations, she responded, “yes.”

In a court filing, according to a report, Ms. Harth alleged that while she and her husband were trying to do a business deal with Mr. Trump regarding a beauty pageant, he repeatedly propositioned her for sex and groped her, culminating in this frightening alleged incident:

Trump forcefully removed (Harth) from public areas of Mar-A-Lago in Florida and forced (her) into a bedroom belonging to defendant’s daughter Ivanka, wherein (Trump) forcibly kissed, fondled, and restrained (her) from leaving, against (her) will and despite her protests.” In the court document, she said that Trump bragged that he ”would be the best lover you ever have.”

Recently Donald Trump issued a statement that women’s claims of sexual harassment, documented in a lengthy New York Times investigation which included Ms. Harth’s lawsuit, were “made up.”

Jill Harth responded angrily on Twitter last week: “My part was true. I didn’t talk. As usual you opened your big mouth.”

In other words, she is standing by her story.

3. The new Jane Doe child rape claim against Mr. Trump is consistent with verifiable facts about Mr. Trump and his friend Jeffrey Epstein, and has a powerful witness statement attached to it.

A third woman accused Mr. Trump of rape very recently. According to the Daily Mail, a woman filed an April 2016 lawsuit claiming that when she was thirteen years old she was held as a sex slave to Mr. Trump and his friend Jeffrey Epstein. The woman claimed to have a witness, “Tiffany Doe,” to the incidents. She filed the case in pro per, that is, without the assistance of a lawyer.

The case was dismissed by the court for technical filing errors. She then obtained a lawyer and the case was modified and refiled in New York federal court, against Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein.

I’ve carefully reviewed this federal complaint. It is now much stronger than the one she filed on her own, which makes sense because she now has an experienced litigator representing her. Jane Doe says that as a thirteen year old, she was enticed to attend parties at the home of Jeffrey Epstein with the promise of money modeling jobs. Mr. Epstein is a notorious “billionaire pedophile” who is now a Level 3 registered sex offender - the most dangerous kind, “a threat to public safety” — after being convicted of misconduct with another underage girl.

Jane Doe says that Mr. Trump “initiated sexual contact” with her on four occasions in 1994. Since she was thirteen at the time, consent is not an issue. If Mr. Trump had any type sexual contact with her in 1994, it was a crime.

On the fourth incident, she says Mr. Trump tied her to a bed and forcibly raped her, in a “savage sexual attack,” while she pleaded with him to stop. She says Mr. Trump violently struck her in the face. She says that afterward, if she ever revealed what he had done, Mr. Trump threatened that she and her family would be “physically harmed if not killed.” She says she has been in fear of him ever since.

New York’s five year statute of limitations on this claim - the legal deadline for filing — has long since run. However, Jane Doe’s attorney, Thomas Meagher, argues in his court filing that because she was threatened by Mr. Trump, she has been under duress all this time, and therefore she should be permitted additional time to come forward. Legally, this is calling “tolling” - stopping the clock, allowing more time to file the case. As a result, the complaint alleges, Jane Doe did not have “freedom of will to institute suit earlier in time.” He cites two New York cases which I have read and which do support tolling

Two unusual documents are attached to Jane Doe’s complaints - sworn declarations attesting to the facts. The first is from Jane Doe herself, telling her horrific story, including the allegation that Jeffrey Epstein also raped her and threatened her into silence, and this stunner:

Defendant Epstein then attempted to strike me about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed at me that he, Defendant Epstein, should have been the one who took my virginity, not Defendant Trump . . .

And this one:

Defendant Trump stated that I shouldn’t ever say anything if I didn’t want to disappear like Maria, a 12-year-old female that was forced to be involved in the third incident with Defendant Trump and that I had not seen since that third incident, and that he was capable of having my whole family killed.

The second declaration is even more astonishing, because it is signed by “Tiffany Doe”, Mr. Epstein’s “party planner” from 1991-2000. Tiffany Doe says that her duties were “to get attractive adolescent women to attend these parties.” (Adolescents are, legally, children.)

