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“Climate Hustle:


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
“Climate Hustle: Are They Trying to Control the Climate…or You?”
employs data, humor, and everyday language – and climate alarmists’ own past predictions – to document the holes in manmade climate doom theory and demonstrate how alarmism is being used as a pretext to increase government power and limit individual freedoms.

“Climate Hustle” will be in theaters for a one-night event on Monday, May 2nd, and will include an exclusive panel discussion following the film featuring Gov. Sarah Palin, climatologist Dr. David Legates, Media Research Center Pres. Brent Bozell, and film host Marc Morano.

Leading climate activists are warning moviegoers to shun the May 2nd nationwide one-day theater screening of “Climate Hustle,” a new film debunking climate alarmism and its big government solutions.

Bill Nye (not a real “science guy,” FYI), who entertains the idea of throwing climate skeptics in the slammer, warned the film’s producer, Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano, that “Climate Hustle’s” content endangers not just the nation, but also the world:

U.N. Climate Scientist Michael Oppenheimer has, likewise, condemned the film – without even viewing it - for daring to dispute climate alarmism. "Marc is a propagandist,” the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientist cautions viewers.


The Paris Climate Change Conference ended in historic agreement after two hundred nations signed a non-binding treaty to battle global warming. It wasn't a moment too soon for the Earth. Statistics increasingly show that global warming is the number-one cause of documentaries.

exclusive panel discussion following the film featuring Gov. Sarah Palin, climatologist Dr. David Legates

Sarah Palin......nuff said.

David Legates butt buddy of Say "Hey Exxon!" $$$Willie Soon$$$, and the Koch bros.

Yeahhh......should be quite the intellectual tour de force....for CONservative morons of course.

(Cue steel time with a long winded post and some phony graphs with 18 year timelines to make everything better) lol
David Legates butt buddy of Say "Hey Exxon!" $$$Willie Soon$$$, and the Koch bros.

I am protesting your anti-gay microaggression.

Yeahhh......should be quite the intellectual tour de force...

How many graduate degrees do you have? Oh, none? Hmmm ... interesting, since David Legates has a masters and Ph.D. in climate science, and is a professor of climate science at a University. Aren't you the assclown who protests that nobody without a degree in climate science can proffer opinions as to what the "professionals" say? And lookee here, you - a nobody with nothing more than a high-school education and a room in your mom's basement - think you can criticize a Ph.D. in climate science.

Have a drink:


And do you know what Legates' mortal sin was to the crowd that earns a living by pimping global asset redistribution? He had the temerity to suggest that the asset redistributors were incorrect in the rate of change of temperatures due to fossil fuel use. If only some sort of graph could show that temperatures had in fact increased dramatically over the past century, as predicted:




So ElfiePolo, stick with dragging-and-clicking somebody else's work, so that when I shred the bullshit you post, you can comfort yourself by saying, "Holy ****, glad I did not say that."

Finally, how is your legal analysis career going? The fact that I humiliated you on your laughable "Trump should be prosecuted" narrative should not dissuade you from further brilliant insights on legal matters.

Please ... we can all use the laughs.
You know the easiest way to tell the whole climate change thing is a load of steaming pig ****? Look at the fact that the treaties exempt the worst polluters and focus more on hamstringing developed countries that actually clean up their messes. If there was a real threat the demand would be right now and it would be Ladi Dadi EVERYBODY.
You know the easiest way to tell the whole climate change thing is a load of steaming pig ****? Look at the fact that the treaties exempt the worst polluters and focus more on hamstringing developed countries that actually clean up their messes. If there was a real threat the demand would be right now and it would be Ladi Dadi EVERYBODY.


Weather Channel founder trashes Bill Nye as 'pretend scientist'

Weather Channel founder John Coleman doesn't think much of Bill Nye "The Science Guy." Coleman took Nye to the woodshed over a clip he recorded that aired over the weekend criticizing the soon to be released documentary Climate Hustle.

“I have always been amazed that anyone would pay attention to Bill Nye, a pretend scientist in a bow tie,” Mr. Coleman said Saturday on the website Climate Depot.

“As a man who has studied the science of meteorology for over 60 years and received the [American Meteorological Society] Meteorologist of the Year award, I am totally offended that Nye gets the press and media attention he does,” Mr. Coleman said. “And I am rooting for the ‘Climate Hustle’ film to become a huge hit — bigger than ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ by Al Gore.”

Coleman is, of course, correct. Nye is an engineer, not an earth scientist.

Climate changes occur over thousands of years and ice ages have been a regular part of human life for the last 600,000 years.

CO2 is always higher when the ice recedes. Science shows it's been happening for hundreds of thousands of years and has nothing to do with humans.

We are now comfortably halfway through an interglacial period that will eventually come to an end - THEN you will see massive climate changes - just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that - it's nothing NEW - it's a CYCLE - that has nothing to do with man


A warm green earth makes it a happy earth for life. We should be happy it's warm. Ice is death - warmth is life.
Climate changes occur over thousands of years and ice ages have been a regular part of human life for the last 600,000 years.

