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Big Ben- Long but well written

The writer has a decent reputation for not being a hack. I think he knows he wrote a piece of crap though because he's refusing all interview requests. He's in hiding. I think his bosses at SI came up with the headline and told him to go dig up some dirt. He came back to them and said "I got nothing." So they just recycled a bunch of old crap because they were committed to running the story and getting the clicks / attention you get by taking shots at someone of Big Ben's stature.
This is what I'm hoping, that Ben will see this drudging up of old accusations (key word) and simply go off and finally get his deserved lwoB repuS MVP award that would shut up all the critics. Unfortunately once your found guilty in the court of public opinion, no amount of change or lack of failure will ever satiate the judgement that has been cast upon your character (unless your name is Brady, Ray Lewis, Jameis Winston, etc., etc.). Apparently no one remembers the injustice done against the Duke lacrosse team, because no woman has ever lied about rape allegations with an agenda, but who knows what really happened except the parties involved. Ben was never charged with anything, end of story.
Nothing will make it go away, it's sad but true.The funny thing to me about this whole thing is some of the most ardent Ben defenders here(CONservatives in the P&R forum here) tell me that Bill Clinton settling out of court is an admission of guilt.hYet when it's the object of their immature vicarious fantasies who settles out of court...it's because " he's got more important things to do than waste his time........."And those same people conveniently forgetting Ben's press conference where he claimed " he would stop at nothing to clear his family name"...........

Much like O.J on the endless hunt for the killers...........

Not a Ben basher but facts are facts.
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most ardent Ben defenders here(CONservatives in the P&R forum here)
Way to bring your warped and skewed political ramblings into a non-political discussion.
when it's the object of their immature vicarious fantasies
Talk out of your *** much?
Not a Ben basher
LOL, no, not at all, I wonder if he is the object of your immature vicarious fantasies or is that just Hillary Clinton?
To me, the title of the article doesn't even make sense: "Why Ben Roethlisberger Is the NFL's Most Polarizing* Player...*and what that says about the Steelers' quarterback -- and about you."

Ben was certainly a polarizing NFL figure back in 2010 when he was suspended over his allegations, but now? Maybe today he's still polarizing in Findlay, Ohio (pop. 41,512), but does the rest of the country really give a **** about which hometown he lists in the media guide?

What does it say about Ben? Not much, other than the fact that he's settled down with a family and become a different person since the vast majority of this bullshit blew over YEARS ago.

I've seen a lot of people who were ******** in their late teens and twenties make changes in their lives, and become better citizens in their thirties. I've seen some who haven't ever matured. I like Ben, and I'm glad he has changed for the better...what does that say about me? Who the **** knows.

Just a biased and untimely article which leaves most of its own useless questions unanswered.
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