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Christian Right even more dangerous in decline?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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American Evangelicals are a whole different species than other Christian groups & churches stateside and around the world. Something dark & twisted happened at some point in the past that veered American Evangelicals onto an ominous path.

I’m no longer religious, but was raised in the Protestant faith, my father an ordained minister, my mom the church organist. I saw a lot of good there. My dad regularly held interfaith services with other congregations in Los Angeles, including synagogues & Black churches.

His sermons highlighted tolerance, acceptance, humility, love, forgiveness, a shared humanity, all fundamental teachings of Christ.

I’ve been an atheist for decades, but think back to the way my parents led their lives, interacted with others, treated everyone with the utmost respect & kindness. That gives me hope, that not all of Christianity is like what we see from Evangelicals, namely, hatred, intolerance, evil & utter madness.

This is an interesting article, thought it would make for good discussion here.

The Christian Right Is in Decline, and It’s Taking America With It​

The presidency of George W. Bush may have been the high point of the modern Christian right’s influence in America. White evangelicals were the largest religious faction in the country. “They had a president who claimed to be one of their own, he had a testimony, talked in evangelical terms,” said Robert P. Jones, chief executive of the Public Religion Research Institute and author of the 2016 book “The End of White Christian America.”

Back then, much of the public sided with the religious right on the key culture war issue of gay marriage. “In 2004, if you had said, ‘We’re the majority, we oppose gay rights, we oppose marriage equality, and the majority of Americans is with us,’ that would have been true,” Jones told me. Youthful megachurches were thriving. It was common for conservatives to gloat that they were going to outbreed the left.

Activists imagined a glorious future. “Home-schoolers will be inordinately represented in the highest levels of leadership and power in the next generation,” Ned Ryun, a former Bush speechwriter, said at a 2005 Christian home-schooling convention. Ryun was the director of a group called Generation Joshua, which worked to get home-schooled kids into politics. The name came from the Old Testament. Moses had led the chosen people out of exile, but it was his successor, Joshua, who conquered the Holy Land.

But the evangelicals who thought they were about to take over America were destined for disappointment. On Thursday, P.R.R.I. released startling new polling data showing just how much ground the religious right has lost. P.R.R.I.’s 2020 Census of American Religion, based on a survey of nearly half a million people, shows a precipitous decline in the share of the population identifying as white evangelical, from 23 percent in 2006 to 14.5 percent last year. (As a category, “white evangelicals” isn’t a perfect proxy for the religious right, but the overlap is substantial.) In 2020, as in every year since 2013, the largest religious group in the United States was the religiously unaffiliated.

One of P.R.R.I.’s most surprising findings was that in 2020, there were more white mainline Protestants than white evangelicals. This doesn’t necessarily mean Christians are joining mainline congregations — the survey measures self-identification, not church affiliation. It is, nevertheless, a striking turnabout after years when mainline Protestantism was considered moribund and evangelical Christianity full of dynamism.

In addition to shrinking as a share of the population, white evangelicals were also the oldest religious group in the United States, with a median age of 56. “It’s not just that they are dying off, but it is that they’re losing younger members,” Jones told me. As the group has become older and smaller, Jones said, “a real visceral sense of loss of cultural dominance” has set in.

White evangelicals once saw themselves “as the owners of mainstream American culture and morality and values,” said Jones. Now they are just another subculture.

From this fact derives much of our country’s cultural conflict. It helps explain not just the rise of Donald Trump, but also the growth of QAnon and even the escalating conflagration over critical race theory. “It’s hard to overstate the strength of this feeling, among white evangelicals in particular, of America being a white Christian country,” said Jones. “This sense of ownership of America just runs so deep in white evangelical circles.” The feeling that it’s slipping away has created an atmosphere of rage, resentment and paranoia.

QAnon is essentially a millenarian movement, with Trump taking the place of Jesus. Adherents dream of the coming of what they call the storm, when the enemies of the MAGA movement will be rounded up and executed, and Trump restored to his rightful place of leadership.

