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Critical Race Theory - Discuss

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
A bit sick and tired of this. But Biden brought it back. There are near wars being fought in my area in places like Loudon County with "Chardonnay Antifa" going after parents, outing them, trying to cancel them over CRT. Police are involved. White kids will fail classes if they don't state out loud they are racists....

Great article summing up much of it from Trump to Biden to what's being taught.

This is crazy and why our education system is garbage woke bullshit.
Interesting definition here...

According to critical race theory (CRT), racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain elite white interests in labour markets and politics, giving rise to poverty and criminality in many minority communities.

if you notice, "races" is in quotes in that definition of CRT. As such, that is an attempt to insinuate that the idea of race is nothing more than a social construct. The same social construct that is being pushed only when it benefits the race it is being pushed for. And silenced when the race-baiters see that the push is negative.

This is not to say that there are not laws that were made decades ago that are not racist in history. We can agree on that. Yet, those same laws are being applied today without regard to race. What is not being addressed by CRT is how one particular race benefits from advancing CRT. You can say that that is the point of CRT - to promote the awareness of how laws discriminate, but it also declines to address that there were - and are - white people who fight for the rights of those very same people. As such, CRT in itself is racist to the core, as it is not inclusive of all races and seeks to single out one specific race.
White kids will fail classes if they don't state out loud they are racists...
My personal observation is that those that scream racial inequality the loudest are lily white individuals. Do these teachers stand before the class and boldly state that they themselves are racist? They would have to, wouldn't they, if the sole determining factor of being racist is the color of ones skin? My kids would be out of that school in a heartbeat. Sad times for all of us.
Critical race theory is just a way to dehumanize conservatives so they can be justifiably killed. This is why leftist sent already floated the concepts of minority conservatives being multi racially white. Every time the socialist takeover there is a purge where they kill everyone with opposing political viewpoints.
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If it is the position of CRT, whatever the **** that is, to assert that there are no biological differences in race, but merely social constructs, then the student in the video should have pointed out that the professor was attempting to push a social construct that separated the two girls into different races.

By the very premise as stated above of CRT, there IS no actual difference between the two girls other than the social constructs which the professor is so obviously promoting. HE is the culprit and the perpetrator of said social constructs. I would ask the professor what steps he is taking to retrain himself to stop using his societal constructs to segregate people.

Chairman Allen West’s Statement on Critical Race Theory​

POSTED 3.30.2021 - by RPT Staff

Logo of the Republican Party of Texas

Austin, TX, Release: March 30, 2021 For Immediate Release
The Texas GOP stands firmly against any attempts by leftists to implement Critical Race Theory into the Texas school system. This ideology is at war not just with individuality and the free market but with the very foundational principles of our Republic. We cannot allow the poison of that ideology to be promoted in Texas schools.
Below, our Chairman Allen West lays out what is on the line and what the Texas GOP is doing to fight this collectivist and racist philosophy. Chairman West’s statement:
“The purpose of education is to prepare our children to be critical thinkers and productive members of our society by providing them with tools for success. It should not be the goal of our educational system to become a center for indoctrination. However, that is exactly what Critical Race Theory is all about. When reading the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, you find that one of the tenets of Marxism is State control of education. For Marx it was all about fomenting class division and warfare. Critical Race Theory introduces race to this strategy. Marxism was focused on the destruction of the individual, and advancing the idea of collectivism. Critical Race Theory does exactly that. It redefines us based upon race rather than our individuality. It declares that America is, always has been, and always will be a racist country. It erodes the fundamental premise of America, namely, equality of opportunity, and replaces it with equity, to be achieved by equality of outcomes.
The Texas legislative session is facing this onslaught with several of legislation that advances Critical Race Theory from a progressive socialist standpoint. They are HB 57, HB 3211, SB 229, and SB 1740. These pieces of legislation speak to “project-based civics, “a euphemism for giving kids class credit for participating in left-wing protests.
As well, there is this concept of “civics academies,” which does nothing more than open the doors to left-wing activism among our children. Vladimir Lenin once asserted, “give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world” and “give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
The Texas GOP supports SB 2026 and HB 4509, the Informed Patriotism Bill, requiring that Texas civics classes focus on founding documents, Lincoln-Douglas debates, and the Federalist Papers . . . not leftist ideological indoctrination.
Critical Race Theory has no place in Texas. But, we must be vigilant and resolute to ensure that does not happen. This is what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has pledged. So we must as well, in the Lone Star State.”
The Republican Party of Texas will not allow Texas public schools to devolve into left-wing propaganda mills. We must defend our children from this vile ideology.

