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Current State of Politics

Did you sleep through W's presidency? When the Gore lost is when it really ratcheted up. Has only gotten worse since.

See, I thought that was just "Bush is an idiot" not "Bush is a terrible person bent on destroying the country and our way of life". I felt there was a pretty big difference there.
Hey Tibs. I guess a guy shooting up a baseball practice of Republican congressmen is business as usual? This **** is escalating quickly .
Jesus Christ on a caterpillar! Exact same thing? There were violent riots for 8+ months when Obama won? Nope, Anti-Dem happened at the polls. Over and over and over and over. For the exact reasons I noted in my prior post. Nothing to do with hatred and everything to do with what the conservative type people believe will give the country better policies for everything that is the opposite of what DoucheBagS posted. of course, the GOP has let them down at every turn, but that is a separate issue.

I hear you, though the methods may be different. I was speaking toward the media and the way they are using words to galvanize hatred. To me there is a direct parallel, and now the cottage industry of hate has gone mainstream.
I will respectfully say you are the being bamboozled if you believe that ****. want to add this. It is not even the violence so much as the unbridled hate and viciousness of the rhetoric that is widespread even when there is no violence. Very nasty people with nasty mouths and no tolerance what so ever for a different opinion.
Fair enough, then explain to me how Tea Party anti-Obama rallies were any different.

Show me - for example on this very board- any semblence of tolerance or so-called 'adult behavior' from right-wing, conservative Trump supporters.

Anyone dare raise their voice against Trump has been a constant source of ridicule. You don't have to search far, it's literally in every thread.

Hence the irony of the whining about liberal, left wing protests and the hurt feelings of Trump supporters.

It makes it seem as if somehow those on the right are tolerant, benevolent people. It makes me laugh, quite frankly.
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and Liberals hate your kids too

Knife Wielding Liberals Terrorize Children at Bloody Chick Fil A Protest

“They came in slicing each other’s throats, putting each other on their knees, dropping them onto the floor in front of a bunch of children”



I was working an event in Durham, NC last year, and a less violent protest happened at the Sams Club. About 8 people came in with signs of cattle being slaughtered and shouting about the cruelty these animals endure. Looks like the same thing here at the Chic, but they're doing some pretty over the top performance art to go along with it. This stuff never bothered me.

I do love the irony though of animal protesters fixated on the mistreatment of animals in factory farms, while being completely failing to see the true problem of polluting the land where these meat factories stand.
Fair enough, then explain to me how Tea Party anti-Obama rallies were any different.

Show me - for example on this very board- any semblence of tolerance or so-called 'adult behavior' from right-wing, conservative Trump supporters.

Anyone dare raise their voice against Trump has been a constant source of ridicule. You don't have to search far, it's literally in every thread. Hence the irony of the whining about liberal, left wing protests and the hurt feelings of Trump supporters. It makes it seem as if somehow those on the right are tolerant, benevolent people. It makes me laugh, quite frankly.

For fairness, I remember quite a few punching instances that were lauded on this side of the board during Trump rallies, and by an actual pugilistic congressman before he was elected. Also I've never seen a civil conservative at a pro-life "protest". You know, the ones where medical doctors lose their lives...
Fair enough, then explain to me how Tea Party anti-Obama rallies were any different.

Tea Party rally, more than a million in attendance, September 12, 2009. Zero arrests, zero assaults, zero destroyed property, zero instances of violence by the attendees.

Vile, violent, uncontrolled, spoiled, nasty leftist *******.

If you cannot understand the difference between the Tea Party protests and the violent, destructive, hateful, ugly **** from leftist and antifa protests ... spend a few days with the crazies. You will soon realize that those ******* are lefty Nazis. Crazy *******. Hateful. Bitter. Violent. Ugly.
How coddling and cocooning today's youths can lead to violence

The thugs were egged on by government indifference. That’s all they needed to have a holiday of riot.

They smashed windows. They burned. They attacked opponents and sent bystanders scurrying in fear. And the police stood by. And the authorities that had the power to discipline them quailed in their offices.

That happened in Berlin, Germany in 1937, right? Similar things, yes, but this particular travesty happened at UC Berkeley in 2017.

For almost a thousand years, western universities have been where free speech and ideas have flourished, and occasionally went to hide.

Now, however, leading universities — Berkeley, Yale, UCLA and others — have bent the knee to groups who are a small percentage of student bodies and allowed them to trash free speech, the most sacred precept of higher education.

What has so transformed today’s students that this could happen? The question is given to Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D., professor of psychology at San Diego State University who has studied this ugliness.

"iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy — and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood — and What That Means for the Rest of Us.”

Using the term of perhaps an earlier day, today’s youths are pampered, and Twenge said research shows it’s happening across all races, ethnicities and regions.

“Over the last 5 to 10 years, administrators and faculty have come to realize that students come to campus with less experience and less independence, so the umbilical cord isn’t cut when they go away to college. It just gets longer.

“Students insist on not just physical safety, but also on something that they call “emotional safety” from ideas that differ from their protected childhoods, or from classroom lectures that don’t steer clear of ‘unwanted’ ideas.”

Twenge says adolescence is not about risk as much as it used to be. “iGen thinks that risk is dangerous, that it might be dangerous to their futures, that it might be dangerous to their emotions, that it might be dangerous to their bodies. They are very, very risk-averse.”

