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Bidenomics continues to rape America


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
It's here. We warned America in 2020, again in 2021, and repeatedly over the first four months of 2022 - Joe Biden is a dementia-ridden idiot grifter plagiarist liar scumbag sock-puppet, enacting destructive, inane, idiotic policies that are destroying the American economy.


Gross Domestic Product, First Quarter 2022 (Advance Estimate)​

Real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased at an annual rate of 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2022 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the fourth quarter, real GDP increased 6.9 percent.

So GDP - artificially pumped up by $1.9 trillion in useless government spending in the first quarter of 2021 - is now declining. Manufacturing in America is declining. Hey, I think there's a name for two consecutive quarters of falling GDP. Rhymes with "Biden is a ******* grifter moron," sorry, rhymes with "recession."

At least we still have exploding inflation!! Yeah, the late 1970's are back! Recession with exploding inflation, so at least when people are out of work, things they cannot buy cost a ****-ton more! Yipee!
This administration is the worst in history, they need to be removed ASAP!

View attachment 8440
Come on,man. This is part of the build back better program. You first need to destroy everything. Because you know strong unions, American made, climate change man, free stuff, China ain't so bad.

It's really not a joke. These people are not our friends and they could give two ***** less about any of us.

If they had their way they'd jail you for speaking against them.
I am convinced that the bad market and horrible foreign policy issues now are an intentional undermining of our nation.
I am convinced that the bad market and horrible foreign policy issues now are an intentional undermining of our nation.
Can't be any other reason. These are lifelong professionals running things. This isn't by some accident. The pandemic excuse is a front.
Can't be any other reason. These are lifelong professionals running things. This isn't by some accident. The pandemic excuse is a front.
Right. Furthermore, they are globalist not patriots, so their actions represent global aspirations, not US aspirations. It's the only way to make sense of the actions. Without this view, the things done are absolute headscratchers.
It's here. We warned America in 2020, again in 2021, and repeatedly over the first four months of 2022 - Joe Biden is a dementia-ridden idiot grifter plagiarist liar scumbag sock-puppet, enacting destructive, inane, idiotic policies that are destroying the American economy.


So GDP - artificially pumped up by $1.9 trillion in useless government spending in the first quarter of 2021 - is now declining. Manufacturing in America is declining. Hey, I think there's a name for two consecutive quarters of falling GDP. Rhymes with "Biden is a ******* grifter moron," sorry, rhymes with "recession."

At least we still have exploding inflation!! Yeah, the late 1970's are back! Recession with exploding inflation, so at least when people are out of work, things they cannot buy cost a ****-ton more! Yipee!
This country seriously needs new people throughout politics. We have way too many citizens but not enough votes to see past this bs already.
Right. Furthermore, they are globalist not patriots, so their actions represent global aspirations, not US aspirations. It's the only way to make sense of the actions. Without this view, the things done are absolute headscratchers.
The US is the globe. California and Texas alone are more rich than most countries. If California was it’s own country it would be richer than Russia.

If the US collapses, the entire world feels it. We should make global ties for business reasons but yes we do need to be the US first.

That said. Biden is an idiot
Good thing I changed careers when I did. If Covid didn't bankrupt me, the Biden economy surely would have.
Anyone, and I do mean anyone, that seriously considers voting D this coming November has to be lost in their ideology.

Completely ignoring what's happening around them will result in the collapse of our economy, it's already happening.

Just check your investments and savings over the last 6 months.
Just check your investments and savings over the last 6 months.

I can barely bring myself to look. Spoke to my investment counselor in January, said, "This economy is ready to tank. Every warning sign is there." Move investments to 80% fixed (at basically 0% return) by moving from stocks to the fixed investments and still have seen a 6% decline in my investments.

Investment guy, "Wow, you did better than most."

Me: "That's like being the last guy on the Titanic to drown."
Went to the grocery store today to pick up a few things:
- a gallon of milk is up 40% from last year
- fresh mushrooms up 25%
- a can of condensed soup is twice the price from a year ago.
I can barely bring myself to look. Spoke to my investment counselor in January, said, "This economy is ready to tank. Every warning sign is there." Move investments to 80% fixed (at basically 0% return) by moving from stocks to the fixed investments and still have seen a 6% decline in my investments.

Investment guy, "Wow, you did better than most."