“It’s not unlike a belief in the second coming of Christ,” said Jones. “That at some point God will reorder society and set things right. I think that when a community feels itself in crisis, it does become more susceptible to conspiracy theories and other things that tell them that what they’re experiencing is not ultimately what’s going to happen.”

The fight over critical race theory seems, on the surface, further from theological concerns. There are, obviously, plenty of people who aren’t evangelical who are anti-C.R.T., as well as evangelicals who oppose C.R.T. bans. But the idea that public schools are corrupting children by leading them away from a providential understanding of American history has deep roots in white evangelical culture. And it was the Christian right that pioneered the tactic of trying to take over school boards in response to teachings seen as morally objectionable, whether that meant sex education, “secular humanism” or evolution.

Jones points out that last year, after Trump issued an executive order targeting critical race theory, the presidents of all six seminaries of the Southern Baptist Convention came together to declare C.R.T. “incompatible” with the Baptist faith. Jones, whose latest book is “White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity,” could recall no precedent for such a joint statement.

As Jones notes, the Southern Baptist Convention was formed in 1845 after splitting with abolitionist Northern Baptists. He described it as a “remarkable arc”: a denomination founded on the defense of slavery “denouncing a critical read of history that might put a spotlight on that story.”

Then again, white evangelicals probably aren’t wrong to fear that their children are getting away from them. As their numbers have shrunk and as they’ve grown more at odds with younger Americans, said Jones, “that has led to this bigger sense of being under attack, a kind of visceral defensive posture, that we saw President Trump really leveraging.”

I was frightened by the religious right in its triumphant phase. But it turns out that the movement is just as dangerous in decline. Maybe more so. It didn’t take long for the cocky optimism of Generation Joshua to give way to the nihilism of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists. If they can’t own the country, they’re ready to defile it.

I see. Leftists consider people who have morals and standards that work for a living and pay taxes to be dangerous. Members of the alphabet squad grooming and recruiting vulnerable children into degeneracy and self mutilation are just fine though. People protesting a fraudulent election and walking through the capital that they own is dangerous. But Marxist rioters trying to destroy the constitution of the United States doing $2 billion worth of damage it’s fine.
I am thinking of starting a thread bloviating about affairs in Hungary, Budapest in particular, making announcements completely at odds with reality, devoid of any serious thought, wrong basically every time, and when challenged on the fact that I am 13,000 miles from Budapest and have no idea what the **** I am talking about, call such observation a personal attack because I am in fact a genuine patriot.

Of some country, just not clear which.
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I am thinking of starting a thread bloviating about affairs in Hungary, Budapest in particular, making announcements completely at odds with reality, devoid of any serious thought, wrong basically every time, and when challenged on the fact that I am 13,000 miles from Budapest and have idea what the **** I am talking about, call such observation a personal attack because I am in fact a genuine patriot. Of some country, just not clear which.

Sounds like a plan. Choose a country where you were born & raised, that you're a citizen of, where you received two University degrees, where you cast your vote and have deep family, personal and business ties.

Ready, set, go! (y)
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Sounds like a plan. Choose a country where you were born & raised, that you're a citizen of, where you received two University degrees, where you cast your vote and have deep family, personal and business ties.

Ready, set, go! (y)

Budapest has terrible traffic, needs to mandate only bicycle riding. Also, the Danube is not really blue! Food coloring! Finally, the city needs to expel douchebag immigrant blowhard digbags. Not naming (*cough* Tibilo) names.
- The Budapest Reporter, 7/11/21
Evangelicals are a minority in this country, on the right and on the left. Most people who are religious are on the right, I agree, but let's not act like these people are 75% of the Republican Party. They aren't. 30% maybe. MAYBE. Church and religion, unfortunately are becoming a thing of the past.

