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Americans need to behave - this is my platform

Look at the title of this thread. Anyone who argues that everyone, regardless or color or race or education or wealth, should be expected to obey the law is an idiot.

Sit your authoritarian, racist *** down, Whitey!! Oh, that was redundant. Sorry.
Quick history lesson, since you seem to be at a knowledge loss. The Constitution specifically protected slavery:

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1
, "The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person"

Slavery lasted for nearly a century under Constutional protection, and by your own logic, all of that enslavement was justified by mere existence of said document. Your position is ridiculous, untenable, and defies all logic or reason. Moreover, a war occurred in order to bring about the institution's end. Not the Supreme Court. War.
You are correct sir. And did it get changed? Yes or no?

Secondly, Jim Crow was CREATED by the Supreme Court. Plessy v Ferguson (1896) deemed that segregation was constitutional. By your logic, the desperate conditions it created were wholly justified because this oppression was sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Like your defense of slavery, this too is a ridiculous position to take.
One, I never defended slavery. Two, was Plessy v. Ferguson reversed later or is it still in effect? Yes or no?

The process is broken. And by the admission of many on this board, the system is not functioning as intended. The checks and balances have been dismantled, and power rests in the hands of a few who choose the candidates for you to vote on, choose the talking points for you to hear on the news, and funnel sheep such as yourself into attacking Blacks and poor people and ignoring the abuses of the power structure.
Again, you get no argument from me there. It could be better but it's still probably the best system around.

Slavery and Jim Crow were on the books longer than our current gun and drug war policies. By your logic, slavery and Jim Crow were completely justified because the Supreme Court sanctioned them over time. Following this twisted logic, one tends to wonder how long injustice must occur before it magically becomes legitimate. 40 years? 60?
It doesn't always happen overnight. By your logic, the rates of black crime, arrests, and incarceration would all go away if only we'd repeal those pesky laws against drugs and murder that put them there.
No one agrees with every Supreme Court decision. I don't like Roe v. Wade or Kelo v. New London and the Libs don't like Gore v. Harris and Citizens United v. FEC but sometimes you have to put on your big boy pants and suck it up whether you like it or not. Hate to break it to you but Steel Not A Player isn't the one who decides what laws are right and what laws aren't and rioting in the streets doesn't help the cause.

I could lay out a concise constitutional argument against both gun control and the war on drugs. But as I've proved above, it would be a waste of time with you. You're convinced that if a dysfunctional system does not correct itself in a timely manner, that the unjust fruits of that dysfunction become legitimized as accepted dogma.
I'm against gun control and in favor of legalizing weed. The system we have is what it is. If you don't like it there are other countries you can move to. I looked into moving to Italy myself but I found that their economy and political system is even more ****** up than ours is.

You're a sharp guy. But more witty than thoughtful. Not much of a critical thinker.
I think I'm awful damn witty.

Good work, Ron, but it seems like the same effect as teaching economics to 21.
I know. I'm having fun.
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You are correct sir. And did it get changed? Yes or no?

One, I never defended slavery. Two, was Plessy v. Ferguson reversed later or is it still in effect? Yes or no?

Again, you get no argument from me there. It could be better but it's still probably the best system around.

It doesn't always happen overnight. By your logic, the rates of black crime, arrests, and incarceration would all go away if only we'd repeal those pesky laws against drugs and murder that put them there.
No one agrees with every Supreme Court decision. I don't like Roe v. Wade or Kelo v. New London and the Libs don't like Gore v. Harris and Citizens United v. FEC but sometimes you have to put on your big boy pants and suck it up whether you like it or not. Hate to break it to you but Steel Not A Player isn't the one who decides what laws are right and what laws aren't and rioting in the streets doesn't help the cause.

I'm against gun control and in favor of legalizing weed. The system we have is what it is. If you don't like it there are other countries you can move to. I looked into moving to Italy myself but I found that their economy and political system is even more ****** up than ours is.

I think I'm awful damn witty.

The real question that GCS wants to ask is "do you think it is ok to **** 14 year olds"
Gawd I love the twisted thinking down here in Stormfront & Government.

1) This thread starts out by claiming "Black people" are causing trouble. Not only am I Black and not causing trouble, none of the Black people I know are either. It's the kind of gross over generalization that is fundamental to racist thinking. .

Gawd I just love this race baiter.. . this thread does not start that way.
Black protests/thuggery vs. cop misbehavior have dominated the news since Ferguson. This thread was titled America needs to behave, not "blacks" need to behave. The OP was mimicking Arnold Scwh sounding like a simpleton after watching all the TV coverage... ..."the blacks need to behave, AND THE OTHER GUYS NEED TO STOP MAKING TROUBLE...the cops I presume. Get it?

2) I seem to remember quite a few instances of white kids raising hell and burning things after sporting events. I don't recall white people being called onto the carpet en masse and being held to account.

Right..with no blacks in sight. Nice try, but come back when white kids destroy businesses, pillage and loot.

3) Fundamental to the racists argument is ignoring police violence against citizens. Because authoritarians such as those on this board see themselves as part of the power structure, and not the target of it, they fail to understand (intentionally fail, in my opinion) what it's like to be consistently and violently harassed by the government. Whether or not someone's mother is married, or father stayed home, or got an education has no bearing on the government violating people's personal freedom. Because you're not routinely harassed, searched, and humiliated by police because of the color of your skin you enjoy pretending that such unconstitutional behavior is justified. In fact, you support this behavior because it makes you feel "safe" from "Blacks".

