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Antonio Brown and Ryan Clark Finally Break Silence Over Longtime Feud

Steeler Nation

Staff member
Apr 7, 2014
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Earlier this month, former Pittsburgh Steelers safety, Ryan Clark, sat down with former Steelers wide receiver, Antonio Brown on The Pivot for a special and highly anticipated interview. Most of Steeler Nation is well aware of the two and their longtime feud, stemming back to 2012. It was Brown’s third year in the league and he was gearing up for a big-time contract extension from the Steelers that didn’t quite sit well with some of the teammates. Call it jealously, or maybe they just didn’t think it financially made sense for the franchise, but nonetheless, this caused turmoil within the locker room. Brown was due $42.5 million which would extend through the 2017 season.

Clark at the time, being one of the veterans and leaders of the defense, was forced to break up numerous fights at practice involving Brown and some of the tenured defensive backs. Both Clark and Brown will tell you that their relationship started off with a mutual respect, even a close friendship, but the division within the team at that time continued to increase throughout the season — which was the beginning of how the pair’s relationship started to turn south.

“Our thing was, now since you are the guy — now since you earned the money — fall in line and help the Troy Polamalu’s, the Ryan Clark’s, the Ike Taylor’s. Make sure this team is where it needs to be. And so when we felt like that wasn’t happening, that was the issue,” said Clark.

Clark would retire in 2015 and immediately start his commentating career on ESPN, regularly appearing on NFL Live, Get Up, First Take, and SportsCenter. It was there where Clark would share his personal opinions, thoughts, and football expertise on Brown, as Brown continued to make headlines on and off the field. This is what ultimately soured their relationship, as Clark did not hold back on his on-air opinions of Browns’ behavior.

Bro stop mentioning my name I know it get u clout keep that same analysis energy next time we meet it’s on site ain’t gone spare u https://t.co/ks4YVRFLTx

— AB (@AB84) April 25, 2019

In the interview, Clark made it clear that making amends was long overdue, and he should’ve reached out to Brown long before this.

“People need to know this isn’t about publicity,” Clark said. “I should’ve reached out to you. … I should’ve been better as an OG.” “I’m formally apologizing.”

The two were joined by former Jacksonville Jaguars running back, Fred Taylor, and former Miami Dolphins linebacker, Channing Crowder. The four continued the night, sharing their NFL experiences together, mainly discussing what was next for Brown. From his time with the Steelers, to his memorable theatrics as he left the field at MetLife Stadium, Brown has vowed to do everything he can to return to the league and compete at a high level. He also had a message for anyone who thinks he’s “crazy”:

“People fear what they don’t understand and they try and marginalize you when they think, how you’re supposed to be.”

Regardless of how you may or may not feel about the infamous Antonio Brown, it appears as though both he and Clark have settled their differences and stopped the bickering — and that’s always a great sight to see. This interview is also a great chance to hear Brown’s side of the story, not just about his relationship with Clark, but about his relationship with Ben Roethlisberger, Tom Brady, Bruce Arians, and more.

This is a must-watch episode. View the full clip here.


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The fact that I made it though the whole thing, I'll admit, I did take a few breaks, shows-

1- it's the ******* off season
2- I love the Steelers.

That dude has a billion dollar work ethic, freak level talent, and commitment all off the charts, but he can't get out of his own ******* way. Yeah, some of the stuff sounded like he didn't get along with BA or some other guys, but dude, we all got people who don't treat us the way we deserve, you were a multi millionaire on your way to the hall of fame, and you just couldn't let the "they don't RESPECT me"card go.

Refresh my memory. As I recall, Brown's first big contract was the one they offered to OneTrickPony first. He didn't take it, so they offered it to AB. Am I wrong on this?
Ryan knows his bread and butter. He goes off occasionally and that's part of his popularity.

Brown is just a used up idiot. No one cares what he thinks but all they want to see is what next new destructive thing he will be involved in.

Ryan Leaf would be comperable on the scale of self destruct but he never ever really had the proven greatness that AB had built.

Unless Brown could get back on the field and produce big numbers and remain trouble free for a significant amount of time, he will always be remembered as one who pissed away all the fame & HOF career.