This country, and perhaps the planet, is in for a great reckoning. Soon. I hope that those that call down the thunder on a daily basis are ready for the storm that is certainly coming. You keep conjuring up trouble and asking for seconds, thirds and more. At some point, you are going to get it. Keep ******** on people and all they hold dear. Keep sowing division. Your protests are going to look like episodes of Barney. People have stood by silently for quite some time, much to my surprise. Good luck.
I am thinking of starting a thread bloviating about affairs in Hungary, Budapest in particular, making announcements completely at odds with reality, devoid of any serious thought, wrong basically every time, and when challenged on the fact that I am 13,000 miles from Budapest and have idea what the **** I am talking about, call such observation a personal attack because I am in fact a genuine patriot.

Of some country, just not clear which.
Sounds like a plan. Choose a country where you were born & raised, that you're a citizen of, where you received two University degrees, where you cast your vote and have deep family, personal and business ties. Then after all that, you realized your skills and degrees are useless in that country. So you abandon everything and everyone and go to a shithole country where even a retard can make a buck.

Ready, set, go! (y)
I think Steeltime should take Tiborat's advice.
Keep ******** on people and all they hold dear. Keep sowing division.

How does that not work the other way around? What's happening on this board, other than people ******** on literally *any* views that differ from their own? I happen to hold centrist, conservative & liberal views. People **** on all I 'hold dear' 24/7. Same goes for anyone who happens to be a Dem or simply doesn't hold extreme, right wing views. How is that not sowing division? Is it truly a one-way street, as you suggest?
How does that not work the other way around? What's happening on this board, other than people ******** on literally *any* views that differ from their own? I happen to hold centrist, conservative & liberal views. People **** on all I 'hold dear' 24/7. Same goes for anyone who happens to be a Dem or simply doesn't hold extreme, right wing views. How is that not sowing division? Is it truly a one-way street, as you suggest?
I admit I **** on your ideals. But, your views are so full of ****, I really didn't think you would notice.
I admit I **** on your ideals. But, your views are so full of ****, I really didn't think you would notice.

Maybe Sarge will come around and tell you he hopes that 'those that call down the thunder on a daily basis are ready for the storm that is certainly coming. You keep conjuring up trouble and asking for seconds, thirds and more. At some point, you are going to get it.'

He must also be referring to folks like you.
Maybe Sarge will come around and tell you he hopes that 'those that call down the thunder on a daily basis are ready for the storm that is certainly coming. You keep conjuring up trouble and asking for seconds, thirds and more. At some point, you are going to get it.'

He must also be referring to folks like you.
Yup, exactly.

Your right wing, white Christian male club is made up entirely of sensitive snowflakes. You dish out crap non-stop with impunity, feel like you can say and do whatever you want, just stomp all over Americans of all walks of life. Because you're *special* and *privileged,* and your vision of what the country is and should be is slipping through your fingers. So you lash out, you dish out abuse, you attack, you slander, you mock, you insult night and day. And then, when someone comes along who calls you out on your ****, your panties bunch up, your eyes well up, and you can't stand the criticism. It's been clear as day since former guy lost and became a shitbag, one-term loser, that your collective psyche has been shattered. You've become even more sensitive, even bigger snowflakes. You've collectively turned into Karens, crying for the manager cause things haven't gone your way. Why not man up, be decent, normal, positive-minded folks and continue advocating for the political change you want? Oh, because you're incapable of that. You'd rather take the easy way out, act like toddlers and be outraged during all your waking hours. So be it.
I happen to hold centrist, conservative & liberal views.

Maybe the biggest pile of **** you've typed on this board. You are an extremist. There's no longer doubt.
Your right wing, white Christian male club is made up entirely of sensitive snowflakes.

What religion are you Tibs?

I mean, despite being a Communist (that is a religion, see Whittaker Chambers) and worshipping big government and COVID.

What denomination are you?
I'm dangerous. Who knew?

