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Brilliant Explanation of White Privilege from a White Guy

and in Memphis, TN, a group of black youths viciously stomped a white guy's head in.
white privilege. INDEED.

Supe...in any of these cases where the black assailants tried by a jury of their peers and found not guilty and allowed to walk.........No ?

Whats YOUR point ? Show us some trends or patterns of injustices against whites at the hands of blacks, THEN we can have a discussion.
That's great, except its all bullshit.

I would not brush the topic off so quickly...while I do not always, well hardly ever, do I agree w/ Polo's comments - this thread was shared just to "shed some light" on the topic. I read every line and only those who can relate will understand the article. If this has never affected your life - it will continue to mean nothing to you (not that it should); but, the truth of the matter is...unfortunately, the topic is very real to some...
In fact there was a situation...IN ST LOUIS mind you....DAYS AFTER the Ferguson shooting where a white guy (Kevin Miner) was wanted for burglary.......fled the scene, ran from officers and hid in the basement of a home.The cops pursued, surrounded the suspect whom was cornered in a closet/room. They went in, he assaulted both officers . Came out alive, was taken into custody...no shots fired at all. Whats interesting about this case is that Kevin Miner had a criminal record and was arrested TWO times the previous month.

Now, im sure youre gonna do the usual and step back and wash your hands of understanding and say the cliche line "we dont have all the facts, so i cant say or make a determination on this event with Mr Miner". But looking at both events, at the very least they are parallel in your mind that "robbery" was committed or may have been. An officer intervened with both men and some sort of physical confrontation occured (one outside in the open, the other in close quarters of a basement/cellar dwelling). One thing is very clear in all of this and that is, you have in Mr Brown an individual (we can all agree on) was not armed whatsoever who fled on foot but was still fired upon (you believe he deserved to die since you believe he charged the officer although there have been 2 new witnesses come forth that dispute this notion). In Miner you have a suspect whom police knew has a prior criminal record, holed up in a room. His engagement was not met with deadly consequences that Mr Brown met...now ive heard it said by many including folks in this forum, that "if you assault an officer, youre asking for it". Well...perhaps thats not true..................is it difficult to understand why some would call this bullshit and assume race played/plays a factor ? In the end Mr Miner goes to jail for some time but will eventually walk free again one day. Mr Brown wasnt afforded that privlilege. So yeah...they did let the white guy slide.

Heres the story. (not that i expect you to read it but in case you do)

Every single situation is different. Yes, I wait for all of the facts because I am not there, in the moment, having to make the split second life and death decisions that a police officer has to make. "A black guy got shot" and "a white guy didn't" is not any indication of inherent racism in either case. You need to look at the multitude of factors in any given situation, exactly what happened, how much danger the officer was in, whether he was trying to subdue a subject alone, or with help, the size, strength and aggressiveness of the subject...you simply can't intelligently have the knee jerk reaction that every time something bad happens to a black person it's because of racism, and every time a white person escapes harm it's the reverse. The mere fact that Michael Brown was unarmed does not immediately equate to "not a threat"...in fact an unarmed person who would attack a police officer is more indicative of a person who is not right in the mind.

The police officers I have known would avoid ANY use of force on anyone, unless it was absolutely necessary. Out of pure self-interest, even if for no other reason. I'm sure there's the random violent video game freak, but ask any police officer and they will tell you that nobody goes into work on any given day hoping to get the chance to shoot someone.
Show us some trends or patterns of injustices against whites at the hands of blacks, THEN we can have a discussion.

PLEASE define injustice, in your world, to us. You continue to talk about the injustices done to blacks, insisting that somehow injustice isn't done to whites.

As defined by Merriam-Webster:

: absence of justice : violation of right or of the rights of another : unfairness
: an unjust act : wrong

Now...in my "white" world, I think that being mugged, robbed, knocked out in Knock Out, and being murdered are an "INJUSTICE." It fits the definition...murder is a violation of my right to live; robbery an unjust act...and so forth. All of these crimes are injustices.

So now let's go back to the patterns that have been given to you 100 times...the fact that black on white crime (robbery, rape, assault, murder) is astronomically higher than white on black crime. Injustice happens far more often to whites by blacks than the reverse. Example after example has been given, but you refuse to acknowledge them.

Now if you want to come up with a different word, do so.

Are there injustices in life? There are, across the board. But for you to continue to erroneously paint a picture that blacks suffer more injustice at the hands of whites than the reverse fails the litmus test. Stats refute it. From the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS):

While most violent crime is indeed intrarracial, 26.7 percent of homicides where the victim is a stranger are interracial. And in 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was seven times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000), according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Accounting for population differences, whites are simply far more likely to be victims of interracial crime than blacks.

