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Cannot believe that nobody - NOBODY - in media or running as (D)im points this out.

Elizabeth Warren is a goddamn liar. She claimed all her life to be an American Indian.


She got into college as a minority, law school as a minority, and became a professor at Harvard due to her claimed minority status.

And the entire goddamn thing was a lie. The entire thing. And what do CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, Chicago Times, LA Times, or Bernie or Creepy Joe or Buttplug do to investigate this lie and bring it to our attention?

NOTHING. Not one goddamn reporter assigned to investigate an actual, demonstrable lie and abuse of power by a white woman, seeking to claim minority status for the benefits given minorities. Not one candidate goes after Warren for her blatant lies.

Can you ******* imagine if the NYT found out that Trump had claimed minority status on his application to Wharton?? Jee-zus, the airwaves would be aflame with outrage, and anger, and reports, leaks, investigations, and on and on and every goddamn (D)im candidate, EVERY one, would be apoplectic with outrage.

Fauxcahontas? NOTHING. Zero. Not one goddamn thing.

I was scratching my head over this because I clearly remember this being talked about...not to the level if it had been Trump or a Republican of course.

An article from CNN of all places:

On Tuesday, Warren's claims took a major hit: The Washington Post reported on a Texas bar registration card from 1986 in which, clearly and apparently in her own hand, the Massachusetts Democrat had written "American Indian" when asked to identify her race.

You imbecile, nitwit, know-nothing gerbil - the bar card was the result of work by Breitbart, not WaPo, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, more BS, etc.

Get it? Of course not. You're an idiot.

No, ALL CAPS idiot.

How does her Texas State bar registration card to be used for statistical purposes only prove that she was accepted into college, law school and given a job at Harvard based on supposedly being American Indian?
There is no point is attacking all the candidates with ALL the ammunition that is out there on them yet.

Let them eat themselves a bit during the primary. All this stuff (if necessary) will and should come out. We know now the fake media can't control and hide this stuff anymore based on who they want. If Warren becomes a threat, we keep this in our back pocket until summer.

She's a fake. We know she lied about her heritage to gain access. Her positions have wavered all over the place. She would kill the economy.

But no reason to put all that out there now.

Trump has already destroyed Biden. The Hunter Biden catastrophe and "Sleepy Joe" did that in about one month.

I think Trump wants Sanders as a rival knowing America will NEVER vote to go that far socialist. There is just too much history on Sanders.

The biggest threat is probably Buttigieg because he is so young he has nothing in his closets but he is a long shot. Just too many demographics for him to overcome (old, religions, minority). Buttigieg is also somewhat likable and when Trump attacks him, he could gain a bit of pity from the voters. He might play that "gay, bullied" angle as he grew up. Pull on America's heartstrings of how he was the quiet kid, bullied for being smart, et. al. Trump attacking that too hard might come across the wrong way.

I think of all the threats to a Trump 2nd term, that is it.

Biden is done. Warren isn't going to make it out of the primary. Bloomberg is just Trump v. 2.0 and won't energize enough. Sanders is too communist.

Buttigeig is the wildcard. A completely new face. Long shot? Yes. I literally put Trump's chances at 90%+ right now of winning. But Buttigeig might be the best bet at that 10% long shot victory.
You forgot BigGulp Mike and his Billions.

If he can get by the racist stuff he said, then he will wage battle on Trump......

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No, ALL CAPS idiot.

How does her Texas State bar registration card to be used for statistical purposes only prove that she was accepted into college, law school and given a job at Harvard based on supposedly being American Indian?

OMG you semi-automatic, 30-30 shooting genius....stop.

One, you missed his point or you choose to ignore it. The media should be ***** slapping warren up and down the aisle for weeks over this issue. They never did. Like they would have any Conservative who'd lied for decades about their heritage. This point flew right over your non-membership paying, cheap head.

Two, you are attempting to ignore her persistent false claims of being American Indian by suggesting she might have gotten into Harvard for some other reason. "Hey, lets ignore that the unethical scum applies as an American Indian everywhere for decades." Sounds just like how MNCBCABCCBSNBCCNN deals with these issues. Ignore it, or come up with some dumb ***, non-explicable excuse like "Just because she lists herself as American Indian on her bar card and just because she listed herself as Injun everywhere else, we don't know for a fact she did so at Harvard, so Warren is therefore a saint."

Again, the point here is SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED OUT AND SLAMMED AND ROUGHED UP FOR WEEKS on this persistent decades long lying issue she used to cheat the systems - at a cost to the rest of us. Clearly you don't care that she cheated the system over and over and over and over and over and over and you are OK with the media NOT making this an issue and essentially pardoning her unethical if not illegal behavior because she's a (D)im.

Stay on point Daftlodyte. Once again, I'm embarrassed for you.


Stay on point Daftlodyte.

ALL CAPS TIM! Stay on point!

