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Are we at a tipping point? The left.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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The Republicans have stood up to Trump showing they can in fact favor county over party. Can the Democrats do this? Come election day, something can go wrong here if/when their is a shift in political power.

People are down because of Biden's spending funds we don't have and economic polices. This is the universal truth. With a power shift in the Courts and Congress, making Biden lame duck and he is just that, will Democracy be at peril? I've seen more fighting between the two groups, and the left is kicking and screaming now...and they aways have when they loose elections. But the times are different.

I have a real concern that violence will happen like we have seen before in politics and society. Leftist have already tried and fialed to shoot up a softball field of Republican politicians and a Supreme Court Justice. Could your imagine if it nut was successful? Is this only the beginning? We the left looses power, this type of violence happens. It already has in two cases. I am for a law the saying if a federal official for Congress for the Supreme court is killed, his/her party picks the replacements.

Why isn't mainstream news on to this and connecting the dots?
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My lord coach.

You popping off in the P&R forums. Did they not allow you in football no more
My lord coach.

You popping off in the P&R forums. Did they not allow you in football no more

I post in the football forum and the politics forum. This a politics post on the immediate future and far left political violence the we have seen them attempt recently. Concerning times. The way the media covers it is a problem too. Like the senator minority leader said he faced intimidation, and so did Mike Pence who was put on alert for his life, but they way the media covers it the poor lady form Georgia, a citizens who was intimidated get all the aww and sympathy....that's too bad from the general press.
The Republicans have stood up to Trump showing they can in fact favor county over party. Can the Democrats do this? Come election day, something can go wrong here if/when their is a shift in political power.

People are down because of Biden's spending funds we don't have and economic polices. This is the universal truth. With a power shift in the Courts and Congress, making Biden lame duck and he is just that, will Democracy be at peril? I've seen more fighting between the two groups, and the left is kicking and screaming now...and they aways have when they loose elections. But the times are different.

I have a real concern that violence will happen like we heave seen before in politics and society. Leftist its have already tried and fialed to shoot up a softball field of Republican politicians and a Supreme Court Justice. Could your imagine if it nut was successful? Is this only the beginning? We the left looses power, this type of violence happens. It already has in two cases. I am for a law the saying if a federal official for Congress for the Supreme court is killed, his/her party picks the replacements.

Why isn't mainstream news on to this and connecting the dots?
Your posts are beginning to fall into the Bengalzrule level of incoherency...and far less entertaining
Your posts are beginning to fall into the Bengalzrule level of incoherency...and far less entertaining

So you don't have a concern for violence form the left? I find their past acts they have done recently appalling and lacking media coverage in general. Bangalruze level? That's a new one for me. Did I offend you for being on the left? They're not all bad.
So you don't have a concern for violence form the left? I find their past acts they have done recently appalling and lacking media coverage in general. Bangalruze level? That's a new one for me. Did I offend you for being on the left? They're not all bad.

Concern? No. I can get 10 times meaner than them. I just have great self restraint and I'm not looking for a fight, unless i have to. I do however wish to see that entire party dissolved. Preferably voted into oblivion.
No, I conceal carry.

You may carry but an attack is something I don't wish upon anyone! What about those who don't carry and are not as physical capable? The was some news today that upset some people who might lash out. I don't need to mention it by name. Lash out against some political people and some judges the far left has done in the past.
Problem is the Left has to largely rely on court decisions for their agenda because they don't have the votes and when a court decision doesn't go their way they lose their ****.
I don’t normally even click on Cooch threads but I felt compelled to comment on this one.

No we are not at our tipping point.

We still have bread and circuses.

The tipping point will be early fall next year when hyperinflation hits and the economy collapses. This is however necessary because the USA is beyond repair and a total rebuild is needed. There will be war and tribulations and we must face the fact a lot of people who once were our countrymen are in reality our mortal enemies and we will be locked in a life or death struggle with them soon.

Learn to grow and store food.

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I don’t normally even click on Cooch threads but I felt compelled to comment on this one.

