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Americans need to behave - this is my platform


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Enough with the black guys making trouble and the other guys doing bad things. We all want to do the right things and make money and prepare for our families. Stop with the stupid things and be good people.
- President Arnold Schwarzenegger

I really believe that all it would take is a strong leader to calm this **** down. Arnold could do it.

Obama was in a unique position to do so, but that was not his agenda.
10 characters.
Strong leadership is key. Obamma is not a leader of any sort, let alone a strong leader. As John Maxwell says, "Everything rises and falls with Leadership".

With that said, look at the worst of the worst in this country - Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and the list can go on and on. They are all led and have been led by Liberal Democrats for decades. The Dems need to stop blaming old whitey and the GOP for these problems and they need to stop playing the race card. Hell, even in Wisconsin, a typically Democratic state, Walker has turned them around. The unions are the only ones left whining and complaining because he kicked their *****.

P.S. In 2014, most people killed by cops were white yet most crime in this country is committed by black people. So, where's the racism?
Certain cultures in this country are completely ******* dysfunctional,think they're owed something and extremely violent to themselves and others. It starts in the home. The family unit is busted and replaced with a government who tells them it's someone else fault their life is the way it is.
What about the worst of the worst states: Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana. Whose leading them?
What about the worst of the worst states: Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana. Whose leading them?

Correct me if I'm wrong and I've previously failed my civics courses, but Obama leads those states too, being the President of this Union. They are still a part of the 50 States, and he would be their ultimate, Federal leader, correct?

(yeah yeah you want to attack their Governor's, we get it. Keeping you on topic. No need to divert here. The state of States is always a mixture of Federal and State driven policies.)
What about the worst of the worst states: Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana. Whose leading them?

I live in SC , please explain to me what is wrong. Lived here all of my life. Raised a family of 6. Have a education and a great job. Life is good. We had a police brutality issue in Charleston. Cop shot a guy in the back, cop is in jail. No looting no rioting in the streets.
What about the worst of the worst states: Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana. Whose leading them?

Do you know anything about those states? Anything? What are they "worst" at and what demographic makes up the "worst" part of those states?
10 characters.

Agree completely. The problem is clearly Black People, as stated above. If we just didn't have so damn many Black People everything would be fine. Look at Ukraine. Hardly any Black people there at all and as a result it's all sugar plum fairies and happy feels over there.

You and Davenport have licked this problem. All we need now are about a million shuttle vans to pick them up in, and enough boats to ship them back home to Africa.

Maybe one of you bible thumper types could build them an ark.
Agree completely. The problem is clearly Black People, as stated above. If we just didn't have so damn many Black People everything would be fine. Look at Ukraine. Hardly any Black people there at all and as a result it's all sugar plum fairies and happy feels over there.

You and Davenport have licked this problem. All we need now are about a million shuttle vans to pick them up in, and enough boats to ship them back home to Africa.

Maybe one of you bible thumper types could build them an ark.
Steel No Comprehension Or Logic
Agree completely. The problem is clearly Black People, as stated above. If we just didn't have so damn many Black People everything would be fine. Look at Ukraine. Hardly any Black people there at all and as a result it's all sugar plum fairies and happy feels over there.

You and Davenport have licked this problem. All we need now are about a million shuttle vans to pick them up in, and enough boats to ship them back home to Africa.

Maybe one of you bible thumper types could build them an ark.

Yes, it is clearly racist to hold black people to white peoples' standard of behavior.
I think you're missing my sarcasm, but it is true that any criticism of black people by a white person is construed as racism.
Tell your people to try something new like graduate from high school, don't commit crimes, don't have kids until you get married, don't get married until you get a job (and if there are no jobs because Democrats have ****** up the job market like in Baltimore then move where you can get a job). Let me know how that works out. White people aren't perfect in that regard either but they do better. You can't blame everything on racism.
The lady who popped her son on TV was great, but she admits she's a single mom with 6 kids to 5 different fathers. She's part of the problem.
I'll use this example. My neighborhood is about 60/40 white/black. I've lived here for 25 years. My neighbors across the street are black and were already there. They have three sons and mom was expecting the youngest when I moved in. Deeply religious people, always been married, mom and dad both always worked, their kids are good and never got into trouble of any kind. One son is in the military and the other two have decent jobs locally. Mrs. Burgundy and I have been to plenty of weddings, funerals, and birthday parties where we where the only white people. Are my neighbors doing it right or are they a disgrace to the race for acting white and not keeping it real?
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Yes, it is clearly racist to hold black people to white peoples' standard of behavior.
I think you're missing my sarcasm, but it is true that any criticism of black people by a white person is construed as racism.
Tell your people to try something new like graduate from high school, don't commit crimes, don't have kids until you get married, don't get married until you get a job (and if there are no jobs because Democrats have ****** up the job market like in Baltimore then move where you can get a job). Let me know how that works out. White people aren't perfect in that regard either but they do better. You can't blame everything on racism.
The lady who popped her son on TV was great, but she admits she's a single mom with 6 kids to 5 different fathers. She's part of the problem.

