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(D)imbos not at all worried about upcoming election. Huh, why would that be?


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Joe Biden, a dementia-ridden scumbag grifter who showered with his daughter and is abusing his law enforcement agencies to target political opponents, is not at all concerned about the upcoming election. His incompetence has led to massive inflation (the current 3% is added on to the earlier 9% remember), an open border, exploding debt, loss of world stature, disasters abroad, $4/gallon gas, and proxy wars that are depleting our arms and risking WWIII.

How the hell can he not be worried? Makes one wonder. Almost as if they have trucks filled with ballots ready to be called out at 2:30 a.m. or something.
Kamala once cackled that Dominion vote machines could be hacked in less than 5 minutes and it was proven on the senate floor. But why bother hacking them when they can be pre- programmed?
The fix was in right after the last election. If anyone thinks that their vote matters, they are delusional. The while Trump/Biden thing is used to divide. The election is already decided.
The fix was in right after the last election. If anyone thinks that their vote matters, they are delusional. The while Trump/Biden thing is used to divide. The election is already decided.
From Alvin Toffler's "The Third Wave" published IIR in 1980:

The Reassurance Ritual

Born of the liberating dreams of Second Wave (Industrial age) revolutionaries, representative government was a stunning advance over earlier power systems, a technological triumph more striking in its own way than the steam engine or the airplane.

Representative government made possible orderly succession without hereditary dynasty. It opened feedback channels between top and bottom in society. It provided an arena in which the differences among various groups could be reconciled peacefully.

Tied to majority rule and the idea of one-man/one-vote, it helped the poor and weak to squeeze benefits from the technicians of power (the guys who run things in business, government and even in unions) who ran the integrational engines (the processes that keep everything working for the guys who run things) of society. For these reasons, the spread of representative government was, on the whole, a humanizing breakthrough in history.

Yet from the very beginning it fell far short of its promise. By no stretch of the imagination was it ever controlled by the people, however defined. Nowhere did it actually change the underlying structure of power in industrial nations--the structure of sub-elites, elites and super-elites, the formal machinery of representation became one o the key means of integration by which they maintained themselves in power.

Thus elections, quite apart from who won them, performed a powerful cultural function for the elites. To the degree that everyone had a right to vote, elections fostered the illusion of equality. Voting provided a mass ritual of reassurance, conveying to the people the idea that choices were being made systematically, with machine-like regularity, and hence, by implication, rationally. Elections symbolically assured citizens that hey were t in command --that they could, in theory at least, dis-elect as well as elect leaders. In both capitalist and socialist countries, these ritual reassurances often provided more important than the actual outcomes of many elections.

Integrational elites programmed and political machinery differently in each place, controlling the number of parties or manipulating voting eligibility. Yet the electoral ritual--some might say farce--was employed everywhere. The fact that Soviet and Eastern European elections routinely produced magical majorities of 99 and 100 percent suggested that the need for reassurance remained at least as strong in the centrally planned societies as in the "free world". Elections took the steam out of protests from below.

Furthermore, despite the efforts of democratic reformers and radicals, the integrational elites retained virtually permanent control of the systems of representative government. Many theories have been advanced to explain why. Most however, overlook the mechanical nature of the system.

If we look at Second Wave political systems, with the eyes of an engineer rather than a political scientists', we suddenly are struck by a key fact that generally goes unobserved.

Industrial engineers routinely distinguish between two fundamentally different classes of machine: those that function intermittently, otherwise known as "batch-processing" machines, and those that function uninterruptedly, called "continuous-flow" machines. An example of the first is the commonplace punch press. The worker brings a batch of metal plates and feeds them into the machine, one or a few at a time, to stamp them into desired shapes. When the batch is finished the machine stops until a new batch is brought. An example of the second is the oil refinery, which, once started up, never stops running. Twenty-four hours a day oil flows through its pipes and tubes and chambers.

If we look at the global law factory, with its intermittent voting, we find ourselves face to face with a classical batch processor. The public is allowed to choose between candidates at stipulated times, after which the formal "democracy machine" is switched off again.

Contrast this with the continuous flow of influence from various organized interests, pressure groups, and power peddlers. Swarms of lobbyists from corporations and from government agencies, departments, and ministries testify before committees, serve on blue-ribbon panels, attend the same receptions and banquets, toast each other with cocktails in Washington or vodka in Moscow, carry information and influence back and forth, and thus affect the decision-making process on a round-the-clock basis.

The elites, in short, created a powerful continuous-flow machine to operate alongside and often at cross purposes with) the democratic batch processor. Only when we see these two machines side by side can we begin to understand how state power was really exercised in the global law factory.