No we ar not at our tipping point.

We still have bread and circuses.

The tipping point will be early fall next year when hyperinflation hits and the economy collapses. This is however necessary because the USA is beyond repair and a total rebuild is needed. There will be war and tribulations and we must face the fact a lot of people who once were our countrymen are in reality our mortal enemies and we will be locked in a life or death struggle with them soon.

Learn to grow and store food.


Next fall is not far away, you agree with me we are at a tipping point. I'm glad you agree again by us growing and storing food, which I also mentioned.
Not that I want the **** to hit the fan but I am prepared just in case. indeed, grow and store your own food. even if it is to just safe $$$ and eat things that taste good.

Coach I tried to follow the original post "We the left looses power, this type of violence happens. It already has in two cases. I am for a law the saying if a federal official for Congress for the Supreme court is killed, his/her party picks the replacements." are you saying you are the left? if so, I cannot make sense of what the thread is for.
No I'm saying when the left losses power, this has happened before and we are starting to see fringes form the left doing things that could end up with someone killed of political power. I'm saying that during assignations the party he/she was in ( the deceased ) picks the replacement, not the current president or govenor who can be in a different party. Got it?
No I'm saying when the left losses power, this has happened before and we are starting to see fringes form the left doing things that could end up with someone killed of political power. I'm saying that during assignations the party he/she was in ( the deceased ) picks the replacement, not the current president or govenor who can be in a different party. Got it?
are you saying assassinations? as in someone getting killed?
I see what Coach is sayin', although 'tipping point ' is not exactly what I was thinkin'. The left is getting more aggressive by the minute but Conservatives have not begun to come out of their little cocoons yet. I'm not sure what it will take to get to that "tipping" point but we'll know for sure when it happens. The dims are obsessed with J6 and I think that scared them, even though they continue to pull off far worse demonstrations even now. With this abortion meltdown, the left will be the only aggressor, IMHO the right will not be drawn into violence as a whole, too many religious folks involved. What may be the final straw is the midterms. If the Dims try that midnight ballot drop bullshit again, we may see some of them late night ballot boys get disappeared....jus sayin' I have even read about some crazies talkin' about setting fire to all the drop boxes, so somebody's gettin' ready somewhere.

are you saying assassinations? as in someone getting killed?

Yes. That's what I'm saying. Both a member of the Supreme court and over a dozen Congress members were targeted for termination by leftist nuts. Thankfully the police / security stopped them. A law should be passed that if this happens, sadly I say when it happens, the party of the deceased picks their own replacement, not the president or governor of a state as the can be different political parties. Call it a vote form the party of the deceased via murder. Something like that. It is needed on both sides of the isle.. Its the sad times we live in.

With the recent supreme count decision, some nut may be compelled to act.
Thank you for translating into Enlish!
I see what Coach is sayin', although 'tipping point ' is not exactly what I was thinkin'. The left is getting more aggressive by the minute but Conservatives have not begun to come out of their little cocoons yet. I'm not sure what it will take to get to that "tipping" point but we'll know for sure when it happens. The dims are obsessed with J6 and I think that scared them, even though they continue to pull off far worse demonstrations even now. With this abortion meltdown, the left will be the only aggressor, IMHO the right will not be drawn into violence as a whole, too many religious folks involved. What may be the final straw is the midterms. If the Dims try that midnight ballot drop bullshit again, we may see some of them late night ballot boys get disappeared....jus sayin' I have even read about some crazies talkin' about setting fire to all the drop boxes, so somebody's gettin' ready somewhere.

So you don't have a concern for violence form the left? I find their past acts they have done recently appalling and lacking media coverage in general. Bangalruze level? That's a new one for me. Did I offend you for being on the left? They're not all bad.
Bengalrule was a poster years ago who wrote nonsensical posts which were horribly spelled, littered with bad grammar, and was hard to follow at times.

