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Differnt ways to fund the wall

And I quote SuperALLCAPSman “QUICKLY”. 1/1,000th Is a hell of a fraction to pay a debt off “QUICKLY”.

For once you have a chance to be Superman's Kryptonite. The concept was excellent. The math, not so much, but even with the correction of the math, the wall can be built by cutting 2/3 of the foreign aid.
Actually Dems and some Republicans passed E-verify, but Boehner blocked it from happening by refusing to bring it up in the house.
Not sure we would save much by not spending 20 billion in foreign aid. The results would likely require us to increase defense spending
by that much and more.

We now spend close to 1.5 billion per day on interest on the national debt. Saving 20 billion, just buys us 13 days of interest payments.
And I quote SuperALLCAPSman “QUICKLY”. 1/1,000th Is a hell of a fraction to pay a debt off “QUICKLY”.

mufucker, how quickly is it currently being paid off when we're sending out so much money while borrowing that money on interest and accruing interest on the debt?
Sen. Ted Cruz, others announce bill to fund $25 billion border wall

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with three other senators introduced a bill Wednesday that is aimed at fully funding a wall along the US-Mexico border.

Cruz, along with Sen. Jim Infoe (R-Okla.), Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) introduced the WALL Act -- the first legislation that would identify funding sources for the border wall.

"I have long called for building a wall as a necessary step in defending our border and stopping the flow of illegal immigration into our country," Sen. Cruz said in a press release from the United States Senate. "The overwhelming majority of Texans and Americans want to see the border secured.

The WALL Act would fully fund the border wall by closing existing loopholes that provide illegal immigrants with federal benefits and tax credits, without affecting the benefits and tax credits used by Americans."

If passed, the bill would fund President Donald Trump's proposed $25 billion border wall and provide specific ways to fund it. Sen. Kennedy claims that enacting certain changes with the WALL Act, American taxpayers will save $33 billion. The changes proposed in the bill are as follows:

A work-authorized Social Security Number (SSN) will be required to claim refundable tax credits like Earned Income Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit
Welfare applicants will be required to verify citizenship

Minimum fines will be increased for people who illegally cross the border and a minimum penalty will be established for those who overstay their visa in the country.

"(The WALL Act) pays for the wall by closing the loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to received federal benefits and increasing fines for illegal border crossings and visa overstays," said Sen. Rounds. "By funding the wall through increased fines, we prevent any risk of dipping into the Department of Defense (DoD) funding, which is already stretched thin."

Sen. Ted Cruz, others announce bill to fund $25 billion border wall

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with three other senators introduced a bill Wednesday that is aimed at fully funding a wall along the US-Mexico border.

Cruz, along with Sen. Jim Infoe (R-Okla.), Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) introduced the WALL Act -- the first legislation that would identify funding sources for the border wall.

"I have long called for building a wall as a necessary step in defending our border and stopping the flow of illegal immigration into our country," Sen. Cruz said in a press release from the United States Senate. "The overwhelming majority of Texans and Americans want to see the border secured.

The WALL Act would fully fund the border wall by closing existing loopholes that provide illegal immigrants with federal benefits and tax credits, without affecting the benefits and tax credits used by Americans."

If passed, the bill would fund President Donald Trump's proposed $25 billion border wall and provide specific ways to fund it. Sen. Kennedy claims that enacting certain changes with the WALL Act, American taxpayers will save $33 billion. The changes proposed in the bill are as follows:

A work-authorized Social Security Number (SSN) will be required to claim refundable tax credits like Earned Income Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit
Welfare applicants will be required to verify citizenship

Minimum fines will be increased for people who illegally cross the border and a minimum penalty will be established for those who overstay their visa in the country.

"(The WALL Act) pays for the wall by closing the loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to received federal benefits and increasing fines for illegal border crossings and visa overstays," said Sen. Rounds. "By funding the wall through increased fines, we prevent any risk of dipping into the Department of Defense (DoD) funding, which is already stretched thin."


This is too late, its for show now. The bill has to come from the house first.
If Obama can give terrorist countries $Billions of dollars without approval from congress, why can't Trump just do an Executive Order to build the wall? **** congress. And **** Obama.
Trump could take the money he's supposed to get from Stormy Daniels paying his legal fees and donate that to the wall fund.

DHS is committed to building wall and building wall quickly. We are not replacing short, outdated and ineffective wall with similar wall. Instead, under this President we are building a wall that is 30-feet high.

Once funding was provided, DHS began construction of border wall exceptionally quickly, in some locations in as little as nine months from funding to building– a process that commonly takes two years or more in other parts of Government. By the end of FY 2019, DHS expects to have construction completed or underway for more than 120 miles in the areas it’s most needed by the U.S. Border Patrol. The pace of construction has picked up as initial limiting factors like land acquisition and funding have been addressed.

I like the idea of having the military build it, we are already paying them. Bring them back from Iraq & Araq to do it
here's one good goddamn way to fund the ******* wall.


