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At this point I believe Biden will win the Presidency. Can the Rep keep the senate?


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Jan 13, 2015
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At this point I believe Biden will win the Presidency, the queison remains, can the Republicans keep the Senate and Biden polices in check?

We've got the courts. Last night Trump missed a golden chance to call out Biden for who he is while at the same time highlighting his accomplishments. He has two more debates left.

Without COvid-19, Trump would be re-elected. The situation it was it is.
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Why do you think that? I see no enthusiasm for Biden I see remarkable excitement for Trump. The Polls if you really dig into them are not really in Biden's favor. Short of outright fraud I don't understand your concern.
Most are voting Biden because they hate Trump. Pretty simple. A.B.T.! He's mean, a bully, a dictator, etc. If you can vote for a man that relies on a teleprompter, earpiece, being coddled and 47 years of failed work in govt, what are your true beliefs? We have seen voter fraud already and it's not even Oct(yet). Either the Dems are scared or they are just plain lying cheaters, which the latter is more believable.
Why do you think that? I see no enthusiasm for Biden I see remarkable excitement for Trump. The Polls if you really dig into them are not really in Biden's favor. Short of outright fraud I don't understand your concern.

I sincerely hope I am dead wrong here. Why do I say this? While I think the polls are BS, I also think Biden has the lead, just not by the margin they say. Trump MUST win FL, OH, and either WI, AZ, or MI. Losing would be a hit. Biden, according to the polls, is in the lead or is tied in all of these states

I might be underestimating Biden base in terms of likely voters. That is the hope.

Trump has not run a good campaign and is being outspent. He had a golden opportunity to crush Biden last night and failed to do much outside of making Biden go silent on adding more justices to the Supreme Court. He could have quoted RBG's on 8 is a bad number or point out that Supreme court justices have been confirmed something like 19 times in election years.

Pre-covid 19 things were good.He needs to hammer that home. They are not now, and with the aid of the media, the damage is done. Trump should have roasted Biden being against closing border when he did. It was a glancing blow at best. Biden said don't do it. He should have also put the blame on blue state governors, for example NY has more deaths than Texas and FLA combined.

I do think Biden will be a major screw up as President, and we will have the White House back in 4 years and while maintaining a 6-3 majority in the Supreme court. Plus Trump did many great things in trade negotiations and border security. No way Biden is a 2 term president, he won't live through it and will crumble once he gains controls without other people to blame. We must maintain control of the senate. Check Biden every time and put him on trial for the Ukraine business.

If Trump wins the remaining two debates by a clear margin, I think he can win. Right now, I think he will not.
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Come on, Coach! There's zero enthusiasm for Biden and we haven't even gotten to October Surprises yet.
Come on, Coach! There's zero enthusiasm for Biden and we haven't even gotten to October Surprises yet.

Trump is letting us down, The 2nd amendment, taxes which Biden will raise on gas and fees, and his past voting record needs to be spoken of loudly. It's not. Why? I'm 99.99% likely to vote for Trump.

Trump should also warn the middle class voters that his tax break will go away under Biden. Who the heck is running his campaign?

The October surprise better happen fast. I do not believe the polls will lie outside the margin of error by more than 2 points.

Yes there is zero enthusiasm for Biden, that is my hope. Like I said we'd better keep the Senate.
Everything I have read says that Trump wasn't real impressive. I think the greatest concern is that this could lead to increased enthusiasm for Biden. To anyone on the left, it will appear as though he stood toe to toe with Trump and held his own, where perhaps many thought that wouldn't happen. Trump has to be better next time. He needs a message on plans for a second term. What he is doing now is going to end up getting him a big ol L.
Nobody can look at that goat-**** they called a "debate" last night and walk away thinking Trump did himself any favors. His strategy (near as I can tell) was to harangue Biden to the point he melted down, and Joe maintained and spoke his talking points while looking directly into the camera and pointing out over and over that Trump was incapable of civil discord. Trump foolishly proved Biden absolutely correct.

