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Cortez, Tlaib Omar's nasty words on quote. Hating the USA, Racism, Dismissing 911


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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What they said:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts

Their comments and tweets have been making headlines since they were elected in November.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez once described the state of America as “garbage.”

She provoked a furor by claiming the U.S. was running “concentration camps” on the southern border.

The White House balked when Ms. Ocasio-Cortez sided with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro against Elliott Abrams, U.S. special representative for Venezuela.


In a podcast interview in May, Ms. Tlaib provided her take on the Holocaust.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust.

Shortly after taking office in January, Ms. Omar tweeted that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

The remark was widely deemed an anti-Semitic trope, but Ms. Omar insisted it was a legitimate critique of Israel’s conduct in the Gaza wars.

She later accused Jewish lawmakers of having an “allegiance to a foreign country” for supporting Israel. She also tweeted that U.S. support was “all about the Benjamins baby.” When asked what she meant, she responded “AIPAC!” referring to the prominent pro-Israel lobby.

Critics again called her words an anti-Semitic trope that Jews buy political influence throughout the world.

It spurred a House resolution condemning her rhetoric, though the bill did not name her. House Democrats eventually watered down the resolution to condemn all forms of hatred, including anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim discrimination.

Omar: A month later, Ms. Omar referred to the 9/11 terrorist attacks by saying “some people did something.”

There you have it. Democrats should repudiate these people, and call them out for disliking American and being racists. Why this wasn't national news is a mystery, anything a Republican says something remotely racists it is news. More digging into the past of these women is needed.

Too bad it’s not Salem back in the day. Hang those ******* from the gallows.
I think commies infiltrated the us during the cold war and the current political system is a result

Communists littered our government long before that. In the 1930s and 40s, Communists held high positions in our Government.

Modern day Progressivism is Communism and results from the seeds planted during this era.

Read this. Every American should.

Communists littered our government long before that. In the 1930s and 40s, Communists held high positions in our Government.

Modern day Progressivism is Communism and results from the seeds planted during this era.

Read this. Every American should.


I second this. Read it
I'm bored with all of them, dont care what any of them say. Stopped listening.
Communists littered our government long before that. In the 1930s and 40s, Communists held high positions in our Government.

Modern day Progressivism is Communism and results from the seeds planted during this era.

Read this. Every American should.


Thanks Tim. Definitely looking into this
I'm bored with all of them, dont care what any of them say. Stopped listening.

I don't think we can afford to ignore them. We must expose them, show the nation who they are, what they believe in, and ask for sensible people who did not vote from Trump to call for them to leave.

These four women will give the Republicans all the help they need to get elected. Don't expect CBS, NBC, or ABC to get this news out. We must education the nation, and smash this trojan horse before Democrats feed them more votes.
I don't think we can afford to ignore them. We must expose them, show the nation who they are, what they believe in, and ask for sensible people who did not vote from Trump to call for them to leave.

These four women will give the Republicans all the help they need to get elected. Don't expect CBS, NBC, or ABC to get this news out. We must education the nation, and smash this trojan horse before Democrats feed them more votes.

The 2020 Presidential debates are going to be epic. President Trump isn't going to let them hide from their radical ideas.
Communists littered our government long before that. In the 1930s and 40s, Communists held high positions in our Government.

Modern day Progressivism is Communism and results from the seeds planted during this era.

Read this. Every American should.


They are pretty much woven into the fabric of our educational system. It is bearing fruit and must be countered. The entire west coast is almost to the point of no return.
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Earlier in the year, a number of my liberal facebook friends were cheering AOC and the like....."you go girl!", etc.

Now I don't hear a peep from them. Even they know these 4 are an embarrassment.

There are a few of us left who aren't completely crazy, but we don't have much power over crazy ideologues taking over local/state governments.
There are a few of us left who aren't completely crazy, but we don't have much power over crazy ideologues taking over local/state governments.

pretty sure the CA gov't can squeeze another drop of blood from the radishes still there.
There are a few of us left who aren't completely crazy, but we don't have much power over crazy ideologues taking over local/state governments.

Yes... I know moderate leftist. I know a lot of socially liberal fiscally conservative Democrats... i also know they feel like they get shouted down by the radicals so much that many are abandoning the party....
Earlier in the year, a number of my liberal facebook friends were cheering AOC and the like....."you go girl!", etc.

Now I don't hear a peep from them. Even they know these 4 are an embarrassment.

They have cemented themselves as the face of the Dem Party. Maybe the Dems are beginning to realize they aren't going to attract more voters by calling Trump and half the country (deplorables) racist, while they go pandering to the radical left base on every far left socialist plan possible.

Carrying deep blue districts and states by larger margins doesn’t help them. Especially not if it comes at the cost of turning everybody else off.
Communists littered our government long before that. In the 1930s and 40s, Communists held high positions in our Government.

Modern day Progressivism is Communism and results from the seeds planted during this era.

Read this. Every American should.


I'm a couple chapters into it already, Tim. Eye-opening, but I may also need an Rx for Prozac after finishing.
They have cemented themselves as the face of the Dem Party. Maybe the Dems are beginning to realize they aren't going to attract more voters by calling Trump and half the country (deplorables) racist, while they go pandering to the radical left base on every far left socialist plan possible.

Shirt I bought a couple of weeks ago:


Oh, and Rashida Tlaib is soooo ******* brave. How about this for being brave, you filthy skank? Go to Iran, interrupt an Iranian politician's meeting, and demand that women be respected instead of mutilated.

Go ahead, you disgusting piece of **** - do it.
Oh, and Rashida Tlaib is soooo ******* brave. How about this for being brave, you filthy skank? Go to Iran, interrupt an Iranian politician's meeting, and demand that women be respected instead of mutilated.

Go ahead, you disgusting piece of **** - do it.

No ****. Ungrateful, hateful, hypocritical POS.