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Could the Flores hiring lead to a new quarterback (i.e. Watson)?

Watson didn't play last year and the next 4 years of his contract are $35M $37M $32M and $32M.

Houston wanting 3 1st rounders from a 25+ times accused sex offender doesn't add up to a single 1st rounder in my book.

I'll pass on Watson and his 24 more allegations than Big Ben and his albatross of a contract over much cheaper QB that can control himself around women like Wilson, Murray, or Rogers.
you have to love the hypocrisy of some people who hate Big ben for some allegations, but they're silent on Watson being credibly accused of assault by 20 different women. It's fine he still gets paid and it's fine if a team trades for him.
If he got traded here that would change in a half a heartbeat…
While I agree, of the QB'S in this year's draft, Pickett is the only one I'd take, but only if he's there at 20 (he won't be). I wouldn't trade up for any of them. Not with all the other needs we have.

And I'll say this about Pickett, his college tape reminds me of Josh Allen. Not saying he'll be the same, but the college tape plays pretty similar. Even Allen was very inconsistent his first year, and made A HUGE leap in years 2 and 3.

Willis has two things going for him (and plenty more against him), but only one of those is a fit for Canada's so called system. His legs. He throws a great deep ball, but everything else is horrid and super raw, I'll cheer him on, just like I did Jarvis Jones, even tho we all knew it wouldn't work...
Willis is Action Jackson light. I will be surprised if he shows anything more than that. Hey if someone wants to have a RB for a QB be bunkered in what ultimately usually comes with that. Falling short of the ultimate goal.
Watson would be pretty much at the bottom of any of my QB lists. No way I want his baggage. He won't even find out about any suspension until probably this year and it should be a minimum of 6 games and probably a year if you compare what he is accused of to what Ben and others were accused of and how many accusations there are. He also still hasn't been deposed for his trials so he is a long way off from finalizing that. Talent or not, there is no way in hell you give up that kind of draft capital and cap hit to someone like Watson.
He has a metric ton of value once teams are sure he will actually play again… much like AB will probably get a sixth chance after he inevitably blows his next one… talent blinds teams to issues

Houston doesn’t want to let him go for nothing… but teams aren’t going to pay premium values for a guy who might go to jail

Well said

Salute the nation
Flores got fired because Miami wanted Watson but Flores was very much against it.
Nothing, i think he's overrated. If you are going big then go after Russel Wilson
I’ve seen enough of him and don’t think he is overrated … but Wilson is the more accomplished guy without the giant sexual assault anchor around his neck.

Watson is a pass first scrambler with excellent accuracy and mobility who can read a defense and play from the pocket just fine… in his last year playing he led the league in yardage on a horrible team and had a 6.1% td rate compared to a 1.3% interception rate… he also had 444 yards rushing… but he is like Mahomes and only runs if it’s scripted or there is absolutely nothing else to do…

he has 8 4th quarter comebacks in his 3 1/2 years of actually starting… Patrick Mahomes who was drafted at the same time only has 9… and Watson has played behind a miserable oline his whole career