The tragedy is that Trump could have EASILY destroyed Biden without being a complete jackass.

On Black Lives Matter...

Trump: "Yes, I absolutely believe Black Lives Matter. I can stand here and say unequivocally that Black Lives Matter. I don't need to modify that at all and say All Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter because we know that's true, it doesn't need to be repeated over and over. And you know how I demonstrate that I believe Black Lives Matter? My administration created the lowest unemployment rate EVER for African Americans. Because Black Lives Matter. I watch all these cities burn and I watch businesses destroyed in predominantly black neighborhoods and it breaks my heart because Black Lives Matter. Do I want to see black people killed by police officers? Of course not. I don't want to see ANYONE killed by police officers because I believe in law and order and I believe in everyone getting along and acting like equal and responsible adults. I'll tell you what really bothers me is seeing white teenagers in black hoodies burning down black neighborhoods and businesses because I believe Black Lives Matter.

On Covid.
Trump: "The democrats have been shrieking that I didn't act quickly enough, that I didn't do enough for months. But you know what? I acted before ANY of the democrats acted. I acted long before they wanted me to. When I shut down travel with China, they said I was racist. When I shut down travel with Europe, they said I was hurting diplomatic trade relations. When I listened to Fauci and told people that masks weren't necessarily going to prevent the spread, I was blasted. When Fauci had more research and changed his position, I stood with him. The democrats want to blame me for the the shutdown and the loss of economy. Are you aware that EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT is calling for a longer shutdown, calling for more businesses to fail. You know why? Because they want the economy to be in pieces until the election. Then, afterward they're going to say, "Hey, let's get these businesses open again." "Hey, let's move forward in a reasonable, well-thought out manner." That's what we're trying to do now, but the democrats are fighting it every step of the way because they know the only way they can compete is if the country is struggling.

On his "racist" tendencies...
Trump: "You know, the liberal left has been parading out that "Good people on both sides" argument for years now. What they won't tell you is the context of that statement. They want you to believe I said that about rioters in Charlottesville. They want you to believe I heartlessly said that , "Hey, that guy who killed a woman in the crowd - he was Ok!" That's not the case. I don't condone or support any violence, any lawlessness from any organization. The statement they like to blast over the television and radio over an over about "good people" was in reference to the tearing down of confederate historical landmarks. The fact of the matter was, there were people who dislike the history those landmarks represent and there were people who believed that the the landmarks had important historical significance. And you know what? There are good people on BOTH sides of that argument. We live in a country where we can disagree and yet still be civil about our disagreements. We don't NEED to resort to violence and hatred. The liberal left now believes it is their duty to protest and riot at every single gathering they can find. They aren't interested in peaceful discourse. They want to destroy, burn and divide our great country and unfortunately, emotions get high and often people of differing opinion respond in kind. We need to remember that we can talk about our differences. We can work on resolving our differences, but we cannot do that through lawless rioting and looting. You asked, Do I support White Supremacists? You know what Chris? I support law and order. I stand against ANY group, left or right that destroys our cities, endangers our citizens, attacks our constitution. I condemn ANYONE from ANY GROUP that is breaking the law and acting out in violence. Is that good enough for you?