CO2 is always higher when the ice recedes. Science shows it's been happening for hundreds of thousands of years and has nothing to do with humans.

We are now comfortably halfway through an interglacial period that will eventually come to an end - THEN you will see massive climate changes - just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that - it's nothing NEW - it's a CYCLE - that has nothing to do with man


A warm green earth makes it a happy earth for life. We should be happy it's warm. Ice is death - warmth is life.

Meh as we saw from the Ice Core sampling procedures, if you throw out all the data that disproves your theory, because it obviously must be wrong, then the current cult of man made global warming sounds so true... yet somehow the only real legal changes are benefitting the same group of people over and over...

Like I said before, if american plants with all sorts of pollution controls on them arent allowed to burn the cheapest coal, then we shouldnt be allowed to sell it overseas to plants with no pollution controls.... but that isnt a priority for anyone in the global warming scam's agenda... just like they are allowing methane deposits to be tapped and a dozen other dangerous alternatives to eliminate one particular energy source that drives industry out of this country and makes a select few alternative energies that would otherwise be too expensive to operate profitable for its investors thanks to substities based on them being "Green" even when they are not...
I can't wait to see all of Canada and NYC scraped down to bedrock again


When the lead levels rose and children were getting sick, scientists proved that it was due to leaded fuel leaking into the water supply and being released into our atmosphere as exhaust.

It took 10 years before the auto industry admitted that they were the problem and phased out lead from being added to fuel.

It's never good for business when they have to minimize profits in order to create a safer environment. They have all the money and can fight and misdirect the public as long as possible to maximize profits.
When the lead levels rose and children were getting sick, scientists proved that it was due to leaded fuel leaking into the water supply and being released into our atmosphere as exhaust.

It took 10 years before the auto industry admitted that they were the problem and phased out lead from being added to fuel.

It's never good for business when they have to minimize profits in order to create a safer environment. They have all the money and can fight and misdirect the public as long as possible to maximize profits.

You're being rational about this subject.

That won't play around here, they much prefer the outlandish conspiracy theory that all the worlds scientists are involved in a liberal(read communist) plot to destroy capitalism.

And they have a few scientists and a whole bunch of charlatans on their side with no qualifications that can almost all be tracked back to Exxon /Koch money.

They are caught up in the bamboozle. And what did one of our greatest scientists tell us about the cognitive dissonance that the bamboozled suffer from? He was speaking of the religious here, but it applies just as well to AGW deniers.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been*bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”*-*Carl Sagan
Climate changes occur over thousands of years and ice ages have been a regular part of human life for the last 600,000 years.

CO2 is always higher when the ice recedes. Science shows it's been happening for hundreds of thousands of years and has nothing to do with humans.

We are now comfortably halfway through an interglacial period that will eventually come to an end - THEN you will see massive climate changes - just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that - it's nothing NEW - it's a CYCLE - that has nothing to do with man


A warm green earth makes it a happy earth for life. We should be happy it's warm. Ice is death - warmth is life.

As you deniers like to say " there are no SUVs on mars and look at how warm it is"

In those bygone eras on earth that you speak of there were also no people digging up the buried carbon and burning it. Leaking methane out of natural gas wells,( methane is 85 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2) as well as burning the methane in millions of homes.

Hundreds of millions of cars releasing CO2 into the air.

Can you tell me where all those extra gasses are going?

Yes and warm is good. The reason we are warm is because of the greenhouse effect, caused by a more or less fixed amount of greenhouse gasses moving through the carbon cycle. Till we started burning carbon.

Again, it's a simple question: Can you tell me where all the extra carbon we have dug up and burned for the past 100+ years(releasing ghg's) has gone?
Hundreds of millions of cars releasing CO2 into the air.

Can you tell me where all those extra gasses are going?

Trees and plants thrive on it.
A third grader can tell you that....at least those who haven't been indoctrinated with lies.
...wonders how much a rat troll like Elfiero makes a week being a paid troll for Democrats? No one is this persistently wrong, obtuse and an outright liar without being paid to be so.
What is this climate change ye speak of?
As you deniers like to say " there are no SUVs on mars and look at how warm it is"

In those bygone eras on earth that you speak of there were also no people digging up the buried carbon and burning it. Leaking methane out of natural gas wells,( methane is 85 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2) as well as burning the methane in millions of homes.

Hundreds of millions of cars releasing CO2 into the air.

Can you tell me where all those extra gasses are going?

Yes and warm is good. The reason we are warm is because of the greenhouse effect, caused by a more or less fixed amount of greenhouse gasses moving through the carbon cycle. Till we started burning carbon.

Again, it's a simple question: Can you tell me where all the extra carbon we have dug up and burned for the past 100+ years(releasing ghg's) has gone?