As Wall Funding Stalls, U.S. Pledges $10.6 BILLION In Aid to Central America, Mexico
Brittany M. Hughes , @RealBrittHughes
December. 19. 2018

While coming up with $5 billion out of a $3 trillion budget to put toward a border wall and secure our own county is apparently too much to ask, the federal government did just manage to scrounge up a whopping $10.6 billion – most of it via American taxpayer dollars – to fork over to Central America and Mexico in foreign aid and “investment" to try and keep people from coming here.

The AP reported Tuesday that the U.S. government has pledged “$5.8 billion in aid and investment Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico.”

The ongoing plan, though it’s never worked before, is to strengthen job opportunities and economic circumstances in Latin American countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador so their people won’t have to migrate illegally to the United States. In other words, American taxpayers are now on the financial hook to pay people to not immigrate illegally.

Of course, the recently elected president of Mexico was all too happy about the plan.

“I have a dream that I want to see become a reality ... that nobody will want to go work in the United States anymore,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said, praising the incoming funds.

Funds available largely thanks to American taxpayers’ wallets, of course.

Oh, and it gets better! The U.S. has also apparently expressed interest in Obrador’s proposal to invest in Mexican agriculture, forestry and tourism projects, likely signaling even more tax dollar-backed checks to be written in the future.

But when it comes to Mexico’s part, the AP reports, “It was unclear if Mexico would give anything in return.”

That’s not stopping them from asking for the funds from us, though.

“[Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo] Ebrard had previously suggested that about $25 billion in U.S. investment would be an appropriate figure for what Mexicans and Central Americans have dubbed ‘The Alliance for Prosperity’ in the region,” the report added.

The same week that the State Department announced the billions in funding going to Central America, Democrats again shut down Trump’s proposed $5 billion toward a border wall to help stop illegal immigration into the United States, complaining it was a “waste of taxpayer money.”

According to USAID, between 2001 and 2017 the United States sent over $127 million in public and private funds to Honduras, nearly $75 million to El Salvador, about $297 million to Guatemala, and nearly $88 million to Mexico.
If Trump really wanted to make America great again, this is his moment. If it means he's not running in 2020, so be it.
The most sick and disgusting thing about the current state of our politics is that last night, believing that the bill would be signed, the evil democrats went out to a bar and Celebrated open boarders. Celebrated no wall. Celebrated illegal immigration. Celebrated drugs, terrorists, child trafficking, killers, rapists and other violent criminals continuing to flood across the border with no regard for the safety and interest of the American citizens who elected them. Think about that... If you vote Democrat you are a terrorist.
Wow, Pelosi and Schumer just committed suicide with this press conference. They just said **** You America.
The house is voting now on a new bill that gives Trump 5.7 Billion for his wall. We will see if it passes.
The bill passes the house. We will see what happens in the senate. $5.7 billion for the wall.
Blame the Dems if it doesn't pass the Senate!

House passes spending bill with border wall money -- setting up shutdown stalemate with Senate

The House passed a temporary spending bill Thursday with money for President Donald Trump's proposed border wall, further muddying the scramble to dodge a partial government shutdown by Friday.

The chamber approved the measure in a 217-185 vote. But the path forward now is murky. The bill likely will not clear the Senate because it includes more than $5 billion for the border barrier,

The bill passes the house. We will see what happens in the senate. $5.7 billion for the wall.

Dem's always say they want boarder security. Okay, prove it.
giddy-up, it's the O.K.corral

'Shutdown today if Democrats do not vote for Border Security'

President Donald Trump restated his willingness to undertake a partial government shutdown — cutting off funding for the Department of Homeland Security and other departments, agencies and federal programs — if Congress does not allocate $5 billion or more to the construction of a wall at the southern border in a continuing resolution that, if the shutdown is to be averted, requires passage by midnight:

I'll blame republicans if it doesn't pass the Senate, they have the majority. Just use the 'nuclear option' and pass it on a simple majority. Allowing the dems to block it would be a conscious choice, it means all they want is to create a democrat boogieman, and they had no intention of passing it all along.

Republicans can be just as full of **** as democrats, and this vote will prove it. Pass the ******* bill by any means necessary.
I'll blame republicans if it doesn't pass the Senate, they have the majority. Just use the 'nuclear option' and pass it on a simple majority. Allowing the dems to block it would be a conscious choice, it means all they want is to create a democrat boogieman, and they had no intention of passing it all along.

Republicans can be just as full of **** as democrats, and this vote will prove it. Pass the ******* bill by any means necessary.

Agreed. The commies went nuclear to pass OcommieCare, so **** 'em. Get it done. Paybacks are a *****.

President Trump calls for 'nuclear option' to ram border wall funding through the Senate

President Trump on Friday called on the Senate to change the rules so Republicans can pass a bill funding his border wall over the objections of Senate Democrats.

"Mitch, use the Nuclear Option and get it done!" Trump said on Twitter. "Our Country is counting on you!"
