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At last, liberalism is reaping great rewards


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Great article by Patrice Lewis
The news stories are coming in so thick and fast, it’s hard to keep up:

- PETA claims white milk is a “symbol of white supremacy”
- Student has grade docked for using “mankind” in English paper
- Student punished with mandatory diversity training for “All Lives Matter” tweet
- Violence and intimidation against Republicans are becoming the New Normal
- Black students demand segregated spaces from white students
- Feminist writer says being a stay-at-home mom should be illegal
… and on and on and on.

So let me see if I understand things correctly: Discrimination is now celebrated, intolerance is legislated, violence is encouraged, parenting should be illegal, and segregation is once again popular and accepted – even demanded.

This is progress?

One of the favorite tactics of liberals is to accuse people of something they’re not guilty of. The accused then spends all their time and effort trying to convince the accuser they’re not guilty of the accusation. But it will never work. Ever. Ever.

An unknown author wrote, “The Democratic Party is the world’s most successful hate group. It attracts poor people who hate rich people, black people who hate white people, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men, environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine, and a lot a bratty college kids who hate their parents. However, the real secret of the party’s success is that it attracts the support of journalists who hate Republicans, and who therefore work tirelessly to convince the rest of us that we should vote for Democrats.”

Hear is here conclusion -
Frankly, people are getting tired of tiptoeing around on eggshells for fear of “triggering” some pathetic snowflake. No wonder there’s a backlash.

The reason for this increased disgust is simple: Younger people are recognizing the radical social experiments of the last 50 years haven’t worked. Rather than smoothing out all social problems, it’s caused horrific upheaval in our society. Rather than progressing toward equality, it’s caused a massive divide. Rather than creating Utopia, it’s given us a taste of Hell.

As the saying goes, “Not all Americans are dumb; it’s just that the dumb ones are very, very loud.”

But liberalism is reaping great rewards: It’s pushing people toward conservatism. As a recovered liberal feminist who spent my younger years gullibly swallowing every progressive talking point (including abortion), I offer the hand of welcome to those taking their first tottering steps across the bridge dividing our nation.

Welcome to the land of conservatism. I think you’ll be very happy here.
- http://www.wnd.com/2017/06/at-last-liberalism-is-reaping-great-rewards/

I agree with everything in this article except the conclusion that people are being pushed toward conservatism. I am not seeing it, but I am seeing more conservatives eager to vote - although I am concerned that this congress will manage to sap that enthusiasm again.
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All I see is people in power in government and the educational system doing their absolute very best to divide and tear apart the country from within. All you need to do is brainwash them in schools. You then get the very ****** up weak self absorbed entitled little **** ***** in black masks.
Let them keep it up, it's working, they are going even more batshit crazy!

Poor libs


All I see is people in power in government and the educational system doing their absolute very best to divide and tear apart the country from within. All you need to do is brainwash them in schools. You then get the very ****** up weak self absorbed entitled little **** ***** in black masks.

It's all about spin S4e, if you know how to spin an argument then you can control the agenda. Take Dirty Harry Reid for instance. You think he coulda stayed in Congress for decades without knowing how to control the worst of times by turning them into something they were not ?

Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree.. She discovered that Senator Harry Reid's great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889 Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.

The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory:
On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

So Judy recently e-mailed Senator Harry Reid for information about their great uncle.

Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:
"Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

NOW That's how it's done, Folks!


The L.A. Times accused President Trump of marginalizing people of color with policies. That's how they roll. An optimist sees the glass as half-full, a pessimist sees the glass as half-empty, and a writer for the L.A. Times sees the glass as symptomatic of the institutional racism in American society.

"Conservatism" didn't win the last election - TRUMP won the last election!

....and the GOP will be in control for the next 20 years, thanks to him

and now the Dems are broken and crumbling

ha ha

Dems want Hillary Clinton to leave spotlight

Democrats say they'd like Hillary Clinton to take a cue from President Obama and step out of the spotlight.

They say her string of remarks explaining her stunning loss in November coupled with the public remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee for the defeat - which many took as also critical of President Obama - are hurting the party and making the 2016 candidate look bitter.

"But to go out there publicly again and again and talk about it? And then blame the DNC?" the aide wondered. It's not helpful to Democrats. It's not helpful to the country and I don't think it's helpful to her."

At the Recode conference, she said she had inherited nothing from a "bankrupt" Democratic Party led by Obama for eight years.

"If she is trying to come across as the leader of the angry movement of what happened in 2016, then she's achieving it," said one former senior aide to Obama. "But part of the problem she had was she didn't have a vision for the Democratic Party and she needs to now take a break and let others come to the forefront.

"Conservatism" didn't win the last election - TRUMP won the last election!

....and the GOP will be in control for the next 20 years, thanks to him

and now the Dems are broken and crumbling

ha ha

Dems want Hillary Clinton to leave spotlight

Democrats say they'd like Hillary Clinton to take a cue from President Obama and step out of the spotlight.

They say her string of remarks explaining her stunning loss in November coupled with the public remarks blaming the Democratic National Committee for the defeat - which many took as also critical of President Obama - are hurting the party and making the 2016 candidate look bitter.

"But to go out there publicly again and again and talk about it? And then blame the DNC?" the aide wondered. It's not helpful to Democrats. It's not helpful to the country and I don't think it's helpful to her."

