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Breaking News: Trumptards are Dangerous and Violent People

Chicago has had over 3000 shootings and 500 murders so far this year and I'm fairly certain that none of the victims or shooters was a white Republican Trump voter or NRA member.

Black lives don't matter Ron. Based on the facts, wouldn't it make sense that BLM should spend most of it's time in places like Chicago? But they don't, because they are nothing more than another front in the war against white conservatives. Nothing more.
Black lives don't matter Ron. Based on the facts, wouldn't it make sense that BLM should spend most of it's time in places like Chicago? But they don't, because they are nothing more than another front in the war against white conservatives. Nothing more.

Nobody in the media cares about those Black people losing their lives either because it's not fodder for any juicy, controversial stories. Black people protesting against anyone except White people holds no appeal for the media and does nothing to promote their agenda. White guilt sells and it fits the narrative they are shooting for. .
There is no faster way to infuriate and confuse a Liberal race baiter than to bring this up. The only comeback I've ever seen to it so far is, "What does this have to do with White racists?" In other words, since this is devastating to my argument, let's ignore this and pretend it's not happening.

Or "They get their guns from white people in Indiana so it's still whitey's fault."

Jimmuh Carter goes under the bus!

Jimmy Carter: The Media's Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President


SMH. No, that’s the popular vote. It’s pretty obvious that millions of Hillary votes didn’t count.

The reason why the popular vote arguement is intellectually dishonest propaganda every time it gets put in play is that its rarely an accurate count and is heavily biased by the winner take all status in most states...

Its no secret that if all contests are settled beyond the margin absentee votes can change, states do not take the time to tally them...
Its also standard knowledge that people in states that never vote their partys way often opt out of voting unless local and state votes are contested enough to drag them out... I know Repubs in California that don't bother to vote unless a local matter is on the ballot cause they cannot make a difference.. and I know Dems in Oklahoma that do the same...

Finally, when a state is called in ones favor, voters tend to quit voting... which is why networks weren't supposed to do that prior to polls closing anymore....

In this specific case, the total vote advantage for Hillary was about equal to the late votes on the west coast well after California and tge others had been called for Hillary but while polls were still open...
Boogeyman to the Repubs George Soros himself admitted before the election they fully expected Trump to win tge popular vote but that didn't matter...

Its a stupid argument every time it comes up, but this particular time its even more propaganda than it normally is

Black man charged with anti-black graffiti that shook Eastern Michigan University

Last fall and in the spring, the otherwise quiet campus of Eastern Michigan University was hit by three ugly incidents of vandalism targeting blacks that rocked the community.

The first came in September, when “KKK” was sprayed in red, white and blue paint on the wall of a dormitory, along with a threatening racial slur telling blacks to “leave” the school in Ypsilanti, about 11 miles southeast of Ann Arbor.

Then, on Halloween, the same ominous hate message using the n-word and ordering blacks to leave showed up on another building, this one right next to the campus’s monument to Martin Luther King.

In the spring, a third racist message was left in a men’s restroom stall.

Coming as other campuses were being hit by similar acts of what appeared to be hate vandalism, the incidents sparked protests and made national news.

On Tuesday, the university was shaken again when police announced that a 29-year-old black man, a former student, had been charged with all three crimes.

The suspect was identified as Eddie Curlin, a student at the school from 2014 to 2016, currently serving a one-to-five year sentence on an unrelated charge of receiving and concealing stolen property, according to a university statement.

There is no faster way to infuriate and confuse a Liberal race baiter than to bring this up. The only comeback I've ever seen to it so far is, "What does this have to do with White racists?" In other words, since this is devastating to my argument, let's ignore this and pretend it's not happening.

Why would this Sesame St. argument confuse anyone?

How do you equate victims of generational/institutional racism reduced to acting out in an extreme anti-social manner so as to survive economically in an enviroment created by the perpetrators of that generational/institutional racism.............to white cops who murder black people...well BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK!

How does one achieve that level of ignorance?
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How do you equate victims of generational/institutional racism reduced to acting out in an extreme anti-social manner so as to survive economically in an enviroment created by the perpetrators of that generational/institutional racism.............to white cops who murder black people...well BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK!

