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Biden held in contempt in UK


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Apr 8, 2014
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UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing​

By Bonchie | Aug 19, 2021 4:45 PM ET
The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt. That came after several impassioned denunciations on the floor that were covered by RedState previously.

How does it feel to be respected on the world stage again?

But while it’s a travesty that things have gotten to this point, it’s the details of what went on behind the scenes that led to this that are most disturbing. Earlier in the week, NSA Jake Sullivan shocked onlookers by announcing that Biden had not spoken to any world leaders about the pullout from Afghanistan. A dereliction of duty at that level is hard to fathom, though, it’s become commonplace for a president who continues to run to Delaware instead of, you know, being president.

Following Sullivan’s jaw-dropping admission, Biden apparently did talk to UK PM Boris Johnson. Unfortunately, it took 36 hours for the president to get around to answering the call, though.

Was Biden incapacitated? It’s not like this was a request from the president of Thailand. We are talking about our oldest and closest ally in the British. And Biden took almost two days to even return their phone call as Afghanistan descended into absolute chaos?

Further, the UK military was reportedly left completely in the dark about what the US was doing as far as pulling out. Timelines were not given, no preparations were made with NATO forces (which had more personnel on the ground than we did), and when the time came, pandemonium predictably broke out. Why was there no communication?

None of this makes any sense. As I asked yesterday, if Biden were trying to cause chaos in Afghanistan, what would he be doing differently? Is this incompetence or malice at this point? It’s hard to imagine a motive for the latter given this is going to hurt him politically, but we are at the junction where things are so haywire that all angles should be explored.

The United States is in a precarious position, disdained by our allies and unable to strike fear into our adversaries. Despite being assured that was going to be the result of Trump’s presidency by the same mediocre experts who never get anything right, the country came out of his four years stronger and more respected around the globe. It’s only taken seven months for Biden to tear all that down.

UK Parlament Biden.jpg
Sad when it has to take another country to start to hold our inept Imposter in Chief to account over this absolute travesty.

I've never been more embarrassed/sickened/saddened to be an American.
Conspiracy Wig has entered the building...

I read the thinnest of skeleton outlines for a conspiracy theory yesterday regarding Afghanistan and I immediately felt I would need to start looking at THIS rabbit hole because it sounds like SO MUCH FUN for a "Political Conspiracy Theorist" like myself.

I could write half a book on this, but I will keep it very short, essentially like the skeleton of a theory I was clued into yesterday.

The theory suggests that the CIA and other NSA elements are what is truly behind the mass chaos in Afghanistan. The idea is that they are really really pissed at Biden and they want to (in one fell swoop, mind you) destroy his presidency and dramatically increase their presence in Afghanistan.

The theory starts by suggesting that the whole "Russian bounty" thing was a hoax actually invented and disseminated by the CIA through their public front, CNN. Trump had started making serious plans to pull out of Afghanistan, going so far as to set timetables and suddenly he was embroiled in a ridiculous controversy about russian bounty payments for dead U.S. soldiers.
The accusation was utterly ridiculous. U.S. soldiers were experiencing a period of relative safety and virtually no American soldiers had been killed or would be killed for some time. Nonetheless, the accusation blossomed and took over the airwaves of networks like CNN and later MSNBC. Congress even threatened the all-to-regular investigation with the now commonplace promise of impeachment.

Of course it all came to nothing. Indeed the CIA themselves later said the rumors were completely false. But Trump's withdrawal plan experienced some kinks and more importantly a subtle message had been conveyed. You don't **** with the Afghanistan status quo.

(Conspiracy Wig interjects on the narrative.) Ok, that's a little wild, a little out there, but those of us who trust the government and particularly the clandestine parts of our government about as far as we can throw Mt. Hood can totally believe that the CIA is capable of using a little trickery and public opinion manipulation to **** with a standing president. (You should read about what they were doing DURING the Cuba Missile Crisis!) However, if you can "kinda" keep an open mind to the above accusations, it's about to get wild. Buckle in.

