Tom don't go away mad, Tom just go away.
Then again it might be interesting. They would put Ben before Brady at the end. All the fans there for the Steelers would leave right before the Brady induction.There seem to be some rumblings now that Brady may retire after the season. For selfish reasons, he needs to wait a year so we can see Roethlisberger enter the Hall of Fame without Brady being there at the same time.
There is an outside chance that both Brady and Rodgers retire this off-season… tgen Ben is hellafucked…There seem to be some rumblings now that Brady may retire after the season. For selfish reasons, he needs to wait a year so we can see Roethlisberger enter the Hall of Fame without Brady being there at the same time.
That had nothing to do with the integrity of the game.Well if you believe the talking heads, they say BB will not be in right away but have to wait a year. Not bc of stats but off field.
Other sports ridicule and ban for cheating. NFL sweeps it under the carpet then ridiculously promotes the player and or coach to pretend it never happened.That had nothing to do with the integrity of the game.
Brady should have to wait a year for playing with a deflated football and smashing his cell phone in order to hide evidence.
Not agreeing or not. Stating what they are saying. I would not be shocked.That had nothing to do with the integrity of the game.
Brady should have to wait a year for playing with a deflated football and smashing his cell phone in order to hide evidence.
That had nothing to do with the integrity of the game.
Brady should have to wait a year for playing with a deflated football and smashing his cell phone in order to hide evidence.
I think the nfl is all just entertainment. Brady still won despite accusations. As a fan who has turned more casual. It is what it is. It’s hard to take any of these games serious anymore.Other sports ridicule and ban for cheating. NFL sweeps it under the carpet then ridiculously promotes the player and or coach to pretend it never happened.