It seems strange that a sheltered childhood could lead to shouting down speakers. However, if a minority of students believe some intellectual outsider is challenging their safe and sound ideas, and the university is willing to stand back and allow them to run amok, then it becomes a short step to rioting or bullying in the name of “right ideas” against those who would destroy those ideas.

When the adults in charge of the school step aside and do nothing, predisposed students see that as permission to tear things up with no consequences.

The attempts by the left wing to reverse the heat and say that people who are defending themselves from left-wing thugs is comical.

Nothing says tolerance like physically battering someone who is trying to express a different political opinion than yours. Way to go "progressive" left.
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It's a circus because the violent left winng made it a circus.
That is from coddling and being ignorant. I'm sure they know they are wrong and not open to new ideas.
So they act out in frustration and stupidity to prove their point
The leftists will only be able to push this nonsense so far before they start getting thumped. I just thank my lucky stars I don't live near any of this bullshit nor would I move,spend money or visit anyplace they congregate in large numbers. I've pretty much eliminated the entire west coast ,New York and New Jersey.

They can all pretty much **** off.
Isolated, violent left wing events - such as those of antifa and blm - are over emphasized on this board and on right-wing news sites 1000:1

Of course none of the peaceful marches and protests, such as the Million Man march a few years ago, the massive Women's March in DC, NY and LA or the scientists that marched on Washington over global warming, not a single blurb on this board. Overall, millions of people took to the streets in peaceful protest. Reading SN, it's like it never happened. If you look at the number of participants of these huge, nationwide protests and compare to what - maybe several hundred, maybe thousand - violent left wing activists causing mayhem at G20 or Berkeley, you'd realize you're being bamboozled. Bamboozled into thinking anti-Trump, liberal, progressive protests are violent, chaotic events. It's simply not true.

Pictures of hooligans in black hoods throwing firebombs paint a scary image. Makes it easy to scapegoat liberals, Democrats, progressives as evil and anti-establishment, with no regard for the law or public safety. It's propaganda and untrue. You'd never know that reading Breitbart or this board.

Fair enough, then explain to me how Tea Party anti-Obama rallies were any different.

Show me - for example on this very board- any semblence of tolerance or so-called 'adult behavior' from right-wing, conservative Trump supporters.

Anyone dare raise their voice against Trump has been a constant source of ridicule. You don't have to search far, it's literally in every thread.

Hence the irony of the whining about liberal, left wing protests and the hurt feelings of Trump supporters.

It makes it seem as if somehow those on the right are tolerant, benevolent people. It makes me laugh, quite frankly.

you want US to explain why YOU failed to take an action?

The leftists will only be able to push this nonsense so far before they start getting thumped. I just thank my lucky stars I don't live near any of this bullshit nor would I move,spend money or visit anyplace they congregate in large numbers. I've pretty much eliminated the entire west coast ,New York and New Jersey.

They can all pretty much **** off.

They already are getting thumped. This is what the left crying over right wing of violence is mainly about. The mob violence, riots, and physical intimidation work for a while. The lieft thought it was great to "punch a Nazi" until their intended victims started fighting back. Then they found out the hard way that a blue-collar guy Who is a military veteran, has done a combat tour or two, knows how to fight and is it afraid of them, will kick their teeth in if they put their hands on him.

Google battle for Berkeley, based stick man, and moldy locks.
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All that fighting is wasted here in college.

Bring back the draft.

Ship their ***** off to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Boots on the ground, *******.
Ha! That is awesome!!! So I CAN grow up to be ANYTHING I WANT to be!!!!


Anything you want to be Cope.

I can identify as a super hero and you best all respect that!

*MTC walks away crying and boogers running down his nose*
Fair enough, then explain to me how Tea Party anti-Obama rallies were any different.

Show me - for example on this very board- any semblence of tolerance or so-called 'adult behavior' from right-wing, conservative Trump supporters.

Anyone dare raise their voice against Trump has been a constant source of ridicule. You don't have to search far, it's literally in every thread.

Hence the irony of the whining about liberal, left wing protests and the hurt feelings of Trump supporters.

It makes it seem as if somehow those on the right are tolerant, benevolent people. It makes me laugh, quite frankly.

For the most part Tea Party protests were about policy. There were some who took it to far but it was by far the exception to the rule. the Tea party protests were respectful of the public and laws they cleaned up after themselves and were not inclined towards the hateful rhetoric or violence that the antifa and BLM protests have been. Yes you can find a few pictures of people with hateful signs but that was not the majority. EVERY left protest I have seen has derogatory and hateful signs. There is no comparison between the two.
Anything you want to be Cope.

I can identify as a super hero and you best all respect that!

*MTC walks away crying and boogers running down his nose*

I don't identify as Superman. You ******* identify me as Superman. Therefore, I AM Superman.
I did not want Obama to "succeed" at passing his agenda, but unfortunately he did and exactly as many of us predicted we are now stuck with a massive new entitlement program that is hemorrhaging money and solves almost nothing. And of course now that people are sucking on that teat we are not allowed to pry them off of it. Rule number one of entitlements is that they never go away, they just get bigger and more costly year after year.

I do want Trump to succeed unfortunately his personality and antics make it virtually impossible for anyone in government to get behind him. Who wants to be aligned with him as he goes down in flames? No one. Therefore I think it's better if he goes somehow and Mike Pence takes over. Leave the presidency to the grownups.