The guy has all the tools… he just also has all the off field baggage right now…

So if you are dropping a first rounder on a trade, maybe five years of Wilson does make more sense than ten years of Watson… though as an undersized guy, Wilson has a greater chance of fading early
Neither Wilson or Watson or any other QB that will cost major draft capital and a huge cap hit would be on my radar at all. It makes no sense for this team right now. In a year or two after they retool the team to support a franchise QB, then we can talk. Take one of those QB's now and it will take at least 5 years to retool a team around them as we will have no draft capital for a few years and no cap space. We are just getting out of cap hell from pushing so much forward and shouldn't be doing it right now. We should stay away from that right now. It is not necessary.
Neither Wilson or Watson or any other QB that will cost major draft capital and a huge cap hit would be on my radar at all. It makes no sense for this team right now. In a year or two after they retool the team to support a franchise QB, then we can talk. Take one of those QB's now and it will take at least 5 years to retool a team around them as we will have no draft capital for a few years and no cap space. We are just getting out of cap hell from pushing so much forward and shouldn't be doing it right now. We should stay away from that right now. It is not necessary.
I mean ultimately i agree… we were just exploring the options if the Steelers are silly enough to trade for a guy before fixing the line
Neither Wilson or Watson or any other QB that will cost major draft capital and a huge cap hit would be on my radar at all. It makes no sense for this team right now. In a year or two after they retool the team to support a franchise QB, then we can talk. Take one of those QB's now and it will take at least 5 years to retool a team around them as we will have no draft capital for a few years and no cap space. We are just getting out of cap hell from pushing so much forward and shouldn't be doing it right now. We should stay away from that right now. It is not necessary.
agree, bring Trubisky or Winston or Minshew to give Rudolph some decent competition but nothing that would compromise the cap or require a trade
rapiestwatson just doesn't have the same ring as rapiestberger. lol

Man getting Watson would be the ****. I agree that he is top five in the league. If they had any proof he did some nasty freaky **** he would be in jail. you would think out of 20 women there would be some DNA or some type of proof anyways.

I feel sorry for any rich and famous young single guy that doesn't want to get married but just get laid. It would suck having to worry about finding yourself in jail or court just cause you got money.
They said, all evidence was swallowed.
Flores got fired because Miami wanted Watson but Flores was very much against it.
I don't know if this statement holds any water, but I do not want to be responsible for Watson, in Miami, around all those half naked women...
I don't know if this statement holds any water, but I do not want to be responsible for Watson, in Miami, around all those half naked women...
Man I don't get to Miami enough. Sorry my mind went sideways for a minute back now. It's elementary my dear Watson.
I don't know if this statement holds any water, but I do not want to be responsible for Watson, in Miami, around all those half naked women...
I am just going by what the morons on the south fl radio show was saying. I would not be surprised if they were full of ****.
Doubtful Watson has any trade value. Even if the settlement of all 20+ accusations (now one class action), Watson still has to go through Goodell’s player conduct gauntlet. He still probably will be suspended by the league.
See, right here! This is what would be most troubling for me. Lets say the Texans are willing to drop their premium picks demand and settle for something much less, then you have to be concerned about what punishment the NFL hands down. They could suspend him an entire season or half the season, thats' what you have to be cognizant about not knowing if there will be a suspension and if so, what will it consist of.
See, right here! This is what would be most troubling for me. Lets say the Texans are willing to drop their premium picks demand and settle for something much less, then you have to be concerned about what punishment the NFL hands down. They could suspend him an entire season or half the season, thats' what you have to be cognizant about not knowing if there will be a suspension and if so, what will it consist of.
The interesting thing will be how Watson/his lawyers attack the coming suspension. If the league were to suspend him a significant amount of time, he could technically argue that the (unpaid) suspension was an additional punishment to the (paid) 1 year suspension the Texans unofficially handed him last year.
I would steer as clear as I could from Watson right now. Not sure he would be worth waiting for and giving up any capital for. I wouldn’t want to absorb his massive salary that he would command either. If he was just unhappy and didn’t have the legal issues and could come in and start- my thought would be opposite. To trade for him to possibly not be able to use him until late or next season- not sure if I want that.
The interesting thing will be how Watson/his lawyers attack the coming suspension. If the league were to suspend him a significant amount of time, he could technically argue that the (unpaid) suspension was an additional punishment to the (paid) 1 year suspension the Texans unofficially handed him last year.
Note to the masses, of the 20+ victims accusing Watson, the majority of them are represented by one attorney. Tony Buzbee. He loves the spotlight and has no reservations taking all the spotlight from the victims (which they probably want). It will be ugly, very ugly unless a huge settlement happens. The unpaid absence on his contract actually tolls. He was placed on the non-football related list. So he would technically not lose any $ from his contract. The league however, can override any team suspension regardless, as Troy Vincent, and NFL counsel will use the player conduct terms and the framework for suspension.