Gawd I love the twisted thinking down here in Stormfront & Government.

1) This thread starts out by claiming "Black people" are causing trouble. Not only am I Black and not causing trouble, none of the Black people I know are either. It's the kind of gross over generalization that is fundamental to racist thinking.

2) I seem to remember quite a few instances of white kids raising hell and burning things after sporting events. I don't recall white people being called onto the carpet en masse and being held to account.

3) Fundamental to the racists argument is ignoring police violence against citizens. Because authoritarians such as those on this board see themselves as part of the power structure, and not the target of it, they fail to understand (intentionally fail, in my opinion) what it's like to be consistently and violently harassed by the government. Whether or not someone's mother is married, or father stayed home, or got an education has no bearing on the government violating people's personal freedom. Because you're not routinely harassed, searched, and humiliated by police because of the color of your skin you enjoy pretending that such unconstitutional behavior is justified. In fact, you support this behavior because it makes you feel "safe" from "Blacks".

4) Stop pretending you give a **** about justice, and that you're not just racist ********. Most of this board refuses to even post in this forum because it's become a cesspool of Klan propaganda. These riots did not happen in a vacuum, as you all like to pretend. There are some systemic problems (primarily the failed war on drugs and the prison industrial complex) that have scapegoated poor people of all races for the ills of society. The solution is jack booted thugs in tactical gear running roughshod over he constitution in every disadvantaged neighborhood in America. You're not interested in fixing, you're interested in blaming.

"These niggers better stop calling me a racist"
-God & Government forum motto
Gawd I love the twisted thinking down here in Stormfront & Government.
No, you just can't handle it when hypocrisy and double standards bite you in the ***.

1) This thread starts out by claiming "Black people" are causing trouble. Not only am I Black and not causing trouble, none of the Black people I know are either. It's the kind of gross over generalization that is fundamental to racist thinking.
No one said you were. We only saw blacks rioting in Baltimore on TV. If there were whites rioting and looting too (doubtful) and CNN didn't show them, then your problem is with CNN.

2) I seem to remember quite a few instances of white kids raising hell and burning things after sporting events. I don't recall white people being called onto the carpet en masse and being held to account.
Happens at WVU all the time. Once I won a pair of tickets to a Pitt/WVU game at WVU. The wife and I passed on it so as not to be hit with a flaming couch thrown off the balcony of a student apartment building.

3) Fundamental to the racists argument is ignoring police violence against citizens. Because authoritarians such as those on this board see themselves as part of the power structure, and not the target of it, they fail to understand (intentionally fail, in my opinion) what it's like to be consistently and violently harassed by the government.
Wrong, we know about it and we don't like it or think it's fair either. That has been discussed. DBS is the biggest Libertarian here when it comes to unreasonable law enforcement.

Whether or not someone's mother is married, or father stayed home, or got an education has no bearing on the government violating people's personal freedom. Because you're not routinely harassed, searched, and humiliated by police because of the color of your skin you enjoy pretending that such unconstitutional behavior is justified. In fact, you support this behavior because it makes you feel "safe" from "Blacks".
Please point out where anyone here has said that. Most of us are pretty Libertarian here but you don't get that and just keep going on with your broad-brush assumptions of white people. The above doesn't have any bearing on law enforcement as you say, I agree with that, but the facts are that people have a better than 90% chance of staying out of poverty if they graduate from high school and don't have kids out of wedlock. However large swaths of the urban black community don't see it that way and instead blacks who do that are seen as acting white, being Oreos, or otherwise a traitor to the race. I know it, you know it, and don't pretend it doesn't happen.

4) Stop pretending you give a **** about justice, and that you're not just racist ********. Most of this board refuses to even post in this forum because it's become a cesspool of Klan propaganda.
You're a racist moron.

These riots did not happen in a vacuum, as you all like to pretend. There are some systemic problems (primarily the failed war on drugs and the prison industrial complex) that have scapegoated poor people of all races for the ills of society. The solution is jack booted thugs in tactical gear running roughshod over he constitution in every disadvantaged neighborhood in America. You're not interested in fixing, you're interested in blaming.
How about if people try not breaking the law? I'm not saying cops are always right but if people commit less crimes it would be greatly helpful to the cause.