I was mired in too much bullshit there.

4) Stop pretending you give a **** about justice, and that you're not just racist ********. Most of this board refuses to even post in this forum because it's become a cesspool of Klan propaganda. These riots did not happen in a vacuum, as you all like to pretend. There are some systemic problems (primarily the failed war on drugs and the prison industrial complex) that have scapegoated poor people of all races for the ills of society. The solution is jack booted thugs in tactical gear running roughshod over he constitution in every disadvantaged neighborhood in America. You're not interested in fixing, you're interested in blaming.]

Lol ...love the irony there son...the truth is you're interested in blaming, not fixing. Its in your DNA.. Its 2015 and since '64 every social program imaginable has been created to help the inner city, poor and victims of racism. It's time you fix yourselves. Personal responsibility always works. Those who cry racism are the biggest racists and that'd be you son.

****...we didn't try reparations yet...Maybe that'll work.

It's always about always about someone else fixing your problems. That's why the black community always needs " leaders"...funny the Chinese, Hispanics, and Thai boat people that came here with a dollar to their name don't need no ******* leaders.

Seems there are plenty of whites worrying about fixing. This black woman with 15 kids needs fixing.
You racist white people, this woman says someone "needs to be accountable" for her 15 children.

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The real question that GCS wants to ask is "do you think it is ok to **** 14 year olds"
Depends if you're Muslim or not. /witty

Lol ...love the irony there son...the truth is you're interested in blaming, not fixing. Its in your DNA.. Its 2015 and since '64 every social program imaginable has been created to help the inner city, poor and victims of racism. It's time you fix yourselves. Personal responsibility always works. Those who cry racism are the biggest racists and that'd be you son.
I think it's hilarious that he thinks the solution to blacks getting arrested is to get rid of the laws that they break. That's comedy gold on several levels.
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The real question that GCS wants to ask is "do you think it is ok to **** 14 year olds"

It's about damn time. I been here a year already.

And I won that argument too. It's why they banned me.
It's about damn time. I been here a year already.

And I won that argument too. It's why they banned me.

And, in that time, your grasp of reality hasn't improved much. Time to consider changing your med mix.

To the rest here, you skinhead Nazi klanners need to go hug your bibles and guns, and quit oppressing the black man.
And, in that time, your grasp of reality hasn't improved much. Time to consider changing your med mix.

To the rest here, you skinhead Nazi klanners need to go hug your bibles and guns, and quit oppressing the black man.

In a way it is Whitey's fault but not in the way he thinks.
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To the rest here, you skinhead Nazi klanners need to go hug your bibles and guns, and quit oppressing the black man.

How many black men were murdered by the Klan last year versus how many were murdered by other black men? Somebody Google that and get back to me.
This is why this forum is such garbage. Rather than discussing the actual issues rationally, satellite people jump in the thread to suck off whomever they agree with or insult whomever they don't, without contributing anything.

Anytime the discussion strays from your authoritarian echo chamber, guys come in and derail the discussion with this bullshit.

Nice work, Ark.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Steel Not A Player again.
The major point I think SNAP missed is that riots do not equal protests and looting does not equal civil disobedience. Sure I'm on board with the rule of law and holding bad cops accountable but what we saw in Baltimore was not the way to do it.
The major point I think SNAP missed is that riots do not equal protests and looting does not equal civil disobedience. Sure I'm on board with the rule of law and holding bad cops accountable but what we saw in Baltimore was not the way to do it.

Show me where I said I supported the rioters and their actions. I did no such thing.

What I said is that the bigots on this board are ignoring the causes of the unrest because they are, well, bigots.
Show me where I said I supported the rioters and their actions. I did no such thing.

What I said is that the bigots on this board are ignoring the causes of the unrest because they are, well, bigots.

People like this stupid **** play the race card because they are incapable of rational thought and they ignore facts.
People like this stupid **** play the race card because they are incapable of rational thought and they ignore facts.

Moi? No, no.

The original post in this thread throws the "race card" (which is itself a racist term), by attacking Black people.

If you don't like being called a racist, stop saying racist ****.
And I won that argument too. It's why they banned me.

You were banned because you're a sick twisted child molester. You ******* retard. You're a disgrace to your race. Even Mike Brown, Trayngel and Freddie were all better black men than you. Quit ******* kids you piece of **** racist criminal.
You were banned because you're a sick twisted child molester. You ******* retard. You're a disgrace to your race. Even Mike Brown, Trayngel and Freddie were all better black men than you. Quit ******* kids you piece of **** racist criminal.

I'll call the nurse to get you back on your meds.
The cause of the unrest is a group of uncivilized individuals who react inappropriately when they don't agree with something.

This is civilized behavior, according to GCS/child raper.
The cause of the unrest is a group of uncivilized individuals who react inappropriately when they don't agree with something.

Quit being racist.
Show me where I said I supported the rioters and their actions. I did no such thing.

What I said is that the bigots on this board are ignoring the causes of the unrest because they are, well, bigots.

I never said you supported the rioters. I said you missed the point of the original poster.