"But, we've had only 3 head coaches in 52 years!"
It's almost as if this "badge of honor" - as unique as it is in the history of the league - holds more value in the eyes of the organization than does making the necessary moves to put the team in a better position to compete, and to ultimately return to winning playoff games.
Sometimes a change is not only good but necessary. The "Tomlin" way has grown stale and there appears to be no way out of it except for bringing in a new regime. We can toss around different scenarios regarding new QBs, new coordinators, new "big uglies" in the trenches, etc. etc., but I'm afraid any new glimmer of hope will then be followed up by disappointment.... again. We've all seen this movie too many times.
Tomlin can go on and still have a successful post-Steelers HC career, in whatever capacity he desires. I can see him in a role similar to Tony Dungy... a good father/husband, God-fearing Christian man, motivator of men, etc. But his end here should come sooner rather than later, I honestly believe, if this team ever wants to regain its prominence in the league.
Then, 10 years from now and a couple of Super Bowl titles later, we can still proudly say we've had only 4 coaches in 62 years.