The accusation was that she FRAUDULENTLY used a fake American Indian status to gain admittance to two universities and get a job offer AND that is what was not being reported. That is relevant as reporting such a thing and not being able to prove it can result in the loss of a job and legal action.
ALL CAPS TIM! Stay on point!

The accusation was that she FRAUDULENTLY used a fake American Indian status to gain admittance to two universities and get a job offer AND that is what was not being reported. That is relevant as reporting such a thing and not being able to prove it can result in the loss of a job and legal action.

In my employment life, in my chosen profession, ignorance was no excuse, legally or ethically...........ever!
re: Warren

Look at the mental gymnastics politico performs to bend over backwards while leaning forward for Fauxcahontas:


Did Elizabeth Warren get $400,000 for teaching one class at Harvard?

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has vowed to tackle the college affordability crisis if elected president by forgiving student loan debts and making tuition-free college a reality.

But a misleading image circulating social media seems to suggest that Warren is partially responsible for the soaring college prices she’s pledging to trim down.

The image, which we found online and on Twitter and Facebook, shows a quote attributed to Katie Pavlich, editor of Townhall.com, a conservative news website.

The quote reads: "As Elizabeth Warren closes the night with complaints about cost of college for students, just remember she was paid $400,000 to teach one class."

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

We traced the quote back to Pavlich, who tweeted it on July 30 during the Democratic primary debates in Detroit. But we wondered whether the substance of her claim was accurate.

In short, we found that Warren did make more than $400,000 for her work at Harvard Law School over a two-year span. But it’s wrong to suggest that all she did was teach one class, and the claim leaves out important context about the other work Warren was doing at that time.

Warren's financial disclosure form:

read that last paragraph again.

In short, we found that Warren did make more than $400,000 for her work at Harvard Law School over a two-year span. But it’s wrong to suggest that all she did was teach one class, and the claim leaves out important context about the other work Warren was doing at that time.

now look on page 8 of Warren's disclosure.

This was income reported for the years 2011-2012, even though it was filed 12/22/2011 and recorded 12/29/2011.

The significance? She was obligated to file this disclosure after The Great O, Bomma The Breezy, Bathhouse Barry, The non-voting Senator, The Disorganized Community Organizer, The Bootygag before Buttigieg, named her to head up an office... (again, from Politico)...

In September 2010, former President Barack Obama tapped Warren to temporarily oversee the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the agency set up in the wake of the financial crisis to protect consumers from financial tricks.

Warren left Harvard to fill this role and did not return to campus until July 2011, meaning she was unavailable to teach during the 2010 fall and 2011 spring semesters.

she was thus paid $214,990 per semester she taught.
two semesters. $214,990 per.

and yet not a peep from the MSM.
That is relevant as reporting such a thing and not being able to prove it can result in the loss of a job and legal action.
Are you suggesting the media in the last, say 20 years has concerned themselves whatsoever with proof? Cause I think you may be juuuuust a tad off base here.
ALL CAPS TIM! Stay on point!

The accusation was that she FRAUDULENTLY used a fake American Indian status to gain admittance to two universities and get a job offer AND that is what was not being reported. That is relevant as reporting such a thing and not being able to prove it can result in the loss of a job and legal action.

Harvard Must Set the Record Straight on Elizabeth Warren - https://www.realclearpolitics.com/a...cord_straight_on_elizabeth_warren_140678.html

In 1993, Harvard Law School offered Warren a highly coveted tenured professor job. The record is clear as to how she obtained the offer -- Harvard had been the subject of a discrimination lawsuit at the time regarding its hiring practices, and the school was openly trying to hire women and people of color at its law school.

Warren did not begin her job until 1995 due to “family reasons,” but shortly after she started, Harvard Law School News Director Mike Chmura began touting her as the first woman of color to be given tenure at the institution. Here are just some of the references to her minority status:

1996: Spokesperson Chmura identifies Warren as a native American professor in the Harvard Crimson.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.

1997: In the Fordham Law Review, Chmura touts Warren as Harvard Law’s “first woman of color.”

"There are few women of color who hold important positions in the academy, Fortune 500 companies, or other prominent fields or industries," the piece says. "This is not inconsequential. Diversifying these arenas, in part by adding qualified women of color to their ranks, remains important for many reaons. For one, there are scant women of color as role models. In my three years at Stanford Law School, there were no professors who were women of color. Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995."

1998: Chmura, in a letter to the New York Times, stated that the law school had appointed “eight women, including a Native American.” Three days later, the Crimson reiterated that “Harvard Law School has only one tenured minority woman, Gottlieb Professor Elizabeth Warren, who is Native American.”

1999: Harvard begins publishing its affirmative action plan on its website and lists a single Native American professor.

Public reports continued to list a single native American professor at the school intermittingly until 2011. The U.S. Department of Labor requires large employers like Harvard to collect diversity statistics annually. Based on public reporting, it is likely that Harvard reported Warren as a minority to the U.S. government during her time.