Now, perhaps, you want to argue that it's the legal system where blacks suffer these injustices. OK. Again, from the BJS:

Jesse Jackson [told] the Los Angeles Times at the height of the Zimmerman frenzy that “targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business.”

The data, once again, suggest something quite different.

In the mid-1990s, the Center for Equal Opportunity analyzed 55,512 felony cases filed in state courts for the 75 largest counties, representing 37 percent of the U.S. population. The weighted data, taken from the BJS, revealed that juries actually acquit blacks at a higher rate than whites for 12 of the 14 types of crime studied — including murder, rape, robbery and assault. The only category that had a higher conviction rate for African-Americans was felony traffic offenses.

Please...point to these patterns of injustice you speak of.
Every single situation is different. Yes, I wait for all of the facts because I am not there, in the moment, having to make the split second life and death decisions that a police officer has to make. "A black guy got shot" and "a white guy didn't" is not any indication of inherent racism in either case. You need to look at the multitude of factors in any given situation, exactly what happened, how much danger the officer was in, whether he was trying to subdue a subject alone, or with help, the size, strength and aggressiveness of the subject...you simply can't intelligently have the knee jerk reaction that every time something bad happens to a black person it's because of racism, and every time a white person escapes harm it's the reverse. The mere fact that Michael Brown was unarmed does not immediately equate to "not a threat"...in fact an unarmed person who would attack a police officer is more indicative of a person who is not right in the mind.

The police officers I have known would avoid ANY use of force on anyone, unless it was absolutely necessary. Out of pure self-interest, even if for no other reason. I'm sure there's the random violent video game freak, but ask any police officer and they will tell you that nobody goes into work on any given day hoping to get the chance to shoot someone.

Youre a converyor belt of excuses woman......Listen, i get that situations are different but tell me this split second decision making process of Officer Wilson (when he pursued Brown whom was RUNNING AWAY FROM the officer who had his weapon drawn and subsequently fired more than one shot BEFORE Brown stop and turned and placed hands up and said "dont shoot" and compare it to some dude in a basement room who broke the hand and then kicked another officer. So, are you suggesting Wilson gets a pass to shoot because he was alone vs these officers in the Miner conflict because there was another on-site ? Again, Miner made contact and the report was he assaulted BOTH (injuring one).

Im not quick to scream "racism" when theres a black subject killed at the hands of a white cop (especially when its justified) but it makes me question things when i see parallel situations handled differently when one assailant is white and the other is non-white. YOU think its me being dramatic and oversensational. But YOU ignore my own personal dealings/experiences (as well as other minorities) with law enforcement and being profiled by police, searched and frisked and never being charged for anything but also never being issued an apology for the humiliation i dealt with in front of my family. YOU dont have to deal with that as a young white lady. Your sons (if you have any) likely wont have to deal with the threat of a wayward black or hispanic cop harassing or givin this "white boy the treatment" because he just doesnt like white folks. Youre not faced with that world so naturally the spectacles of life you wear depict a different perspective.

Tell me, when have you ever admitted to seeing/witnessing racial injustices imposed on minorities ? Ever ? Seriously, id like that question answered. Honestly
...but tell me this split second decision making process of Officer Wilson (when he pursued Brown whom was RUNNING AWAY FROM the officer who had his weapon drawn and subsequently fired more than one shot BEFORE Brown stop and turned and placed hands up and said "dont shoot"

Repetition #137: You still do not know what happened. But you KNOW what happened. Got it.

Im not quick to scream "racism"

LOL...it's your mantra here.

YOU think its me being dramatic and oversensational.

That's exactly what it is when you practice selectivity the way you do. You refuse to acknowledge any case someone provides that doesn't fit your narrative. You will only accept or discuss cases that fit the narrative. You will not consider Federal Agency stats, real stories...anything...unless it corroborates the position you want to convey.

But YOU ignore my own personal dealings/experiences (as well as other minorities) with law enforcement and being profiled by police, searched and frisked and never being charged for anything

And IF these things have happened to you, then that is wrong on some levels (though I have argued for profiling having a place, albeit in a controlled manner). However, the problem with your "position" is you're speaking on behalf of everyone - that because something has happened to you, it's the rule.

but also never being issued an apology for the humiliation i dealt with in front of my family. YOU dont have to deal with that as a young white lady. Your sons (if you have any) likely wont have to deal with the threat of a wayward black or hispanic cop harassing or givin this "white boy the treatment" because he just doesnt like white folks. Youre not faced with that world so naturally the spectacles of life you wear depict a different perspective.