Tiffany Doe says that she recruited Jane Doe at the Port Authority in New York, persuaded her to attend Mr. Epstein’s parties, and actually witnessed the sexual assaults on Jane Doe:

I personally witnessed the Plaintiff being forced to perform various sexual acts with Donald J. Trump and Mr. Epstein. Both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein were advised that she was 13 years old.

It is exceedingly rare for a sexual assault victim to have a witness. But Tiffany Doe says:

I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop.

Tiffany Doe corroborates, based on her own personal observations, just about everything in Jane Doe’s complaint: that twelve year old Maria was involved in a sex act with Mr. Trump, that Mr. Trump threatened the life of Jane Doe if she ever revealed what happened, and that she would “disappear” like Maria if she did.

Tiffany Doe herself says that she is in mortal fear of Mr. Trump to this day:
I am coming forward to swear to the truthfulness of the physical and sexual abuse that I personally witnessed of minor females at the hands of Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein . . . I swear to these facts under the penalty for perjury even though I fully understand that the life of myself and my family is now in grave danger.

Given all this, and based on the record thus far, Jane Doe’s claims appear credible. Mr. Epstein’s own sexual crimes and parties with underage girls are well documented, as is Mr. Trump’s relationship with him two decades ago in New York City. Mr. Trump told a reporter a few years ago: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Powerfully, Jane Doe appears to have an eyewitness to all aspects of her claim, a witness who appears to have put herself in substantial danger by coming forward, because at a minimum Mr. Epstein knows her true identity.

Jane Doe has not granted any interviews, and we don’t know anything about her background, or Tiffany Doe’s, or the details of their stories. Much information needs to be revealed to fully assess this case. Perhaps they will be discredited on cross-examination. Perhaps they will recant. But if we’re going to speculate in that direction, we should speculate in the other direction as well. Perhaps Jane Doe and her lawyer will have more evidence and witnesses to corroborate her claim. Perhaps witnesses from Mr. Epstein’s notorious parties will come forward. We just can’t know any of that at this point.

But based on what we do know now, Jane Doe’s claims fall squarely into the long, ugly context of Mr. Trump’s life of misogyny, are consistent with prior sexual misconduct claims, are backed up by an eyewitness, and thus should be taken seriously. Her claims merit sober consideration and investigation.

We live in a world where wealthy, powerful men often use and abuse women and girls. While these allegations may shock some, as a lawyer who represents women in sexual abuse cases every day, I can tell you that sadly, they are common, as is an accuser’s desire to remain anonymous, and her terror in coming forward.

What do you call a nation that refuses to even look at sexual assault claims against a man seeking to lead the free world?

Rape culture.

We ignore the voices of women at our peril.
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Clinton was taken to FEDERAL court for sexual assault.

You Liberals will scream and cry when some girl at a University claims she was raped. You will believe.

So convenient how now you change gears. SIX women say Bill Clinton raped them. One took it to Federal court.

Yeah, he's 50,000 times worse than Trump, and his hideous wife who enables his sexual antics is just as bad. She destroys the women after Bill rapes them. What GREAT leaders for the free world.

They are vile human beings.

Once again Bill Clinton is not running......but the guy named Trump is, and guess what? He'll be in court in December over allegations that he raped a 13 YEAR OLD GIRL in the early 90's!

There are several women accusing Trump of assault. His own ex wife accused him of rape! The man is a POS beyond compare: misogynist, racist, intolerant of religious diversity.

Trump makes the Clintons look like angels.

The Paula Jones case was dismissed as having "no merit" by a Repugnican judge. The best thing that happened to Jones in her quest for easy money at the expense of a great man was the Lewinsky scandal breaking, and her appeal having weight thereafter. Bill Clinton settled so the story would go away as it was hurting his popularity.

The only thing B. Clinton is guilty of is cheating on his wife.
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His statements were reprehensible. Stupid. Idiotic. Self-serving, asinine, imbecilic and deserving of reprobation.

So I am sure you were equally harsh with Bill Clinton, who ACTUALLY fondled, groped and raped women and paid $900,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit.


Really? When was Clinton convicted of any of those things?
Hillary Clinton this week said she would put her husband “in charge of revitalizing the economy,” especially in economically depressed areas, leading many to wonder what shape the former president’s role would take.

