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And another one - Melbourne siege a 'terrorist incident'


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Brighton siege: Two dead, three police shot, woman held hostage

"This is for IS. This is for al-Qaeda"

Australian police are treating as a "terrorist incident" a Melbourne siege in which a gunman was killed.


Heavily armed officers arrived at an apartment building on Monday after reports of an explosion and found one man already dead in the foyer.

Another man, Yacqub Khayre, was armed with a shotgun and holding a woman inside the building against her will.

Khayre, 29, called a broadcaster during the siege to say he was acting in the name of the Islamic State (IS) group.

Three police officers suffered injuries after Khayre engaged them in a firefight in which he was shot dead. The hostage was rescued unharmed.

Gunman known to police

Authorities were investigating whether Khayre, a Somali-born Australian citizen, may have lured officers to the wealthy suburb of Brighton with the aim of confronting them.

Mr Ashton said comments Khayre made referencing IS and al-Qaeda had prompted the terrorism investigation.

He said Khayre had been acquitted over a foiled plot to attack a Sydney army barracks in 2009.

He had "a long criminal history" and was on parole after being released from jail on a separate offence last year, Mr Ashton said.

Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull said the case raised "grave concerns" about the parole system which he said would be addressed.

"How was this man on parole? He had a long record of violence. A very long record of violence," Mr Turnbull said.


Cue the apologists

Aussies are just as big appeasers as Europe these days
Yeah, but.........Timothy McVeigh.
Brighton siege: Innocent father fatally shot by Yacqub Khayre was recently married

Melbourne siege gunman was known to counter-terrorism police


The 29-year-old suspect, who was on parole, was holed up in one of the ground floor apartments with a shotgun and the female escort, and called the Channel Seven newsroom, stating: "This is for IS, this is for al-Qaeda".

Police are investigating whether the Somalian-born Roxburgh Park man deliberately lured them into a deadly ambush after it was revealed he had booked a female escort, whom he took hostage, and triggered an alert on his tracker

As Khayre exited the apartment almost two hours later with a sawed-off shotgun, he attempted to shoot officers and tactical operations officers fired back, killing him.

Victoria Police Commissioner Graham Ashton said it was "a possibility" anti-terror police were lured to the apartment by Khayre.