Salute the nation
WTF is he talking about. He says: "when I got there, there was no chemistry, no comradery (we were the worst team 2-12), no fellowship, no brotherhood". WTH? He's nuts. And Ryan didn't dispute him.
Refresh my memory. As I recall, Brown's first big contract was the one they offered to OneTrickPony first. He didn't take it, so they offered it to AB. Am I wrong on this?
You are correct
I don't think that was right. I don't think the money was ever offered to Wallace. He balled out his first 3 years and was the most productive Z receiver we ever had. Contract year, he turtles, plays conservative, and didn't want to get hurt. Steelers paid the pro bowler since they know the X is more valuable in their system.

Wallace was a FA. Miami offered sick money that the Steelers never would.

Wallace lacked heart, and I'm glad he didn't get a 2nd contract. They paid the right guy.
I'm about 3/4 through this and it seems like AB's coherence fades in and out. He talks about being good friends with Kanye who is bipolar. It makes me wonder if AB has a similar disorder. You just couldn't trust him for an entire season. It's sad because he could have been the best WR in history.

Edit - finished watching and I'm convinced he has mental health issues that weren't helped by the concussions.
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Brown needs subtitles. I cannot understand the ******.

“How you gonna be *insert some type of english here* it’s about respek”
I'm about 3/4 through this and it seems like AB's coherence fades in and out. He talks about being good friends with Kanye who is bipolar. It makes me wonder if AB has a similar disorder. You just couldn't trust him for an entire season. It's sad because he could have been the best WR in history.

Edit - finished watching and I'm convinced he has mental health issues that weren't helped by the concussions.
Coherence? I didn’t understand a damn word lol
I guarantee he will eventually get in the Hall of fame one day… they get more tolerant of mental issues every year in the press lol in a decade and a half they will put him in for being the undisputed best wr for about a decade… and treat his end as an injury no different that Terrell davis or gale sanders… only difference is his brain was the broken body part
And that right there is the reason with all that talent we didn't win. AB infected the whole team when it mattered most, in the playoffs
We see exactly what Brown is and more and more what he was. Just look at his tweets today. He is what the NFL seems to have become more about the problems and actions than the game itself
The theme from AB’s mouth, “I”, “me”, ”my” “you”….

AB hasn’t changed and never will. Pure narcissist mentality, grown from his youth solidified into adulthood. He is incapable of using objective rationalization because he has never had to.
AB got the money that was offered and turned down to Emmanuel Sanders.
Unfortunately, AB is in the midst of his downward spiral. the longer he is away the more stuff he will do to satisfy his attention fix.

Eventually the law or the wrong person will step in and we may not hear from him anyore..................

Salute the nation
I watched the whole thing. The interview revealed a lot of things I didn't (and most) know. Coach Arians sounds like the real reason AB left. I know he's not all there but there must be some truth in the conversation.

For the Coach Tomlin haters - you ought to congratulate him for keeping this chyt show under control for quite some time...
For the Coach Tomlin haters - you ought to congratulate him for keeping this chyt show under control for quite some time...
What if Tomlin had reeled it in earlier? Perhaps discipline would have led AB --- who clearly needs help on many levels --- to understand that he was part of a team; he was a star, but only with the team. It seems like some earlier responsibility for AB might have helped his development. I know the coaching staff did what they thought was best, but you wonder if leniency early didn't lead to the spiraling destructive path AB took. Regardless, AB is wholly responsible for his actions; one day, hopefully, he will fully realize that coach Tomlin was the best thing that ever happened to AB.
What if Tomlin had reeled it in earlier? Perhaps discipline would have led AB --- who clearly needs help on many levels --- to understand that he was part of a team; he was a star, but only with the team. It seems like some earlier responsibility for AB might have helped his development. I know the coaching staff did what they thought was best, but you wonder if leniency early didn't lead to the spiraling destructive path AB took. Regardless, AB is wholly responsible for his actions; one day, hopefully, he will fully realize that coach Tomlin was the best thing that ever happened to AB.
With his personality type, you let the player be who they are so you don't have to spend your time doing damage control.

See Dennis Rodman...
AB got the money that was offered and turned down to Emmanuel Sanders.

Actually, that contract was offered to Mike Wallace first. However, Wallace turned it down and Colbert then offered it to Brown instead. Wallace then left for much richer pastures in Miami and fizzled out with no QB.
Wallace felt he was worth 14mill and mt and Colbert were firm they did not think he was worth more than 45/5 wallace passed on the offer and ASAP that offer was offered to AB he signed and the phins were stupid enough to give him 14 mill a year avg and he had 3 average years but he stayed a 1 trick pony.
Clark says a day or a few days later in a drill AB got into a fight a young CB Lebeau chewed him up and AB acted like a total jack *** mouthing off to DL