So long as they played the representational game, people had at best only intermittent opportunities, through voting, to feed back their approval or disapproval of the government and its action. The technicians of power, by contrast, influenced those actions continuously.
The fix was in right after the last election. If anyone thinks that their vote matters, they are delusional. The while Trump/Biden thing is used to divide. The election is already decided.
And the Republicans are the Washington Generals "controlled opposition.."
The fix was in right after the last election. If anyone thinks that their vote matters, they are delusional. The while Trump/Biden thing is used to divide. The election is already decided.
And the Republicans are the Washington Generals "controlled opposition.."
Lindsay Grahm, Trey Gowdy, cornyn, there are more. Nothing but carnival barkers. They pretend to be from some other party but we can see their true colors.
I think that they are actively involved in the fix. There is only one party, IMO.
Like when you were a kid and somebody told you they saw the good guy and bad guy wrestlers eating at the Waffle House together after the knock down drag out between Flair and Wahoo McDaniel. Instead of Waffle House it's just more sophisticated cocktail parties.
Lindsay Grahm, Trey Gowdy, cornyn, there are more. Nothing but carnival barkers. They pretend to be from some other party but we can see their true colors.
Trey could squawk and make more noise than anybody but it never moved the ball. Like the basketball player with fancy dribbling in place but never getting around the defender.

These guys then move on to media like the Pentagon people move on to high paying defense idustry jobs in the M-I-C.
Lindsay Grahm, Trey Gowdy, cornyn, there are more. Nothing but carnival barkers. They pretend to be from some other party but we can see their true colors.
In 2016 in the SC GOP primary, Nikki Haley, Trey Gowdy, LG, and Tim Scott all supported Marco Rubio saying he was "the future of the Party." While the voters slam dunked for DJT.
When you can pay your way out of anything because you have swamp connections and power. You’re not gonna be worried
Lindsay Grahm, Trey Gowdy, cornyn, there are more. Nothing but carnival barkers. They pretend to be from some other party but we can see their true colors.
They’re all the same. Republicans and democrats are all buddy buddy when the cameras are off
And the Republicans are the Washington Generals "controlled opposition.."

Republicans are the Washington Generals!


Ho-lee sheeit, Sojourner, that is the best description possible.
I’m convinced people don’t care what happens to the country as long as “their guy” wins. It’s viewed by almost like a sport, a football game.

I think people are still convinced “it can’t happen here” in spite of the fact that you can plainly see that it’s happening here.
I’m convinced people don’t care what happens to the country as long as “their guy” wins. It’s viewed by almost like a sport, a football game.
No doubt, Sarge. That's EXACTLY what it is. Just like us in the football side. Root for your team no matter what. Forgive our player's crimes and condemn their player's same crime. Our team is just & righteous. Their team is full of low-lives. Go Team!
I’m convinced people don’t care what happens to the country as long as “their guy” wins. It’s viewed by almost like a sport, a football game.

I think people are still convinced “it can’t happen here” in spite of the fact that you can plainly see that it’s happening here.

That part of the common citizens thinking is going poof pretty quick.
The giving away hundreds of billions to corrupt Ukraine while simultaneously flooding the country with 10 million plus foreign invaders, many of whom they supply, housing,food,healthcare and money. That's bent a lot of people up sideways, they wanted that money.

If you add in the ridiculous cost of food,fuel,rent and interest rates. It sets things up for a showdown.

They will have to do some serious over the top cheating to keep the Whitehouse. They won't be able to hide it. They may just take the L and move on to plan B.
No doubt, Sarge. That's EXACTLY what it is. Just like us in the football side. Root for your team no matter what. Forgive our player's crimes and condemn their player's same crime. Our team is just & righteous. Their team is full of low-lives. Go Team!
Except we have no losing seasons.

Kidding aside, I've always considered that a good analogy, but more in terms of wins and losses.
Support your team no matter how bad they are is acceptable because it's what you're supposed to do. Loyalty is acceptable.
It's only a game.

What doesn't sink in for those that vote demonrat strictly out of loyalty is that this is no longer a game.
They may just take the L and move on to plan B.
I have wondered about this. It may be too big of a hill to fight on. And, he may not live to the election.
Except we have no losing seasons.

Kidding aside, I've always considered that a good analogy, but more in terms of wins and losses.
Support your team no matter how bad they are is acceptable because it's what you're supposed to do. Loyalty is acceptable.
It's only a game.

What doesn't sink in for those that vote demonrat strictly out of loyalty is that this is no longer a game.
It is no game! They absolutely want to destroy the country as we know it. They've done an exceptional job thus far. It's moving far away from the foundation it was built upon.
If Democrats want to destroy the country how would that be beneficial to them? What do you think their end game would be?
If Democrats want to destroy the country how would that be beneficial to them? What do you think their end game would be?
Control of a sinking ship is still control. They are out to get as much as they can as long as they can. What they don’t realize is this puts a huge target on themselves too.
If Democrats want to destroy the country how would that be beneficial to them? What do you think their end game would be?
Well if you look at the lust for power,it's pretty easy to figure out what type of government we will transition to. They're really close to it already. And it is power and control above all things.

I can't think of anything Washington is doing for the benefit of American citizens. In fact,they create as much hardship and burden as they can while squandering away our money.