On Climate Change:
Trump: "Earlier tonight I pointed out that Dr. Fauci has on several occasions made some contradictory recommendations, and that often those recommendations have lead our country to occasionally work at cross-purposes with covid. I'm not blaming him for that. I'm not blaming him for learning more about the virus and how it spreads and what it does and updating his earlier hypothesis. In the case with climate change, we have scientists constantly changing their rhetoric and tact. They continue to learn what effect we are having on the planet and the ecosystem and as they learn they change their ideas. I could get together 100 scientists and I would not get 100 people agreeing on what climate change is, what causes climate change and how best to fix climate change. The democrats want me to listen to 35 of the scientists who are telling us that the world is going to be uninhabitable in 20 years and ignore the 65 scientists who say, No, that's not right. If I listen to the 20 scientists who say there is no clear evidence that we aren't in a typical climate epoch that sees the temperature go up and down the democrats say I'm hiding my head in the sand. I just wish those scientists that say the world is ending had been around before the last ice age so they could have warned the early humans to stop producing so much carbon dioxide. I think we'd all be in in a better place today, right? I mean, an ice age couldn't have just "happened". Clearly, early industrialist man must have plundered the environment to cause such cataclysmic temperature changes. The fact of the matter is, when I can get a group of experts who can agree on reasonable, obtainable policy recommendations then, I'll be happy to look at that and see how we can implement things that may help the environment. But until we can get some kind of agreement on what the best way forward is, I need to do what's best for our country, for our economy and for our working Americans. However, I do recommend Joe and A.O.C. run over to China and demand they stop building coal-fired energy plants and produce a plan to reduce their emissions by 70% by 2035. That'd be great. I'll pay for the plane tickets.
No doubt wig.... That's the stuff i have been saying all along. Trump could hammer the Dems and get his points across, but he is incapable of acting like civil human. The only hope is for Pence to slam Harris, but is that really going to move the needle? I think Biden won the debate simply by not making terrible gaffes and hanging in there for the full time.
On his tax returns:
Trump: "Again, the democrats are trying to create this crazy notion that I don't pay any taxes. That I'm a bad guy, livin' it up and burning money. Let me ask you, America. In 2015 I had huge write-offs because I funded my own campaign. Are you funding your campaign Joe? If you are, are you going to write of the millions of dollars of your money that you spent on your campaign? I bet you do. In 2016, as you all know, I began donating all my salary as President to charities. I'm allowed legally to write that off, just like you are Joe, just like you are out there watching tonight. I pay the taxes I'm required to pay, just like you are and that's why I work so hard to lower taxes. Joe and his buddies just want to increase taxes. They say they want to increase taxes on the super rich, but have you ever noticed their notion of the "super rich" are always people who make just a bit more than they do? Joe and Bernie aren't arguing to increase THEIR taxes. They want to find those unicorn tax payers and force them to leave the country, force them to close their businesses and put all their workers out of jobs. And when those super-rich unicorns aren't around to tax, who do you think they'll tax then? It'll be you. Welcome to Venezuela 2.0. They think Venezuela is doing great. They don't seem to care that common people are raiding zoos to kill and eat the animals. Becuase, hey - the super-rich unicorns in Venezuela are paying for everything, right Joe? (and then later when Hunter Biden and his payoffs came up and Joe said "That's not true." Trump should have said, "Can we see Hunter's taxes, Joe?"
While Trump acted anything but Presidential last night, it seems clear to me that his strategy last night was to split the left. Americans are not familiar with this strategy because of the two party "system", but it happens in most other countries with democracies.

Causing the Bernie Bots/AOC clan to disengage from Biden because of nepotism/corruption AND disavowing the GreenNewDeal could be significant.

And the "I am the Democratic Party" line will strike a chord similar to the disgust felt by the conservative Never-Trumpers.

The real winner of last night's debate will be the first believable person to eschew this disrespectfulness and speak directly to the broad swath of Americans in the center space that are today a little more disenchanted than yesterday.

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While Trump acted anything but Presidential last night, it seems clear to me that his strategy last night was to split the left. Americans are not familiar with this strategy because of the two party "system", but it happens in most other countries with democracies.

Causing the Bernie Bots/AOC clan to disengage from Biden because of nepotism/corruption AND disavowing the GreenNewDeal could be significant.

And the "I am the Democratic Party" line will strike a chord similar to the disgust felt by the conservative Never-Trumpers.

The real winner of last night's debate will be the first believable person to eschew this disrespectfulness and speak directly to the broad swath of Americans in the center space that are today a little more disenchanted than yesterday.

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The one thing the left agrees on is Blue no matter who over Trump. You can't split them prior to the election, but you can make Biden look like the racists, pro war, and call out his record while at the same, and let him flounder on stage to discourage his moderate support base.

