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Direct, proven, verified evidence of widespread voter fraud in Georgia


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
I must underscore in my own defense that yours truly has never resided in Georgia, did not reside in Georgia in 2020, did not vote in Georgia in 2020, and was not eligible to vote in Georgia in 2020, so I had NOTHING to do with this. Some of you know why I bring this up. To the point - more than 10,000 votes in Fulton County, Georgia - heavily (D)imbo district - have been proven illegal, and the machinations and tricks the (D)imbos used to hide that fact are revealed in a Federalist article. The article notes in part:

Kurt Hilbert, one of President Trump’s lead attorneys in the Georgia case, told The Federalist that this category of potentially illegal votes served as one of the 33 categories of voting irregularities underlying the president’s challenge to the Georgia election results. Specifically, in his 64-page complaint accompanied by thousands of pages of sworn affidavits and expert reports filed against the Georgia Secretary of State in early December last year, Trump alleged the state violated 21-2-218 by allowing “at least 40,279 individuals to vote who had moved across county lines at least 30 days prior to Election Day and who had failed to properly re-register to vote in their new county after moving.” The complaint further alleged that the state “improperly counted these illegal votes in the Contested Election.”

Trump’s claims of violations of Section 21-2-218, as well as the numerous other challenges, however, were never heard, Hilbert told The Federalist, because the chief judge of Fulton County, Chris Brasher, failed to appoint a legally eligible judge to hear the case until a month after the lawsuit was filed, making a trial on the president’s election challenge impossible. Then, after a judge was finally appointed late on December 31, the trial was scheduled for January 8 — two days after Congress would open and certify the Electoral College votes. Given the timing of the hearing, which effectively mooted the case, and the Secretary of State’s Office’s promise to meet with his legal team, Trump dropped his lawsuit challenging Georgia’s election.

That Investigation Continues​

As The Federalist reported last week, Davis still continued to research the issue. In May, Davis obtained an updated voter database from the Secretary of State’s Office and “found that, of the approximately 35,000 Georgians who indicated they had moved from one county to another county more than 30 days before the November general election, as of May, more than 10,300 had updated their voter registration information, providing the Secretary of State the exact address they had previously provided to the USPS.” Further, “those same 10,000-plus individuals all also cast ballots in the county in which they had previously lived.”

In May, Davis shared this data with the Secretary of State’s Office, which agreed to launch an investigation into potential violations of Georgia’s election laws. Davis is convinced that the total number of residents who confirm their move was permanent — as opposed to merely students or military members who temporarily relocated — will eventually meet and then exceed President Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia, showing that Trump could have won a challenge to the Georgia election results had a court heard his case.

After the Federalist article ran, the Secretary of State’s Office, which had failed to provide responses to multiple questions posed by The Federalist by publication time, arranged for several staffers to provide background information, as well as providing access to the head investigator Frances Watson.

So to the "no evidence of widespread voter fraud" scumbag liars, **** off.
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I must underscore in my own defense that yours truly has never resided in Georgia, did not reside in Georgia in 2020, did not vote in Georgia in 2020, and was not eligible to vote in Georgia in 2020, so I had NOTHING to do with this. Some of you know why I bring this up. The the point - more than 10,000 votes in Fulton County, Georgia - heavily (D)imbo district - have been proven illegal, and the machinations and tricks the (D)imbos used to hide that fact are revealed in a Federalist article. The article notes in part:

So to the "no evidence of widespread voter fraud" scumbag liars, **** off.
Just because it was caught on video means nothing. F-Curves don’t lie!
Got to die sometime...
Agreed. And I'm cool with it. I just want to point out the tragic place we are in. Liberty, God-given rights, etc., are hills worth dying on over the years. Thank God that we had men (and some women) who felt this way in our past. It's probably true that it will be needed in our future. No guarantees that it is successful, but that shouldn't stop a true believer in such ideals.

Sad conversation. This is the real world. Not that pie-in-the-sky nonsense the libbos talk about, where peace, love, smurf and rainbows all live. That is not reality. The real world is crap like what's going on in Cuba.

Smith then filed suit against Fulton County, and presented the court with evidence establishing the registered voters had permanently moved, including, among other things, affidavits from the current residents at the addresses of the registered voters that attested, under oath, the person registered to vote at that address did not live there. But in September of 2020, the judge who heard the case ruled it was too close to the election to resolve the challenges.

Unfortunately, “once early voting began, we saw some of these same voters we had challenged begin casting ballots in Georgia, even though they no longer lived in the state, were not students, and we had clear evidence they had a permanent address in another state,” Smith told me.
So Georgia,Arizona and I guarantee Pennsylvania is dirty as can be.

This country needs an enema!
The Dem controlled PA state Supreme Court willfully violated state law when they allowed ballots arriving late by mail to be counted.
The Dem controlled PA state Supreme Court willfully violated state law when they allowed ballots arriving late by mail to be counted.
In other words, the ballots the Dems photocopied after they saw how many they needed.
In other words, our voting system in this nation is not accessible to the average voter anymore.
The average voter might not vote correctly.
I had a man say something very similar to this yesterday. This was his honest opinion, and insisted that we should just obey since the government knew what was best for us (his words).

Exactly. Here former Senator John Kerry explains:

I had a man say something very similar to this yesterday. This was his honest opinion, and insisted that we should just obey since the government knew what was best for us (his words).


Perfect submissive little worker bee. He cares not for his own personal liberty to do as he sees fit for himself.

Does he see what kind of people are in government running things? You have really dumb people. I mean REALLY dumb, but they're smart of enough to hoodwink the submissive who care not for liberty or freedom.

They're completely oblivious and beg to be ruled.
I had a man say something very similar to this yesterday. This was his honest opinion, and insisted that we should just obey since the government knew what was best for us (his words).

That’s the same type of guy that denounced his neighbors during Stalin’s reign of terror.
odd thing about Kerry's statement is while he says gubmint can be do gooder investing in the country than simpletons who vote for them ... they routinely (both sides) call each other evil. We continue to see how both sides are making substantial profits off their offices, while the simpleton lever pullers are impacted by their pet projects. So either Kerry believes no one in government is as evil as they all say or he's a hypocritical douche who needs to be set out to pasture.

i'll say he needs to be set on a boat and cast adrift.
Paraphrasing of course...

A man who will not give his life for liberty deserves neither and will be relieved of both.