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"But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party."


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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"But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party."

Money quote from Rand Paul -

"When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party," Paul said at one point. "But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party. The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty."

another good one -

"The reason I'm here tonight is to put people on the spot," Paul said. "I want people to feel uncomfortable. I want them to have to answer people at home who said, 'How come you were against President Obama's deficits, and then how come you're for Republican deficits?' "

No ****. What a ******* joke these guys are.

I am hoping Trump doesn't sign this bill. This thing is a big spending farce. Make them fix it right, no strings with DACA, do your ******* job for the American people, not your ******* ideology.
I was just reading that article Chuck. How true it is...Rand is right !

"Our debt is a threat to this country," Ryan said in a 2013 speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "We have to tackle this problem before it tackles us."

and nothing has changed.



It's getting hard to know just what to believe....from either side.

Democrats need a net gain of 24 seats in the House and two in the Senate to win back control of both chambers in November's elections. If no deal on Dreamers is reached - something favored by the majority of Americans - Democrats plan to take the issue to voters.

They will also argue that the tax cuts passed by Congress in December, largely helping the rich and corporations, will cause deficits to explode and lead to Republican moves to cut social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

"They (Republicans) claim they care about fiscal responsibility, but when they pass their tax cut without any offsets they prove the opposite," Democratic Representative Jim McGovern told Reuters.

The White House is scheduled to release its budget blueprint for the next fiscal year on Monday, and spokesman Raj Shah said the outline would be an attempt to move the country "toward a path to restoring fiscal responsibility."

Oh yeah...we'll see.
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The GOP bent over and gave them a ton of entitlement spending with no caps. If we don't fix entitlement spending, we will go bankrupt. Or, I guess we'll keep printing money and devaluing the dollar.
Rand must have forgotten how the republicans bent over and gave Oterrorist everything he wanted.
Rand must have forgotten how the republicans bent over and gave Oterrorist everything he wanted.

True, but he did say "appear to be". There was a lot of big talk but they caved on everything when it came time to vote.
I still can't believe the money we spend on things that are really not a part of what Gov't is responsible for . Take illegal immigrants as a prime example. They are breaking Fed law just by being in this Country BUT....

..., for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children. He takes a job for $5.00 or $6.00/hour. At that wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if he files an income tax return, he gets an “earned income credit” of up to $3,200, free.
In addition:
1. He qualifies for Section-8 housing and subsidized rent
2. He qualifies for food stamps
3. He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care
4. His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school
5. He requires bilingual teachers and books
6. He qualifies for relief from high energy bills
7. If they are, or become aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI
8. Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare (All of this at taxpayer’s {our} expense
9. He doesn’t worry about car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners insurance
10. Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed material
11. He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour in benefits
12. Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after paying their bills.
13. The American taxpayers also pays for increased crime, graffiti and trash clean-up.

How in the hell did this happen ? By voting for slugs like this....

How does someone get the earned income tax credit if they have no W-2 or Social Security number?
Paul is right, there aren't really many conservatives in Congress, there are just politicians that like to spend money on different things.
We don't have a check and balance system any longer. The check on spending is suppose to be taxes, but this generation is passing the taxes
onto future generations that can't vote yet or aren't even born. They have a TV show named after what is happening, its called Shameless.
How does someone get the earned income tax credit if they have no W-2 or Social Security number?

We have discussed this previously, 21. Illegals cannot get a job without a social security number, and simply use somebody's else's SS# or use employee identification numbers received much earlier and no longer valid. The illegals then file tax returns - an estimate 6 million per year - and receive substantial credits, payments, returns and tax money, when in fact they have not paid any income tax.

In reality, the polar opposite is true. Federal government data shows that while roughly half of illegal immigrants file federal tax returns, the vast majority of them don’t pay any federal income taxes. Instead, they use these returns to claim refundable tax credits, which are a form of cash welfare. In other words, illegal immigrants mainly use the federal income tax code to collect money from U.S. citizens.

Federal law generally prohibits illegal immigrants from earning income in the U.S., but many of them do so by working for cash and by fraudulently using Social Security numbers. A 2013 report by the Social Security Administration notes that illegal immigrants get Social Security numbers by using counterfeit birth certificates, usurping other people’s numbers, and reusing numbers that they received to work temporarily in the U.S.

Why I voted for Rand Paul in the primary.
We have discussed this previously, 21. Illegals cannot get a job without a social security number, and simply use somebody's else's SS# or use employee identification numbers received much earlier and no longer valid. The illegals then file tax returns - an estimate 6 million per year - and receive substantial credits, payments, returns and tax money, when in fact they have not paid any income tax.

In reality, the polar opposite is true. Federal government data shows that while roughly half of illegal immigrants file federal tax returns, the vast majority of them don’t pay any federal income taxes. Instead, they use these returns to claim refundable tax credits, which are a form of cash welfare. In other words, illegal immigrants mainly use the federal income tax code to collect money from U.S. citizens.

Federal law generally prohibits illegal immigrants from earning income in the U.S., but many of them do so by working for cash and by fraudulently using Social Security numbers. A 2013 report by the Social Security Administration notes that illegal immigrants get Social Security numbers by using counterfeit birth certificates, usurping other people’s numbers, and reusing numbers that they received to work temporarily in the U.S.


additionally, someone could claim the education credit of being in college, and say they have never received it before. this gives a person a larger increase in return.
they're banking on this slipping under the IRS' watch and not raising a red flag.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump
Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!
5:47 AM - 9 Feb 2018

So what’s the difference between Obama’s stimulus packages and Trumps massive corporate tax cuts?
Well, with the increased the Pentagon budget, might some of that go to the Pentagon to build the wall?

And he talked about infrastructure improvement.

So in less than two years, Trump delivered on all three major campaign opposite.

1 ) Lower taxes for many including the middle class

2 ) Infrastructure spending

3 ) From Pentagon funding, border security and the wall.

BOOM. Re-election with a rising economy is likely. With four more years after the 2020 election, I say he can pick two Supreme court justices.
If no deal on Dreamers is reached - something favored by the majority of Americans Democrats plan to take the issue to voters.

Is this true? Are we talking 50.1% or 75%+?
So what’s the difference between Obama’s stimulus packages and Trumps massive corporate tax cuts?

One delivered tax payers money directly to politically connected socialists and the other saved Capitalists from wasting otherwise productive money on politically connected socialists.


So what’s the difference between Obama’s stimulus packages and Trumps massive corporate tax cuts?

One is government spending money they don't have on favored constituencies and political outcomes (technically that's what fascism is BTW), the other is letting corporations keep more of their money and spend it as they see fit, which is generally used to invest in and grow the business (I realize this is a foreign concept to Dems/Libs). Private sector spending is always more efficient than public sector spending, just that efficiency means that money is not always spent on things that Dems/Libs like.

This is a good article on a tax credit some illegals could get, problem is there is more paid in payroll taxes than is paid out
in credits so the US Treasury overall benefits. And some of these people that use a TIN number are actually legal. They
can't really tell how many are illegal. So when you hear someone quoting 6 million, take it it with a grain of salt, because
there is no way of knowing a real number.

It's very hard to get a social security # without a green card or work permit. Social security offices are now electronically linked
to DHS and DHS has to approve before SS can issue a number.
Is this true? Are we talking 50.1% or 75%+?

common core maths state that 7% is a majority more than 1%, you dense, racist ***
Why the **** are we talking politics on Steeler nation? It's all a joke anyway so let's talk football

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Because your in the ******* political forum? Want to talk football go the damn football forum. Umm kay.