I truly am independent and lean conservative in economics, libertarian for foreign affairs, and support most social programs the government extends to help those of our fellow citizens who struggle with day-to-day issues (aka hard times)

We are not at our tipping point, but we're close. Next year is when all Hell starts to break loose.
Bengalrule was a poster years ago who wrote nonsensical posts which were horribly spelled, littered with bad grammar, and was hard to follow at times.

I truly am independent and lean conservative in economics, libertarian for foreign affairs, and support most social programs the government extends to help those of our fellow citizens who struggle with day-to-day issues (aka hard times)

We are not at our tipping point, but we're close. Next year is when all Hell starts to break loose.
Social programs don’t help people. Social programs make people dependent and create patronage system where citizens become a dependent voting block. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.

“Charity is no part of the government.”

Some dead white guy who wrote some old out dated document said that.
The left is getting more aggressive by the minute but Conservatives have not begun to come out of their little cocoons yet. I'm not sure what it will take to get to that "tipping" point but we'll know for sure when it happens. The dims are obsessed with J6 and I think that scared them, even though they continue to pull off far worse demonstrations even now.

Totally agree and I hope it scared the **** out of them and it should.

Sorry, I had to steal from your pic. Once again, a pretty Conservative and an angry Lib as @Steeltime posted in another thread.

Pretty conservative.JPG
I see what Coach is sayin', although 'tipping point ' is not exactly what I was thinkin'. The left is getting more aggressive by the minute but Conservatives have not begun to come out of their little cocoons yet. I'm not sure what it will take to get to that "tipping" point but we'll know for sure when it happens. The dims are obsessed with J6 and I think that scared them, even though they continue to pull off far worse demonstrations even now. With this abortion meltdown, the left will be the only aggressor, IMHO the right will not be drawn into violence as a whole, too many religious folks involved. What may be the final straw is the midterms. If the Dims try that midnight ballot drop bullshit again, we may see some of them late night ballot boys get disappeared....jus sayin' I have even read about some crazies talkin' about setting fire to all the drop boxes, so somebody's gettin' ready somewhere.
The Dims are used to being the only ones protesting and not getting marched on by a bunch of pissed off Republicans, even if 25% of them were FBI and Antifa plants.
Social programs don’t help people. Social programs make people dependent and create patronage system where citizens become a dependent voting block. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.

“Charity is no part of the government.”

Some dead white guy who wrote some old out dated document said that.
Keep believing that. My parents were hard workers, blue collar, and when the unions went on strike or the mills or coal mines shut down, we relied on unemployment and church donations to get by. It would have been far worse for our family if my Pap didn't have a small family farm where we got eggs and milk for free. Hell, at one point my Dad had to go out and shoot a deer out of season because we had no food with two hungry teenagers in the house. Sure, there are people who game the system and choose to make it a lifestyle but that doesn't mean that social programs aren't needed, it means that the program is broken.

BTW, My family couldn't get food stamps or wellfare because we owned a truck that was too "new". So sell a reliable truck to go get a beater? My Pap offered to put it in his name but as my Dad put it, "that would be dishonest".

I learned a lot about my family and myself during those lean years. I wouldn't trade those lessons for the world.
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Keep believing that. My parents were hard workers, blue collar, and when the unions went on strike or the mills or coal mines shut down, we relied on unemployment and church donations to get by. It would have been far worse for our family if my Pap didn't have a small family farm where we got eggs and milk for free. Hell, at one point my Dad had to go out and shoot a deer out of season because we had no food with two hungry teenagers in the house. Sure, there are people who game the system and choose to make it a lifestyle but that doesn't mean that social programs aren't needed, it means that the program is broken.

BTW, My family couldn't get food stamps or wellfare because we owned a truck that was too "new". So sell a reliable truck to go get a beater? My Pap offered to put it in his name but as my Dad put it, "that would be dishonest".

I learned a lot about my family and myself during those lean years. I wouldn't trade those lessons for the world.
Have no problem with the government helping people who lose their job through no fault of their own, or disability, etc., but I object to transfer payments being a lifestyle.