"These niggers better stop calling me a racist"
-God & Government forum motto
Like I said you're a racist moron. It's mother when people don't buy in to your double standards.
You're a racist moron.

What, specifically, have I said that's racist? Calling the members of this board authoritarians does not count. Calling out Black people and demanding they "behave" is clearly a racist statement.

I don't buy for a second that you don't know what the word "racist" means. You just abuse the word to obfuscate the issue. It's an argumentation tactic, nothing more.

How about if people try not breaking the law? I'm not saying cops are always right but if people commit less crimes it would be greatly helpful to the cause.

Spoken like a true authoritarian.

Didn't you just wrap your proto-fascist mouth around a claim of being "libertarian"? The laws these cops are "enforcing" are not just. Period. Only a genuine authoritarian blames those oppressed by unjust laws and unjust enforcement on the oppressed themselves. Your solution to the German Jews would have been to tell them to stop going to synagogue. Nevermind the monsters in uniform denying them basic human rights.

The gun and drug laws used to target and abuse Blacks are both unconstitutional and illegitimate. Your defense of them only lends credence to my assertion that you are indeed a classic authoritarian reactionary, not a libertarian of any degree.
What, specifically, have I said that's racist? Calling the members of this board authoritarians does not count. Calling out Black people and demanding they "behave" is clearly a racist statement.
"These niggers better stop calling me a racist"
-God & Government forum motto

I don't buy for a second that you don't know what the word "racist" means. You just abuse the word to obfuscate the issue. It's an argumentation tactic, nothing more.
Back at ya. Like I said, you can't deal with it when people don't buy into you double standards.

Didn't you just wrap your proto-fascist mouth around a claim of being "libertarian"? The laws these cops are "enforcing" are not just. Period.
It doesn't matter. The law is the law. Period. If you don't like it, then try to elect people who will change it. BTW, Baltimore has been run by Democrats and blacks for decades.

Only a genuine authoritarian blames those oppressed by unjust laws and unjust enforcement on the oppressed themselves. Your solution to the German Jews would have been to tell them to stop going to synagogue. Nevermind the monsters in uniform denying them basic human rights.
You don't get to pick which laws you will abide and which ones you don't. My solution to the German Jews would have been to tell them to get the hell out of the country. Apples and oranges. Nazi Germany wasn't a constitutional democracy.

The gun and drug laws used to target and abuse Blacks are both unconstitutional and illegitimate. Your defense of them only lends credence to my assertion that you are indeed a classic authoritarian reactionary, not a libertarian of any degree.
Are you saying that blacks can't stay off drugs? That sounds racist and stereotypical to me.
Which gun laws specifically target blacks? The ones in large cities that have been run by Democrats for generations? It is the Right and the NRA that fight unconstitutional gun laws in court, not the NAACP.
Welcome to the club. :beer:
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Back at ya. Like I said, you can't deal with it when people don't buy into you double standards.

So you concede this point. Ok. Not going to argue with a win here.

It doesn't matter. The law is the law. Period. If you don't like it, then try to elect people who will change it. BTW, Baltimore has been run by Democrats and blacks for decades.

You don't get to pick which laws you will abide and which ones you don't. My solution to the German Jews would have been to tell them to get the hell out of the country. Apples and oranges. Nazi Germany wasn't a constitutional democracy.

By that logic, Jim Crowe and slavery were justified. Could you be more ridiculous?

Oppressive government is oppressive government whether it's a "democracy" or a dictatorship. It doesn't matter how it's structured if the end result is the same.

Which gun laws specifically target blacks? The ones in large cities that have been run by Democrats for generations? It is the Right and the NRA that fight unconstitutional gun laws in court, not the NAACP.
Welcome to the club. :beer:

Wow. That was an amazing 180. In the same breath that you're claiming the laws should be enforced regardless of their legitimacy, you're trying to argue that as a "conservative" you are a champion of repeal. It makes me curious...


...doesn't it hurt your back when you do that?
By that logic, Jim Crowe and slavery were justified. Could you be more ridiculous?
Umm, no, they were found to be unconstitutional so it would seem that your definition of the system works. Laws aren't found to be Constitutional or not until after they are passed and someone challenges it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Oppressive government is oppressive government whether it's a "democracy" or a dictatorship. It doesn't matter how it's structured if the end result is the same.
No argument from me but in this country, and most democracies, there is a process to fix that.