Trump missed this opportunity, BIG TIME. I'm disappointed.
Everything I have read says that Trump wasn't real impressive.

He wasn't. Got off message all the time, interrupted Biden waaay too many times (couple is fine, but dozens? Nope), missed numerous opportunities to hammer Biden.

Trump believes he does not need to prepare for the debates. He did not really prepare in 2016 and did fine. He forgets that he has a record now, and the Chinese flu is apparently something he cooked up in a lab. Meanwhile, through a combination of Adderall, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Heroin, Biden was able to keep it together for 96 minutes.

Never thought he could do so, but he very much did. Biden was better. Trump being an ******* did not work AT ALL. I get that his plan was to rattle Biden, but Biden was such a dick that if Trump tries to stay on message, argue facts, then Biden looks like a complete *******.
He wasn't. Got off message all the time, interrupted Biden waaay too many times (couple is fine, but dozens? Nope), missed numerous opportunities to hammer Biden.

Trump believes he does not need to prepare for the debates. He did not really prepare in 2016 and did fine. He forgets that he has a record now, and the Chinese flu is apparently something he cooked up in a lab. Meanwhile, through a combination of Adderall, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Heroin, Biden was able to keep it together for 96 minutes.

Never thought he could do so, but he very much did. Biden was better. Trump being an ******* did not work AT ALL. I get that his plan was to rattle Biden, but Biden was such a dick that if Trump tries to stay on message, argue facts, then Biden looks like a complete *******.

IF what you are saying is true, then he has a problem. He has to be prepared next time, maybe have a message about what he has done and what he plans to do. The zingers are great, but it won't win you anything. This debate should have been a layup. Biden has nothing to run on. From what I gather, the President blew it.

I get that people like that Trump is a fighter. Great. That said, I think people by and large are just tired of the discord regardless of where it is coming from. He has to be better next time. Less combative, more on his accomplishments and plans going forward. It's his only chance.
Can you philabuster the law to get rid of the philabuster?

Look, I want to get rid of the philabuster, but now I'm afraid a (D) majority would pack the supreme court, which I think rises to treason.

I've said this before, now that we got Ginsberg's seat? This election means even less that what I argued 3 months ago.

Nothing gets done. Majorities don't matter. The philabuster crushes everything and being the minority party is easy... it's stall, block, critique and lecture. Sure, as the majority you can set up Senate hearings but we've seen those matter less and less. If we survived Benghazi 7 times and the Trump Impeachment and Russia Hoax, who cares once Trump is gone.

If Biden wins, he rejoins Paris Climate accord, spends money it places none of us want, stock market goes down but overall, life will go on. Texas and Alabama DA's will sue him on every one of his executive orders.

As long as we have the Supreme Court, we are okay. We will survive for another day. We will survive 4 years.

That's why this race really doesn't matter much. If used to matter a little bit because of RBG, but that issue is gone.
Can you philabuster the law to get rid of the philabuster?

Look, I want to get rid of the philabuster, but now I'm afraid a (D) majority would pack the supreme court, which I think rises to treason.

I've said this before, now that we got Ginsberg's seat? This election means even less that what I argued 3 months ago.

Nothing gets done. Majorities don't matter. The philabuster crushes everything and being the minority party is easy... it's stall, block, critique and lecture. Sure, as the majority you can set up Senate hearings but we've seen those matter less and less. If we survived Benghazi 7 times and the Trump Impeachment and Russia Hoax, who cares once Trump is gone.

If Biden wins, he rejoins Paris Climate accord, spends money it places none of us want, stock market goes down but overall, life will go on. Texas and Alabama DA's will sue him on every one of his executive orders.

As long as we have the Supreme Court, we are okay. We will survive for another day. We will survive 4 years.

That's why this race really doesn't matter much. If used to matter a little bit because of RBG, but that issue is gone.

I pretty much agree, which is why Trump need to pin Biden down on taxes and fees. I suspect Biden will tighten regulations, increase the tax amount in gas ( which hurts the poor the most ), and such. He might take away Trump's tax cuts for middle income people as well. Make that an issue now, Mr. President! If I lost there goes your $2000-2500 in tax breaks.

