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Devin Bush

Niether do your comments. If course I watch the full game and also rewinds some select plays. I'm a football junkie.
sorry you are the only one here who claims to be a football genius that has posted that "I didn't watch the game" after being called on some inaccurate comments made about game play.

and that was a Steelers game, not some UH game when I'm pimping my coogs
Whatever Dude. When did OK I say I don't watch the Steeler games, give me an example. It's getting old, I offer game comments in general that are accurate and an opinion. Examples please.
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Whatever Dude. When did OK I say I don't watch the Steeler games, give me an example. It's getting old,. Game comments in general are accurate and an opinion.
it was a while back, you did not say "i don't watch Steeler games" but we were discussing a Steeler game and you had all sorts of opinions and when you were questioned about something you said "well I didn't see the game"

I am not the only one that remembers it

I agree with you that your game comments are an opinion....I have major issues with describing them as accurate
FLASE! I never said I don't watch the Steeler games. Once in a blue moon I catch a reply in the Pre-season. That's about it. You just say things hoping the crowd believes you. I've got the NFL ticket for years. My games comments are often back up in facts. Like Ben is 30th in general in pasing as proof positive we are struggling on offense,. He's no super accurate despite throwing it short often. We are lucky to be 3-3. We played 4 of 6 game at home, had Seattle their QB out ( won in overtime ) and blocked a punt vs.a sup par effort form the Bills. I come to think in my opinion If Seattle has Wilson and we don't block that punt which is a very occurrence we likely lose one of our wins or both, but that is my opinion. You can disagree if you wish.
FLASE! I never said I don't watch the Steeler games. Once in a blue moon I catch a reply in the Pre-season. That's about it. You just say things hoping the crowd believes you. I've got the NFL ticket for years. My games comments are often back up in facts. Like Ben is 30th in general in pasing as proof positive we are struggling on offense,. He's no super accurate despite throwing it short often. We are lucky to be 3-3. We played 4 of 6 game at home, had Seattle their QB out ( won in overtime ) and blocked a punt vs.a sup par effort form the Bills. I come to think in my opinion If Seattle has Wilson and we don't block that punt which is a very occurrence we likely lose one of our wins or both, but that is my opinion. You can disagree if you wish.
I did not say you said you don't watch Steeler games..I said you admitted to not watching the particular game we were discussing at the time That is an absolutely accurate statement.

You should know by now I don't give a **** if anyone here believes me or likes me or even gives a **** about me. I post here for amusement, not to impress anyone with my luxury car.

Wow the Steelers offense is struggling, that is something we haven't discussed here at all. Why the **** do you act like that is a brilliant piece of insight? No one has ever accused Ben of being super accurate, EVER.

If we had played all the games with a healthy defense maybe we would have won more. HIghsmith, Alualu, Bush, and others have all missed time and that doesn't even count missing Tuitt

what if games are for children. no one knows what would have happened.
I call a losing season. Stop with the excuses for the players, ever team has injuries. Like Seattle missing Wilson. We likely lose that one if he plays which brings us to 2-4. . Bush in particular is injury prone for a young player and that isn't a good thing.
I call a losing season. Stop with the excuses for the players, ever team has injuries. Like Seattle missing Wilson. We likely lose that one if he plays which brings us to 2-4. . Bush in particular is injury prone for a young player and that isn't a good thing.
I call a jackass

you started the what ifs....I wasn't making excuses, just playing the what if game like you
Niether do your comments. If course I watch the full game and also rewinds some select plays. I'm a football junkie.
You rewinds some select play huh. Yes YouTube does have rewind capability.
Whatever Dude. When did OK I say I don't watch the Steeler games, give me an example. It's getting old, I offer game comments in general that are accurate and an opinion. Examples please.
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/tyqcJoNjNv0Fq" width="480" height="364" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

This is gonna be good...
FLASE! I never said I don't watch the Steeler games. Once in a blue moon I catch a reply in the Pre-season. That's about it. You just say things hoping the crowd believes you. I've got the NFL ticket for years. My games comments are often back up in facts. Like Ben is 30th in general in pasing as proof positive we are struggling on offense,. He's no super accurate despite throwing it short often. We are lucky to be 3-3. We played 4 of 6 game at home, had Seattle their QB out ( won in overtime ) and blocked a punt vs.a sup par effort form the Bills. I come to think in my opinion If Seattle has Wilson and we don't block that punt which is a very occurrence we likely lose one of our wins or both, but that is my opinion. You can disagree if you wish.
I do disagree BECAUSE had the refs not botched the blocked FG against GB - we win that game. The momentum, if you watched the game, was definitely in our favor and it given back to GB after that call.

Want me to send the game replay link to your luxury car's WiFi???
If we're still talking about Bush, I like it young and healthy. Devin is in possession of one of those attributes and can hopefully acquire the other.
I do disagree BECAUSE had the refs not botched the blocked FG against GB - we win that game. The momentum, if you watched the game, was definitely in our favor and it given back to GB after that call.

Want me to send the game replay link to your luxury car's WiFi???
I highly doubt it. Green Bay wouldve regrouped at halftime, Ben's overall play still wouldve sucked, I think its a far higher likelihood that the packers wouldve done enough to maintain and get the win.
Cooch has replay on his luxury car's b/w antenna tv?
Whatever Dude. When did OK I say I don't watch the Steeler games, give me an example. It's getting old, I offer game comments in general that are accurate and an opinion. Examples please.
You've said it, more than once. We've all read it.

And no, do your own research, no one wants to go back and read your old posts...
I call a losing season. Stop with the excuses for the players, ever team has injuries. Like Seattle missing Wilson. We likely lose that one if he plays which brings us to 2-4. . Bush in particular is injury prone for a young player and that isn't a good thing.
Yet we still didn't have a losing season during our worst injury season of 2019. Troll on...
You've said it, more than once. We've all read it.

And no, do your own research, no one wants to go back and read your old posts...

Some don't even want to read his "new" post(s).!

I'll say occasionally Coach has good content but when you add in the hindwisery, it negates a lot.

Salute the nation
Some don't even want to read his "new" post(s).!

I'll say occasionally Coach has good content but when you add in the hindwisery, it negates a lot.

Salute the nation
obviously there are days here when you are just totally wasted
obviously there are days here when you are just totally wasted

Traveling between worlds can do that to yaz.

Remeber young Padawan.... to get somewhere you must first


Salute the nation