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Black Lives Matter

Steeler Pride

Bourbon Connoisseur
Nov 7, 2016
Reaction score
Noblesville, IN
This one hits close to home, Daeon, the kid mentioned in the article is one of my baseball players, that I have coached since he was 8 years old. He just accepted an offer to play baseball at Butler University. He was raised by his grandfather and grandmother after his birth mom OD'd and his biological father was in prison for murder. Ed (the grandfather) did everything right to raise and protect this boy from his environment. He had a 3.9 GPA, was involved in athletics, as respectful as they come. He had everything going for him and was set to escape a rough start and an even rougher neighborhood.

He was shot and killed last Friday, yet not one single lead or tip has come into the detectives investigating. Door to door questioning has been nothing but "didn't see or hear anything." No sign of any black lives matter organizers or community leaders or ministers demanding justice over his life what so ever.

But, here we have the Darwin award winner that let police on a high speed chase, fled the car, fired 2 shots at officers before being killed by a black officer and the entire city is up in arms...demanding "justice."

Apparently black lives only matter if you are shot by a cop or killed by a Caucasian, then it matters. If it is black on black crime, it doesn't mean squat. Police Action Shooting there are 10 witnesses with cell phone video ready to spew their guts to anyone that will listen. Black on black crime...nobody is "Snitchin'."

Usually, Friday nights are our team dinner nights, I buy all of the boys dinner and we hang out as a team. I have a few boys that are from inner city or rough neighborhoods. Since we play ball on Saturdays and Sundays, I have done the team dinners on Fridays to try to keep the boys away from making bad choices or hanging out around the wrong people on the weekends. Thanks to the Covid-19 lockdown, I have not been able to get together with my boys. Maybe if we had been at dinner last Friday, Daeon would still be with us. His life needs to be added to the growing number of lives that have been lost thanks to this extreme overreaction by our government to this "pandemic."
Sorry about Daeon.

Apparently black lives only matter if you are shot by a cop or killed by a Caucasian, then it matters. If it is black on black crime, it doesn't mean squat. Police Action Shooting there are 10 witnesses with cell phone video ready to spew their guts to anyone that will listen. Black on black crime...nobody is "Snitchin'."

People that espouse the 'black lives' mantra do so for any political 'leverage' it might afford them. If black lives really mattered to them they'd be rampaging in the streets over the unending carnage to black lives in any American city, whether by the bullet or the 'classroom'. Or the 36% of abortions that are black children - that puts the tally somewhere North of 25 million black children, by the official count, the number is likely higher.

As a related aside, all slaves were owned by dims. NO Republican ever owned a slave. Correction - Grant once owned slaves but later became a Republican. The point is that the party that imported, owned and abused Africans is the party that to this day champions the wholesale slaughter of unborn black children. And blacks line up to vote for dims. You can put the blame for that on the 'classroom'.
Really sorry to hear that, Steeler Pride and kudos for spending your time and your energy caring about the kids. Some of the best days of my life were spent at a swimming pool watching my daughter while she was diving, or on the field coaching my son in baseball and football.

Never met the young man but it certainly sounds like the world is a worse place today than it was a couple of days ago.
Sorry for your loss SP. I didn’t even hear about that until you posted it.

The dumbass on Michigan Road, where nothing good ever happens, who shot at the cops deserved what he got. If you pull a gun on the police, you are going to die. They played a clip of his sister saying that he’s never going to serve justice because he’s not here to serve justice, he’s dead. I just thought, *****, he got instant justice. Stfu.
Wow, that is really crappy, very sad.

I am sorry for your loss, and grateful for the good you have brought to your community.

One day, all deaths will be equal, without politics, or socio-economic bs ruling society. But that seems a little further down the road.....

RIP Daeon