The theory then suggests that the current administration (Not necessarily vegetable, he barely knows what day of the week it is) is aware of the CIA's vested interest in maintaining control of Afghanistan and their tremendous opposition to pulling out. According to the theory, one possibility is that the administration knew that if they started ramping up traditional draw-downs IE getting civilians out, then support staff, then destroying vital equipment and installations before finally removing all the troops, we'd see a number of really horrific terrorist style attacks on our facilities, troops and civilians in the area designed to "keep us there". Thus, the administration pulled a fast one on the intelligence community by literally sneaking the military out in the middle of the night with no advance notification to anyone, including our allies. This would force a full (if chaotic) withdrawal. The assumption being that the Afghan military could hold **** together long enough to get civilians out as well as some or most of the support personnel.

The theory goes so far as to suggest, the CIA suddenly finding themselves in the middle of a full-scall pullout have taken it upon themselves to ramp up a situation that is absolutely devastating to the current administration. It is the CIA that is hindering any efforts to get people out of the country, the CIA that is encouraging the Taliban to blockade the airport, the CIA that is constantly fomenting tension and violence, all in the hopes of A) ruining the Biden presidency due to perceived incompetence and B) forcing a massive return of troops in order to secure the area OR avenge the citizens who are harmed or killed in the mess.

(Conspiracy Wig again...) Ya, This is out there alright. One interesting component of the "theory" is that CNN (remember, the CIA's mouthpiece according to the theory) is now turning on Biden and ramping up allegations of incompetence. Course, it's possible, even likely that although CNN and some of the other more liberal networks have protected Biden through every single failing the administration has experienced they probably have just finally hit a breaking point where even they can see that a policy of continuing to defend a guy as completely stupid as vegetable is a losing game. Still, it's a fun theory to play around with. It has all those dark, nasty elements of nefarious spy agencies callously using human beings as pawns in their evil chess game as they continually strive for world dominance.

Anyway, enjoy. Just another (pretty far out there) lens to look at the mess through.
And if the above is just tooooo wild for you, the OTHER sort of watered down version of the above is that the Administration is willing to sacrifice Biden by putting forward this horrible plan in order to accomplish the above goals of increasing and extending our involvement in Afghanistan. In this case, only Americans, our allies and vegetable are sacrificed for the extension of war while the vice prostitute takes over. In this case, the idea is that the administration was working with the CIA etc. in order to launch a really stupid and botched drawdown to create a false-flag event where we needed to either rescue or avenge thousands of American hostages.
sorry what does it mean if the uk holds him in contempt? the article was days ago. and the only place I see anything about it is here
And if the above is just tooooo wild for you, the OTHER sort of watered down version of the above is that the Administration is willing to sacrifice Biden by putting forward this horrible plan in order to accomplish the above goals of increasing and extending our involvement in Afghanistan. In this case, only Americans, our allies and vegetable are sacrificed for the extension of war while the vice prostitute takes over. In this case, the idea is that the administration was working with the CIA etc. in order to launch a really stupid and botched drawdown to create a false-flag event where we needed to either rescue or avenge thousands of American hostages.
I kinda draw a middle ground on Conspiracy Wig. I think that 1) the Vegetable Administration is loaded with anti-war anti-military types who simply want to get out of Diarrheastan and 2) none of them are smart enough to be as forward-thinking as your conspiracy theory gives them credit for. Hell, they still think they can negotiate with the Tally Bon. The MSM by being somewhat critical is really trying to help the Vegetable Administration by showing that they're making everyone on their side look bad. That said, I do think the wheels are in motion to get Vegetable to step down or be removed. I think the plan all along was to do that, he was the only Dem able to appear moderate enough to be elected and you may remember that I said 4 or 5 years ago that Harris would be the next Dem President because she checks off all the right boxes for identity politics. The party installed her as VP and rigged the vote count for Veg to win knowing that he wouldn't be there long. Conspiracy Ron's opinion anyway.


sorry what does it mean if the uk holds him in contempt? the article was days ago. and the only place I see anything about it is here
It means nothing of substance. It means they're pissed and need a way to tell the world they are mad at us. It's akin to giving Biden the finger.
It means nothing of substance. It means they're pissed and need a way to tell the world they are mad at us. It's akin to giving Biden the finger.
When was the last time America's most important combat ally publicly repudiated POTUS?