Chairman Allen West’s Statement on Critical Race Theory​

POSTED 3.30.2021 - by RPT Staff

Logo of the Republican Party of Texas

Austin, TX, Release: March 30, 2021 For Immediate Release
The Texas GOP stands firmly against any attempts by leftists to implement Critical Race Theory into the Texas school system. This ideology is at war not just with individuality and the free market but with the very foundational principles of our Republic. We cannot allow the poison of that ideology to be promoted in Texas schools.
Below, our Chairman Allen West lays out what is on the line and what the Texas GOP is doing to fight this collectivist and racist philosophy. Chairman West’s statement:
“The purpose of education is to prepare our children to be critical thinkers and productive members of our society by providing them with tools for success. It should not be the goal of our educational system to become a center for indoctrination. However, that is exactly what Critical Race Theory is all about. When reading the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, you find that one of the tenets of Marxism is State control of education. For Marx it was all about fomenting class division and warfare. Critical Race Theory introduces race to this strategy. Marxism was focused on the destruction of the individual, and advancing the idea of collectivism. Critical Race Theory does exactly that. It redefines us based upon race rather than our individuality. It declares that America is, always has been, and always will be a racist country. It erodes the fundamental premise of America, namely, equality of opportunity, and replaces it with equity, to be achieved by equality of outcomes.
The Texas legislative session is facing this onslaught with several of legislation that advances Critical Race Theory from a progressive socialist standpoint. They are HB 57, HB 3211, SB 229, and SB 1740. These pieces of legislation speak to “project-based civics, “a euphemism for giving kids class credit for participating in left-wing protests.
As well, there is this concept of “civics academies,” which does nothing more than open the doors to left-wing activism among our children. Vladimir Lenin once asserted, “give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world” and “give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
The Texas GOP supports SB 2026 and HB 4509, the Informed Patriotism Bill, requiring that Texas civics classes focus on founding documents, Lincoln-Douglas debates, and the Federalist Papers . . . not leftist ideological indoctrination.
Critical Race Theory has no place in Texas. But, we must be vigilant and resolute to ensure that does not happen. This is what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has pledged. So we must as well, in the Lone Star State.”

The Republican Party of Texas will not allow Texas public schools to devolve into left-wing propaganda mills. We must defend our children from this vile ideology.

Get your kids out of public schools
Get your kids out of public schools
That’s easier said than done where I live. I was born and raised Catholic but I’m not one now. I have issues with them ranging from annulment to the commie Pope. So Catholic schools are out. The private high school here is $20K. That’s $40K per year that I’d have to shell out for my girls. Thankfully I’ve raised them with common sense and they can see through the bullshit that’s being peddled by the public school communists.
Home school, baby.

You'd be amazed at how organized and cooperative home-schooling has gotten. In most places an entire team of parents work together to block and/or team teach children. That means your friend in software engineering helps with math, algebra, calculus, your neighbor the homemaker helps with crafts, and humanities, you take on say, the sciences, biology, chemistry, geology, and your buddy the lawyer chips in for English, lit and composition.

Homeschoolin' aint just sittin at home working through used textbooks anymore.
That’s easier said than done where I live. I was born and raised Catholic but I’m not one now. I have issues with them ranging from annulment to the commie Pope. So Catholic schools are out. The private high school here is $20K. That’s $40K per year that I’d have to shell out for my girls. Thankfully I’ve raised them with common sense and they can see through the bullshit that’s being peddled by the public school communists.
I agree with Wig. Easier than you think. 18 years a public school teacher, and I'm telling you it's poison to a soul quite often. Not worth worth gambling your kids' life.
Welcome to Liberal Air!
I agree with Wig. Easier than you think. 18 years a public school teacher, and I'm telling you it's poison to a soul quite often. Not worth worth gambling your kids' life.
I too was a public school teacher. And decades ago I would NEVER have suggested somebody consider home-schooling above public schools who did not have a specific policy issue driving that. (Religion, generally)
But Today, things are much much different than they were even when I was teaching in the mid-90s.
I've said it before but might as well say it again.... It depends on your local school. I'm a public school teacher. However, if you live in a blue area or a RINO area where they are teaching CRT or BLT ETC... then home school or church school your kids.

Having said that conservatives should get more involved in local school issues. Get on the local school board. We need more conservative professors, teachers and administrators. I'm blessed because I live in a deep red state and a deep red school district. Almost all of the teachers are conservative. The principal is a national guardsman.
I've said it before but might as well say it again.... It depends on your local school. I'm a public school teacher. However, if you live in a blue area or a RINO area where they are teaching CRT or BLT ETC... then home school or church school your kids.

Having said that conservatives should get more involved in local school issues. Get on the local school board. We need more conservative professors, teachers and administrators. I'm blessed because I live in a deep red state and a deep red school district. Almost all of the teachers are conservative. The principal is a national guardsman.
Yep, that **** would get laughed right out of the building the very second that someone came in and told our staff teach it. And if they insisted or threatened, they would get told to go **** themselves. That **** isn't going to fly in any school around here. And it would be the Superintendent as well as the school board along with the teaching staff telling them to shove it up their *****, not just the teachers. It would be unanumous top to bottom. They would have to find a much bigger city that is infected with overwhelming amounts of radical leftists to pull that **** with.
I ran into it in Wyoming, and small town Colorado.
Hopefully more parents start waking up like these parents who took on their school board

It's beginning to reach a precipice with most of us who are growing tired of this "woke" pandering. You're going to see more and more of this rebellion against the insane ideal of racism in the name of restitution.

It's difficult for a scar to heal when you continually cut it back open. It's easy to keep a minority down when the narrative is to place blame on history. An excuse designed to keep them in their place (poverty) by design and purpose while making others the enemy of their suffering. If you take away the excuse and replace it with opportunity and hope, the human spirit will seek it's destiny, shedding the shackles of doubt, reliance and self loathing.
My work has a "Training Series" called The Equity Paradigm, basically CRT under a different name. While they tell us it is voluntary to sign up, they are highly encouraging you do so. In other words, if you don't sign up for it and have in your dynamic development goals that you are attending a session, which is three 2 hour sessions, then we will know and won't be happy with your performance.