Wow. That was an amazing 180. In the same breath that you're claiming the laws should be enforced regardless of their legitimacy, you're trying to argue that as a "conservative" you are a champion of repeal. It makes me curious...
I'm saying they should be enforced until or unless they are found to be unconstitutional. We don't decide if something is Constitutional or not when it's passed (that would be nice but frankly our politicians aren't always that bright). I'm thinking that drug laws have been on the books long enough that if they were unconstitutional then that would have been decided by the Supreme Court by now. On one hand you seem like a smart guy but on the other hand you sure do confuse "unconstitutional" with "laws that I don't like" a lot. I mean, I don't like speed limits but I don't waste my breath arguing that they're unconstitutional.
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Umm, no, they were found to be unconstitutional so it would seem that your definition of the system works. Laws aren't found to be Constitutional or not until after they are passed and someone challenges it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Quick history lesson, since you seem to be at a knowledge loss. The Constitution specifically protected slavery:

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1
, "The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person"

Slavery lasted for nearly a century under Constutional protection, and by your own logic, all of that enslavement was justified by mere existence of said document. Your position is ridiculous, untenable, and defies all logic or reason. Moreover, a war occurred in order to bring about the institution's end. Not the Supreme Court. War.

Secondly, Jim Crow was CREATED by the Supreme Court. Plessy v Ferguson (1896) deemed that segregation was constitutional. By your logic, the desperate conditions it created were wholly justified because this oppression was sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Like your defense of slavery, this too is a ridiculous position to take.

No argument from me but in this country, and most democracies, there is a process to fix that.

The process is broken. And by the admission of many on this board, the system is not functioning as intended. The checks and balances have been dismantled, and power rests in the hands of a few who choose the candidates for you to vote on, choose the talking points for you to hear on the news, and funnel sheep such as yourself into attacking Blacks and poor people and ignoring the abuses of the power structure.

It never occurs to you that you're being manipulated.

I'm thinking that drug laws have been on the books long enough that if they were unconstitutional then that would have been decided by the Supreme Court by now.

Slavery and Jim Crow were on the books longer than our current gun and drug war policies. By your logic, slavery and Jim Crow were completely justified because the Supreme Court sanctioned them over time. Following this twisted logic, one tends to wonder how long injustice must occur before it magically becomes legitimate. 40 years? 60?

On one hand you seem like a smart guy but on the other hand you sure do confuse "unconstitutional" with "laws that I don't like" a lot. I mean, I don't like speed limits but I don't waste my breath arguing that they're unconstitutional.

I could lay out a concise constitutional argument against both gun control and the war on drugs. But as I've proved above, it would be a waste of time with you. You're convinced that if a dysfunctional system does not correct itself in a timely manner, that the unjust fruits of that dysfunction become legitimized as accepted dogma.

You're a sharp guy. But more witty than thoughtful. Not much of a critical thinker.
Good work, Ron, but it seems like the same effect as teaching economics to 21.
Good work, Ron, but it seems like the same effect as teaching economics to 21.

This is why this forum is such garbage. Rather than discussing the actual issues rationally, satellite people jump in the thread to suck off whomever they agree with or insult whomever they don't, without contributing anything.

Anytime the discussion strays from your authoritarian echo chamber, guys come in and derail the discussion with this bullshit.
Anytime the discussion strays from your authoritarian echo chamber, guys come in and derail the discussion with this bullshit.

That sentence is why I don't bothe with trying to educate you. Just from that sentence , I can tell you are intellectually incapable of handling a proper argument. Why would I bother?

You spew bullshit and ignore anything you don't like. Ironic, considering that is what you accuse others of doing in this "garbage" forum. You know, the "garbage " forum you use for free.

Besides, I have to go wash my sheets for a meeting later tonight.
That sentence is why I don't bothe with trying to educate you. Just from that sentence , I can tell you are intellectually incapable of handling a proper argument. Why would I bother?

You spew bullshit and ignore anything you don't like. Ironic, considering that is what you accuse others of doing in this "garbage" forum. You know, the "garbage " forum you use for free.

Besides, I have to go wash my sheets for a meeting later tonight.

Translation: Ark has nothing of value to contribute and will now **** in his hands for everyone to see.

Yes. You managed to derail. You have, in two posts now, failed to contribute anything but vomit to the discussion. This is how it works down here. You can't effectively refute what I've said so you piss in your cornflakes rather than contributing to the discussion.

Thanks for proving me right.
Look at the title of this thread. Anyone who argues that everyone, regardless or color or race or education or wealth, should be expected to obey the law is an idiot.
Translation: Ark has nothing of value to contribute and will now **** in his hands for everyone to see.

Yes. You managed to derail. You have, in two posts now, failed to contribute anything but vomit to the discussion. This is how it works down here. You can't effectively refute what I've said so you piss in your cornflakes rather than contributing to the discussion.

Thanks for proving me right.

Are you intellectually inferior or just intellectually dishonest? Both? Can't tell, since your reading comprehension seems to be ****.