The second paragraph where it says the quote is accurate? Did YOU understand that?
need to get Justin to install that Crayola font so Flogtard can better understand what ze is be saying. or not saying. however the case may be said or not said that was said but wasn't said despite it being said but not said.Nobody said that. Silly premise leads to silly straw man argument.
I did this months ago, the inane, moronic comments and the unwillingness to engage in a mature conversation, far outweighs whatever entertainment value brought to this forum.Word of advice: Block Dr. Flogstain. Enough will continue to read his inane drivel and lampoon and excoriate his comments so you get the benefit of seeing Dr. Flogstain - ded dog dragger, walking champion, Covid expert, vax afficionado, legal expert, and golf course trespasser - mocked into the next millennia without having to read his brain-rotted imbecility!
Supreme idiot. Saying that you’re 97% more likely to die if you’re unvaccinated is NOT the same as saying if you don’t get vaccinated you will die. It’s saying that if 10/100,000 vaccinated people die, 970/100,000 unvaccinated people will die.need to get Justin to install that Crayola font so Flogtard can better understand what ze is be saying. or not saying. however the case may be said or not said that was said but wasn't said despite it being said but not said.
backtracking on your WooFloo Religion? say it aint so, say it aint so.Supreme idiot. Saying that you’re 97% more likely to die if you’re unvaccinated is NOT the same as saying if you don’t get vaccinated you will die. It’s saying that if 10/100,000 vaccinated people die, 970/100,000 unvaccinated people will die.
displaying data from pFucking pFizer you idiot
You get THREE guesses - someone we know would do this without a single question....
View attachment 13530
Pure gold.
1/ A computer virus with unknown origin has started infecting computers around the world, and spreading itself from computer to computer.
2/ This particular computer virus has the ability to completely shut down a very small percentage of computers; cause other computers to malfunction temporarily; and to keep most computers intact to continue spreading itself.
3/ A person with a substantial criminal history linked to computer viruses convinces the governments of the world that he has a solution. It will cost $20 per computer, and the governments agree to pay this criminal to provide a patch for every computer on the planet.
4/ There is very little testing to show that this new software update will actually work, or to prove that it will be safe to operate this software for a long period of time. But everyone is desperate, so the governments decide not to wait and they pull the trigger.
5/ When the patch is ready, people around the world start downloading it to their computers. It’s a relatively small section of code, but this patch supposedly works with any operating system or computer.
6/ As more computers are installed with the new patch, it becomes obvious that the computer virus can still infect these patched computers and these computers can still transmit the computer virus to patched and non-patched computer systems.
7/ With this obvious defect, the governments tell people not to worry because the patch lowers the probability that their computer will malfunction if it does become infected. Most people accept this as a reasonable explanation and more people download the new software patch.
8/ It also becomes apparent that a great deal of computers either malfunction or are completely inactivated within a short period of time after receiving the new patch, even though there are no measurable signs that the computer has been infected with the computer virus.
9/ Because the governments have chosen not to take these patch-induced adverse computer events seriously, the general populace starts warning others about the risks of downloading the software patch. The governments begin a campaign to silence these people.
10/ Even with a large % of the computers possessing the software patch, the virus continues spreading rapidly, and computers continue to malfunction or inactivate. It’s argued that this outcome is much better than the outcome if the software patch had not been deployed.
11/ The criminal who designed the software patch is now wealthier than ever, and they continue pushing the governments of the world to peddle the software patch.
12/ Other computer scientists from around the world have found several other relatively easy and obvious technology solutions to fix the problem, and have generated sufficient data to demonstrate that their solution is safer and more effective.
13/ These technologists are systematically silenced and censored by mainstream media, social media, and the government. Many lose their reputations or jobs, but they continue to speak out because they know it is more important for the world to have access to an effective solution
14/ It’s found that the initial installation of the software patch wanes in effectiveness over several months. Rather than launch a new more effective approach, the governments institute a periodic re-installation program with the original faulty, risky software patch.
15/ New versions of the computer virus begin to spawn off at an accelerated rate. It’s found that the computer virus has a code built into it that imparts it with the ability to circumvent any efforts to stop its spread.