I do not believe this has ever occured before. It means the next time the US asks for a coalition, the rest of the participants are going to be far less aligned.

Biden doesn't seem to feel responsible to his electorate, but leaders in the UK, OZ and Canada (election underway now), are far more accountable to their people, their military, their vets. What makes it worse is that duty of care to those who agree to fight alongside the US has been not only neglected by Biden's actions but then his callous disregard for the concerns of those the US asked for support in Afghanistan has been amplified, because the various allies cannot justify his actions.
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It means nothing of substance. It means they're pissed and need a way to tell the world they are mad at us. It's akin to giving Biden the finger.

Yeah it doesn't mean anything in a literal sense, but it does mean a lot in terms of how our strongest ally currently views us and is going to deal with us going forward, which is a pretty big deal. I'm just glad someone is telling this boob and the rest of our allies that his actions are negligent and are going to carry consequences down the road.
I kinda draw a middle ground on Conspiracy Wig. I think that 1) the Vegetable Administration is loaded with anti-war anti-military types who simply want to get out of Diarrheastan and 2) none of them are smart enough to be as forward-thinking as your conspiracy theory gives them credit for. Hell, they still think they can negotiate with the Tally Bon. The MSM by being somewhat critical is really trying to help the Vegetable Administration by showing that they're making everyone on their side look bad. That said, I do think the wheels are in motion to get Vegetable to step down or be removed. I think the plan all along was to do that, he was the only Dem able to appear moderate enough to be elected and you may remember that I said 4 or 5 years ago that Harris would be the next Dem President because she checks off all the right boxes for identity politics. The party installed her as VP and rigged the vote count for Veg to win knowing that he wouldn't be there long. Conspiracy Ron's opinion anyway.
I would have to agree to disagree with you on one point though. Bomma's administration was just about the most war-hawkish administration we've seen since WW2. That dude like to bomb some ****. Most of Vegetable's people are just Bomma retreads.
Yeah it doesn't mean anything in a literal sense, but it does mean a lot in terms of how our strongest ally currently views us and is going to deal with us going forward, which is a pretty big deal. I'm just glad someone is telling this boob and the rest of our allies that his actions are negligent and are going to carry consequences down the road.
It also means that Britain has formally (as a nation) laid the blame for the Afghanistan debacle at Biden's feet. They've literally come out and formally said "You did this. This is YOUR fault."

And that is a pretty big deal when your #1 ally no longer has your back on this. Think of it as you wading into a fight at a bar and your biggest, most bad-*** friend says, "Oh **** no. You started this ****, I'm out."

Now you're hoping that your numerous, scrawny buddies don't take a look at the big guy heading out the door and follow HIM instead of throwing down with you. That's a pretty good metaphor for what's going on with vegetable's ally-situation right now.
It also means that Britain has formally (as a nation) laid the blame for the Afghanistan debacle at Biden's feet. They've literally come out and formally said "You did this. This is YOUR fault."

And that is a pretty big deal when your #1 ally no longer has your back on this. Think of it as you wading into a fight at a bar and your biggest, most bad-*** friend says, "Oh **** no. You started this ****, I'm out."

