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Anyone else not surprised that Cheerleader Tomlin is looking for a veteran to replace Ben?

"Bob" alot of us have been on here for 15plus years. we have already called each other *******, ******** etc. we have done the mom jokes the dad jokes. all the jokes. we have hated/loved Tomlin. You are either a old poster having fun or a complete idiot. not sure which. dont realy care. can you at least start talking football?
I vote for complete idiot

but of course that would not exclude a lot of posters of being behind this
Just curious if your wife knows that you're posting pics of her on the internet? If not, I'd be curious if this is in violation of one of Sheriff Stool's rules.
There are 12 year old girls that talk better **** than you boy.
Just curious if your wife knows that you're posting pics of her on the internet? If not, I'd be curious if this is in violation of one of Sheriff Stool's rules.

That is ******* disgusting. But who am I to judge..........
now be nice, that is steeler pride's wife and boob's girlfriend

omar, I am sure he will be back to make a crack about your son or maybe even say that is you in that pic.....try not to cry when he says it
B*tch, stand down or I will stand your old, bumbling *** down. If I want to start a thread I damn well will. I don't recognize you as any type of an authority figure.. AND, I'm well aware of what BLITZ asked me, so I sure as sh*t don't need your uneducated *** to break it down. Maybe start focusing on capitalizing letters and using punctuation in sentences before you think you have the academic acumen necessary to be able to explain something to anyone. You've already been punk'd once by your daddy for being biased and ineffective at your job. Was that one time not enough for you, Tex?

To everyone else, and as I was saying, I intend to start a separate thread in the near future where I give my thoughts on the perfect Coach / QB combo that old man Rooney should go after in 2022 to turn this sinking ship around.
Bounce this beeeotch, please.
B*tch .. please. Enough of your slanted, Tomlin-boner propaganda. The cheerleader GREATLY benefited when he inherited a team built by Cowher .. Not to mention having a BB in his prime. Let's talk about the post Cowher team era. Let's talk about those sh*t-stain stats. How many playoff wins in the past 10 years? How many times did we lose to some of the worst teams in the league during that span? How many times was the cheerleader successful in taking down Belichick and Brady?

Wait!! What's that sound? Oh yeah .. *crickets*
You didn't answer my question, little Boobie. I'm waiting...
.. Or instead of that maybe I'll just write it on my balls so your mom has a close up view of what I have to say?
I'd tell you to gag the ***** if you were a real man, so I'll just tell you to floss her teeth and make her gums bleed.
Are we on Jeopardy, cuz? If so, I'd say the answer is "Something that YOU personally do to a b*tch when they don't pay their drug debts to you on time"?

Am I right for $500, Alex?
sounds like you've been bitched slapped by Berm a few times and are upset about it
Hank was a browns fan who posted years ago He had a thing for your girls, since you married a kindergartener, I just had to ask
Lol Actually she's older than me by a couple years but nothing like that skank above. 🤮