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Crazy Bernie wants to allow prisoners to vote


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
Shared from that ultra-left bastion of leftist bullshit, vox.


Bernie Sanders wants to expand voting rights by letting people in prison vote
Only two states, including Sanders’s home state of Vermont, currently allow people to vote from prison.

By German Lopez@germanrlopezgerman.lopez@vox.com Apr 8, 2019, 12:20pm EDT

Bernie Sanders over the weekend said that more states should let people with felony records vote while they’re in prison, Kevin Hardy reported for the Des Moines Register.

“I think that is absolutely the direction we should go,” Sanders said during a town hall in Muscatine, Iowa, on Saturday, after he was asked if people should be allowed to vote from prison.

Sanders’s home state of Vermont, which he represents as a US senator, is one of two that lets people vote while they’re in prison. Most states prohibit people from voting while they’re in prison, on parole, or on probation. And two — including Iowa, where Sanders was speaking — bar people with felony convictions from voting even after they’ve completed their prison, parole, or probation sentences.

“You’re paying a price, you committed a crime, you’re in jail. That’s bad,” Sanders said. “But you’re still living in American society and you have a right to vote. I believe in that, yes, I do.”

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, is pushing for that to change, advocating for a constitutional amendment to let people vote after they’ve completed their sentences. But the Republican-controlled Iowa Senate has blocked the proposal.

Sanders isn’t the only Democratic candidate for president speaking on this issue. Last month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), one of Sanders’s opponents, said at an Iowa town hall in Storm Lake that people should be allowed to vote after they complete their sentences. “While they’re incarcerated, I think that’s something we can have more conversation about,” she added.

As of 2016, 6.1 million people were prevented from voting due to a felony conviction, the Sentencing Project found. But that was before Florida voters elected to let most people with felony records vote after they complete their sentences — letting more than 1 million people vote again.

Since black Americans are more likely to go to prison, these laws have a disproportionate impact on black voters: While the overall disenfranchisement rate didn’t break 11 percent for any state, more than 20 percent of black voters were disenfranchised in Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia in 2016.

Courts, including the US Supreme Court, have generally upheld such voting restrictions under the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which suggests that the government may abridge the right to vote due to “participation in rebellion, or other crime.”

The voting prohibition is one of the various collateral consequences of prison, which include restrictions on employment and bans on receiving welfare benefits, accessing public housing, or qualifying for student loans for higher education.

So not only does prison deprive people of their freedoms while they’re incarcerated, but the punishment can follow people for the rest of their lives.

The extended punishment can sometimes make it much more difficult for people with criminal records to regain rights and benefits that would allow them to get a job or an education, which might leave them with few options but crime to make ends meet. And since black people are more likely to be affected, collateral effects may help perpetuate crime in black communities in particular.

Sanders, who’s spoken out against mass incarceration since at least 1991, wants to change that.
but wait... there's more...


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he thinks every U.S. citizen, even the convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, should be allowed to vote in American elections.

Sanders offered his stance at a CNN town hall Monday when asked whether he thought felons should be allowed to vote while they’re incarcerated, not just after their release.

He was pressed on whether it was appropriate to enfranchise sex offenders or someone convicted of a heinous crime like Tsarnaev, who with his brother carried out the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that left three dead and injured hundreds more.

"Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, 'Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not going to let that person vote,' you're running down a slippery slope," Sanders said in response to a question about restoring felons' voting rights.

The question, and Sanders' response, was one of the more interesting moments in a marathon round of voter forums at Saint Anslem College in New Hampshire, where five Democratic hopefuls made their cases to young voters.

Sanders acknowledged that he’ll likely face criticism from both Republicans and Democrats over his stance. Still, he stood by his argument that even though offenders may be paying a debt to society while incarcerated it should “not take away their inherent American right to participate in our democracy.”

“I think I have written many 30-second opposition ads throughout my life,” Sanders said of potential criticism. “This will be just another one.”

California Sen. Kamala Harris and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who appeared separately Monday night, were also posed questions about whether or not to allow convicted felons the right to vote while they are serving their sentences.
So does ***** Kamala. Killers, rapists, thieves, terrorists, child molesters, illegal aliens...Dims want them all to vote, and they freely admit it.



Army Of Rustlers, Cut Throats, Murderers, Bounty Hunters, Desperados, Mugs, Pugs, Thugs, Nitwits, Halfwits, Dimwits, Vipers, Snipers, Con Men, Indian Agents, Mexican Bandits, Muggers, Buggerers, Bushwhackers, Hornswagglers, Horse Thieves, Bull Dykes, Train Robbers, Bank Robbers, ***-Kickers, ****-Kickers, and Methodists!!!
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but not the Irish!

"We should restrict gun rights, and increase prisoner rights."

That is all I ******* need to know about those douchebags.

Man those millions of border invaders should get a say so as well.You know what **** the voting.Let's just go full commie and get it over with. I'm starting to think it should go back to just land owners who can vote. The population is too full of ignorant window lickers just begging to be ruled over.
They're hell bent on never having a Republican elected again.

Eliminate the electoral college and allow prisoners, 16 yr.olds, illegals, and dead people to vote. ******** and idiots are already allowed to vote so that about covers the entire gamut of potential dem voting prospects..
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So does ***** Kamala. Killers, rapists, thieves, terrorists, child molesters, illegal aliens...Dims want them all to vote, and they freely admit it.



Army Of Rustlers, Cut Throats, Murderers, Bounty Hunters, Desperados, Mugs, Pugs, Thugs, Nitwits, Halfwits, Dimwits, Vipers, Snipers, Con Men, Indian Agents, Mexican Bandits, Muggers, Buggerers, Bushwhackers, Hornswagglers, Horse Thieves, Bull Dykes, Train Robbers, Bank Robbers, ***-Kickers, ****-Kickers, and Methodists!!!

Harris also wants reparations for slavery. Too bad one of her ancestors was a big-time plantation and slave owner, who according to the family source was a nasty whip master type.

Sanders is out there. No way should a convicted criminal be allowed to vote in prison.
Army Of Rustlers, Cut Throats, Murderers, Bounty Hunters, Desperados, Mugs, Pugs, Thugs, Nitwits, Halfwits, Dimwits, Vipers, Snipers, Con Men, Indian Agents, Mexican Bandits, Muggers, Buggerers, Bushwhackers, Hornswagglers, Horse Thieves, Bull Dykes, Train Robbers, Bank Robbers, ***-Kickers, ****-Kickers, and Methodists!!!

Don't be taking shots at Pugs. While silly, they're a peaceful community.

We inch closer to revolution.

That is what they want to happen and the last thing we want to happen. The Donald is doing a masterful job of holding it together.