Looking at a timeline history from the law school’s own website, it lists many minority achievements, such as the first female president of the Harvard Law Review, the first black president of the Harvard Law Review (Barack Obama), and the first woman dean (Elena Kagan). But the school is noticeably silent on something it so publicly touted for decades – the first tenured female minority law school professor.

However, as of today, Lani Guinier claims on her Harvard law bio that she is the first tenured woman of color. There has been no public statement from Harvard recanting its false report that has lasted for over 20 years.

In 2012: "Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren acknowledged for the first time late Wednesday night that she told Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania that she was Native American, but she continued to insist that race played no role in her recruitment."
How does her Texas State bar registration card to be used for statistical purposes only prove that she was accepted into college, law school and given a job at Harvard based on supposedly being American Indian?

If she is lying on such an irrelevant document as this, do you think for a minute she identified as white on her college, law school, or employment applications? Of course not. She claimed to be Native American for one reason only - to get an advantage for college, law school and employment.

And you really are stupid if you think that claiming minority status does not benefit any person seeking admission to college or looking for employment. Seriously, you are terminally stupid. Your dumb would be so big it probably killed the dinosaurs.
If she is lying on such an irrelevant document as this, do you think for a minute she identified as white on her college, law school, or employment applications? Of course not. She claimed to be Native American for one reason only - to get an advantage for college, law school and employment.

And you really are stupid if you think that claiming minority status does not benefit any person seeking admission to college or looking for employment. Seriously, you are terminally stupid. Your dumb would be so big it probably killed the dinosaurs.

The subject of your accusation was the media. You are being critical of them for not letting their imaginations and emotions about SPECULATION about what Warren COULD have done run away with themselves as you have. You really are stupid if you think that is what professional journalists are supposed to do.
The subject of your accusation was the media. You are being critical of them for not letting their imaginations and emotions about SPECULATION about what Warren COULD have done run away with themselves as you have. You really are stupid if you think that is what professional journalists are supposed to do.

You did not just go there....??? But you did.

Have you had your head up your *** for the past say 30 years? Professional journalists don't speculate, because they are...professional?

They speculate on EVERYTHING Conservative. From Blasey-Ford, to Julie Swetnick, to Russian collusion to Ukranian phone calls to what Trump eats for dinner.

Without a scintilla of evidence in the vast majority of cases, journalists speculate and genuflect for weeks and months on end when it suits their agenda.

I asked you to stop - for your benefit. Yet you insist on digging yourself deeper. It's what you do and you do it well. You can't help yourself.

You did not just go there....??? But you did.

Have you had your head up your *** for the past say 30 years? Professional journalists don't speculate, because they are...professional?

They speculate on EVERYTHING Conservative. From Blasey-Ford, to Julie Swetnick, to Russian collusion to Ukranian phone calls to what Trump eats for dinner.

Without a scintilla of evidence in the vast majority of cases, journalists speculate and genuflect for weeks and months on end when it suits their agenda.

I asked you to stop - for your benefit. Yet you insist on digging yourself deeper. It's what you do and you do it well. You can't help yourself.


That's wrong, Tim. Just so wrong and reprehensible. Reprehensible and vile. Vile and wrong.

Flog is nowhere near that hot.
What President Trump said may or may not be true. But at worst it’s embellishment.

Warren claim to be Native American to receive special set aside and considerations as well as claim minority hiring status. That is FRAUD. All caps emphasis for Flognanbun.
What President Trump said may or may not be true. But at worst it’s embellishment.

Warren claim to be Native American to receive special set aside and considerations as well as claim minority hiring status. That is FRAUD. All caps emphasis for Flognanbun.

Ogre, you know it would be FRAUD for everyone but those with (D) after their name.
The subject of your accusation was the media.

The information came from Breitbart, re-published by Red State. You know, the very information sources that Fakebook and Twitter are trying to censor for "fake news."


You are being critical of them for not letting their imaginations and emotions about SPECULATION about what Warren COULD have done run away with themselves as you have. You really are stupid if you think that is what professional journalists are supposed to do.

We have documented proof that Warren lied about being Native American - in her own handwriting. TSF did the work and showed that Harvard proudly announced blonde-haired, blue-eyed Warren as their first "woman of color" tenured law professor (after being sued for racial discrimination ... quite a coincidence, ehh?).

And you think the conclusion that Warren lied about her ancestry, for decades, and profited substantially from her lie, is "speculation"? After spending how many months blathering on about Trump colluding with Russia? Jeez, you are embarrassing yourself at this point.

Finally, the statements I made about Warren are certainly not "speculation." They are based on her own handwritten (and false) claims made in her bar application, and her obviously false statements to Harvard for a teaching position. If you think more information is needed, shouldn't that information come from ... oh, I don't know, INVESTIGATION BY MAJOR MEDIA OUTLETS LIKE ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, PUREBS, MORE BS, CNN, FNN, WaPO, NYT, etc.??


Sideshow Trog continues his rebuttal