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Bergdahl to be charged as a deserter

I honestly think this guy is over-his-head clueless. He definitely has predjudices, and he doesn't hide them well. When things get too much for him, he retreats to the golf course.......which he does often. This man was not prepared to be the leader of the free world.

I'm implying I believe this is all by design, to weaken our Country.
I honestly think this guy is over-his-head clueless. .

Disagree. Obama knows exactly what he's doing.

Recall the flack Limbaugh took from liberal a-holes after Obama got elected...Limbaugh said that he hopes Obama doesn't succeed.

That went right over the heads of liberals.
Bergdahl's lawyers are trying to show that his treatment during captivity should mean that he doesn't get charged with anything. They want him to be able to get an honorable discharge and get his full benefits because he was tortured.
Bergdahl's lawyers are trying to show that his treatment during captivity should mean that he doesn't get charged with anything. They want him to be able to get an honorable discharge and get his full benefits because he was tortured.

So why was it again he was able to be tortured in the first place? His lawyers want everyone to forget that.
Results of HIS ACTIONS shouldn't even be brought into play.

The Courts Martial should be about his ACTION only. What ever happened after does not even factor in. You desert during war time, you are executed. The fact you were stupid as well as traitorous, shouldn't matter.
is his name Bowe LEE Bergdahl?

once you drop the ludicrous Barry is a secret AQ guy part, **** just ain't adding up here.
So why was it again he was able to be tortured in the first place? His lawyers want everyone to forget that.

He served with honor, remember???
Results of HIS ACTIONS shouldn't even be brought into play.

The Courts Martial should be about his ACTION only. What ever happened after does not even factor in. You desert during war time, you are executed. The fact you were stupid as well as traitorous, shouldn't matter.

Hey! Dont be such a tea-party nutjob!

Tibs the leftist teddy bear
Hey! Dont be such a tea-party nutjob!

Tibs the leftist teddy bear

Trust me, I am not a Tea-Party Nutjob. I am a vote wasting Libertarian leaning *******.
This son of a ***** got off scott free. No prison time, just a dishonorable discharge. I guess deserting your country and willingly trying to give secrets to its enemy is just fine and dandy nowadays. WHAT THE ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am stunned. Soldiers lost their lives looking for this *******. Others are crippled. And his attorney has the balls to whine that Bergdahl sacrificed "nearly a decade of his life" being captured and incarcerated? Give me a ******* break. Personally, I don't think he will make it real long. Some pissed off Soldier or broken hearted family member is probably gonna off this punk. Wouldn't hurt my feelings.
I am stunned. Soldiers lost their lives looking for this *******. Others are crippled. And his attorney has the balls to whine that Bergdahl sacrificed "nearly a decade of his life" being captured and incarcerated? Give me a ******* break. Personally, I don't think he will make it real long. Some pissed off Soldier or broken hearted family member is probably gonna off this punk. Wouldn't hurt my feelings.

Wouldn't hurt my feelings either. This dude is the scum of the earth. This just pisses me off beyond belief.
I wonder how many people the terrorists that Obama traded for this piece of **** have killed since then.
The ******'s attorneys want to appeal feeling the dishonorable discharge is too harsh. SMH WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The traitor is actually still going to be getting paid from our tax dollars. It's a reduced rate but we're still paying his traitor ***.
Bad idea to let him stay in. He will not make it. Soldiers don't like to be around guys that in the process of being traitorous, gets their friends shot up. How this ****** isn't swinging from a tree is beyond me.
I don't understand this decision at all. I know people who have gotten worse punishments for lesser bullshit. Makes me wonder how much of a hand the Obama machine has in this...

Reminder: Good Men Died Searching for Bergdahl

Army Judge Col. Jeffery R. Nance ruled Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl will not face prison time for walking off his base eight years ago and abandoning his platoon mates.

Bergdahl's defense argued he has been punished enough by being held captive by the Taliban, which radio traffic showed he purposely sought out, and shouldn't be subjected to further captivity. Nance bought it and Bergdahl will simply face a dishonorable discharge, have his rank stripped and will pay $10,000

Good men died searching for Bergdahl. Here are their names.

Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, 29, of San Antonio, TX

Private 1st Class Morris Walker, 23, of Chapel Hill, NC

Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss, 27, of Murray, UT

2nd Lieutenant Darryn Andrews, 34, of Dallas, TX

Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey, 25, of Snyder, TX

Private 1st Class Matthew Martinek, 20, of DeKalb, IL

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I'm blown away. Not only is this **** stain got getting shot, he's ******* walking free. Unbelievable. Didn't Barry trade 5 Taliban from gitmo for this scumbag as well. Karma is a *****.
I'm blown away. Not only is this **** stain got getting shot, he's ******* walking free. Unbelievable. Didn't Barry trade 5 Taliban from gitmo for this scumbag as well. Karma is a *****.

Yes he did. And 6 people died looking for Bergdahl, even though they knew he deserted.
So, is he still in the Army right now? They said he is going to get a walk with a DD, but that he is being reduced in rank to E-1 and forfeiture of $1000/ mth for 10 months. Does this mean he is going to still be in the Army for the next 10 months, then discharged? If so he should be sent to Afghanistan for the next 10 months to head patrols.
So, is he still in the Army right now? They said he is going to get a walk with a DD, but that he is being reduced in rank to E-1 and forfeiture of $1000/ mth for 10 months. Does this mean he is going to still be in the Army for the next 10 months, then discharged? If so he should be sent to Afghanistan for the next 10 months to head patrols.


So, is he still in the Army right now? They said he is going to get a walk with a DD, but that he is being reduced in rank to E-1 and forfeiture of $1000/ mth for 10 months. Does this mean he is going to still be in the Army for the next 10 months, then discharged? If so he should be sent to Afghanistan for the next 10 months to head patrols.

It should be a patrol of one.