At the Recode conference, she said she had inherited nothing from a "bankrupt" Democratic Party led by Obama for eight years.

"If she is trying to come across as the leader of the angry movement of what happened in 2016, then she's achieving it," said one former senior aide to Obama. "But part of the problem she had was she didn't have a vision for the Democratic Party and she needs to now take a break and let others come to the forefront.


They don't have anyone else.

I'm convinced 80-year old Bernie is going to win the nomination in 2020. He might even win the White House. And the pendulum will swing A LOT further and further outside each democrat/republican cycle. That's kind of where we are headed as a country I think. We've always been a country of pendulum shifts between right/left ideology. Trump is nothing new. And he's not even that "right" (even if the left is acting like it).

As we slowly divide ourselves. As the media and academia keep encouraging that divide, then the pendulum will continue to swing more and more wildly from left to right.

Dems want Hillary Clinton to leave spotlight

I dunno, I think most in the Dem Party know that's a good way to end up dead. They will be content to wait until Hildebeast dies from her own "natural causes".
Hillary won't go away. She can't. She is a spotlight *****, just like her "husband."
I dunno, I think most in the Dem Party know that's a good way to end up dead. They will be content to wait until Hildebeast dies from her own "natural causes".

when she does depart this planet, her funeral will last months and be Abraham Lincoln-esque with tours to every city. Books will be written, movies made, statues erected...she may even ******* win the POTUS then.
when she does depart this planet, her funeral will last months and be Abraham Lincoln-esque with tours to every city. Books will be written, movies made, statues erected...she may even ******* win the POTUS then.

Dead Democrats vote a lot, I don't see why they can't run for office too.*

* For Trog and the other dimbulb Libs, that's sarcasm.
As we slowly divide ourselves. As the media and academia keep encouraging that divide, then the pendulum will continue to swing more and more wildly from left to right.


William McGurn
The Wall Street Journal

Nine years after Barack Obama accused small-towners of clinging to guns or religion, nearly three years after Jonathan Gruber was shown to have attributed ObamaCare’s passage to the stupidity of the American voter, and eight months after Hillary Clinton pronounced half of Donald Trump’s voters “irredeemable,” Democrats are now getting some sophisticated advice: You don’t win votes by showing contempt for voters.

In the last week or so a flurry of articles have appeared arguing for toning down the looking-down.

None of these pieces are directed at Trump Nation. To the contrary, they are pitched to progressives still having a hard time coming to grips with The Donald’s victory last November. Much of what these authors write is sensible. But it can also be hilarious, particularly when the effort to explain ordinary Americans to progressive elites reads like a Margaret Mead entry on the exotic habits of the Samoans.

Mr. Tomasky, for example, informs progressives that middle Americans—wait for it—“go to church.” They have friends (“and sometimes even spouses”) “who are Republicans.” “They don’t feel self-conscious saluting the flag.” Who knew?

Most of these writers allow that there is at least some fraction of Trump voters who are not deplorable. What they do not appreciate is how condescending they can be while advising their fellow Democrats to be less condescending. Exhibit A: Mr. Drum’s recommendation that Democrats can “broaden [their] appeal” because these are “persuadable, low information folks.”

But the larger progressive dilemma here is that contempt is baked into the identity politics that defines today’s Democratic Party.

When Mrs. Clinton labeled Trump voters deplorable (“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it”) she was simply following identity politics to its logical conclusion. Because identity politics transforms those on the other side of the argument—i.e., Americans who are pro-life, who respect the military, who may work in the coal industry—from political opponents into oppressors.

Which is precisely how they are treated: as bigots whose retrograde views mean they have no rights. So when the Supreme Court unilaterally imposes gay marriage on the entire nation, a baker who doesn’t want to cater a gay reception must be financially ruined. Ditto for two Portland women who ran a burrito stand that they shut down after accusations of cultural appropriation regarding their recipes.

No small part of the attraction of identity politics is its usefulness in silencing those who do not hew to progressive orthodoxy. This dynamic is most visible on campuses, where identity politics is also most virulent. It’s no accident, in other words, that the mob at Middlebury resorted to violence to try to keep Charles Murray ; after all, he’s been called a “white nationalist.” In much the same way identity politics has led Democrats to regard themselves as the “resistance” rather than the loyal opposition.

The great irony here is that this has left Democrats increasingly choosing undemocratic means to get what they want. From President Obama’s boast that he would use his pen and phone to bypass Congress to the progressive use of the Supreme Court as its preferred legislature to the Iran and climate deals that made end runs around the Constitution, it all underscores one thing: The modern American progressive has no faith in the democratic process because he has no trust in the American people.

Here it helps to remember the tail end of Mr. Obama’s snipe about guns and religion: it was a crack about voters clinging to “antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.” Sounds like a pretty accurate indictment of contemporary American liberalism, judging by all these articles begging progressives to be a little more broad-minded.

So good luck with the idea that the Democratic Party can restore its relationship with Middle America without addressing the identity politics that fuels it. Especially when it starts from the premise that the Americans they are condescending to will remain too stupid to figure it out.


I dunno, I think most in the Dem Party know that's a good way to end up dead. They will be content to wait until Hildebeast dies from her own "natural causes".
And when she does pass to the hereafter, the Dems can mark the occasion by shooting off the unused victory celebration fireworks.

Now that's turning lemons into lemonade!

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