Ironically, Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s administration provides the best precedent for what the former president’s job might look like.

“I have asked, actually, to be given the job of trying to help every part of the United States that has been left out and left behind economically,” Bill Clinton said while campaigning for his wife in Puerto Rico Tuesday. “And I think it is very, very important.”


You seem to have a comprehension problem. Where in that does it say he's going to be president?
Really? When was Clinton convicted of any of those things?

You really are an embarrassment.

Trump is not somebody I would vote for. I have said so for months.

Hillary Clinton is somebody you will vote for. That is all we need to know about the difference between you and me.
I'm sorry but did Ben pay 850.000 to a woman for anything he did sexually? I didn't ******* think so, your turn...

And you think paying out is an admission of guilt? Did you know the Jones case was thrown out by a Republican judge the first time around because it had no merit?
You really are an embarrassment.

Trump is not somebody I would vote for. I have said so for months.

Hillary Clinton is somebody you will vote for. That is all we need to know about the difference between you and me.

Absolutely. I am a progressive and as such I will vote for the person who will work for progressive issues. You think I care if Bill Clinton got a blowjob from some intern when the fate of the human race depends on what we do about climate change in the next few years?
The Donald Trump underage rape accusation explained

Mr Trump has repeatedly denied the allegation that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994

Samuel Osborne
13 hours ago


A judge has ordered a status conference hearing into a lawsuit submitted by a woman who claims Donald Trump raped her when she was 13-years-old in 1994.

Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams has ordered the hearing for 16 December in a New York court. She has asked for both sides to provide information to assist the Court in advancing the case to settlement or trial.
What does the lawsuit allege?

In the lawsuit the plaintiff, identifed by the pseudonym Jane Doe, alleges Mr Trump "initiated sexual contact" with her at four different parties when she was 13.

At the fourth encounter, she alleges he tied her to a bed "then proceeded to forcibly rape" her.

She says she was lured to the parties, held by billionaire-paedophile Jeffrey Epstein - who is also a defendant in the case - "by promises of money and a modeling career".
What is Donald Trump's response?

Mr Trump has repeatedly denied the allegations.

“As I have said before, the allegations are categorically untrue and an obvious publicity stunt aimed at smearing my client,” Alan Garten, Mr Trump’s attorney, told LawNewz.com.

“In the event we are actually served this time, we intend to move for sanctions for this frivolous filing.”
What evidence does the lawsuit present?

In the lawsuit a witness named as Tiffany Doe alleges she saw both Mr Trump and Epstein repeatedly rape the plaintiff.

The plaintiff's third filing of the lawsuit adds a third witness, referred to in court documents as Joan Doe, who says she can corroborate the accusations.

“In the 1994-95 school year, I was told by the plaintiff in Jane Doe v. Trump and Epstein (1:16-cv-04642, SDNY) that the plaintiff was subject to sexual contact by the Defendants at parties in New York City during the summer of 1994,” she said in a declaratoin, according to LawNewz.com.
Have any other sexual assault claims been made against Donald Trump?

Mr Trump's ex-wife Ivana previously accused him of "raping" her during their divorce in 1991 - though she later said it was not in "a literal or criminal sense".

She accused him of rape after he allegedly ripped her clothes off to have sex with her in a "violent assault".

Mr Trump denied the allegation and said it was "obviously false".

Another woman accused Mr Trump of sexual assault and attempted rape in 1997.

Jill Harth, 34, alleged in a federal lawsuit that Mr trump violated her "physical and mental integrity" by touching her intimately without her consent, according to The Guardian.

Ms Harth later voluntarily withdraw the lawsuit when a parallel case brought against Mr Trump by her husband, who had gone into business with him, was settled.

When The Guardian text her to ask whether she still stood by the allegations, she reportedly replied: "Yes."
What is the political significance of the claims?

In the second US presidential debate, Mr Trump raised rape allegations against former president Bill Clinton.

Following the backlash over his obscene comments about women, Mr Trump released a video apology to say: “I've never said I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not.

"I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more-than-a-decade-old video are one of them.

"Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologise."

He went on to say: “Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."
It's been over for a while, but now it's just getting really painful for CONservatives.