Me: "That's like being the last guy on the Titanic to drown."
I retired in the fall of '18 and even though I started taking a distribution from my retirement accounts, they continued to grow.
Can't say that anymore since January.
This has the potential to get real ugly, I've moved a lot of investments just to tread water.
Just got an email from PPL letting me know that their rates will be going up approximately 38% starting 6/1. The email then tells you not to blame them for the increase. Of course it's Biden's policies but most dumb people whop get this will believe it's Trump's fault after CNN tells them it's Trump's fault.

Your green new deal in action.

Why is the default rate increasing?

At PPL Electric Utilities, we deliver your electricity, but we don’t own the power plants where it’s generated. You can shop for an electricity supplier that is right for you. If you don’t shop for electricity supply, we buy it for you and pass along the cost at no profit to us. That’s called the default rate.

We update the default rate twice a year based upon competitive energy auctions. We just completed our auctions and we’re purchasing power for you at the lowest rate available.

Inflation and global economic events are impacting all parts of the economy, including the cost of energy supply sources, such as natural gas. Those rising prices are reflected in the new default rate.
The destruction is intentional. China rules the world.
Went to the grocery store today to pick up a few things:
- a gallon of milk is up 40% from last year
- fresh mushrooms up 25%
- a can of condensed soup is twice the price from a year ago.
You won't be willing to rely on the government if you can still afford life.
Just got an email from PPL letting me know that their rates will be going up approximately 38% starting 6/1. The email then tells you not to blame them for the increase. Of course it's Biden's policies but most dumb people whop get this will believe it's Trump's fault after CNN tells them it's Trump's fault.

Your green new deal in action.

Why is the default rate increasing?

At PPL Electric Utilities, we deliver your electricity, but we don’t own the power plants where it’s generated. You can shop for an electricity supplier that is right for you. If you don’t shop for electricity supply, we buy it for you and pass along the cost at no profit to us. That’s called the default rate.

We update the default rate twice a year based upon competitive energy auctions. We just completed our auctions and we’re purchasing power for you at the lowest rate available.

Inflation and global economic events are impacting all parts of the economy, including the cost of energy supply sources, such as natural gas. Those rising prices are reflected in the new default rate.
Gotta pay for those wind and solar farms somehow and save the planet. Go Earth!!!

-Hollywood and Academia. (two institutions that know nothing about real life)
Bought diesel 2 weeks ago. 4.96 a gallon. It hurt but hey, I needed it. Stopped at same station Saturday night....5.49.....WTF

I should have loaded up because a friend just told me its 6.25 at the station in town now.....

There is a world of economic hurt comin folks. Prepare.
Well....we all could go to Disney World and be happy...happy....happy.

That only cost a family of 4, tickets for a day, cheap hotel, and food about $600 a day. If you need to rent a car even more. And driving there unless your live in the ara is expensive. F' Disney. Biden and the DEMS are toast. A recession is coming. Meanwhile illegals are coming in by the millions. Someone has to take care of them, right? The cost of food, gas, housing and are all way too high! People willl vote on that before politics.
Bought diesel 2 weeks ago. 4.96 a gallon. It hurt but hey, I needed it. Stopped at same station Saturday night....5.49.....WTF

I should have loaded up because a friend just told me its 6.25 at the station in town now.....

There is a world of economic hurt comin folks. Prepare.
I noticed that diesel is up another 50 cents from what I paid a week ago. Good thing diesel prices don't affect the economy.
Just got an email from PPL letting me know that their rates will be going up approximately 38% starting 6/1. The email then tells you not to blame them for the increase. Of course it's Biden's policies but most dumb people whop get this will believe it's Trump's fault after CNN tells them it's Trump's fault.

Your green new deal in action.

Why is the default rate increasing?

At PPL Electric Utilities, we deliver your electricity, but we don’t own the power plants where it’s generated. You can shop for an electricity supplier that is right for you. If you don’t shop for electricity supply, we buy it for you and pass along the cost at no profit to us. That’s called the default rate.

We update the default rate twice a year based upon competitive energy auctions. We just completed our auctions and we’re purchasing power for you at the lowest rate available.

Inflation and global economic events are impacting all parts of the economy, including the cost of energy supply sources, such as natural gas. Those rising prices are reflected in the new default rate.

Yay! Time to buy an electric car. :mad:
Anyone, and I do mean anyone, that seriously considers voting D this coming November has to be lost in their ideology.

Completely ignoring what's happening around them will result in the collapse of our economy, it's already happening.

Just check your investments and savings over the last 6 months.
But Orange Man Bad.