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Covid Vaccine

I can understand that it claims a SMALL NUMBER of people experience the syndrome and doesn’t mean Dr. Iwasaki, who acknowledges that ANY medical intervention carries risk, is advising against Covid vaccination.
This doctor confident in her findings claimed that the results of her study could be seen as controversial. I doubt she would add fuel to the fire by recommending not taking the vaccine.
That’s not in her job description anyway,

Did you happen to comment on this yet?

This doctor confident in her findings claimed that the results of her study could be seen as controversial. I doubt she would add fuel to the fire by recommending not taking the vaccine.
That’s not in her job description anyway,

Did you happen to comment on this yet?

He will not read it as it doesn't fit into his biases. He is unwilling to learn but eager to be told. He'll simply deflect your attention away to something that strokes his biases or dismiss you and the post altogether. Ignorance is bliss, you know!
This doctor confident in her findings claimed that the results of her study could be seen as controversial. I doubt she would add fuel to the fire by recommending not taking the vaccine.
That’s not in her job description anyway,
As someone who has taken the hippocratic oath, it absolutely is.
What new details are shared?
As someone who has taken the hippocratic oath, it absolutely is.

What new details are shared?
Uh…she is a PhD, a researcher, not a medical doctor. She doesn’t take the oath. For her to give medical advice would be out of line.

Open it and find out.
So in other words near the Mexican border where millions of illegal immigrants enter the country.
Since the article did not specify if the victim was an illegal immigrant I'd say it's safe to assume they were.
With equal basis, I assume they’re fat **** proud boys.
Here's the problem. The Covid "Vaccine." This is the main reason people are skeptical of vaccines in general. First, if you got vaccinated, you wouldn't catch it, you wouldn't spread it, and you wouldn't have to be hospitalized. Turns out, that was a lie. A couple lies later, it became "Well, the vaccine will lessen symptoms and reduce hospitalizations." Another lie. They went so far as changing the definition of the word "vaccine" to cover for the failure that is the Covid Vaccine. All of that ignores the side effects, the rise in all cause deaths since the vaccine deployed that we are gaslighted into believing isn't really happening. And then people are stunned when no one wants stick a needle in their arm based on what the government tells them.
Oh, yeah, well then so is the CDC :

A vaccine became available in 1963. In the decade before, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years old. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Among reported measles cases each year, an estimated:

  • 400 to 500 people died
  • 48,000 were hospitalized
  • 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain)
So .000166% of people infected in the US each year died prior to the vaccine was developed, using the least infected and most deaths for the worst possible outcome statistically.
While it sucks when anyone dies for any reason, there are WAY bigger killers out there then measles and it's less than .00017% death rate.
And even taking the MMR vaccine AND getting the booster only makes you 96% "protected". It is still possible to get infected after vaccination.

But measles isn't the black plague you and the MSM are making it out to be.
Most people infected have some rashes, pink eye, diarrhea, and fever but recover after a few days/weeks.
Here's the problem. The Covid "Vaccine." This is the main reason people are skeptical of vaccines in general. First, if you got vaccinated, you wouldn't catch it, you wouldn't spread it, and you wouldn't have to be hospitalized. Turns out, that was a lie. A couple lies later, it became "Well, the vaccine will lessen symptoms and reduce hospitalizations." Another lie. They went so far as changing the definition of the word "vaccine" to cover for the failure that is the Covid Vaccine. All of that ignores the side effects, the rise in all cause deaths since the vaccine deployed that we are gaslighted into believing isn't really happening. And then people are stunned when no one wants stick a needle in their arm based on what the government tells them.
There’s probably uncontested 20 emails that I have posted that show, with data, vaccination did reduce hospitalization and mortality.

@Tim Steelersfan
get a load of this.

Typical FlogTard response. Notice from Sarge's excellent post that he makes the following points:
  1. The Covid Vaccine was called a "vaccine"
  2. That we were lied to - if you took it you wouldn't catch Covid
  3. That we were lied to - if you took it you wouldn't spread Covid
  4. That we were lied to - if you took it you wouldn't be hospitalized with Covid
  5. That we were told the vaccine would lessen symptoms and hospitalizations
  6. That the Govt did in fact change the definition of "vaccine"
  7. That there has been a rise in all-cause deaths since the "vaccine" and the "vaccine" has been ignored as a potential cause
FlogLibLogic: Reply to only one point, move on, pretend you got the win. We've seen 876 pages of this.
Are you not listening? Are thee deaf upon the ears or dead within the brain?

1. Liberally controlled government department (Washington State)
2. given grant money from a liberal administration to run a study
3. on the effects of a "vaccine" that big pharma got rich on
4. who then give more money to politicians from lobbyists
5. who then pass laws to provide blanket protections for big pharma so they cannot be sued
6. for all of the harm and death that the "vaccines" caused to the world population
7. and we're supposed to believe this study is honest, accurate, and nonbiased in any way?

BTW, from the report...opening disclaimer. "PLEASE NOTE: information about bivalent booster doses (authorized in the fall of 2022) or the updated monovalent booster doses (authorized in September of 2023) is not included in this report."

So, this study is grammatically errored at the very start with a clear error in subject-verb agreement. The subject of the sentence is compound and should read "are not included" This is grade school level English that the authors clearly do not understand and I'm to believe that this "**** sandwich" written by blue haired, cotton candy vaping, non-binary muff munchers funded by big pharma and enabled by corrupted politicians is to be taken seriously?

Are you not listening? Are thee deaf upon the ears or dead within the brain?

1. Liberally controlled government department (Washington State)
2. given grant money from a liberal administration to run a study
3. on the effects of a "vaccine" that big pharma got rich on
4. who then give more money to politicians from lobbyists
5. who then pass laws to provide blanket protections for big pharma so they cannot be sued
6. for all of the harm and death that the "vaccines" caused to the world population
7. and we're supposed to believe this study is honest, accurate, and nonbiased in any way?

BTW, from the report...opening disclaimer. "PLEASE NOTE: information about bivalent booster doses (authorized in the fall of 2022) or the updated monovalent booster doses (authorized in September of 2023) is not included in this report."

So, this study is grammatically errored at the very start with a clear error in subject-verb agreement. The subject of the sentence is compound and should read "are not included" This is grade school level English that the authors clearly do not understand and I'm to believe that this "**** sandwich" written by blue haired, cotton candy vaping, non-binary muff munchers funded by big pharma and enabled by corrupted politicians is to be taken seriously?

The entire world was liberal! That damn vaccine! You’re retarded.