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Brilliant Journalism


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Over the line

Calling America dumb about guns, while not proofreading your own headline.


Well, yeah, but we all know that America is exceptionally dumb when to come to guns.

I attended college beginning in 1979. One of my favorite teachers - an English teacher - hated teaching freshman composition since the writing quality he encountered was so poor. He once commented on a freshman's writing assignment, "How you like America?"

I don't believe college teachers would be allowed to make such comments today.

And as far as I am concerned, that is too bad.
from the story - "funding for firearms injury prevention activities dropped from more than $2.7 million in 1995 to around $100,000 in 2012."

They could pay me $5,000 and I will tell them how to prevent firearm injury. Don't ******* shoot anyone unless they need killin.
...and the murder rate from firearms CONTINUES to drop, year over year, as it has for nearly a decade.

But let's not let facts stand in the way of our politically charged emotional witch hunt. Libs tell us guns are bad. And that's just how it must be. DON'T consider facts, they are silly little things.

Libs tell us only those in power should have guns, and that we should trust our caring and trustworthy leaders would never hurt any of us (like spying on us, attacking us with branches of the Government like the IRS, so forth and so on) when we are unarmed and unable to defend ourselves. It won't be like Austria and Germany, ever because WE SAY SO. BELIEVE US.

Remember, don't blame all Musloids when a few of them senselessly kill in the name of Allah. They are our friends, our new brethren and to be trusted. However, remember, when a mass shooting occurs in a GUN FREE ZONE, all gun owners are to blame, and all gun owners are to be viewed as potential future mass murderers. Remember, drugs didn't kill Phillip Hoffman. Phillip killed Phillip by abusing drugs. But in the case of Newtown and Columbine, guns kill people, the shooters are not to blame.

Liberals are so enlightened, we simply cannot understand the hypocrisy of their logic.
The mid terms are about base turnout. That's all this is. They know they are going to lose the house. Right now they are just trying to keep the losses to a minimum and keep the senate. They are also losing the debate on the ACA. They need to change the discussion to anything other than that. Add to that all the issues in the middle east, Russia, Iran and N. Korea and they are running out of issues.
And while conveniently ignoring the fact that gun murders are highest in cities where gun laws are the strictest, committed by blacks living on the Democrat Plantation.