16/ The observed changes in the code of the computer virus are not random, as they are directed specifically at circumventing the code introduced by the patch.
17/ The software patch becomes less and less effective against these new computer virus versions that have circumvented the patch’s defenses. Eventually, a computer virus emerges that is completely resistant to the patch.
18/ This new patch-resistant computer virus begins spreading around the world at a rapid pace as it blows through the patch. The people who chose not to download the patch to their computer are blamed.
19/ Meanwhile, the governments are coercing people to upload the same ineffective, unsafe software patch, and to do so every several months. They are threatening people with loss of their job, or the ability to move freely in society.
20/ When other more reasonable people warn that uploading the patch is risky and increasingly ineffective, the governments double down on their efforts to coerce people into downloading the patch every few months.
21/ Meanwhile, the criminal software guru continues to increase in wealth at an obscene rate as computers around the world continue to malfunction or inactivate in response to the patch.
Of mild side effects. Oh, the outrage.displaying data from pFucking pFizer you idiot
you are a morally reluctant sycophant licking the boots of cruel, oppressive pFucking monsters.Of mild side effects. Oh, the outrage.
No it’s not. After four years the vaccines are available worldwide. You’ve been manipulated into being outraged by people who likely don’t even believe the bullshit from which they are a morally reluctant sycophant licking the boots of cruel, oppressive pFucking monsters.
jfc. Having worse results than the placebo in every pFucking adverse report is enough to have any other drug rejected at phase I.
Zero after marketing studies, except from deaths and serious adverse events by others.
This is beyond criminal.
You dumbaass liar.No it’s not. After four years the vaccines are available worldwide. You’ve been manipulated into being outraged by people who likely don’t even believe the bullshit from which they profit.
Dude. Call your doctor and say you’re experiencing anyone one of they side effects and they’ll tell you to take a Motrin or Tylenol and see how you feel tomorrow.You dumbaass liar.
pFucking pFizer's own data.
YOU are Wilfully unwilling to read the massive data, reports, peer reviewed research -- and opinions -- all here for years whilst you have rejected every bit of it.
You are vile. And really dumb.
cocaine is also available worldwide.No it’s not. After four years the vaccines are available worldwide. You’ve been manipulated into being outraged by people who likely don’t even believe the bullshit from which they profit.
FFS. Cocaine is endorsed by every major medical organization. What’s your point?cocaine is also available worldwide.
what's your point?
you're suggesting that because the ClotShot is available worldwide means that there is 100% nothing wrong with it. Despite the reports of it causing harm.FFS. Cocaine is endorsed by every major medical organization. What’s your point?
Vaccines aren’t recreational drugs sold illicitly on the black market. It’s a false equivalence and a really dumb one at're suggesting that because the ClotShot is available worldwide means that there is 100% nothing wrong with it. Despite the reports of it causing harm.
cocaine, also having reports of causing harm, is also available worldwide. are you also endorsing cocaine?
cocaine can be prescribed by doctors.
cocaine can be prescribed by a physician. that is not for debate. why would a physician prescribe something that can cause harm, Flog?Vaccines aren’t recreational drugs sold illicitly on the black market. It’s a false equivalence and a really dumb one at that.
This is just dumb. Physicians can do any number of things that can cause harm but, given the prognosis, are recommended or absolutely necessary. Chemotherapy, for example. You don’t have a point, you’re not even close to having a point.cocaine can be prescribed by a physician. that is not for debate. why would a physician prescribe something that can cause harm, Flog?
< crayola font >This is just dumb. Physicians can do any number of things that can cause harm but, given the prognosis, are recommended or absolutely necessary. Chemotherapy, for example. You don’t have a point, you’re not even close to having a point.
You should submit an article explaining how the vaccines are like cocaine to all the major medical journals, I’m sure it’ll make sense to them… or not.< crayola font >
you can't see the point and couldn't see the point if it was on the tip of a nail being driven betwixt your beady little eyes with a ballpeen hammer
< / crayola font >