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(D)ims should change brand to the "murdering, rapist" party


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
We have seen how over the past two plus months, (D)ims have encouraged violent thugs to loot, burn, steal, rape, rob and murder, without a single word of protest about the seemingly endless violence and destruction, and a clear failure to do what their job requires, i.e., having the police arrest the scum and the prosecutors go after the excrement behind the destruction.

But in case you missed how perverse the party has become, note that last night, (D)ims thought it a good idea to have a convicted murderer lecture us on prison reform. And oh, she was not just your run-of-the-mill murder, no sir. She enjoyed torturing the victim for three weeks before killing him, including shoving a pipe up his anus and then laughing about it, saying, "He was a **** anyway."

The various participants, mostly Democratic politicians and party activists, might be alarmed to learn that their segment featured Donna Hylton, a 55-year-old Jamaican woman convicted for the kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of a 62-year-old Long Island real estate broker in 1986.

Before receiving accolades for her work as an “impactful community leader,” Donna Hylton and her gang of prostitutes had drugged real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo, brought him to their Harlem apartment, and subjected him to a three week torture session which included starvation, beatings, burnings, and various forms of sexual torture leading to a gruesome murder. Hylton had raped Vigliarolo with a three-foot metal rod, later laughing it off, quipping “he was a **** anyway.” Hylton had demanded ransom from the victim’s friend, planning on spending her cut on professional photos to launch a career in modeling. She was paroled in 2012, having served 26 years in prison.


(D)ims - the party welcoming raping murderers who laugh about brutally sodomizing a kidnapping victim because he was a **** and probably enjoyed it.
The party of perverse twisted evil. Nothing shocks me with them. Nothing at all.

I know, but Tibs, 21, etc. noted how horrified they were that the (D)im party was honoring a murderer-rapist.

Can't seem to find the posts. They must be here somewhere.
Tibs be calling Donna Hylton an American Patriot.

Serious as ****, if this was the face of my party, I'd have to re-think my party choice. Don't give me this "that was 26 years ago and she's a different woman now and reformed" bullshit either.

It's like worshipping Winnie Mandella, "necklacing" South African blacks and calling her a Freedom Fighter.
I've said it many times before but not sure about here....

The antichrist, or satan himself is a better pick than someone with a D after their name.

They do his work for him. They're on the same level.