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(D)imbos not at all worried about upcoming election. Huh, why would that be?

If Democrats want to destroy the country how would that be beneficial to them? What do you think their end game would be?

Simple, to personally enrich themselves. Plus they will be exempt from their own laws.

These global elites won't have a smart thermometer limiting their AC in summer to 85 degree or their heat in winter to 64 degrees.
They won't be eating bug paste.
They won't be driving an electric car that the gov can shut down if they decide you already drove your allotted miles.
They won't be stuck in their homes if they declare another pandemic
They won't have their kid's school overcrowded by immigrants who don't speak English.
They won't have to wait for healthcare at a public hospital
They won't have to worry about an unqualified DEI Doctor working on them.
They'll be exempt from a wealth tax

That's the Biden and Pelosi type. Anything that gains them wealth and power is OK.

Then there's the AOC type. They are so dumb that they don't know what they're pushing is a lie.
Is AOC smarter than Keisha Lance Bottoms? Asking for a Democrat.