Funny.....I seem to remember that the city of Chicago as well as many other major cities which are crime infested cesspools have many people of color in high positions of power within their government structures. Somebody needs to go have a talk with those people about their institutional racism and nefarious plan to keep other people of color down. All Uncle Tom's I presume?
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Funny.....I seem to remember that the city of Chicago as well as many other major cities which are crime infested cesspools have many people of color in high positions of power within their government structures. Somebody needs to go have a talk with those people about their institutional racism and nefarious plan to keep other people of color down. All Uncle Tom's I presume?

So the city council and maybe the mayor of Chicago created this situation over 400 years?

Those "Uncle Toms" as you say created the current national socio economic situation?

This is even dumber than your first post that I responded to.....you should be proud.


Trump's refugee ban ends as executive order toughens vetting for 11 countries

As President Trump’s four-month ban on refugees came to a close on Tuesday, he issued an executive order enacting “extreme vetting” procedures targeting those trying to enter the United States from 11 countries.

"There will be a general resumption of refugee admissions under this exec order"

The tougher vetting includes collecting biographical data as well as employment history from people seeking entry into the United States. Officers will also be trained in how to detect fraud.


So the city council and maybe the mayor of Chicago created this situation over 400 years?

Those "Uncle Toms" as you say created the current national socio economic situation?

This is even dumber than your first post that I responded to.....you should be proud.

Coming from by far the most worthless, useless poster on this board in the nearly 20 years that I've been here, that means a lot. Thanks.
MORE PROOF - Liberals hate America

University of Wisconsin-Madison Students Protest Abraham Lincoln Statue Because ‘He Owned Slaves’

According to The Daily Cardinal, a campus newspaper, the protest ended with the group hanging a sign on the Lincoln monument that said “#DecolonizeOurCampus.” The activist group is now demanding a disclaimer be put up saying Lincoln was complicit in the murder of Native Americans.

Why would they be so angry about Lincoln?

“Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know, freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that he ordered the execution of native men,” said one of the protesters.


Quote Originally Posted by Elfiero View Post
How do you equate victims of generational/institutional racism reduced to acting out in an extreme anti-social manner so as to survive economically in an enviroment created by the perpetrators of that generational/institutional racism.............to white cops who murder black people...well BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK!

Seriously ......only a total moron would believe such nonsense.

Fred has been there and knows why.....

This particular suburb was separated from Chicago proper, and had been a quiet and safe place. Then the people from downtown had been brought in. (More correctly, I guess, encouraged to come, but the effect was the same.) What happened, the cop told me, was that an urban family would show up from the projects with five kids, three of them gangbangers. The bangers would invite their friends from the city to come live with them. They’d put sleeping bags on the floor.

Drugs immediately appeared in larger quantities — drugs are already everywhere — and crime increased and murder began. In Chicago, gangs are industrial strength: the Vice Lords, Latin Kings, Black Gangster Disciples, dozens of others. Not good.

The Talking-Heads Chorale will see the riots, are seeing the riots, not as an intensification of the undeclared racial war, but as a protest against racist police or the racism of whites. Oh, quite. Never mind that Ballmer’s black government sets standards for the hiring, training, and behavior of its police, and half of the accused cops are black. But the conduct of their police cannot be the fault of blacks, because nothing is.

Where does this lead? The Chorale will speak in unison, with the rhythmic thump-thump-thump of a migraine, of White Privilege, Jim Crow, racism, institutional racism, White Supremacy, and so on. (Funny: I do not think I have ever met a White Supremacist. I have met a very great many white people who want to be allowed to live where they want with whom they want, among people who share their values and do not engage in crime, looting, arson, and the Knockout Game.)

This is not an ideal solution, there being no ideal solution. It is obvious that blacks, or at least the urban underclass, cannot on average support themselves in a modern technological civilization. We are not supposed to say this but, I suspect, most of us know it. Fine. Keep the welfare flowing. Regard it as equivalent to a golf handicap. (The other day I saw that some city is going to make both breakfast and lunch free in schools. This is better than letting go hungry. It is also a step toward an undisguised custodial state.) But if the riots go on, and spread more widely as they seem likely to do, and the attacks on whites continue, the danger is that one day whites will shoot back. The country would never recover.

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