You are dangerous, Mountain Man. I know when push comes to shove, I ain't gonna be gettin' in your way.
I happen to hold centrist, conservative & liberal views.


And I happen to hold deeply religious, mystic, metaphysical, agnostic and atheist views.
Your right wing, white Christian male club is made up entirely of sensitive snowflakes. You dish out crap non-stop with impunity, feel like you can say and do whatever you want, just stomp all over Americans of all walks of life.

No, just blithering idiots.

Because you're *special* and *privileged,* and your vision of what the country is and should be is slipping through your fingers.

Oh, you mean the country that has produced the greatest wealth for average citizens the world has ever seen, the best advances in medicine, and communications, and travel, and air travel, and space travel, and has been a bastion of freedom admired and revered for nearly 100 years?

I get that you are too stupid to understand, but nobody is getting on boats to go to Africa, or Cuba, or Mexico, or Honduras, or El Salvador, or Guatemala, or China, or Vietnam, or Russia. They are looking to come to America - the America you stupidly, moronically hope to tear down and remake as a model of Mexico, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or Costa Rica, or whatever.

You are literally too stupid to see that if America becomes the garbage 59-gender, welfare state, open borders, "equity above all even in mathematics" shithole you so desire, you will have destroyed the one nation stopping the genocidal slave traders in China.

You know, China? The country you have not had one word - NOT ONE ******* SYLLABLE - negative to say about after that lying, corrupt, hegemony-driven group of genocidal ******** released a virus that killed millions. Oh, you brave, brave little man, you can vent at Donald Trump because America is that great and welcomes your opinions, no matter how stupid, but you are slippery with glee at the thought of controlling political speech you find distasteful, while carrying the water as a loyal bootlicking quisling of the murderous regime in China.

So you lash out, you dish out abuse, you attack, you slander, you mock, you insult night and day. And then, when someone comes along who calls you out on your ****, your panties bunch up, your eyes well up, and you can't stand the criticism.

Oh, wow, you poor thing.

When were you banned here? Or on Fakebook? Or Twitter? When has anybody whined that you are being too harsh to others on this forum?

Right, never, you idiot. Meanwhile, you cheer on restricting the speech of the President of the United States, and doctors, and scientists, and analysts vastly smarter than you could ever hope to be while arguing, "*sob* Stop being so mean, you're so sensitive."

It's been clear as day since former guy lost and became a shitbag, one-term loser, that your collective psyche has been shattered. You've become even more sensitive, even bigger snowflakes. You've collectively turned into Karens, crying for the manager cause things haven't gone your way.

Again, you idiot, if you are too much of an intellectual ***** to argue, then leave.

Nobody bans you, however. Compare that to the vile, contemptible cowards on your side who are brave only when they outnumber somebody 75 to 1. Cowards. All of you, perhaps you more than most. Empty, whining, sobbing little *******.

Why not man up, be decent, normal, positive-minded folks and continue advocating for the political change you want? Oh, because you're incapable of that. You'd rather take the easy way out, act like toddlers and be outraged during all your waking hours. So be it.

Like you, right? I mean, I could never find 100, 200, 300 posts by you calling me and TSF and Ogre and Indy and dozens of others racists, homophobes (though you seem to be the one to revel in homosexual jokes, probably stemming from your insecurity - somebody leave you?), bigots, wHyTe sO0PrEmAcEsTs.

When I call you stupid, I point out why and post the information showing that you are, well, stupid. If that hurts your feelings, don't give a ****. If you can't argue the facts, **** off.

How does that not work the other way around? What's happening on this board, other than people ******** on literally *any* views that differ from their own? I happen to hold centrist, conservative & liberal views. People **** on all I 'hold dear' 24/7. Same goes for anyone who happens to be a Dem or simply doesn't hold extreme, right wing views. How is that not sowing division? Is it truly a one-way street, as you suggest?
We mock your views because we have watched them fail all over the world in every communist country. Yes that was REAL communism and no it won't ever work even with the right people in charge.