Yes, science can explain both Religion and Morality.
Religion exists in most cultures to explain the unexplainable and assuage the fear of death by inventing an afterlife. It has evolved into many power and control structures, but superstition is a natural part of the human condition.
Morality exists as a function of humans being social animals. Without rules civilizations cannot function because chaos and anarchy would reign. There is simply no way to have a totally amoral society that functions. Many primative societies came and went until a basic unifying morality was invented, and that morality goes across most if not all cultures/religions: don't steal, don't murder, don't **** your neighbor's wife.
It is also universally true that on average the more people know about science and how the universe actually works, the less religious they tend to be. So while there are many scientists who identify as ostensibly "Christian", very few are devout and even less are dogmatic.
I guess we have different standards, cuz Monica was a fatty.
And I don't hate fatties, I just don't find them attractive.
1) Drugs Should Not Be Illegal.
2) If the President takes Codeine (pharmaceutical opium) does that disqualify him from the job? All Presidents take drugs of one form or another while in office. As long as it doesn't negatively affect his performance as Commander In Chief IDGAF.
Good luck proving the Vince Foster case. And both guys' ideologies, not their habits, are what drove their policy. Moreover, from a Civil Libertarian perspective, Bush was no better. More of the status quo, plus an unnecessary war.
What's the matter Captain Butt Hurt, you don't like titties?