Perhaps not, but lets put things into some realistic "perspective." Here's what she has to worry about. She will worry far more that her children will suffer violence at the hands of blacks than you will ever worry about your black children suffering from violence at the hands of a white man. You want to speak of apologies? We have to deal with getting NO apologies for the gang beatings our people take, do we? That's just an example.

You continue to stand in your glass house throwing stones. No one argues that blacks suffer injustices. But no one will admit it is a two way street. You want an apology because you were frisked. BUt no one, not even Jesse Jackson, will offer an apology for the actions of a gang of black men causing brain damage to an Iraq war veteran. Why is it you feel owed an apology for being mistakenly frisked but it's ok for whites to be maimed and/or killed without an apology.

How does that logic work?
Youre a converyor belt of excuses woman

You're unbelievably dense. I haven't made one single excuse, because I have NO IDEA what happened. In either case. Unlike some people I do not like to inject my personal biases and experiences into stuff like this until I have all the facts. I am skeptical of the idea that most police officers decide their course of action based on the color of somebody's skin. I'm definitely skeptical of the idea that they would give preferential treatment to a dangerous violent criminal just because he happened to be white. That would be foolhardy and dangerous to themselves. If I see proof of that I'll be the first to admit it. It's quite possible Wilson just overreacted to the situation out of anger or fear, and that's unacceptable. He is accountable for that whether or not race had anything to do with it.

Are some cops racist? Yes. Do some of them treat black people unfairly? Most certainly. THIS officer does not deserve to be judged on anyone's actions but his own, any more than Michael Brown deserves to be judged on the actions of all black teenagers.
Supe...in any of these cases where the black assailants tried by a jury of their peers and found not guilty and allowed to walk.........No ?

Whats YOUR point ? Show us some trends or patterns of injustices against whites at the hands of blacks, THEN we can have a discussion.

no. it's already determined to NOT be a hate crime.
reverse the hue and tint...
Tell me, when have you ever admitted to seeing/witnessing racial injustices imposed on minorities ? Ever ? Seriously, id like that question answered. Honestly

Often. I worked in a department store where black people were regularly watched and profiled by security. Of course, African Americans regularly attempted to steal from the store, but still I never felt it was fair. There were plenty of white kids in there getting away with it, I'm sure. I went to Temple University in north Philadelphia. We had a bunch of football players on our floor. One was falsely accused of raping this girl who had willingly slept with half the football team. We all believed it was bullshit, he was the nicest guy you ever want to meet, very reserved, never so much as made an indecent remark to my friends and I, she was a *****. But she was a little white girl and he was a big black guy and guess what, he got expelled. His name was Pervis Herder, just in case you want to google it. It was a long time ago so I don't know if you'll find anything.
<<---------wonders when onefor decided to stop her whoring ways.
While we're on college football player sex stories, my friend's wife has a sorority sister from St. Mary's who gave Jerome Bettis a blowjob at Notre Dame. True story. I was exiled from one of their (my friend's) parties for bringing it up in front of said sorority sister. Apparently that was supposed be on the down low. About the Bus's hang low.
and in Memphis, TN, a group of black youths viciously stomped a white guy's head in.
white privilege. INDEED.

Back in 97 Mrs Vincent and I went to see an utterly meaningless December game between the Tomczaks and the McNairs in the Liberty Bowl. The evening before the game we went to a local mall to get some warmer Steeler gear because the weather was to be awful the next day. We very quickly realized that we "weren't in Kansas anymore". The clientele punctuated their conversation and addressed each other as "mofo", so we then and since have referred to that establishment as the "Mofo Mall". We did find some splendid camel (color) Starter jackets that we still have. Thinking back, what were we thinking? Had that been recently, we would be statistics.

Our room at the hotel was next door to Artie's, although I don't know what that has to do with the story.
Back in the 80's, I used to referee basketball in Prince George's County MD. right outside of DC. There were many times that I was the only white person in the full gym. I can tell you that I had never, EVER had any problems. As a matter of fact, I got a sense that people actually had an appreciation that I was willing to participate. That was the 80's. it may be different now.
Back in the 80's, I used to referee basketball in Prince George's County MD. right outside of DC. There were many times that I was the only white person in the full gym. I can tell you that I had never, EVER had any problems. As a matter of fact, I got a sense that people actually had an appreciation that I was willing to participate. That was the 80's. it may be different now.