Biden is screw up and won't be reelected. Like you said we've got the 6-3 majority in the supreme court. I do what to keep majority in the Senate though that is key.
I pretty much agree, which is why Trump need to pin Biden down on taxes and fees. I suspect Biden will tighten regulations, increase the tax amount in gas ( which hurts the poor the most ), and such.

The bumbling moron promised to shut down fracking, end coal and oil fired power plants, end nuclear power, do away with gas and diesel powered automobiles, and make us dependent on the same ******* energy supplies that cannot keep the ******* lights on in California.

A GAS TAX?!? I'm convinced that a Biden puppetry will lead to the end of this nation as a world power.

Meanwhile, China will pour more CO2 into the atmosphere than the United States ever did, increase its CO2 output, and drive the United States into the background.

We will be unable to pay to defend our allies in Asia. China will take over Hong Kong and flaccid Joe and the $2 VP will do nothing. Japan will crumble and accede to China's demands. The Philippines - a long, long, long-time ally - will be forced to cozy up to the bully that is China.

China becomes dominant, and Australia struggles to retain its freedom. China has had eyes on Australia for decades. The resources, location, food, ports, and status. China will bully Australia, which will ask the United States to finally ******* do something.

And the weak United States, with no viable energy production, an economy in tatters, unable to keep its lights on, will simply shrivel up and shiver in the corner, begging not to be made fun of any more.

The United States is over with that *******'s energy and manufacturing suicide. "It'll pay for itself!!"

Really? Then cut my ******* taxes, you ****.
The bumbling moron.......

Time Out: Clarification Needed

when you write "bumbling moron" are you referring to Biden or cooch?


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Who allowed Cooch into the Poli forum?

Asking for a friend.
66% of Hispanics that watched the debate said Trump won it. Understand that most of us are partisans. But a lot of people aren't. So they were able to see Trump fired up and fighting against both Biden and Wallace. Trump is doing fine. He'll do even better in the next debate. Meanwhile Biden is off his meds and bumbling and stumbling all over Pennsylvania. He sounds like rain man without the mathematical capabilities.
66% of Hispanics that watched the debate said Trump won it. Understand that most of us are partisans. But a lot of people aren't. So they were able to see Trump fired up and fighting against both Biden and Wallace. Trump is doing fine. He'll do even better in the next debate. Meanwhile Biden is off his meds and bumbling and stumbling all over Pennsylvania. He sounds like rain man without the mathematical capabilities.

Does he still live in Scranton? It sure sounds like he lives in a well kept small house with a white picket fence just down the road from the mill and has his coffee with his golden retriever by his side on the front porch every morning.

What a crock of ****... The great thing about Trump is that he doesn't have any false pretenses. He is what he is and everyone knows it. Biden is just your typical run of the mill politician who is so full of **** you can smell it on his breath a mile away.
Been here for years. Nice of you to catch up. Here my posts seem more popular.

We all know you've been on the site for years. You've developed quite the infamous rep on the football side. You've been a semi occasional poster here. I'm asking a historical question...who allowed you to this side? I hoped the mods had you blocked :fish: :new:
Tim, while Coach can be insufferable, I believe he has just as much right to his asinine opinions as I have to mine.

If you don't want to read his stuff, just block him. I don't endorse barring him from the fourm. That's kinda what the political forums are for...

Now the football side... ;- )
Tim, while Coach can be insufferable, I believe he has just as much right to his asinine opinions as I have to mine.

If you don't want to read his stuff, just block him. I don't endorse barring him from the fourm. That's kinda what the political forums are for...

Now the football side... ;- )

He does, indeed. Sarcasm detectors need tweaking however.

And I love your asinine opinions - most of the time haha.

I just hope the Poli side doesn't end up being pages of Cooch-started threads. As someone has already noted, he's starting threads here when said subject is already being discussed elsewhere in this section.