Now you're hoping that your numerous, scrawny buddies don't take a look at the big guy heading out the door and follow HIM instead of throwing down with you. That's a pretty good metaphor for what's going on with vegetable's ally-situation right now.
I would imagine their would be some articles on this, soon.
I would imagine their would be some articles on this, soon.
Here is one from Indy in the other thread:

Nigel Farage: 'No way' British parliament would vote for military cooperation with America under Biden admin​

Farage warns international terror threat increasing after Afghanistan pullout​

Farage: Britain would 'no way' show military cooperation with America led by Biden admin

Former Brexit party leader slams the president's administration for the situation in Afghanistan and argues the U.K. is not willing to 'enter another operation' with the United States.
Nigel Farage, former Brexit party leader, slammed the Biden administration’s Afghanistan blunder Tuesday, arguing the crisis has led his country of Britain feeling "betrayed." Under Biden, Farage told "Fox & Friends First" that "there is no way a British parliament right now would vote for military cooperation with America."
NIGEL FARAGE: The medium-term problem is the resurgence of international terror, already evidence that extremist jihadi groups all over the world have taken great cheer from what the Taliban have done in Afghanistan. And so if we do find ourselves back engaged and, you know, let's be honest, the last few years, we've not seen major terrorist atrocities in the West. But if they start to happen again and we start to think, well, how do we go out again and try and stop these cells that are spreading international terror? How can we do it with the Americans? How can we do it with an ally that is treating us with contempt and betrayed us and into the bargain, many of our own citizens?

Certainly, if it's a Biden or Harris administration, honestly, there is no way, there is no way a British parliament right now would vote for military cooperation with America led by this administration. And that's a very sad thing to say, because since 1917, the U.K. and America have been side by side in virtually every major conflict. We've been the closest allies in terms of military action, in terms of intelligence sharing, in terms of culture, in terms of business. You couldn't have a better ally in the world. And right at the moment, I'm sorry, but there's no way we could enter into another operation with you
Yeah it doesn't mean anything in a literal sense, but it does mean a lot in terms of how our strongest ally currently views us and is going to deal with us going forward, which is a pretty big deal. I'm just glad someone is telling this boob and the rest of our allies that his actions are negligent and are going to carry consequences down the road.
I don't think they were wrong to do what they did. Until it affects Americans directly, it means nothing. They gave us the bird. BFD. Take away their defensive help, they'll play ball. Gonna be hard to prop up your welfare state without the US paying the bills.
I don't think they were wrong to do what they did. Until it affects Americans directly, it means nothing. They gave us the bird. BFD. Take away their defensive help, they'll play ball. Gonna be hard to prop up your welfare state without the US paying the bills.

The Europeans that hate us love the blanket of security we provide. **** those cunts lets take care of our own and leave them to fend for themselves.
He's a ******* idiot much like some of the long time posters here.
I hate to say it but having a complete dolt at the helm is part of the plan. That makes regular Joe and Jane feel OK about things...What could go wrong with grandpa at the helm?

There is a menacing plan behind all this ****. 3/4 of it is to make the Americans take their eye off the ball. Focus on the Stan while they are trying to pass a bill through the House and Senate that will totally change how we vote......Remember if there is a big fireball in the sky at 1700, there is likely something much more detrimental at 0600. Keep your eye on the ball.....
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I hate to say it but having a complete dolt at the helm is part of the plan. That makes regular Joe and Jane feel OK about things...What could go wrong with grandpa at the helm?

There is a menacing plan behind all this ****. 3/4 of it is to make the Americans take their eye off the ball. Focus on the Stan while they are trying to pass a bill through the House and Senate that will totally change how we vote......Remember if there is a big fireball in the sky at 1700, there is likely something much more detrimental at 0600. Keep your eye on the ball.....
Yep, slight of hand politics, gotta get that budget rammed through with as little publicity as possible.
The Budget, H1, keeping people even MORE distracted from the AZ audit results...
The Budget, H1, keeping people even MORE distracted from the AZ audit results...
All leading towards one goal??
Adding my 2 cents to the "conspiracy".... Any chance the neocons, à la John Bolton, etc., ... could they have a hand in all this?