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Black People Can't Catch A Break


Less-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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CNN claims Daylight Savings Time ‘disproportionately’ impacts ‘people of color’

A recent online article from CNN argued that Daylight Savings Time disproportionately affects the sleep and health of minority communities.

The piece, published on Friday by CNN Health reporter Jacqueline Howard, argued that Daylight Savings Time often disrupts sleep, throws off people’s circadian rhythms and can contribute to general health problems.

And since people of color have a higher number of health problems, this means observing Daylight Savings Time is more dangerous for them.

The piece began by citing Vanderbilt University Medical Center Sleep Division professor, Dr. Beth Malow, who claimed, “Daylight saving time is associated with increased risks of sleep loss, circadian misalignment, and adverse health consequences.”

Howard also cited National Institute of Environmental Health Science researcher Chandra Jackson, who stated, “Poor sleep is associated with a host of poor health outcomes, including obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, including of the breast and colon.”

Jackson added the key point, stating, “Many of these health outcomes are more prevalent in the Black population.

Howard noted, “it’s not that White adults don’t also experience a lack of sleep and its health consequences – but people of color appear to disproportionately experience them more, and that’s believed to be largely due to social systems in the United States.”

Sleeping older coupleCNN cited studies that show daylight savings impacts people’s sleep and that people of color have more health problems.Getty Images
Recent research done by the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation’s Dr. César Caraballo-Cordovez found that “among more than 400,000 adults in the US, between 2004 and 2018, the prevalence of short and long sleep duration was persistently higher among those who were Black and Hispanic or Latino.”

Caraballo-Cordovez, mentioned a few of the factors he sees making good sleep and good health harder to achieve for minority groups. He said, “Among those are housing conditions, noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution, stress from different sources – including perceived racial discrimination – and jobs or working conditions.”

Howard claimed that “structural racism” can account for these factors that make sleep harder for people of color. She wrote, “Many social and environmental determinants of health – including living conditions or work schedules that don’t support sleep – may emerge, at least in part, from historical and persistent forms of structural racism.”

She quoted Jackson, who specifically defined structural racism as the “totality of ways in which societies foster racial discrimination through mutually reinforcing systems of housing, education, employment, wages, benefits, credit, media, health care and criminal justice.
And yet we have democrats who want to make daylight savings time permanent.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've read today.
We were warned........


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I grew up in Arizona. moved when I was a kid to Ohio. this is before cell phones and computers that changes time on their own.

Kids and teachers started talking about having to change the clocks forward. I thought everyone was trying to **** with me. I remember thinking man even my homeroom teacher is in on this joke. No way was I going to fall for that ****.
And yet we have democrats who want to make daylight savings time permanent.

This is one Democratic proposal I and many can get behind.

Forget all the hogwash BS CNN purported about it being racist. Simply, I am for abolishing it.
If I were black, I would be insulted by how stupid folks think I am.
I'm black and this insults my blackness
@bermudasteel is my lighter skinned brother. i can assure you he's also insulted by this study.
If I were black, I would be insulted by how stupid folks think I am.
I am black. Only saw this cuz Supe let me know...

I will not go on a rant about this but I wish I could get the 3 minutes of my life back wasting my time reading this.

******* trash article...
Yes this is the typical leftist white savior complex. It leads them to the soft bigotry of low expectations which in turn leads to unscrupulous individuals to engage in poverty pimping and race hustling. This is an example of the DNC gaslighting Black Americans into staying a dependent voting block.
I am black. Only saw this cuz Supe let me know...

I will not go on a rant about this but I wish I could get the 3 minutes of my life back wasting my time reading this.

******* trash article...
Very wise not going on a rant. I wouldn't want you getting your blood pressure up. At least not until we turn the clocks ahead an hour when it's safer.
Yes this is the typical leftist white savior complex. It leads them to the soft bigotry of low expectations which in turn leads to unscrupulous individuals to engage in poverty pimping and race hustling. This is an example of the DNC gaslighting Black Americans into staying a dependent voting block.
how has the huwyte man helped or hurt your species, Ogurr?
how has the huwyte man helped or hurt your species, Ogurr?

We've been trying to eradicate that species since time began. Sadly, we have failed.
Yes this is the typical leftist white savior complex. It leads them to the soft bigotry of low expectations which in turn leads to unscrupulous individuals to engage in poverty pimping and race hustling. This is an example of the DNC gaslighting Black Americans into staying a dependent voting block.
For the record right now I am stating I have no information about the Clinton Crime Family that is not already publicly available and unlike Epstein I did not kill myself.
For the record right now I am stating I have no information about the Clinton Crime Family that is not already publicly available and unlike Epstein I did not kill myself.
goddammit, Ogurr!!
For the record right now I am stating I have no information about the Clinton Crime Family that is not already publicly available and unlike Epstein I did not kill myself.
Furgetaboutit D ...they say you kilt yurself then you kilt yourself, period. Jus look at the track record of them Dem accusations.



Yeah you kilt yurself.....you jus don't remember.