Not at all. We live in MD. My kids play basketball (competitive). We've played dozens of games in PG. I agree, it's like a respect thing.
I guess my question, now, is, "can anyone honestly relate to the scenario presented in the OP???" I'm not trying to be insensitive or insight a feud; but, it seems that no one wants to acknowledge that the author of the article "sees things differently after his experience". Again, can anyone relate to that?
I work in company that employs roughly 75% black employees. They congregate together all the time to talk or have lunch or whatever. Never once have I felt they were congregating to talk about me, or plan a robbery. I assume they get together because they enjoy each other's company. I guess it is all filtered through the lens you wish to view it through.
I actually read that when it was posted to DK. I check that site about as much as Drudge or any other site to keep a balanced input of news/opinion. However, that article is actually pretty stupid. It should be called "the view of a white guy who only hangs around white people". Believe it or not, the same kind of looks, discrimination, etc. happen to all races. They happen when a white guy isn't somewhere he usually should be. It happens if there are a group of white people around places where it's blacks who normally congregate.

Seriously, that article (and 'white privilege') exists in the minds of those who are consumed by The Boogey Man of race. Most thoughtful people, and most normal people, neither know, care nor are part of the race cult, and therefore don't spend their time thinking or writing about it.

But thanks.
I would not brush the topic off so quickly...while I do not always, well hardly ever, do I agree w/ Polo's comments - this thread was shared just to "shed some light" on the topic. I read every line and only those who can relate will understand the article. If this has never affected your life - it will continue to mean nothing to you (not that it should); but, the truth of the matter is...unfortunately, the topic is very real to some...

Sasquatch is very real to some. Like Sasquatch "White Privilege" is a myth. Been white my whole life Brother and nobody has yet pulled me aside and said here is the secret handshake.
I guess my question, now, is, "can anyone honestly relate to the scenario presented in the OP???" I'm not trying to be insensitive or insight a feud; but, it seems that no one wants to acknowledge that the author of the article "sees things differently after his experience". Again, can anyone relate to that?

I have the original poster on ignore, but if I'm not mistaken, didn't this happen in the 60s or early 70s? I'm not suggesting everything has become perfect since then, as I have said many times here I don't doubt racism still exists. Still, in the context of stuff that was going on back then their suspicion might be easier to understand. There was a lot of civil unrest in those days, and racial discrimination was a lot more blatant and prevalent. I don't think that same group going to lunch together would be looked at like that today, not by the vast majority anyway.
I actually read that when it was posted to DK. I check that site about as much as Drudge or any other site to keep a balanced input of news/opinion. However, that article is actually pretty stupid. It should be called "the view of a white guy who only hangs around white people". Believe it or not, the same kind of looks, discrimination, etc. happen to all races. They happen when a white guy isn't somewhere he usually should be. It happens if there are a group of white people around places where it's blacks who normally congregate.

Seriously, that article (and 'white privilege') exists in the minds of those who are consumed by The Boogey Man of race. Most thoughtful people, and most normal people, neither know, care nor are part of the race cult, and therefore don't spend their time thinking or writing about it.

But thanks.
Interesting take. No argument here...

Sasquatch is very real to some. Like Sasquatch "White Privilege" is a myth. Been white my whole life Brother and nobody has yet pulled me aside and said here is the secret handshake.
Hilarious DBS - hilarious!!!

I have the original poster on ignore, but if I'm not mistaken, didn't this happen in the 60s or early 70s? I'm not suggesting everything has become perfect since then, as I have said many times here I don't doubt racism still exists. Still, in the context of stuff that was going on back then their suspicion might be easier to understand. There was a lot of civil unrest in those days, and racial discrimination was a lot more blatant and prevalent. I don't think that same group going to lunch together would be looked at like that today, not by the vast majority anyway.

I'm not sure "when" this event happened...personally, I don't care about the masses congregating (unless it's a lynch mob)...
Sasquatch is very real to some. Like Sasquatch "White Privilege" is a myth. Been white my whole life Brother and nobody has yet pulled me aside and said here is the secret handshake.

I feel the same way. More so, we live in a not-what-you-know, but who you know society..........who are you connected with. That plays more of a role than some racial voodoo magic.
<<--- knows the secret white-man handshake. Refuses to teach it to DoucheBagS.
This is a serious matter which the left needs to address, immediately.

It's true. We have a couple of Asian families in our neighborhood. All four of the parents are doctors. The kids are all hyper-achievers. It's not FAIR!