The issue with your question is the amount of natural CO2 produced far outweighs all the man made CO2 burned... every non plant creature is breathing out CO2.. every fire, every volcano, every fissure... all constantly producing CO2. One good volcanic eruption can put ridiculous %'s of CO2 into the air and all of that has been going on since the start of time... Plants and the algae in the ocean do a fine job of CO2 removal... if you want to argue too much deforestation ill be right behind you... we cant keep paving the world... but to think that relatively small amounts of times most of the sources this administration has targeted.

Think about this, the typical person is emitting 1000 lbs of CO2 per year. You are exhaling 4% Co2... coal plants are releasing 8 to 12% CO2, but none of them run 24/7 all the time... heck in their current stats most cant run for more than a couple months without an outage these days due to lack of repair or replacement options...

Scientist keep using models for CO2 release that aren't even close to real to try to say we have crossed a tipping point... these numbers are based on data gathered by programs like the clean air act that were intentionally written to force sources to overestimate what they were emitting as a failsafe. The publicly available data is full of biased high numbers... read CFR 40 Part 60 or 75. Then we see all of these climate scientists using that data along with part 53 ambient air data to force feed their theories... the reality is overpopulation is a far greater threat to the CO2 balances than all of the sources currently in existence... and the bigger reality is that CO@ isn't really the Gas that you have to worry about as a greenhouse gas... CO2 has a natural filter. Methane does not... and circumventing Coal and nuclear by allowing Methane bubbles to be tapped is dangerous and far more likely to create a problem, but we are happy to allow that... just like fracking... you know why? cause they aren't really worried about global warming... they are worried about propping up a sham Green Energy option that they are all making mints on... and that includes Exxon and all the other big Oil companies... all who are quietly heavily invested in this crap...

Until cold fusion or battery storage of massive energy amounts comes into reality, this nonsense is going to be around... once there isn't money to be made by subsidizing the green energy, then you will see less dramatic climate models...
Mideval warm period, little Ice Age, it was warmer during the epoch of the dinosaurs than it is now.
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As you deniers like to say " there are no SUVs on mars and look at how warm it is"

In those bygone eras on earth that you speak of there were also no people digging up the buried carbon and burning it. Leaking methane out of natural gas wells,( methane is 85 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2) as well as burning the methane in millions of homes.

Hundreds of millions of cars releasing CO2 into the air.

Can you tell me where all those extra gasses are going?

Yes and warm is good. The reason we are warm is because of the greenhouse effect, caused by a more or less fixed amount of greenhouse gasses moving through the carbon cycle. Till we started burning carbon.

Again, it's a simple question: Can you tell me where all the extra carbon we have dug up and burned for the past 100+ years(releasing ghg's) has gone?

Dipshit, the total amount of carbon, just like the total amount of water, is constant in the earth's closed loop system.

So you notice something like C02 being released into the atmosphere....and then you have no clue what happens. Does it stay, does it go, does it get recycled (like water in the hydrological cycle), or is it shot off into space?

If you tried, even just a bit, you would understand that C02 has a natural cycle.....but you don't seem to care, because it doesn't fit your false narrative.

I am protesting your anti-gay microaggression.

How many graduate degrees do you have? Oh, none? Hmmm ... interesting, since David Legates has a masters and Ph.D. in climate science, and is a professor of climate science at a University. Aren't you the assclown who protests that nobody without a degree in climate science can proffer opinions as to what the "professionals" say? And lookee here, you - a nobody with nothing more than a high-school education and a room in your mom's basement - think you can criticize a Ph.D. in climate science.

Have a drink:


And do you know what Legates' mortal sin was to the crowd that earns a living by pimping global asset redistribution? He had the temerity to suggest that the asset redistributors were incorrect in the rate of change of temperatures due to fossil fuel use. If only some sort of graph could show that temperatures had in fact increased dramatically over the past century, as predicted:




So ElfiePolo, stick with dragging-and-clicking somebody else's work, so that when I shred the bullshit you post, you can comfort yourself by saying, "Holy ****, glad I did not say that."

Finally, how is your legal analysis career going? The fact that I humiliated you on your laughable "Trump should be prosecuted" narrative should not dissuade you from further brilliant insights on legal matters.

Please ... we can all use the laughs.

Lol like clockwork, phony graphs and all!

No I don't have a doctorate. I have a masters from U.C. Berkeley in HCI, and a masters from Boston U. In behavioral science.

Just because Legates is a climate scientist doesn't mean he can't be bought.

Is that not what you clowns tell me when it comes to the 97% consensus?

Am l to believe that thousands of scientists on the AGW side are ALL on the take for grants, but the handful of denier scientists are acting altruistically?

Of course not. You're not even that stupid.

As far as my legal analysis of Trumps shenanigans goes, it wasn't my analysis. I read it in an article.

Some organization has since had their lawyers file a complaint with The Justice Dept. so apparently they think they are on to something. I am not a lawyer nor am I pretending to be one.
Just because Legates is a climate scientist doesn't mean he can't be bought.


All research is bought and paid for, by those that desire a certain result.
Academia is as corrupt as politics.
If you take money from the State Science Institute and magically get views they agree with, you are not bought.