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Bergdahl to be charged as a deserter


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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American soldier and former Taliban captive Bowe Bergdahl has been charged with desertion for allegedly walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009,

Bergdahl was freed after five years in Taliban captivity in a controversial deal last year in which the U.S. agreed to release five mid- to high-level Taliban figures from detention in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

President Obama called it a "good day" when Bergdahl was freed, but critics, including some high-ranking Republicans, loudly denounced the deal, likening it to negotiating with terrorists. Also, lawmakers complained that Congress had not been consulted about the exchange, as they said the law requires.

After Bergdahl's dramatic return to the U.S., the Army launched an investigation into whether the soldier willfully left his post in Afghanistan before he was taken by the Taliban in 2009, as some Afghan war veterans alleged.
Great job Boma. Send 5 mid to high level Taliban fighters back for a traitor. What a ******* moron.

Enjoy Leavenworth you ******* punk
Dog and Pony show. He will be tried and acquitted so that The Big O doesn't have even more egg on his face.
Obama will probably apologize to him for "all he's being put through" and issue an executive order that all charges be dropped, and a federal holiday be set up to honor this "national hero". When in reality, he should be hung for treason.
Obama should be tried right along side of him. That ****** knew he was a deserter. He just wanted to let a few more of his muslim brothers go free to kill more of our soldiers.
I'd wager he sees zero time in jail. Just a hunch.

this is the UCMJ, not a civilian court. generally, they don't **** around, even with bullshit political agendas at their doors.
How long before Obama blames this on Bush?


Five Taliban for a deserter: way to go Obama!
Recall National Security Advisor Susan Rice when she defended the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on ABC’s “This Week” by saying Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction.”

All them ****** liberals defending Obama and Berghdal were wrong,..just like they're wrong about everything else.
Obama is every bit a traitor to this country that Bergdahl is.
I'm glad this ******* is being charged for what he did. I'm not glad that soldiers died looking for this assfuck. I'm pissed that we swapped him for terrorists...and more pissed that NOTHING will happen to Obama for this.
This traitor's Dad who likes spouting off how everyone at GITMO should be released needs a nice boot in the *** too.
He was just a quick excuse for Obama to let his friends go free.
This traitor's Dad who likes spouting off how everyone at GITMO should be released needs a nice boot in the *** too.

The same dad who greeted Obama in Arabic in the Rose Garden.
Not for nothing, but it was Pashto, no Arabic.

Looked it up and it's spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Either way....that's not the normal language you greet the American president in.
he'll be killed .. er.. die of natural causes just before trial.
it's the only way to assure nothing bad comes from this.
How long before Obama blames this on Bush?


Five Taliban for a deserter: way to go Obama!

Wish I still had Photo Shop so I could put a beard on that ****** on the right. And I'm not referring to mooshell.

Recall National Security Advisor Susan Rice when she defended the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on ABC’s “This Week” by saying Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction.”

All them ****** liberals defending Obama and Berghdal were wrong,..just like they're wrong about everything else.

I do remember that now...thanks for the reminder. But it wasn't a mistake or being wrong. It was preemptive spin.

MSM is already pushing the mental competence of Bergdahl. What's Barry's excuse?

And what's his ****** up father's excuse?

Looked it up and it's spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Either way....that's not the normal language you greet the American president in.

Or is it?
Obama's foreign policy decisions have been naive and reckless. He has shown his ineptitude as a leader, and a decision maker. He has surrounded himself with advisors which are worse. Maybe Uncle Joe made the decisions when Barry was on the golf course.

I wonder what ever resulted from that conversation we over heard with Medvedev, when he said. .."Wait until after the election. I will have more flexibility. " Look at what has happened since.
Obama's foreign policy decisions have been naive and reckless.

I disagree. They have been well thought out and intentional.
I disagree. They have been well thought out and intentional.

I honestly think this guy is over-his-head clueless. He definitely has predjudices, and he doesn't hide them well. When things get too much for him, he retreats to the golf course.......which he does often. This man was not prepared to be the leader of the free world.