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What is happening at the Southern Border, and why (D)ims should be jailed for this

Holy ****. Well-reasoned and thoughtful discussion from Fareed Zakaria on the immigration crisis. Dems, take notice:

You notice it went from "manufactured crisis" 6 months ago to "concentration camp" now, anything goes to the libs to cling to and attack our refusal to let illegals in

Dont come here illegally and u wont be detained, simple solution, and u WILL be going back!
Speaking of which, and the never-ending respect for free speech by the lefties:

Leftists doxxed her family. Thereafter, "The family of a young girl who went viral for mocking Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shut down all of her social accounts Wednesday, after receiving death threats and harassing phone calls."


So Alec Baldwin mocking Trump is hilarious, but a 10 year old doing the same to AOC is offensive? Got it.
Come-on guys, yur not into the flow here. Yous knuckleheads are forgetting about the gay pride month that just passed. To be a loyalist to the program, ya can't just concentrate on the low hanging fruit(s)....the Party is more than that.

As Pride Month Ends, Shame On You America Month Begins

A lot of people say they are proud to be an American. Well, that's incorrect and offensive. Pride belongs to the LGBT and a bunch of other letters now, none of which stand for American (and all imply a strong adherence to socialism of course). To take pride in something other than being gay is itself cultural appropriation of gay pride. That's despicable. Don't do it. The rainbow and pride are not yours now. Let them go. You don't deserve them

Pride month is over. This is shame on you, America month. May you toss and turn in bed and cry out for the next thirty-one days. Scream into the sky. Punch yourself in the face. Look in the mirror and scold yourself. Look up at the American flag and wag a shameful finger at it. Scold it. Berate it. Do the right thing.

Happy Fourth of July!

So anybody who doubts for a second that Democrats care vastly more about illegals than they do American citizens ... take note:

Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers

A Democratic congresswoman is sending staff to Mexico’s northern border town of Ciudad Juárez to find migrants returned from El Paso, Texas, under the “remain in Mexico” policy, then coaching them to pretend they cannot speak Spanish to exploit a loophole letting them to return to the U.S.


Using our tax dollars to send staff to Mexico to coach illegals to lie so that they can return to the United States and live on our tax dollars.

Virginia Escobar should be in jail with the illegals.
Right, and I think I was told in this forum that no (D)im candidate supports "open borders." Meanwhile, Booger Spartacus walks five illegals into the United States because the process is difficult or something.


Booger, Escobar, et al. all 100% support open borders for purely political gain.

Gash the American worker? Who gives a damn. Empty the Federal and State coffers on illegals? Who gives a damn. Risk bringing more disease into the United States? Who gives a damn. Make a mockery of our immigration laws and bring millions of untrained, unskilled, unvaccinated illegals who speak not a word of English into the country for political gain, while overwhelming hospital emergency rooms and schools in the process? Who gives a damn.

Get a few million votes in the process because Orange Man Bad? Oh, absolutely say the (D)ims.

All 2020 Senate Dems Absent for Vote to Send Humanitarian Relief to Border

All seven Democrats in the Senate running for president were absent Wednesday for a vote to send $4.6 billion in emergency humanitarian relief to the southern border to help thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children.

Less than 24 hours after House Democrats passed a measure Tuesday night, the Republican-controlled Senate rejected it with a 55-37 vote and approved their own measure with overwhelming bipartisan support with a 84-8 vote, according to the Washington Post.

Republicans and the White House far prefer the Senate measure but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pressing for quick negotiations to merge the bills — promising that Democrats won’t knuckle under to demands to send the Senate bill directly to President Donald Trump without changes.

The Senate vote sent the must-pass legislation measure back the Democratic-controlled House. Next steps are unclear, but Pelosi quickly dismissed speculation that the Democratic-controlled House will simply accept the Senate measure, which cleared a key committee last week with just one dissenting vote. Asked if the House would pass the Senate bill and send it to Trump, Pelosi said, "No."

"They passed their bill, we respect that. We passed our bill, we hope they will respect that. And if there’s some improvements that we think can be reconciled," Pelosi said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) slammed House Democrats on the floor Wednesday, saying their priorities revolved around "Resistance theater," adding that the Senate "has a better and more bipartisan way forward."

The 2020 Democratic candidates, which include Sens. Cory Booker (N.J), Kamala Harris (Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Michael Bennet (Colo.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), and Bernie Sanders (Vt.), were all out of town campaigning and preparing for the primary debates happening this week.

All three of the 2020 House Democrats, who will be participating in this week's debates, were also absent for Tuesday's border vote, according to Politico reporter Sarah Ferris.

Many of these 2020 Democrats have taken to Twitter to criticize the Trump administration and Republicans for the "humanitarian crisis" at the border, but when it came time to cast a vote supporting humanitarian aid, they were absent.
This meme can't be true...can it ?


If it's true, why wasn't he arrested on the spot ?

He should be in one of our concentration camps. Preferably one with gas chambers and incinerators. AOC said we have them.
He should be in one of our concentration camps. Preferably one with gas chambers and incinerators. AOC said we have them.

the "gas chamber" was actually a toilet closet and the "incinerator" was actually central heat. remember, she had not a ******* clue what a goddamn garbage disposal was and asked if they were even environmentally concious.
